919 505 Notes and Documents An Outline Itinerary of King Henry the First Downloaded from n 1118. Feb; Thurstan, elect of York, having been reinstated in the temporali- http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ ties of his see, returns to England in the month of February, in the second year after he had joined the king in Normandy.1 Henry seizes the castle of St. Clair-sur-Epte. Louis having fortifiea the priory of St. Ouen, Gani, Henry builds two forts, one at Malassis, the other at a place named G&te-a-Lievres, to hold the French king in check.1 18 April. William, count of Evreux, dies on 14 kalends of May.3 1 May. Queen Matilda dies on the kalends of May and is buried in Westminster Abbey.* 5 June. Robert de Beaumont, count of Meulan and earl of Leicester, at Cambridge University on September 6, 2015 dies on the nones of June and is buried in the chapter-house at Preaux.6 By the king's advice Hugh, son of Gerard de Gournai, betroths his sister Gundreda to Nigel de Aubigny.* Henry gives Sees, Alenjon, and the domains of Robert of Belle'me in that county to Theobald, count of Blois, who gives it, with the king's consent, to his brother Stephen of Blois, count of Mortain.7 379. Confirmation to the monks of the Holy Trinity, Tiron, of a gift made by Robert Fitz-Martin of hie property in Wales. It is attested by Ranulf the chancellor, Geoffrey Fitr-Pain, William Peverel of Dover, Hugh de Montfort, and William de Rullos; at Mortain.8 July-Aug. Henry besieges the. oaatle of Saint-Claire sur-Epte and fortifies Malassis against Louis, who was then holding Gani.* 23-31 July. Henry hastens to Alengon to relieve the castle of La Motte- Gautier de Clerichamp, then besieged by the count of Anjou.10 1 Aug. The castle surrenders to Fulk, who razea it.u 7-8 Sept. Henry marches to Laigle, but arrives too late to relieve it, as Richer de L'Aigle had surrendered it to Louis four or five days earlier. Louis burned the town.12 A few days afterwards Henry, being at Idvet (in Onohe ?), k- informed by William de Tancarvill that Rouen is being 1 Eadmer, p. 2*4. Orderio, iv. 311. * Ibid. p. 313. • Ibid. Ibid. • Ibid. p. 318. Ibid. pp. 323-4. * ' Apud Moritonium ' : Round, Calendar, no. 995. • Ordario, ii. 453; iv. 310. '• Ibid. iv. 322-3. 1 Ibid.?. 323. 5 Ibid. p. 325. VOL. XXXIV.—NO. oxxxvi. Ll 606 ITINERARY OF HENRY I October attacked by Hugh de Gournai and Stephen of Aum&le.1 They are reported to be making a castle in the monastery of the Holy Trinity on St. Catherine's Mount at Rouen.2 The king makes a forced march to Rouen' but on arriving there finds that the report was untrue. He then leads forces to harry Gournai's lands of Brai, and lays spgge to his castle of La Fert6-en- Brai.8 Later the king moves to Neubourg, where he makes an assault upon the castle of Robert de Neubourg, which he takes and burns.* While Henry is at Arques Count Baldwin burns the villages in the dis- trict of Talon.6 Henry then fortifies Bures and places a garrison of Bretons and English there. Count Baldwin is here wounded by Hugh Boterel, Downloaded from and retiring to Aumale, is received by Stephen and the Countess Ha wise.8 380. 7 Oct. A council, held by Archbishop Geoffrey7 on the nones of October at Rouen, is attended by a great gathering of ecclesiastics, who meet to discuss measures for the restoration of peace. Conrad, the legate of the newly elected Pope Gelasins, and Archbishop Ralph are present http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ with the bishops Richard of Bayeux, John of Lisieux, Turgis of Avranches, Aid Roger of Coutances ; the abbots Roger of Fecamp, Urse of Jumieges, William of Bee, 6do of Caen, Richard of Preaux, Andrew of Troarn, William of La Croix-Saint-Leufroy, and Osbern of Treport. Serlo bishop of Sees and Ouin bishop of Evreux are absent, being engaged in the defence of their respective sees.8 38L. A dispute is terminated-before the king. It is between Eudes abbot of Caen and Vitalis founder of the monastery of Savigny concerning at Cambridge University on September 6, 2015 the alms in Mortain which was given by Count William to Vitalis. The settlement is effected with the co-operation of the archbishops Ralph of Canterbury and, Geoffrey of Rouen; the bishops Richard of Bayeux, TurgiB of Avranches, Roger of Coutances, William of Exeter, and Ildebert of Le Mans; and of many abbots and other religious men; Pope Pasohal being recently dead and Gelarius having succeeded to the pontificate. It is attested by Stephen count of Mortain, Eail Riohard (of Chester), Robert the king's son, Hameline of Mayenne, William de Aubigny, Nigel (de Aubigny), Humphrey de Aubigny, William the chamberlain of Tanoar- vill, William Patricius, Thomas de St. John, William Peverel (' Piperellus ') of Dover (' de Airam'), Geoffrey de Clinton. Robert de Hay (' de Haia Putei'), Hugh de Guillei, Edward of Salisbury, Ranulf the chancellor, John son of the bishop of Bayeux, Robert Peche (' Peccatum'), Geoffrey the chaplain, Walter de Cullei, Ranulf de Dussei, the monks Wino de Alleraania and Nigel, Rotrou count of Le Perche, Roger Marmion, Richard the chaplain, Simon de Molines, and Hamelin de Lesclusa.