Distribution m Omtfy To&y mtf Omttf today, ckutas; ifta High ttoday,d 5«M. LUw tt- 25,525 near 41. Tomorrow and ., fair. High tomorrow In Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 198S. U>e Sfa. See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 87, NO. 209 n'lwd i PAGE ONE AddtUonal ; MtlUw Ottleu. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1965 7c PER COPY Paid U Both Sides Stand Pat on Viet Demands TOKYO (AP) - North Viet Nam and the United States the 1954 Geneva Agreement which partitioned Viet Nam. 2. Withdrawal of foreign military personnel in accord with North Viet Nam to abandon its policy of aggression and leave Stood pat today on Uieir conditions for peace in Viet Nam. APRIL 7 OFFER the 1954 Geneva Agreement on Vie* Nam. its neighbors alone. He added that any solution in Indochina Each said the other must get out of South Viet Nam. The North Vietnamese statement had been awaited in 3. Settlement of South Viet Nam's internal affairs "in would have to include guarantees for the independence and • North Viet Nam rejected an appeal by 17 nonaligned nations Washington as the key to the Hanoi regime's position on accordance with the program" of the Communist Viet Cong. neutrality of Laos, Cambodia and South Viet Nam. for unconditional talks on Viet Nam, listing "withdrawal of President Johnson's April 7 offer for "unconditional discus- 4. Peaceful reunification of Viet Nam "without any for- President Johnson's special envoy Henry Cabot Lodge foreign military personnel" as one of four conditions for any sions" as well as on the appeal signed April 1 by Che 17 non- eign interference." is on a mission to explain U.S. policy in Viet Nam to U.S. settlement. aligned nations in Belgrade. In Washington, Rusk said the Hanoi broadcast "at the Allies in the Far East. Secretary of State Dean Rusk in turn said North Viet The Hanoi broadcast repeated Communist demands made first glance repeats what they have been saying for weeks." Meanwhile, a U.S. Navy pilot and an American civilian Nam must declare it is prepared to "stop sending arms and a week ago as a first reaction to Johnson's speech. U.S. of- "What is missing in the Vietnamese four points is a declara- were killed in Viet Nam during the night, raising the number men over the border." ficials rejected these at the time, but Undersecretary of State tion that they are prepared to stop sending arms and men of American dead in two days to II, Saigon reported. "If that point is taken care of, then other things could be- George W. Ball left the door open, saying the North Vietnamese over the border and that is the key to the matter," he con- The Navy airman was piloting one of htree propeller-driven gin to happen speedily," Rusk said. should reply to the appeal by the nonaligned nations. tinued. "If that point is taken care of, then other things could Skyraider fighter-bombers from the carrier Hancock on a pre- The North Vietnamese statement, broadcast by the of- The new broadcast called for: begin to happen speedily." dawn strafing run along North Viet Nam's north-south Highway ficial North Viet Nam news agency, also ruted out any media- I. Recognition of basic national rights of the Vietnamese Elsewhere on the diplomatic front Canadian Prime Minister one. tion by the United Nations as "inappropriate" and contrary to people. *» Lester B. Pearson said the key to peace in Viet Nam is for (See VIET NAM, Page 3) Blames Hughes Stress County Office Fight In Roads Hassle Pick Demo Slate terday and last week, is as Campi, former mayor of FREEHOLD—Those who want cent of the stretch — between RED BANK—County Demo- follows: Little Silver, will be making to criticize the lack of state high- Hightstown and Wall Township, cratic leaders chose their For two freeholder seats- his second bid for a freeholder way construction in Monmouth and construction of » New Jer- full slate of candidates last County Chairman P. Paul spot. County ought to start at the top sey Turnpike spor between night. The ticket, as pre- Campi, Little Silver, and Hugh and not waste time rapping a Hightstown anjJ-Iftnton. dicted in The Register yes- (See DEMOCRATS, Page 3) Meehan, Spring Lake. mere state highway commission- Unhai ^_ :h this, the county er. has proposed that it rake over For three Assembly posts- So said William H. Oliver, sec- maintenance of Rt. 33 in Mon- Incumbent Patrick J. McGann, retary of the Monmouth County mouth County and that the state Jr., Lincroft; Red Bank Planning Board and a real es- build a freeway between the mayor Benedict N. Nicosia, tate broker from Neptune City, Turnpike and the Garden State and Samuel Sagotsky, Free- yesterday. Parkway somewhere between As- hold