DISCLAIMER This contractor document was prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), but has not undergone programmatic, policy, or publication review, and is provided for information only. The document provides preliminary information that may change based on new information to be used specifically for Total System Performance Assessment analyses. The document is a preliminary lower-level contractor document and is not intended for publication or wide distribution. Although this document has undergone technical reviews at the contractor organization, it has not undergone a DOE policy review. Therefore, the views and options of authors expressed may not state or reflect those of the DOE. However, in the interest of the rapid transfer of information, we are providing this document for your information per your request. IA1 I OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. CA: OA ANALYSIS/MODEL COVER SHEET Page: 1 of 72 Complete Only Applicable Items Analysis Check all that apply 3.5 Model Check all that apply Type of 3 Engineering Type of [3 Conceptual Model 0 Abstraction Model Analysis [3 Performance Assessment Model MeI Mathematical Model- [ System Model 0 Scientific o3 Process Model Intended Use [3 Input to Calculation Intended [] Input to Calculation of Analysis IInput to another Analysis or Model Use of Model [3 Input to another Model or Analysis 03 Input to Technical Document [o Input to Technical Document Describe use: Describe use: Provides reprsentive estimates of fracture and matrix properties for use in the Calibrated Properties Model and numerical grid development. 4. Title: Analysis of Hydrologic Properties Data 5. Document Identifier (including Rev. No. and Change No., if applicable): ANL-NBS-HS-O00002 REVOO 6. Total Attachments: 7. Attachment Numbers - No. of Pages in Each: __-36 Il-sB, 11-4,,,Iv.Fl'0 • --l Printed Name Sign ture Date H.H. Llu 8. Originator C.F. Ahlers 4X6(3.I..,,3/12/1O M.A. Cushey 3/11/2-0 9. Checker R.C. Stover IVz.$ 10. Lead/Supervisor G.S. Bodvarsson .~~~ tc 11. Responsible Manager G.S. Bodvarsson • __._.___ 12. Remarks: Block 8: Prepared by H..LUu with C.F. Ahlers preparing Section 6.2 and 6.4 and M.A. Cushey pr3paring Section 6.1. &V.:'41 4r<.Ch ot ;-&1.e 7, 7&4fe. 6ýef C/l ,,elo • lWiav'L a*rfr.eed1,c yo pme. -W. ,'peVAie1r op7s!,/ ejk/!pp/ E .w a,rw- h ov - ad~*A&-IWA' -~k; C 6c 'xv ý n A-tC4'Arv#X I p Enclosure 2 INFORMATION COPY LAS VEGAS DOCUMENT CONTROL ev. 02/2512000 AP-3.10Q.3 OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYSISIMODEL REVISION RECORD Complete Only Applicable Items 1. Page 2 f 721 2. Analysis or Model Tite: Analysis of Hydrologic Properties Data 3. Document Identifier (including Rev. No. and Change No., if apprfcable) ANL-NBS-I-IS-000002 REV00 4. Revisionl/hange No. 5. Description of Revision/Change 00 Initial issue 'S a _________________________________________________________________________i i . I -. - -5 Rev. 0613011999 AP-3.1OQ.4 Title: Analysis of Hydrologic Properties Data U0090 CONTENTS Page ACRON YM S ................................................................................................................................... 9 1. PU RPO SE ................................................................................................................................ 11 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................................................... 13 3. COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND MODEL USAGE ............................................................... 15 4. IN PUTS .................................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 DATA AND PARAMETERS ....................................................................................... 17 4.2 CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... ... 19 4.3 CODES AND STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 20 5. A SSUM PTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 21 6. ANALYSES/MODEL ........................................................................................................... 23 6.1 FRACTURE PROPERTIES ....................................................................................... 25 6.2 MATRIX PROPERTIES ............................................................................................ 44 6.3 THERMAL PROPERTIES .......................................................................................... 50 6.4 FAULT PROPERTIES .............................................................................................. 52 6.5 CONFIRMATION OF FRACTURE PROPERTIES ....................... 55 7. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 61 8. