THE 12th April, 1933 :"'EGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DEBATES (OFFICIAL REPORT) VOLUME! IV, 1933 . (3161 MII,.dJ 10 1~1" A.pril, 19.1.1) FOURTH SESSION : OF THE , FIFTH· LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, • 1933 SIMLA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS 1933 16 Legislative Assembly. President : Tn HONOURABLE Sla IBRAHIM: R.umlroou., K.C.S.I., C.I.E. (Upto 7th March, 1933.) THE HONOuWLE MR. R. K. SHANKUKHAJI Cm:lTY. (From 14th March, 1933.) Deputy Preaitknt : lIB. R. K. SBANMtJKlIAM CoTTY, M.L.A. (Upto 13th March, 1933.) Ma. ABDUL lIATIN CluUDHURY, M.L.A. (From 22nd March, 1933.) Panel of 01uJirmen : SIR HAItI SINGH GoUB, KT., M.L.A. SIR ABDUB RAHIM, K.C.S.I., KT., M.L.A. SIR LEsLIE HUDSON, KT., M.L.A . •. MOB.uouD YAMIN KHAN, C.I.E., M.L.A. Secretary : MR. S. C. GUPl'A, C.I.E., BAIt.-AT-LAW. A,Bi8taf1t8 of1M 8ecretMy : III..uJ )JURAXMAD RAII'I, B..u.-AT-LAW. RAI BAJIADUB D. DU'IT. Ma,,1Ial: CAPTAIN HAJI SAltDAIt NUB AHMAD KHAN, M.C., I.O.M., I.A. Oommittee Oft Pvhlic PetittonB : , Ma. R. K. SlIANMUKlWI COTTY, M.L.A., Ohairman. (Upto to 13th March, 1933.) MR. ABDUL MA:nN CHAUDHURY, M.L.A., Ohairman. (From 221ld March, 1933.) Sm LESLIE HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. , Sm ABnULLA.-AL-M.1xuN SUHRAWAltDY, KT., M.L.A. Ma. B. SITUAMARAJU, M.L.A. MR. C. S. RANGA IUB, M.L.A. 17 CONTENTS. VOLUME IV.-31st Maroh to 12th April, 1933. PA01ll8. P'BIDAY, 31ST' MaCH, 1933- F'aIDAY, 7TH APBIL, 1933- Unstarred Questionse.nd Answers 2893--2004 Members Sworn 3229 Statement of Business Questions and Answers 3229---43 Statements laid on the Table Statements laid on the Table 3243-53 Proposals for Indian Constitu- tional Reform-Adopted 290~78 The Provincial Crimind Law Sup- plementing Bill-Pa.ssed as TURDAY, 1ST APRn., 1933- amended 3254-68 Ouestiol18 and Answers . 2979-3037 The Auxiliary Force (Amendment) Bill-Passed as amended 3268-72 , ,nstarred Questions and Answers 3037-40 The Indian Merohant Shipping otion for Adjournment-Whole- (Amendment) Bill-Discussion rsale arrests in -oonneot.ion with 3272-3303 not concluded the Congress Session at Caloutta ~'~eg8tived " . _ 3040,3069-92 SATURDAY, 8TH APRIL, 1933- c':;aessage from the Council of State 3040 Message from the Counoil of State 3306 The Indian Income-tax (Amend- ment) Bill-Amendment of section The Indian Merchant Shipping 4-Presentation of the Report of (Amendment) Bill-Discussion the Seleot Committee . _ 3040--46 not concluded 3306--15, 3316-75 Resolution re Relea.se of Mr. Gandhi, Mufti KifaetulJah and other Poli- Statement of Business 3315-16 tical Prisoners-Discussion not conoludJli 3046-69 The Safeguarding of Industries Bill-Introduced 3375 MONDAY,3RD Al'RlL,I933- The Indian Tariff (Amendment) Questions and Answefs 3093-3103 Bill-Introduced 3375 Statements laid on the Table 3103-04 MONDAY. 