Football campers Salem, Ore. baffled Wall Street has ' tackle their gamel by mysterious Illness Its wildest week\ page 20 ... page 3 ... page 4 Warm today; Manchester, Conn. Cloudy tonight Saturday, August 4, 1984 — See page 2 Single copy: 25® anrlj^fitpr Mrralft The resignation: 10 years later Nixon making another comeback Bv Helen Thomas ticking off the nation’ s foreign mother don’t give up." "There’s no way you could jail, .sonic of thorn, still magneti­ United Press International policy ills and his solutions for She in turn raised herself on her apologize that is more eloquent, cally drawn to Nixon, iH'at a path them, and his political predictions pillow and' pointedly replied: more decisive, more finite, or to for his estate in 'San Clemente. WASHINGTON - On the 10th for the fall election, were mesmer­ “ Dick, don’t you ever give up” say that you’re sorry, which would Calif. anniversary ol his resignation as ized and enthralled. In the 10 years since he resigned exceed resigning the presidency of San CIcmenle. Calif... Nixon's the 37th president o f the United Pacing up and down the plat­ in the face of a Senate impeach­ the United States. That said it all place o f exile from Aug. 9, 1974. the States, Richard Nixon is seeking to form, speaking without notes, he ment trial resulting from Water­ and I don’t intend to .say any day he resigned, until the spring of make a grand slam comeback into looked like the "old Nixon" — back gate, Nixon has never acknowl-' more.” 1980 when he moved to New York, American public life. in form, proud and defiant. edged more than a “ mistake" in During the two years of trauma determined to be recognized again planning the cover-up of the when the nation went through the as a prominent figure on the world It was Aug. 9, 1974, that Nixon Or was he yet another "new was driven from the White House Nixon" making yet another trium­ break-in of the Democratic Party revelations of the Watergate scan­ stage. by the Watergate scandal. But in phal comeback in a career studded headquarters at the Watergate dal and the inexorable Greek- To this day, Nixon refers to the April, he told the American Society with starts and stops. At 71, Nixon Hotel in June 1972. He said the fact tragedy demise of Nixon, his own Watergate break-in as a "botched o f Newspaper Editors that “ 10 was still following his lifetime o f his resignation was in effect an tape recordings proved to be the up" job and' .suggests that the years o f Watergate is enough" and philosophy: Never give up. apology, "smoking gun" that supplied the W(iite House-sponsored burglars he should be readmitted into the During his presidency he often In an interview on CBS-TV last evidence of his own role in a "wanted to get caught.” mainstream as an elder told of visiting his ailing mother, April 8 with Frank Gannon, who massive intent to obstruct justice. While acknowledging that it was Some 30 aides went to jail or illegal, he puts more emphasis on RICHARD NIXON statesmen. Hannah Nixon, at a nursing home also was his speech writer and Many of the editors who saw his in Riverside, Calif., and as he was helped him write his book, Nixon suffered ostracism for their parts .. back in public eye leaving he admonished her: “ Now, said: as team players. Coming out of please turn to page 7 tour de force performance in Administration downpiays rate dropped was down 0.2 percent. By Denis G. Gulino Joblessness increased heavily Economists see United Press International among adult women, up from 6.4 'mixed signals' percent to 6.9 percent, while the WASHINGTON - Ending an rate for men edged u|i from 6.3 unprecedented legal dispute, the — See page 20 percent to 6.5 percent. Blacks Commerce Department Friday experienced a huge 1.9 percentage dropped its charges that Rep. point increase to 16,9 percent, Stewart McKinney, R-Conn., aided while black teenagers jumped 8 the Arab boycott against Israel;, Bv Drew Von Bergen ' " United Press Internationa^ percentage points to 42.4 percent. officials said. Civilian employment, accofding McKinney was the first member . WASHINGTON - America's to the sample of 60,000 households, of Congress ever charged under a fell by 350,000 in July to 105.4 jobless rate shot up to 7.5 percent regulation usually used against million, the first decline in that companies that cooperate with during July — the first increase since the recession. But Reagan area in I ’/i years, .following two information-gathering requests of months of exceptionally large Arab countries enforcing their administration officials said Fri­ day the sour economic develop­ incrca.ses. But a separate survey of blacklist of companies that do establishment payrolls showed a business with Israel. ment is "not cause for alarm .” Women and blacks were hit gain of ,300,000 during the same The penalty, if upheld by an month. administrative