eN ' A I, DOCUMENT' RESUME I, ..% . 008 537 , ED 110 394 ,. $0, AUTHOR Khanlian, John F,L Wallin, Katherine L. TITLE' . '.State Government: 'nip Decision-making Process. A , Resource Manual for Tteach,prs'and Students. INSTITUTION Institute for Political/Lval Education, Pitian, N.J. - t i.l. , -i ' PUB- DATE Apr 75 . NOTE 287p.; Related documents ae 008 534, 535, and --w-,. ... 536 °AVAILABLE FROM. Ins-fitute for Political and./.6 I Education, Box 426, \Glassboro-loodburY Rdad, Pitman 4feW Jersey 08071 o ($10.00) ...--.. \ , , . ,,, .., .? EDRS PRICE ' MF-$0.76 PM3S POSVAGE. HC;Not Avallp.blefrom EDRS. -DESCRIPTORS *Americat Govertmett. (Course),4\.*Fogmunity Coopefation; Curildlaum Gdide'sVacision Making; OGOvernmental Structure-;,_*Goxetkillent'ROJe; Learning . ActivitiesrLegislatponanuals;,*Plicy Formation;- *Political Science;-Boliticl esource-.Materials;-' / Secotdary'Education;,1Simulkei II; Social Studies .. ....,,, . N A . '' c :`° < ABSTRACT , -. J 1 % - This material provdeS,a pro4Tam to instradt. ,A. ' secondary level students iavt,4,p6litlettti-mgcvm.rffmend4tgal process and to encourage active student pdrtidipation insthese, processes.;Part of a year-long, curriculum program, this unit examines the structfure and functionof the state, county, and:local-levels. Itcluaed ire policy formation',.obbying, media techniquei, ,--,- sociological surveying, alid value or=ientation. Intertwined 'with these issues are the environment, houding, and transp4tation. in'addit'ion, 'students learn the operation9yernmentardompftication aid . are provided with a practi4ar nawledge of l'aherv-airtteliement - relations.SiMulation is,-..1ed4to reveal ,the decision-making proces4 - 'of'go6rnmental Bodies..'"The.fir t section ofthe document introdilcds" the curriculuicapproaChi tfie vaJ ue,'arientation, ands the community as a blassroom. How tcr'colIect,da a for%community research is the foicpb of the second sedtion, dncludi g the influence of this research on'i` governmental decisions and pu is policy. SeCtion three examines how expectations ortlie People. ca be implemented in the government. fin introduction to the legislati e' process precedes a section on a 'model cangress.Thqrfiiial three se tidns include a community,environment projectlfor,students and two' curriculum. guides on county and local ,.: gpvernment,.- SeVeral appemdi es conclude the dp9ument, along 'with a list ofpesource.,,,r,humannd-orginitational,.publication, ...,audio-lasual materialsan simulations. (Author/JR) ti .11 eve 1 r. .-" Fyn 4 a isoTk -:- ,"- 111 A S U S DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF a EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM THE PERSON ORORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS REPRE STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY NATIONALINSTITUTE OF SENT OFFICIAL EDUCATION POSITION ORtPOLICY PERMISSION TO REPRODVE THIS COPY'IGHTED MATERIAL BY MICRO' FISLIE ONLY HAs ANTEP BY. dir TO E ROC AND ORGANIZATNONS OPE R AT ING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THe NA TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION FUR T HER R EPRODUCT ION 040ITSIOE THE ERIC SYPEM REOUIRES PERMIT SION OF THE COPYRIGH) OWNER 'a '" '1 9 d .42 \<5 INSTITUTE FOR PLITleAL AND LEGAL EDUCATION 1,)\1\' r, : 1 0 STATE 60VERNMENT: 1/4 THE D CISION-MAKING PROCESS, A RESOURCE MANUAL FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 0 Prepared by. _John F. Khanlian Assistant to.the Director Katherine L. Wallin Associate Assistarit 1.0 - . 4 4 Aprit.1975 4 IC 4 41, 0' Copyright, Institute for Political and Legal Education,, Educational Improvement Center, Pitman, New Jersey. 1975. Copyright will be nlaimed only during the period of further development unless copyright of final materials is authorized by the New Jersey State Department of Educatiori. 1, N 1 ', 00003 1 ; On behalf of the Department of Education, State of New Jersey,Iwish to bring the Institute for Political and Legal /Education to the attention of educators throughout the na- tion. The program has made a significant contri ution to the > education of high school students about the A erican politi- cal, governmental, and legal processes and th s should be of., interest to educators, parents, and students. C, Dr. Fred G. Burke..., CointnissionerofEducation Stafe of New Jersey fi 00004 A . 0 1 :0 ,-, ct, The .InStitute for Political and Legal Education svis developed through the cooperative efforts of the Institute staff, educators in local 14iseersey districts, and the staff of the Office of Program Development, Division of .Re 4rch, Planning, and Evaluation/Field' -. s Services, the Dctpartment of Educatiop, State of N4w.fecsey. The political and leidl materials, were developed between 1971 and with.funding from Elementary and Secondary N.v Education Act, Title Ill. N 1 3 I I a . - In 1974 the 'political education program was, validated as successful, cost-effective, and to .1 \.. exportable by thestandardsand guidelines of the United States Office of Education. As a . result the program is now funded througESEA, Title Ill as a demonstration site to provide dissemination material and services to interested educators. 