10TH APRIL, 1933- The Indian Tariff (Ottawa Trade Questions and Answers 3377-3401 Agreement) Supplementary Amend- lI1ent BiIl-Pa.ssedasamended 3104-24 Unstarred Questiofls nnd Answers 3401-05 The Provincial Criminnl Law Sup- Statements laid on the Table 3400--()8 plementing Bill-Discussion not The Indian Income-tax (Second concluded _\ 3124-54 Amendment) Bill-Presentation Appendix 3155 of the Report of the Select Com- mittee ,', 3411 WEDNFSDAY, nTH APRIL, 1933- The Indian Merchant Rhippip,g Questions and Answers 3157-76 (Amendment) BiIl-PnsBed I\S amended 3411-35 Unstarred QuestioP,8 and Answers 3177-79 1'he Indian Income-tax (Amend- The Provir~ip.1 Crimir'al Law Sup- ment) Bill-Discussion not con- plementin~ Bi11-~fttd, 3179-3227 c1ud..rl 3435-72 Statement of Business 3227 Appendices 3473 18 11 PAGIB. W.DXUN.Y, 12TH Al'JUT, 1933- , ,~ODB and Anlwers •. 8N7-U Short Notice Que&tiona and .... ' , ., I!Ii&\ 'Nbtioe Questions and An. Answere 3475=-'78 BWel'II .• 3552-M Unatarred Question. and An· Me.aage from the Council of State .. 3478 swers •• 35M--II8 The 8a.fegaarctlng of Industries The Indian Income·tax (.Amend. BiD-PeHeIi •. •• SM7-86 ment) BiD-Pasiei1 ail amend· ed ,3477--3532 The Indian Tarift (Amendment) BUl--Paaaed ., 3587-4 The Indian Medical Council BiD- '. ':, The Safeguarding Of Industries Beferrecl to SeIeot Committee a588--18l~ BiD-Di8cussion not concluded 3532--46 The Indian Merchant Bhipping ~&ioond Amendlllellt)BlII-- DiscUB8ion on the motion to refer to tweci Committee not COD· cluded38»-a 19 LEGII:=;LATI vi: ASSEMBLY. Wedne,day, 12th Ap,il, 1933. The Assembly met in the Assemhly, qh~er of ijle Co@cil House at Eleven of the ,Clock, Mr. President, (The HonOtA"able Mr. R. K. :Shanmukham Chetty) in the Chuir. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. IJn>OBT DuTY ON COTTON HANDKEBCBi:EFS. 1212, *JIr. K. O. lf8OlJ: (a) Is it a fact that before the year 1980 the import duty on cotton, handkerchiefs was more than the import duty on cotton piecegoods? (b) Is it a fact that according to the present rate of import duty on non-British goods, the import duty on handkerchiefs is 20 per cent below the import duty on piece goods? If so, is it'the policy of Government in the present instaDce that the import duty on finished goods should be less than that on the raw material? (c) Are Government aware of the fact that due to the lower rate of import duty on non-British handkerchiefs, an extra advantage has been gained by the Japanese handkerchief manufacturers over the Indian munu- iacturers, and that the handkerchief' making industry in India' is being threatened with extinction? '!'he Bono1U'able S1r JOleph Bhora: '(4) Prior to 1st April, 1980, the import duties were: ." ' Cotton pieoegoods lnoludins oot~n hand~ro~fs , .' . , (in woven pieoel).. • • '. .'. '.' 11 percent Ad YoZDl'llm. Other ootton handkerchiefs (88I8II8d as Haber- ' . duhery) • 1IJ per oent. Ad Y Glol'llmo (b) The present rates of duty are: :COtton pieoegoods lnoludiDa cotton handkerchiefs (in woven pieoel) not of British manufacture • 50 per'oent. Ad YoZor.m. Other ootton handkerchiefs, not of British manufac- ture (88II88I8d as Haberdaahery) • 30 per cent. Ad V 010,..".. The existing duty on cotton piecegoods is protective and handkerchiefs imported in woven pieces, which are c~assed as piecegoods, are ass~ssed at protective rates. Made up handkerchIefs have always been admitted on payment of th,e revenue duty as Haberdashery. The difference in the rates of duty is not inconsistent with Government's policy. (c) It is not understood what is meant by extra advantage. Govern- ment, however, are aware of the fact'3stBted in the answer to ,Part (b) . .,f the question. Government, are. not aW!"l'e th~t ~~e handkerchIef ma~Ing industry in India is beJag ~~EIEl W:lth erl~tJOD. ( 3M7 ) .. 