CENSUS 1971 PART X-C-J DEPARTMENTAL STATISTICS AND FULL COUNT SERIES-5 GUJARAT CENSUS TABLES DISTRICT AHMADABAD CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK C.C.DOcrOR of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Gu;arat CENSUS OF INDIA, 197 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India, 1971-Senes-5-GuJarat IS beingn published in the following ports : Part Subject covered Number I-A General Report. I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration _Patterns. I-e Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series). II-B Economic Tables ('B' Series). II-C(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. II-C(ii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Com­ position, Single Year Age, Martial Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes, etc. Bilingualism. III Establishments Report and and Tables ( 'E' Series ). IV-A Housing Report and Housing Subsidiary Tables. IV-B Housiug Tables. V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. ' VII Special report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VIII-A Administration Report 'Enumeration ! ~ For "ffici[r}fli-s'e crnlbl VIII-B Administration Report Tabulation. j ~~"Q . IX Census At]as. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B VilJage and Townwise Primary Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. CONTENTS l'AGBQ PREFACE vii·ix SECTION I DEPART:\1ENTAL STATISTIC IS Introductory Note to Departmental Statistics 1-7 1. [tAl~FALL AND TEMPERATURE 1.1 Jlu,ximulll and "Minimum Temperatm-e, 1961 to 1970 at District Headquarter's :Station ll-U 1.2 :\lonthly Rainfall 1961 to 1970 at District Headquarter Station 12 2. \,1'1'.<\L STA TlSTICS 2.1 Birth {mu Death Rate based on 11id.Year Population Estimates 2.2 Deaths from Selected Causes, 1961; 1966 and 1970 3. AGRlCULTURE 3.1 Land Utili-;ation, 1961·62 and 1967·68 H 3.2 Area and Outturn of Principal Orops, 1961·62 to 1970-71 lIS 3.3 Inigation Project,s with Particulars of Capaeity, "'!\ter spread are!!, and Ccmma!ld areas" as on 1st April 1971 1:"i-11! 3.4 Area Irrigated by SOUl'ces, 1961·62 to 1967·68 18 3.0 Area Irrigated ,,~' Crops, 19131·62 and 1967·6>; 16· 3.6 Percentage of Area llnder Crops, 1965·66 and 1968-69 ( Talul;awio8 ) 1'1 3.7 Agriculture ReBearch Stations as on 1st January 1971 18 3.1< l,'orest areas ill Ahmadabad District, 196t·62 to 1970-71 19 3.9 Regulated Agricultural Produce l\Iarkets in the District, 1970·71 19 4. LIVESTOCK 4..1 Live~tock and Agricultural Implements, 1961 and 1966 20 4.2 Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farms, 1969·70 21 4.4 \-"t,prinary 11l,tiiutiotlS R" on 1st April 1971. 21 5. CO-OPERATIOl'\ 5" 1 :'\ umbe ... :'Ilflmbel'ship and Financial position of Co.operative Bank. and Societies, 1969·70 2.2-28 7. REotSTERED FAC'TOJUE:' "i. 1 X 11111 bel' !tw.l Types of ".orking Factories, showing average employment 1960, 1965 and 1970 24-.25 i.~ ~tatistic; relating to Factory Industries, 1961·1967 ( Provisional) 25 i.3 Jndu;;trial ~trike8 and LoC'kouts, 1970 25 8. EUX 'THIel TY 8.1 CIIl1i'llmpl,ioll of Electricily according to purposes, 1960·61, 1965-66 a,ud 1970· 71 26 9. :'IlEDICAL A~ D PCBLIC HEAI/rU 9.1 (A) Xumber of Allopathic Hospitals, Dispensaries and Patients treated in 1960, 1965 and 1970 26 9.1 (B) Xumber of Goyernment Ayurvedic Hospitals, Dispensaries and Patients treated in Hl61, 1966 and 1971 26 9.2 Publio Health Aotivitio~, 1966·()7 to 1969·70 £7 9.3 Publie Hea.lth Aotivity.Per~on8 Vaccinated, 1961 to 1970 27 9.4 Puhlic ]f"alth ,\"tivity·B. C. G. Vaecination, 1970 27 10. EDl.'CA1'IOK 10.1 SohoolR, Scholars and Tel1eilers III Prhnary Schools iJl Non-Mul1lcipal Areas, 1970·71 28 10.2 Education ill Xon.)hmieipai Areas. 1979·71 28 10.3 XumheT' and Type of Euucational Institnt.ions, Kumber of Pupils and 'reachers, 1961·62, 1965-66 and 1969.70 29 10.4 Directory of Colleges uw{ Technit1ul Institutions etc. us on 31st March 1971 29--31 10.5 Number of Students Appearing and Passing the Secondary School Certifioate Examination, 1961 to 1970 31-32 10.6 Enrulmt'lnt <If Students in Classes I to V. VI t,o VIII and IX to XI with peroentage by, Sex to its corresponding 32 ••tirRat,eel popUlation within Age·Groups 6 to 11, 11 to 14 I1nd 14 to 17 I'espectively III (Bt) H-46-i 11. .A.DMIXISTRATIOX PAGEl! 11.1 Strength of Police, 1970·71 33 11.2 Proportion of Area, Population and Cognisable Offences per Polio., 1970 33 11.3. (A) General results of trial! of Criminal Oases, 1961 to 1970 34. 