law judge, could hardest as an additional 413,000 have been as high as $10,000. people went on the unemployment Labor Statistics Commi.ssioner The counsel for the House of roils last month, bringing the total Janet Norwood, in testimony to' Representatives Friday an­ number now out of work to 8.5 Congress’s Joint Economic Com­ nounced the action by the Com­ million people. mittee, said contrasting data pro­ merce Department’s International The 0.4 percentage point jump vided "some confusing signals." Trade Administration dropping from June's 7,1 percent rate was The Reagan administration DPI phoio the largest one-month hike in two the charges brought Feb. 21. tried to play down the report. “ It’s not a proper function for an years and the first increase since Red Cross workers evacuate a three- November 1982. Labor Secretary Raymond Don­ executive branch agency to try to troops and sealed off the area, thwarting ovan, cautioned that Americans It was bad news politically for dictate to a member of Congress," year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy from a rebel bank robbery. The guerrillas "should not read too much into the said Steve Ross, counsel for the a bank where leftist guerrillas held up the White House as the nation demanded safe passage to the Mexican prepares for the fall election July data” ,saying sea.sonal adjust­ House. ment factors are especially diffi­ 127 hostages Friday in San Salvador. Embassy. campaign. “ It was very clear to everyone cult during the summer months from the very start that the The Salvadoran army rushed in some 60 There was no immediate reac­ tion from President Reagan, who and may have caused too much congressman was acting in his is vacationing in California. improvement in June and too little official capacity and was serving in July. the constituents in his district,” The new seasonally adjusted Ross said. data was in line with other "L»;t us not forget that the A spokesman for the trade Rebel bank robbers free government reports this week that president’s economic policies have administration, attorney Pamela show the economy slowing from created 6.4 million jobs since Breed, said, “ Certain points of the rapid growth that marked the December, 1982, and that more differences were obviously not first two quarters this year. than 107 million Americans were at resolved” but that both sides The index of leading indicators, work in July," Donovan said. "The agreed to an eight-page statement 60 hostages and surrender designed to foreshadow economic July figures are not cause for trends, fell 0.9 percent in June; of principles as a settlement of the alarm, but rather reflect a pause in dispute. By Michael W. Drudge factory orders dropped 1.4 per­ our steady march to economic Treasury Police commander Col. story bank in the company of “ Certain points important from UnIted'Press International cent, and construction spending prosperity." the department’s standpoint were Rinaldo Golcher, the highest rank­ Supreme Court Justice Fabio ing military official at the scene in Hercules Pineda, Deputy Foreign confirmed concerning the applica­ SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador - the tough working class neighbor­ Minister Ricardo Acevedo Peralta bility of the regulations," she said. Four rebel gunmen who killed a hood of Soyapongo on San Salva­ and Julio Adolfo Rey Prendes, McKinney said his letter in bank guard and held 60 hostages dor’s east side. chief of staff to President Jose Oil spill reaches behalf of a company in his district for 22 hours surrendered Friday, The four gunmen left the two- Napoleon Duarte. that triggered the charges in the accepting "Salvadoran justice" first place was not in support of the because no country would give boycott but an attempt to make them asylum, police said. east Texas coast sure tke rules were applied evenly. The hostages, bank employees ‘ McKinney, 53, a seven-term and customers trapped when the member of Congress, maintained By Betty Luman the site of sensitive wetlands that rebels stormed the bank just serve as hatcheries for shrimp and from the start that "Somebody is before noon Thursday, were freed United Press International obviously confused at the Com­ fish. unharmed. “ We’re not looking at oil globs merce Department." A bank guard, Jesus Humberto GALVESTON, Texas - Taffy­ Ross said Friday. "They have like oil in chunks up to 2 feet wide going into the bay now," he said. Hurtado, 39, was shot and killed "A sheen might get pulled in by withdrawn ail charges.” when he attempted to stop the began washing up on Texas Ross said the House questioned beaches Friday, and cleanup high tide this evening, but that rebels, armed w> submachine would not be as big a problem as the Commerce Department’s au­ guns and pistols.
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