3548 LEGISI,ATIVE ASSEMBLY. [12m APRIL 1933. Kr. K. O. Neogy: Hils the Honourable Member not received any reo presentution from tipis indl1stry? The Honourable Sir Joseph Bhore: .1 have, Sir. Mr. It. O. Neogy: Is the mutter under ('onsideration in l"ollnection with the Anti.Dumping Bill? The Honourable. Sir Joseph Bhore: Any indllRtry that desires its pORi- tionto b~ protpM-ed nncler the Anti.Dumping- legislation, if it is passed, will IlO doubt. plRC'e its case fully bP.fore the (;overnment. ApPOINTMENT OF Mmn.nrs AS SlTl'ERINTENDENTS AND ASSISTANTS IN THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CIVIL AVIA TION. 1213 ·:Maulvi Muhammad Shafee Daoodl: (a) Is it Il {net that there is no ::\1uslim superintendent in the office of the Director of Civil Aviation? (b) Is it 11 filet that there is also no :Muslim assistant in that office? (c) Is it nl"o n faet t hnt tIlt' po"t" of H RUI'l'rint!'lldeut und of nn flIolsist- ant have recently lH.'en created tempornrily in that oflice? (d) If thp reply to the above three parts Le in the affirmative, are Government prepared to l"onsider the desirability of appointing Muslims to these posts? If not, why not? The Honourable Sir J'rank NoycE': (n) Rnd (r). Yt'!';. (b) Xi;. (d) The orden, of Gon'rnment r(>gRrcling reprCAentllt.ion of minority c()nununities nre observed in the office of the Director of Civil Avia,tion in India. MUSLIM StTPERINTENDENTS IN THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEOBETARUT AND ATTACHED OFFICES. 1214. ·:MauJvi Muhammad Shafee Daoodl: Will GovernD;leut kindly la.y on tho tnhle [l "tat('III('ni showiug the totul lluTIlill'l" of posts of Suporint,en- dents in the Government of Indin S{~cret.llrjnt Ilnd Attnched Offices, scrar- ately, Rnd the !lumber of sueh posts held by Mmllims? The Honourable Sir B:.rry Haig: The illfornwtion is being colledl'll in rCSpl,et of the Se('rot:.nril.d. uHrl att.udw<l ofiices lit heaclqunrt-ers and will be lnia on the tRhle in due course. ApPOINTMENT OF AN I~DIAN AS DIRECTOR GENERAl" INDIAN MEDICAL . SERVICE. 1215 ·Mr. It. P. thampan (on brohnlf of }\fr ..Tn~Rn Nnth A~gnrwl\l);' (a) Will (;ovprnmerit hro plnnRe(l to sintro if it j" n fnd thnt ncnrl.f fifteen "ears ago it wnR rlller! by thl' G,wt>rnme>nt of Tnr!in thnt, anA of tho t,,·o appoint;ments of Director.General nnd Deputy Director-General, Indian Medical Service. should in future ~o to an Indian? (b) Is it n fAC't that the present Director-General, Indian Medical Service, is retiring from· the· semce during.... this year? QOBS'fiON.S .um .ur1.DB . (~) Is it ~18o aiact$b&CI tbe Eu~lio·liea4b.GommislioDeJ, IlDdia; '!Jom;.} pletes' his, term· Of offiCe ·cma·yeu?' . ., . ", ! (d) If the answers' to parts' (4) and (b) &l'e in the affirmative, do -Go.,· ern~ent.
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