1 0, S O k ob 3 I- It; I sa 00005 L * t. k, .1; ' O 4, INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL ANDLEGAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Barry E. Lefkowitz, Director Dorothy J. Donovan, Administrativessistant S John F. Khanliak Assistant t. Director 'Katherine L. Wallin, Associate Assistant tf. " EDUCATIONALIMPROVEMENT CENTER STIFF LEA a A PatII Winkler, Executive,Director g . p , Project Address Institute,for Political and Legal Education P:O. Box 4-26 plassboro:Woogury Road Pitman, New Jersey 08071 ' (609) 589-34W, 1 .) ') O 4 .1 . r .0 V O 1 , R. ACKNOWLEDGMENT a iA O Ia 7 The Institute for Political andLegal Education would like to extend a special-tribute to Dr. Lillian White-Stevens of lieOfficeofProgram -Development*, New jerky Department of Education, for herine pl'ofessional editing .of this curriculum guide: IPLE Staff" ' 4' 4 fl V I 1 I ., 00007 4 Dr. Fred G. Burke - Commisioner of Education State of New Jersey 1 42 STATE BOARD OFEDUCATiON, Mrs..Marion Erlstein, Vice President Princeton 40* Bryant George Teaneck Mrs. Ruth Mancuso, President Glassboro Mrs. M. Patricia O'Mara Butler Allen G. Potter )3ranchburg Jack Slater Paterson Mrs. Helen A. Zehner ,Woodstown Mrs. Katherine Neuberger Lincroft Representative of Board of Higher Education ."? SeCretary, Dr. Fred G. Burke, Commissioner of.Education BC OFFICIO Gilbert G. Roessner, Chairman Board ol'Higher Education. Rilph A, Dungan, Chancellor Department of Higher Education New jersey Department of Education v Dr. Ralph H. Lataille Deputy Cifnmissioner Dr. Gary Gappery Asst: Commissioner of Research, Planning, and Evaluation Di. William Shine Asst. Commissioner of it,; Curriculum and Instruction !x, 00008 I p kr,I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE xv 1, Introduction . ,, Curriculum ApprOach . ,, ..1 Q Value Orientation 3 The Community As A Classroom 6 i, II. Data Collection: Community Resegch :- Hovf and Why?, . , 13 i. I./ vr Introduction ,, 1'3 , 1 ' A Guide to Community Res'4rch '.., -: .16 'i A Student Poll r 37 Suggested Activities : . 46 -,c '.t. III. Influence I 47 Media Influen'Ce . 48 ) Subtle Bias Qf the Media 50 1 Pressure Groups ° 59 , ,,,,- ., Lobbyists and Their Function . 62 ; Who Are Lobbyists?' . , 62 Vat Are Effective Lobbying Techniques? .. 62' How Are Lobbyists Regulated? ,- 466 4 / Suggested Activities , 73 Political'and Governmental Influence : ° 81 liy., Thy Legislative Process ° 87 I:, Structure and Organization ,,, 87 How A Bill BecOmes A Law TheLeveragePoints 89 Additional Information ,. ,. 91 Suggested Activities 95 '...41 ,The Model Congress 99 Overall Organization 99 Communications and Publicity 105 Legislation :.., 117 Preparation *. 117 Assignment to Committee 122 : Legislative Index * 122 ,Congress Organization, Prodedures and Forms `i; ' 128 i i Ai VI- ':,` ^p Student Influence: A Community Environment Project 153 , Vi 1P-,- CountGovernmeneCurriculum guide 11.75 J71,,,,_; .4 ,, VIIW -:Local Government Curriculum Guide 189 -,- .1. 00009.1. 40. et' .a - s 1 J * i s'C' iY Page tr : APPENQICE§ 201 Smple Community Research Questionnaires 203 Lobbying Simulation Game .' , 217 Blancaville Simulation Game 0237 ....,t, 1 'Collective Bargaining Simulation . 253 What01/ou:Should Know About County and State Government s! 265 . , . \ ,\RESOURCE GU1DEY , 273 ..Humab and Organizational Resources 275 Publications 277 Audio-Visual MaTprials 281 'Simulations 283 97 *IF r A t rl 4 i ae 000lor PREFACE 4! A new constituency has been creatid in America following ratification of the 26th Amendment to the United States, Constitution which lowers the votingage to eighteen. i; r Surveys across the nation of students approaching the age of eighteen have revealed similar and disappoint-, ing results. The majority of high school students do not know their local, state, or federal reprqentatives; do not know how to register to vote; do not understand tile Bill of Rights; and express disillusionment and frustration with the systein. c 4 There is an obvibus need for an awareness and understanding of the political, governmental, and legal' process. TheloalgiC approach for correcting thsituation is education within the sctiool system. 4 4: The function of the Institute for Pol- ical and Legal Education (IPLE) is to provide a program to instruct secondary level students in the pplif al, governmental, and legal process. Through ,IPLE, students demon- sttate a significant positive incterse in their kruswledge and reveal an inclination to participate actively in the political proce;s
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