* ' Hec definitdo fuit definita et hec charta sigillata ante me apud Argenteium '[i.e. Arganchy],10 John bishop of Lisieux and Eudes abbot of Caen being witnesses.1^ 1 Orderic, iv. 327. • Neustria rta, p. 411. • Oidario, iv. 327. ' Ibid. • Ibid. p. 316. • Ibid. ' Oattia Christiana, xi. 41. • Orderio, iv. 329. • The witnesses from William de Aubigny onwards have been added from Professor Haskins's text of the original in the library of Rouen: Norman Institutions, p-. 294. " Professor TTMlrin« assigns the visit to Arganchy to October 1118. u Biblioth. de Rouen, M& 3122, no. 2 ; QaUia Christiana, xi, instr. col. Ill ; Haikins; loc. dt. 1919 ITINERARY OF HENRY I 507 382. Eudes abbot of St. Stephen's, Caen, deraigns the mill of, Crocy ? (' Drocio '), near the Dive, against Robert Frelle, at Aiganchy (' apud Aigenteium') beiore King Henry and his court. The witnesses are the king and bis barons, namely John bishop of Idsieux, Robert de Curci, William de Tancarvill, William Peverel, and Rainald de Arganchy (' de Argenteio 'J.1 388. Notification, addressed generally, of the grant to the canons of St. Oswald's, Nostell, of the church of Bambrough, to hold in manu propria after the death of Algar the priest. It is attested by Archbishop Thurstan, Ranulf bishop of Durham, John bishop of Lisieux, Ranulif the chancellor, and Eustace Fitz-John; at Bonneville (-sur-Touques ?).* Downloaded from [1116-19.] 384. Mandate to the justices (iustidariis) of Normandy to cause the abbot of Fecamp to have land and meadow of the marshes of Aim in as beneficial a manner as the count of Meulan held them in his time. It is attested by the ohancellor; at Bonneville (-sur-Touques ?).* Oct.-Nov. ? Archbishop Thurstan comes to the king at Rouen, but is http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ detained there because i.e has not obtained the king's consent to visit Rome.4 Whilst at Rouen the king causes Henry count of Eu and Hugh de Gournai to be arrested as supporters of Amauri de Montfort.5 From Rouen Henry leads forces towards Evreux to oppose Amauri, who is laying olaim to the county of Evreux. Later the king abandons his intention for the time being,6 possibly because William Pointel has 7 put Amauri in possession of the castle of Evreux. The chief supporters at Cambridge University on September 6, 2015 of Amauri are : Hugh de Gournai, Stephen count of Aumale, Eustace of Breteuil, Richer de Aquila,8 Robert of Neubourg, Baldwin of Flanders, and others to the number of eighteen barons.* 4-10 Nov. The king, accompanied by the counts and brothers, Theobald and Stephen, leads a force to Laigle. In an assault upon the castle he narrowly escapes being wounded.10 During the winter months Hugh de Gournai and his supporters ravage the country of the Talou and the district of Caux. William de Roumare, castellan of Neuf-Marche, opposes them on the king's behalf.u Dec. Towards the end of the year Fulk count of Anjou is in possession of the town of Alencon. Theobald and Stephen go to the relief of the castle there, followed by Henry, who arrives too late to prevent its surrender toFulk.u 384 A. Mandate of William, the king's son, to John bishop of Bath to put Modbert in seisin of land which Grenta of Stoca held. It is attested by (Roger) bishop of Salisbury.13 [1116-19.] 1 Original in Archives of the Calvados, H. 1834, new, 13-15 bis; ante, zziv. 215. Chartul. of Nostell, Vesp. E. xix, fo. 8 ; Farrer, Early Yorkshire Charters, no. 1424. Archive* of the Seine-Inferienre, fonds de Fecamp, box A (Aisier); anU, rriv. 213 note 14. E*dmer, p. 249. • Orderio, iv. 316. Ibid, pp. 313-14. ' Ibid. ' i.e.' de L'Aigle'. Orderio, iv. 315. 10 Ibid. p. 331. Ibid. p. 322. " /6«£p.!333. Two Bath-Abbey Charttd. i. 49"; Madox, Hist, of tie Exchequer, i. HO^iote. Ll2 608 ITINERARY OF HENRY I October 386. Writ of William, the king's son, to William sheriff of Kent, com- manding'H&mon son of Vitalia and the true men of Sandwich (' Santwic '), whom Hamon shall nominate,- to declare the truth concerning the ship of the abbot of St.
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