Verzeichnisliste Nachlass Kurt Heinrich Wolff.PDF

Verzeichnisliste Nachlass Kurt Heinrich Wolff.PDF

NACHLASS KURT HEINRICH WOLFF (Verzeichnis) Allgemeine Übersicht: A) Materialien aus den Cabinets im Appartement von Kurt Wolff: (all files are listed from front to back) Left Cabinet (LC) Drawer 1, Files 1-17 [im Wandschrank rechts] Drawer 2, Files 1 - 32 Drawer 3, Files 1 – 23 Drawer 4, Files 1-26 Middle Cabinet (MC) Drawer 1, Files 1-46 [im Wandschrank links] Drawer 2, Files 1-46 Drawer 3, Files 1 - 9 Drawer 4, Files 1-20 Right Cabinet (RC) Drawer 1, Files 1-29 [neben der Tür zum Schlafraum] Drawer 2, Files 1-48 Drawer 3, Files 1 -27 Drawer 4, Files 1-30 B) Materialien aus den Boxen im Appartment von Kurt Wolff: Box on Middle Cabinet (BMC) Box on Right Cabinet (BRC) Three Boxes besides TV (BTV I-III) Three Book boxes (BB) C) Materialien aus der Brandeis University: Boxes No. 1-13 D) (Ohne Titel): Bookcases No. 1-14 (Schrank draussen): Aufsätzesammlung; Wolff s Studie in San Cristobal; Wolff s Studienzeit. 1 Einzelaufstellung: Die Titel der files stammen von Kurt Wolff; in eckigen Klammern [...] sind ggf. Erläuterungen von Kurt Wolff als Zita t»...« bzw. Ergänzungen von Martin Endreß beigegeben, die sich gesprächsweise im Zuge der Materialsichtung ergaben; Summenklammern {...} verweisen auf files, die im handschriftlichen Index von Kurt Wolff nicht verzeichnet waren (unlabeled), im Zuge der Materialsichtung aber aufgefunden wurden. Texte - sowohl Bücher als auch Aufsätze, Manuskripte, Geschichten oder Gedichte - von Kurt Wolff sind jeweils kursiv gesetzt. [Im Anschluß an die jeweiligen files findet sich jeweils ein Hinweis zum Verbleib der Materialien. Die Kürzel stehen für: KHW (Kurt Heinrich Wolff), SAK (Sozialwissenschaftli- ches Archiv Konstanz), BUA (Brandeis University Archive), BS (Bob Smith in Kopie).] A) Materialien aus den Cabinets im Appartment von Kurt Wolff LC 1.1 Taxes [KHW] 1.2 Prudential Bache [KHW] 1.3 58 Lombard St. [KHW] 1.4 Current [SAK] 1.5 O'Neill [SAK] 1.6 Precisely Not [A Play] [KHW] 1.6a {handschriftliches Material, Notizen; Briefe u.a. an Jo: »a girl friend, eine große Liebe«} [KHW] 1.7 Strasbourg 1984 [SAK] 1.8 Resa-e-cattura, ermeneutica, fenomenologia, teoria critica [SAK] 1.9 German publications [SAK] 1.9a {Surrender-and-Catch, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Critical theory] [SAK] 1.10 James Schmidt [SAK] 1.11 Dubrovnik 79 [SAK] 1.12 Herbert Spiegelberg [SAK] 1.13 Franca Pace [KHW] 1.14 Brandeis 1958-69 [BUA] 1.15 30.X. - 6.XI.85 [Bielefeld, ZiF-Tagung: Interdisziplinarität und Disziplinenentwicklung] [SAK] 1.16 11.VI.86 [Feier des 50. Hochzeitstages in Recco] [SAK] 1.17 [Karl] Mannheim - [Wissenssoziologie], [Reihe] Soziologische] Texte [Luch-terhand Verlag 1964] [SAK] LC 2.1 [Rundbriefe ISA (International Sociological Association)] [SAK] 2.2 ISA Toronto 1974 [SAK] 2.3 UNESCO - ISA [SAK] 2.4 Jerzy Szacky [SAK] 2.5 Varna papers abstracts [SAK] 2.6 Vote for Representative to ISA Research Council [SAK] 2 2.7 ISA [SAK] 2.8 1976 ISSK [International Society for the Sociology of Knowledge] [SAK] 2.9 RC [Research Council] SOK [Sociology of Knowledge] B[ulletin] to members, 23.XII.71; replies [SAK] 2.10 SOK, [Consuelo] Corradi [SAK] 2.11 ISSK - Toronto [SAK] 2.12 New Dehli 1986 [SAK] 2.13 ISSK Newsletter [SAK] 2.14 Int[ernational] J[ournal] of Contemporary Sociology [SAK] 2.15 Indian Journal of Social Research [SAK] 2.16 ISA History of Sociology [SAK] 2.17 ISA RC on Conditions of Ecl. Employment [SAK] 2.18 Values [SAK] 2.19 A.