lawyer.. "What's the sense of criticiz- bury Park and Toms River. For sheriff — Paul Kiernan ing (Highway Commissioner Half the Cost Long Branch. For state committeewoman Dwight R. G.) Palmer," Mr. Oli- The idea is that the $15 mil- — Mrs. Cedle Norton, Sea ver told the board. "The gover- lion the state would save by not Bright councilwoman. nor (Richard J. Hughes) is the dualizing Rt. 33 would meet more For three coroner offices- RURAL WAR ON POVERTY — Youngsters enrolled in New Jersey's Rural Youth man to blame." than half the cost of the 2!wnile Chairman E. Donald Sterner freeway. Fred Seidenzahl, Little Silver; Leon Williams, New Shrews- Development Program start out for work today as project, first of ih kind in nation, said county officials have fre- In addition, the county con- bury, and Edgar Gibbs, Nep- was unveiled at Batsto in Wharton Stats Forest. The $1- million project will provide quently spoken to Mr. Hughes tends with support from Mercer tune. work experience and training for 600 school dropouts and jobless young people from but that routinely their queries County freeholders, the turnpike are referred to Mr. Palmer for spur could be relocated so that After meeting for nearly rural areas. Other areas in which projects are slated this summer include Allaire and recommendation. it would not cut through a pro- four hours in a room next to Cheesequake State Parks. (AP Wirephoto) "And then, that's the end of posed county park outside of county Democratic head- that," Mr. Sterner said. Trenton. quarters on Monmouth St., here, Mr. Campi announced "The governor," Mr. Oliver in- Under the Monmouth proposal, the nominations and said: sisted, "is elected to answer to the spur would connect at the Democratic Party Appointment "This is a good, strong ticket the people. The commissioner is turnpike near RobbinsviHe and not." would join Oie proposed Mon- — the best we could have To Outline Plan mouth Freeway there. P. Paul Campl gotten together." Paul Klenun Kennelly Named Magistrate Mr. Sterner, himself a former highway commissioner in a Re- RED BANK"- Francis X. Ken- Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia's ap- Charles K. Woodward and Theo- publican, rather than the present No Criticism Offered nelly of 8 Highland Ave. last pointment followed party lines. dore J. Labrecque voted yes. Democratic, administration, an- r|ight was named to a three-year Republican John P. Amone, Then, the mayor cast his tie- nounced that he will outline term as borough magistrate, Harold E. William8 and Tfcoriia breaking vote in the affirma- county plans for an alternate ctarting June 1. Oakley voted no. tlve. east-west cross state freeway pro- As expected, confirmation of Democrats Daniel J. O'Hern A Trial Lawyer posal at a press conference this Ajj* .Western Monmouth Plan Kennelly, a Jersey City morning. Mr. coverj 11 towns west at the Gar- trial lawyer, will replace Repub- The county had suggested a By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON "All the questions must already center, he skid, of a spread dty en State Parkway and two-thirds Jican William I. Klatsky who has cross-state, Asbury Park-Trenton FREEHOLD — The proof was have been answered," Chairman extending from Ne* England of the county land area. teen serving since the resigna- toll road, but Mr. Palmer and in the pudding yesterday as no E. Donald Sterner observed. through-New York and New Jer- Rezoning Hearing one showed up to criticise a "We've had many meetings sey to south of Washington, D.C. tion of John V, Crowell three the governor rejected it as Only one question was asked. years ago. , economically not feasible. proposed 20-year master plan vrilih- all municipal officials," George Schuler, former Ocean "TJie outward pressure from for western Monmouth • County Charles M. Pike, planning di- The Democratic majority, I The state responded by order- Township, assessor and a real established urban areas on this as drafted by the county Plan- rector, reported as he summed which took office Jan. 1, has ing Rt. 33. dualized — including estate broker, wanted to know if rural section already are tre- • ning Board. up details of the projection whioh Still 3 Months Off had to wait until now to con- a new right of way for 65 per the county plan would impose mendous, but values can be pre- anything on the discretion of mu- served if action Is taken prompt- HO1MDEL — Proposed indus firm the reappointment because The board must have 30 days nicipal officials. He was told it ly." trial rezoning here may not reach of a fluke in the law. to study it and issue its report. Favored by the Republicans would not.
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