A G E N D A PLACER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY PLACER COUNTY AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION WESTERN PLACER CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AGENCY PLACER COUNTY LOCAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 26, 2020 9:00 a.m. Placer County Board of Supervisors Chambers 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603 A. Flag Salute B. Roll Call C. Closed Session – Conference Room A Action Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9): NAME OF CASE: Sierra Club v. Caltrans, PCTPA, et al. (Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2018-80002859) (CEQA Litigation – SR 65 Widening Project) D. Approval of Action Minutes: January 22, 2020 Action Pg. 1 E. Agenda Review F. Public Comment G. Consent Calendar: Placer County Transportation Planning Agency Action These items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be Pg. 4 acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member, staff member, or interested citizen may request an item be removed from the consent calendar for discussion. 1. 2019 Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) Apportionments 2. FY 2019/20 City of Auburn Claim for Local Transportation Funds (LTF) Pg. 7 - $960,034 3. FY 2019/20 City of Auburn Claim for State Transit Assistance (STA) Pg. 13 Funds - $99,265 PLACER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY 299 Nevada Street ∙ Auburn, CA 95603 ∙ (530) 823-4030 (tel/fax) www.pctpa.net Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PLACER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION WESTERN PLACER CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AGENCY PLACER COUNTY LOCATL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY February 26, 2020 Page 2 4. FY 2019/20 City of Auburn Claim for State of Good Repair Funds (SGR) Pg. 19 Funds - $16,051 5. FY 2020/21 Preliminary Findings of Apportionment for Local Pg. 25 Transportation Fund (LTF) 6. FY 2020/21 Preliminary State Transit Assistance (STA) Fund Allocation Pg. 27 Estimate 7. FY 2020/21 Preliminary State of Good Repair (SGR) Fund Allocation Pg. 28 Estimate H. Federal Legislative Program for 2020 Action Pg. 29 I. State Legislative Program for 2020 Action Pg. 33 J. Preliminary Draft FY 2020/21 Overall Work Program (OWP) and Action Budget Pg. 37 K. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Project Funding Action Recommendations Pg. 39 L. Unmet Transit Needs Report and Findings for FY 2021 Action Pg. 41 M. Executive Director’s Report Info N. Board Direction to Staff O. Informational Items Info 1. PCTPA TAC Minutes – February 11, 2020 Pg. 101 2. Status Reports a. PCTPA – February 26, 2020 Pg. 104 b. AIM Consulting – Report for January 2020 Pg. 120 c. FSB – Report for January 2020 Pg. 123 d. Key Advocates – Report for January 2020 Pg. 127 e. Capitol Corridor Performance Report Pg. 134 3. Newspaper Articles Pg. 138 4. Western Placer Consolidated Transportation Service Agency (WPCTSA) Under Financials ending December 31, 2019 separate cover 5. PCTPA Receipts and Expenditures – December 2019 Under separate cover Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PLACER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION WESTERN PLACER CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AGENCY PLACER COUNTY LOCATL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY February 26, 2020 Page 3 The Placer County Board of Supervisors’ Chambers is accessible to the disabled. If requested, this agenda, and documents in the agenda packet can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Persons seeking an alternative format should contact PCTPA for further information. In addition, a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in a public meeting should contact PCTPA by phone at 530-823-4030, email (ssabol@pctpa.net) or in person as soon as possible and preferably at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Following is a list of our 2019 Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) meetings. Board meetings are typically held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. except for November and December meetings which are typically combined meetings. PCTPA meetings are typically held at the Placer County Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, California. PCTPA Board Meetings – 2020 Wednesday, January 22 Wednesday, July 22 Wednesday February 26 Wednesday, August 26 Wednesday, March 25 Wednesday, September 23 Wednesday, April 22 Wednesday, October 28 Wednesday, May 27 Wednesday, December 2 Wednesday, June 24 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE Placer County Transportation Planning Agency Western Placer Consolidated Transportation Services Agency Placer County Airport Land Use Commission January 22, 2020 Placer County Board of Supervisors Chambers 175 Fulweiler Avenue Auburn, CA 95603 ROLL CALL STAFF John Allard Kathleen Hanley Ken Broadway Aaron Hoyt Trinity Burruss, Chair Shirley LeBlanc Jan Clark-Crets Mike Luken, Executive Director Jim Holmes David Melko Paul Joiner Solvi Sabol Cheryl Maki Kirk Uhler Jaime Wright CLOSED SESSION: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9). Name of Case: Sierra Club v. Caltrans, PCTPA, et al. (Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2018-80002859) (CEQA Litigation – SR 65 Widening Project) No closed session occurred. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES – DECEMER 4, 2019 Upon motion by Maki and second by Broadway, the action minutes of December 4, 2019 were unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR: PLACER COUNTY TRANPOSRTATION PLANNING AGENCY It was moved, seconded (Holmes/Broadway) and passed by unanimous vote that the following PCTPA Consent items be approved: 1. PCTPA Audited Financial Statements & TDA Compliance Report 2. PCTPA FY 2020 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311 Program of Projects: $504,161 3. Master Agreements with AMMA Transit Planning, LSP Transportation Consultants, Inc. and WSP USA to provide On Call Transit Planning Support Services 1 1 4. Letter of Task Agreement #20-01 with WSP USA for the Lincoln Express Bus Service Implementation Plan: $73,102.54 5. Reappointment of Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Representatives 6. Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Green Means Go Pilot Program: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reductions by 2035 CONSENT CALENDAR: WESTERN PLACER CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AGENCY It was moved, seconded (Maki/Holmes) and passed by unanimous vote that the following PCTPA Consent items be approved: 1. Audited Financial Statements & TDA Compliance Report RIEGO ROAD/BASELINE ROAD WIDENING PROJECT INITIATION DOCUMENT EQUIVALENT (PIDE) CONTRACT AWARD Luke McNeel-Caird provided an overview of the Riego Road / Baseline Road project which would cost approximately $100 million dollars. PCTPA has been designated as the project lead for the Project Initation Document Equivalent (PIDE). The Request for Proposals (RFP) for the PIDE was released in December 2019 with Dewberry/Drake Haglan selected as the first place team. It’s expected the PIDE will be completed in June 2020. The PIDE will be used to pursue local, state, and federal funding. It was moved, seconded (Joiner/Allard) and passed by unanimous vote to authorize the Executive Director to negotiate and sign a consultant contract, not to exceed $100,000, with Dewberry/Drake Haglan for services to complete the Project Initiation Document Equivalent (PIDE) to pursue local, state, and federal funding for Riego Road/Baseline Road construction. TRANSPORTATION FUNDING OUTREACH - JANUARY 2020 POLLING Mike Luken gave an update of where we are at with regard to the South Placer funding strategy outreach efforts as directed by the Board and made by possible through AB 1413. Luken addressed the steps and key dates in bringing a transportation funding measure to the voters in November 2020. One of the steps was conducting a second survey in January 2020. Luken said that based on the results of this last survey, it is being recommended that the City of Lincoln, City of Rocklin, and City of Roseville be included in the South Placer County District “District”. It is further recommended that the Town of Loomis be excluded from the District given the unfavorable support of a potential transportation sales tax measure. Luken introduced Curt Below, FM3 Research, who provided a presentation on these survey results. Cherri Spriggs, FSB Core Strategies and PCTPA consultant on the funding strategy, provided an update on funding strategy outreach program. Public Comment was received from: Michael Garabedian, Placer County Tomorrow Sean Rabe, Town Manager, Town of Loomis It was moved, seconded (Allard/Joiner) and passed by the following roll call vote to designate the South Placer District as the following cities: City of Lincoln, City of Rocklin and City of Roseville: AYES: Allard, Broadway, Burruss, Clark-Crets, Holmes, Joiner, Maki, Uhler, Wright NOES: None ABSTAIN: Note 2 2 It was moved, seconded (Maki/Broadway) and passed by the following roll call vote to proceed with polling planned for March 2020 which will provide the final data set for the Board to consider a proposed measure being placed on the ballot after consideration by Placer Councils and the Board of Supervisors. YES: Allard, Broadway, Burruss, Clark-Crets, Holmes, Joiner, Maki, Uhler, Wright NOES:
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