-T.Tymienieka [SAK] 2.20 Bob Schölte [SAK] 2.21 1982 Mexico [SAK] 2.21a {Inge Castellini} [KHW] 2.22 York University [SAK] 2.23 Jonathan B. Imber [SAK] 2.23a {1966-67} [SAK] 2.24 ISA Liege [Belgien] [SAK] 2.25 OSU [Ohio State University] [SAK] 2.26 Gershom Scholem [SAK] 2.27 Five Colleges [SAK] 2.28 Georgia, October 84 [SAK] 2.29 NYU [New York University], October 84 [SAK] 2.30 Summer 84 [SAK] 2.31 Rusty Simonds [SAK] 2.32 München 1984 [SAK] 2.32a {Rom 83} [SAK] 2.32b {Original des Tagebuches von O Loma! Constituting a Self) [SAK] LC 3.1 Answered Letters (various) [SAK] 3, 3.2 Collier's Encyclopedia [SAK] 3.3 On Interpretation [Aesthetics Group, 26. May 59] [SAR] 3.4 Zur [gegenwärtigen Lage der] Soziologie [Vortrag auf Einladung von Max Horkheimer, 1952] [SAK] 3.5 Karen Austin [SAK] 3.6 Alienation [SAK] 3.7 1963-64 Fulbright [SAK] 3.8 Leo P. Chall [Gründer von Sociological Abstracts, Schüler von KHW: »habe ich sehr gut gekannt«] [SAK] 3.9 A Trickle of Consciousness [KHW] 3.10 Reader in Sociology of Knowledge [SAK] 3.11 The Street [SAK] 3 3.12 Seminar with [Bob] Slette [1949] [SAK] 3.12a {Literary notes} [KHW] 3.12b {Vor der Hochzeit} [SAK] 3.12c {Gesammelte Gedichte 1929-1937} [SAK] 3.12d {Literary notes} [KHW] 3.12e {Outline for a course on method in cultural anthropology, part I, 1943/44} [SAK] 3.12f {Outline for a course on method in cultural anthropology, part II, 1943/44} [SAK] 3.13 Eleanor Shapiro [KHW] 3.14 Rita Mendes-Flohr [KHW] 3.15 Carmel, Spottiswood [KHW] 3.15a {The Bare Room} [SAK] 3.15b {Howard Becker, Sociology I, 1942/43} [SAK] 3.15c {Reprints on Culture patterns and themes} [SAK] 3.16 Marilia Baker [KHW] 3.17 Katherine H. Platt [KHW] 3.18 [Behar] [KHW] 3.19 Nancy Hahn [KHW] 3.20 Vivian Darroch [KHW] 3.21 Marcene Marcoux [KHW] 3.22 Consuelo Corradi [KHW] 3.23 Carlo - Karen [KHW] 3.23a {Boston University (Carlo)} [KHW] LC 4.0 {Saliency and Cultural Focus in the Local Community} [SAK] 4.0a {Sociology} [SAK] 4.0b {Community bibliography} [SAK] 4.1 Wolff, Summaries of Sessions [SAK] 4.2 Extreme Situations [SAK] 4.3 State Dept. [SAK] 4.3a {Anna Maria} [KHW] 4.3b {Paul Riesman, Sohn von David Riesman} [SAK] 4.3c {Ruth Meyer} [KHW] 4.4 Veljko Vujacic [SAK] 4.4a {Community bibliography} [SAK] 4.5 [Kurt] Marti [KHW] 4.5a {Schriften von Arthur S. Parsons} [SAK] 4.6 Dorothy Lee [Anthropologin, Freedom and Culture] [SAK] 4.7 Briefe und Karten von Hermann Broch [SAK] 4.8 Emeriti Collaboration [SAK] 4.9 [Karl-Siegbert] Rehberg [SAK] 4.10 The Drawer [SAK] 4.11 Interdisciplinary Research [SAK] 4.12 Harold A. Gould [SAK] 4.13 Arthur S. Parsons [starb an Aids] [SAK] 4 4.14 Maria Fabris [KHW] 4.15 Ford Foundation Project Application [SAK] 4.16 Bomb and Circumstances [»ein verzweifelter Schrei gegen die Nuklearbombe«] [KHW] 4.17 Berliner [Flüchtlingsstudie] [SAK] 4.17a {Fugue, But False: False, But Fugue (poem)} [SAK] 4.18 Colonial Social Science Research Council [SAK] 4.19 1954 ASS [American Sociological Association] meetings [SAK] 4.19a {Bomb and Circumdance (Story)} [KHW] 4.19b {Theodor W. Adorno} [SAK] 4.20 Max Horkheimer [SAK] 4.21 [Rainer] Koehne [SAK] 4.22 Don Levine [SAK] 4.22a {Norman Birnbaum} [SAK] 4.23 Nico Stehr [SAK] 4.24 Heinz Maus [SAK] 4.25 Frederic Pollock [SAK] 4.26 Rockefeller Exchange Project [SAK] 4.26a {Problems in Totalitarian Dictatorship} [SAK] 4.26b {Harvard Course 1955/56 (two flies)} [SAK] 4.26c {OSU: Introduction to the Human Studies (Phil. 659), Summer 1951} [SAK] 4.26d {SAK-Emigrationstagung} [SAK] MC 1.1 Reactions to Trying Sociology [SAK] 1.2 Surrender and Catch [SAK] 1.3 Reactions to Surrender and Catch [SAK] 1.4 Vorgang [und immerwährende] Revolution [SAK] 1.5 Beyond the Sociology of Knowledge [SAK] 1.6 SDSU [San Diego State University] 1990 [SAK] 1.7 Rene König [SAK] 1.8 SPHS [Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences,] May 88 [SAK] 1.9 RCHS [Research Committee on the History of Sociology] [SAK] 1.10 Madrid 1990 [SAK] 1.11 David Frisby [KHW] 1.12 Strasbourg 14.-15. September 88 [SAK] 1.13 Soziologisches Jahrbuch [SAK] 1.14 [Peter] Weber-Schäfer [Nanne und Heiko] [KHW] 1.15 Madrid, May 1988 [SAK] 1.16 5. Nov[ember] 87 [und 9. November 88, Darmstädter Synagoge] [SAK] 1.17 Versuch zu einem Karl Wolfskehl-Strauß [KHW] 1.18 Saalbau-Galerie Darmstadt [KHW] 1.19 Hans-Peter Duerr [KHW] 1.20 A Sociological Approach to the History of Sociology [SAK] 5 1.21 Durkheim, N[ovember] 87 [Tagung in Bad Homburg] [SAK] 1.22 [Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung im WS 88/89 von Jürgen] Habermas [KHW] 1.23 Firenze 1986 [SAK] 1.24 New Hampshire [SAK] 1.25 Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin [gescheiterter Versuch, ein Fellowship zu erhalten] [SAK] 1.26 Rudi Kieve [SAK] 1.27 ESS [Eastern Sociological Society] 86 [SAK] 1.28 The Personal Story of an Emigree [SAK] 1.29 Memories of Sociologists [SAK] 1.30 Appalachian State University [SAK] 1.31 Familiär [»Phänomenologische Annäherungen an den Prozeß des Familiär-Werdens«] [SAK] 1.32 Naprijed [Belgrader Verlag] [SAK] 1.33 24.VIII. 78 [SAK] 1.34 [Hans] Schiebelhuth-Briefe [SAK] 1.35 B. Heymann [Verlag] [SAK] 1.36 Mihail Markovic [SAK] 1.37 Dalhonsie, St. Mary's, Memorial [SAK] 1.38 Franco Ferrarotti [SAK] 1.39 Rolf Hübner [»mein ältester Freund, Schauspieler«; lebt jetzt in Baden-Baden] [KHW] 1.40 [Hans] Mohr [»einer meiner wichtigsten Freunde, der auf einer Insel in Kanada lebt«; Gananoque, Ontario] [KHW] 1.41 Yugoslavia [SAK] 1.42 Sociology of Knowledge: A-C [SAK] 1.43 “ “ D-H [SAK] 1.44 “ “ J-M [SAK] 1.45 “ “ N-R [SAK] 1.46 “ “ S-Z [SAK] MC 2.1 Social Security [private Materialien] [KHW] 2.2 Harvard Community Health Plan [private Materialien] [KHW] 2.3 1976 ESS [SAK] 2.4 16. (20.) May 1982 [Glückwünsche zum 70. Geb.] [SAK] ECH [SAK] [Korrespondenz mit Herbert] Marcuse [SAK] - Kopie BS [Herbert] Marcuse (ASA 30 - Fairfax Room) [SAK] ESS 84 [SAK] ASA 1977 [SAK] Phenomenology in America [SAK] \ [Alberto] Izzo [SAK] Alan Mandell [Verleger von O Loma] [KHW] Self-Reflection in Arts & Sciences [SAK] 6 1979 ASA Luncheon Roundtable - >Sig[nifance] of Surrender and Catch for Sociology< [SAK] Brandeis Center for the Humanties [BUA] Enciclopedia Sociologica [SAK] Simmel, Bielefeld 1982, 1984 [noch nicht abgeschlossen] [KHW] [Verlag Martinus] Nijhoff [SAK] BU [Boston University], Simmel Conference 23.-24.

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