JUNE1985 CIRCULATIONSOOO NUMBER84 DEATHOFVICTORIA Watford& the demiseof Victoria This year sees the third in a series of highlysuccessful The Newslettersadly reports District Branch annual Treasure Hunt. This years location is Brewery,the f irstof Hertfordshire'snew generation of Rickmansworth. independentbreweries to challengethe mightof the The Hunt starts at the Batchworth Arms, 58, Church Street, establishedcompanies. Victoria has brewed its last Rickmansworth,5.30pm for a 6pm start. The usualform is foi all participantsto meet in the pub where they pintand will be sadly mourned. pub, envelope Maltings receive questionsto be answered in that and.a sealed bperatingfrom the handsomeVictoria .in containingclues leading to the next,previously unidentif ied pub' plus Ware,the brewerywas foundedthree yearsago by a list of q;estions to be answered en route' This continuesuntil with beerenthusiasts, and earned an increasingreputation luck,everyone reaches the finalhostelry, where the personor couple for good qualityale. VictoriaBitter, Albert Ale and with the hignestnumber of pointsscored is the winner'Points are well knownin the free trade into scored on the basisof questionsanswered correctly' Hellfirebecame There is no chanceof anyonefailing to find their way to he tinishing London, Cambridgeshireand Essex and won point,as sealed envelopesare provided containingmaps for anyone well-deservedawards atvarious beer f estivals. who gets lost. It is clearthat the failure of thisenterprising company The 6ntry fee is around s0pence which goes towards the prizes and to poor the huntis open to anyonewishing to participate. isnot. unlike some of itscomtemporaries due Birchfor the fallenfoul of the Thanksin advancemust go to KevinCollins and Marion management,but becauseit has timeand effort put intodevising and distributing clues and questions' more dubious practicesof some of the less scrupulouselements of the beertrade, with resulting WALLYGOESQUIET cashflow problems. in March'sNewsletter from angry joins andSwannells as Rememberthe aggressiveletter VictoriaBrewery now Mickles i"nOfotO BillJamiiJon of thekeg-only Sportsman inLetchworth' who part of a brief but gloriouschapter in this county's accusedCAMRA of insultingdedicated landlords and brewers'and proudbrewing history. ctriifengeaCAMRA to "A serious debate" Shortly afterwards' CnMnnY"Area OrganiserPeter Lerner wrote to Mr' Jamieson icceptinghis chall-enge.Since when, no replytrom the suddenly ;il;t M; J. via this iolumn,Peter repeats his challengeto this iouO-moutneAlandlord, and tell us that he promisesto bringa ;'Oliutitutcrumpef'with him - freely baked by Sunblest, ot course' ' ' THEBARLEY MOW TYTTENHANGERGREEN WE HAVETHE LARGEST SELECTION OF REALALES IN HERTFORDSHIRE We also pride ourselvesthat theyare all in the bestof condition.Why not try our menu 'D.ll.Sllk3' rt! an rll yetr tound The minimum c@king timo from of hotand cold meals at lunchtime? tooO.wtrlctr can ue erally prcpared lrozenie only *5 mins' sugseslions weather in alirtcti oi wey+ cS. F#ng' . 999!tl9-rnd sorving lndoorand outdoor barbecues, ortitino. ui microlwivi ovin alnd are given in our nowin f ullswing Svcniidoor & outdoor 8.8'O.'s. FREEinformelion 3heals' Permitting, PLEASENOTE NO COACHES 53A ParkStreet Village, St. Albans' Herts. INCLUDINGMINIBUSES Tefephone:(O72n74363. LABEL QUICKONES I am not sure exactly when I started collecting beer labels,but I suspectthat it was in thatperiod iust after the Queen'sSilver Jubliee BenskinsHearts of Gold in 1977when so many people started collectingall kinds of bre- Benskinslicensees are a big-heartedbunch. From the f ifty licensees weriana.My desire to collect was almost certainlyfuelled by the who enteredthe company'scompetition to findthe Licenseewith the near perfect collectionof Jubilee Ales in the White Horse in Hert- Heartof Gold, more than€65,000 was raisedfor charityin 1984.The ford, which was then and is now my favouringwatering hole in this competitionwas judged by relatingfund-raising total to each pub's area.Not havingthe spaceat home for a collectionof bottlesI opted annualbarrelage. for the next bestthing. Benskins'Licenseewith the Heartof Gold for 1984was Anthony At first I collectedonly half-heartedly,coming home from holidays Tarsey of the Plough, Elstree who raised more than €4,000last year. with a collection of bottles,the contentsof which were drunk at Winnerof the competition'sManaged House section was Ken Davies good leisureand the labelssoaked off, often in none too condition. of the Three Horseshoes,Garston. Other successful compelitors in Sometime laterI got whatI thoughtat the time wasa brilliant,and Hertfordshirewere George Clay of the Rose and Crown, Kings previouslyunheard of, idea.I startedto write to the brewersthem- Langley;ChristineEdwards of the