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 63 8.1 DOCUMENTS CITED ..................................................................................................... 63 8.2 CODES, STANDARDS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES ..................... 65 8.3 SOURCE DATA, LISTED BY DATA TRACKING NUMBER .............................. 65 8.4 OUTPUT DATA, LISTED BY DATA TRACKING NUMBER ............................... 69 8.5 SUPPORTING BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................. 69 9. AT1TACHMENTS ........................................ ............. 71 ATTACHMENT I - DOCUMENT INPUT REFERENCE SHEET ATTACHMENT II - SUPPOSRTING DATA FOR THE CALCULATIONS OF FRACTURE PROPERTIES ATTACHMENT Ill - TECHNICAL DATA INFORMATION FORM ATTACHMENT IV - SOFIWARE ROUTINES ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 3 March 2000 U0090 Titlv. Analysis of Hydrolo~PC KýrUtý;b L14W HiTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4March 2000 ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 4 TIriloo Anol ic nf Uv~irn~nvmr- Prnniwtit-v Da~ta I 0090 FIGURES Page 1. Schematic showing locations of selected boreholes and alcoves ................................... 26 2. Fracture Permeabilties for Topopah Spring Middle Nonlithophysal Unit. Ranges for Inferred Permeabilties from Air Injection Data. (X are the geometric means) .......... 31 3. Analytical and Fitted Curves for Fracture Capillary Pressure (Pcap) and Liquid Saturation ........................................................................................ 39 4. Graph of fitting of Equation 33 to Equation 31 using a number of data points for p* < 5 ............................................................................................................................ 59 ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 5 March 2000 I I I cn 0 0 IQ U U 0% z i e ( C C I II'IAQA T te: Analv-ci of Hwirona'vic Pronerfies Data iTn(Afm TABLES Page 1. Software Routines Used ....................................................................................................... 15 2. Data Tracking Numbers for Input Data Used ........................ I....................................... 18 3. GFM3.1 Lithostratigraphy, UZ Model Layer, and Hydrogeologic Unit Correlation .......23 4. Scientific Notebooks ............................................. 24 5. Uncalibrated Fracture Permeabilities for the UZ Model Layers .................................... 27 6. Fracture Properties for the UZ Model Layers ................................................................ 40 7. Matrix Properties Developed From Core Data (Note that permeability for layer CUL is not upscaled, and this layer is not used in the UZ Model) ..................... 45 8. Thermal Parameters and Tortuosity Factor for the UZ Model Layers ........................... 51 9. Calculated Fault Matrix Properties ................................................................................. 53 10. Calculated Fault Fracture Properties ............................................................................... 54 11. Calculated Fault Thermal Parameters and Tortuosity Factor ........................................ 55 12. Log Values of van Genuchten Fracture a Estimated from the ESF Seepage Tests (Niche 3650) .......................................................................................................... 58 ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 7 March 2000 U0090 Title: Analysis oI nyuruloglu 1-10PQLUFb uqTENTIONALLY LEFT7 BLANK 8 March 2000 ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 8 lrifpe Analu it nfwflvrnlnmrr- VrnwtiPM~flto TT(Vbon ACRONYMS ACC Accession Number AMR Analysis/Model Report AP Administrative Procedure (DOE) CFu Crater Flat Undifferentiated Hydrogeologic Unit CHn Calico Hills Nonwelded Hydrogeologic Unit CRWMS Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System DOE Department of Energy DSL Detailed Line Survey DST Drift Scale Test DTN Data Tracking Number ECM Effective Continuum Method ECRB Enhanced Characterization of Repository Block ESF Exploratory Studies Facility FY Fiscal Year GFM Geologic Framework Model HGU Hydrogeologic Unit ISM Integrated Site Model ITN Input Tracking Number LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory M&O Management and Operating Contractor NSP Nevada State Planar OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management PA Performance Assessment PTn Paintbrush nonwelded hydrogeologic unit QAP Administrative Procedure (M&O) QARD Quality Assurance Requirements and Description QIP Quality Implementing Procedure RIB Reference Information Base RIS Records Information System ANL-NBS-HS-000002 REVOO 9 March
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