11.3 (B) Number of Oognisable Crimes reported, 1961·1970 M 11.4 Jails 1960, 1965 and 1970 36 U.5 Instrrunents Registered and Value of Property transferred, 1960, 1965 and 1970 35 11.6 Land Royenue realised,1960·61 to 1969·70 36 12. PLACES OF' PlJBLI(: ENTERTAIN~mXT, PRESSES AXD JOURNALS 12.1 Newspapord published in differeut languages, 1960-61and 1969. 36 12.2 Printing Prosses, 11161 and 1968 36 Ii.a Cinema Theatres. 1970-71 37 13. TRANSPORT AXD COMMUNICATION 13.1 Railway :\liloages and Names of RaihnlY ~tatiQns, 1970-71 37 13.2 Road Kilometreage by Type of Surface and Category of Road, 11.160-61, 1965-66 and 1969-70 31> 13.3 Tonnage of Imports and Exports Cargo handled at. different Ports, 1960·61, 1964·65 ami 1969-70' 38 13.4 Circuit Hnu:;e /lnspection Bungalow / Travellers Bungalows maintained by Public Worh Department And Locnl 39 Bodies 14. LOCAL BUDlEti 14.1 :::-lumber of Local Bodies and Organs of Democratic Decentralisation, 1961-62 to 1970.71 39 14.2 Composition of :\Iunicipal Corporation and :Municipalities, 1961, 1966 and 1971 40 14.3 Composit,ion of District Panchayat as 011 1st January 1971 40 14.4 Composition of Taluka Panchayats ItS On 1st January 1971 40-41 ]4.5 Composition of Sagar Panchayats as 011 1st January 197] 41 14.6 Composition of Gram Panchayats as on 1st January 1971 42 14.7 (A) Income and Expenditure of )Iunicipalities, 1969-70 42 (B) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Corporations, 1969.70 43 14.8 Income and Expenditure of District Panchayat I Taluka Pallchayat~, 1963-64, 1966.67 and 11169-70 4.3 14.9 Income and Expenditure of Gram and Nagar Panchayats, 1969.70 44 15. WAREHOUSES AND GODOWNS Hi. 1 Number, Location and Capacity of , Varehouses as on Lst January 1971 15.2 Number. Location and Capacity of Warehouses owned by Co.operative Societies M on 1st January 197L 15.3 Number. Lo('at.ion and Capacity of ,"Varehonses of the Food Corporation of India as on 1st January Hl71 16, PRICES 16.1 Average Hetail Price! of Staple Foodstuffs, 1970 47 \6.2 Consumers' Price Index Number for Industrial 'Yorkers at Ahmadabad ami Bhavnagar 4.7-48 17. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. BANKS AND INSURA.J.~CE (a) JOINT STOCK CmlPANIES 17.1 Joint Stock Companies. 1969-70 4.1 (b) BANKING 17.2 Scheduled and ~on-Soheduled Banks. 1960, 1965 and 1970 17.3 Number and Type of Co· operative Banks, 1960-61,1965.66 and IMO-'TO (c) INSURA e;CE 17.4 Life Insurance Polioies issued and Sum Ineured, 19t11 to 1970 40 Hi. FAIRS A;'I;D FEt;TIVALS AXD AXCIENT ~lON{;~[K:\,TS 1B.l Fair& and Festivals tiO-U 18.1 Ancient Monuments '1-54 iv SECTION II-CENSUS TABLES BASED OX FULL COUNT Introduotory Note to Census Tables A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES Note T&ble A-I Area, Houses and Population 61l-66 Appendix I Statement ~howiIlg 1961 TeI"l-itorial Units C01l8t'ltuting the prt"sent set·up of AhmaJabad Distriot 67 --68 Almexure to Statement showing particulard of villages involved in chang6~ of territories in Columns Appendix I 3 and 6 of Appendix I 69 Appendix II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 70 Appendix HI Houaeless and Institutional Population 70 Table A-ll Variation in Population during Seventy years 71 Appendix DIstrict showing 1961 population according to its territorial jurisdiction ill 1961, ohanges in area and population of 19tH acljusted to jurisdiction of 1971 71 Table A-III Villages classUled by population 72-73 Appendix Villagee ola.ssified by popUlation-Summary 72--73 Table A-l\- '£0\\ ILS a.nd Urban Agg!<'moratiulL" e1a,;sified by Popl1lation in 1971 with Yariation 74-76 ~ince 1901 Appendix I Xcw Towns a(hied in 1971 amI Towns in 196], I)eclft~sified ill 1971 77 Explallator~- Note-A Each New Town added in 1971 Showing the Name of village with its Land R"vemw Rpcord No_, Area and Population a~ in 1961 nOW Constituting Town 77 List A Li;;t of place" WIth a l'oplllnti()Jl und",!' 5,000 trea tPel fit tOWIl'" fur thl" :Fi .. st, Tin", ill IInl 77 Appendix II Ohanges in area of towns (with population) betweE'Il 1961 and 1971 and reQl;Ol1S for changes in area 78 Speoial Appendix Stat,ament, showing the con8tituent villages of each of the towns at 1971 Census 78 B-ECONOMIC TABLES Noile 79 Table B.I Part A 'Yorker" and Non-work<"rs according to main activity cla,,~ified by sex and age-groups 80-81 Table B·Il 'Vorker~ aud Non·workers in cities and lloll-eit,y urban areas according to main activit,y R2-91 classified loy liIex and age.
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