Buffalo'sHead, Puckeridgeiand selvesrequesting mint labels.The first brewerI approached,some- TonyMulley of the Pineapple,St. Albans. Congratulations to all these Firstly what dubiously,was GreeneKing, lor two reasons. because licenseeswho have each receivedcash to donateto charifuand a with their largerange of bottle beersmy collectionwould receivea handsomewall plaque. significantboost if they replied favourably,and secondlybecause theyhad lust phased out the AbbotAle label immediately prior to the pictorialone which,slightly altered by modernrequirements, still continuesto this day. From the momenttheir replyplopped heavily onto my doormalI was POSTIT AT THE PUB malorstep forward hooked,and shortlyafterwards took the second Postalorders, stamps and giro chequeswill all changehands at the joining The f irstmeeting in my collectionby the LabologistsSociety. Star in FumeuxPelham - but not while landlordPeter Reynolds is Here were labels I attended was, to say the least,an eye opener. pullingpints of RaymentsBBA. heardof, which coupled with from companiesthat I hadnever even TheFurneux Pelham Parish Council is seeking planning permission to good mademe resolvednever to missa beerand convivial company, turnthe pub intoa sub-postoff ice f or thevillage on two afternoons per possible.When I joinedthe Societymy collection meeting,if at all week, if they are successfull,the Star will be the county'sfirst post just labels.At thatf irst meeting I pickedup over contained under400 officewith a full on-licence(one or two alreadyinclude off-licences). numbers10,000. 200new labels,and now my collection JennyGreenhalgh of CAMRA'sPub Preservation Group has written to In f issuesI hope to coversome otheraspects of labology,and uture EastHertfordshire District Council to supportthe application,saying illustratethis County'slabels. Anybody who also to write about the that"it is onlyby encouragingthe full use of facilitiesavailable within label collection,or any existingcollector who ' fanciesstarting a rural areas that any com mercial enterprise wrll su rvive. join Society can contact me on Ware wishes to the Labologists Jennycontinues: "The publichouse playsan importantrole withina (evenings only). 822405 rural community,as an informalmeeting place which cuts across socialand age groups,which the usecif a villagehall does not. This is GrahamTubb becausevillage halls are normallyused by the W.1.,gardening clubs Editor, Newsletter etc with a singleinterest in common.However the economicsurvival The LabologistsSociety. of publichouses in smallvillagesis tenuousand any diversification of trade,with resultantprofitability will increasethe likelihoodof the pub'sretention." Mrs. Greenhalghcomments that other shared uses for pubs have been successfulthroughout the country,and quotes banks,coffee shops,shoe repairers,dry cleaningcollection services, newsagents andgeneral stores. FULLERSMOVE IN Chiswickbrewers Fuller, Smith and Turner have surprisingly bought two Hertfordshirepubs, at a total of t400,000.The West London brewersof ESB (fearsomelystrong at OG 1055)and LondonPride have bought the Garibaldi in St Albans,and the HarpendenArms in Harpenden.Eoth pubswere previouslyowned by Benskins,and both willbecome managed, rather than tenanted pubs. Fullers already own another pub in Hertfordshire,the Boat in Berkhamsted,but this has been closed for some years pending alterations.CAMRA looks forward to welcominganother independent breweryinto the county,representing more choice for beerdrinkers. FIVEYEARS AGO In June 1980 the Newsletter reported on CAMRA's first ever all-womens'brewery visit - to Rayment'sof FurneuxPelham, where else? Meanwhilethe biggestnews was the imminentHertfordshire 4th Beer Festivalat Hatfield,with over 10,000pints of real ale promisedincluding Ma Pardoe'shome-brewed bitter from the Black Country. PLANNINGNEWS Extensionsare plannedfor the Peacockin St Albans,and the Dukeof Yorkin PottersBar. Meanwhile the formerWhitbreadQueen's Hotel in St Albans is to become a buildingsociety office, while the same brewery'sSwan at Pi ml ico is not to becomea RoastInn. McMullen'sHoops at PerryGreen is open once againafter a long periodof closure,while the same company'sLong and ShortArm at Lemsford has appeared to be temporarilyclosed for extensive structuralalterations. Another pub threatenedwith closureis the Bell at Widford,which local unconfirmedrumour has it Benskinswould liketo selloftas a privatehouse. Watch this space for morenews. PUBNEWS Congratulationsto Bill and Jenny, licencees of the Green Man, The winner of the April Crossword is Mr J.P' Heekin of Hemel Widford,who havewon the nationalcompetition "Quest for Cancer". Hemostead.who receivesa CAMRAbar towel Theyand theircustomers raised €1 ,303
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