Northwood NewsPublished Bimonthly by the Northwood-Four Corners Civic Association ■ April 2004 InterCounty Connector Forum to be Held May 12 By Charles G. Pritchard many of us are somewhat in ply to remain neutral without It was formally resolved the dark about the project taking a position. Alterna- by the NFCCA at its Febru- which has produced a welter tively, the Association can ary 2004 meeting that it of strident claims and coun- defer voting until 9 June 2004 carry out a special forum that ter claims by adherents for to allow time for members to would present “both sides” and against it. absorb the data presented. A of the proposed InterCounty In pursuance of forum special make-up board of our Connector (ICC) before con- participants, I was directed directors will be held after 12 sidering whether or not the to Sam Rader of the State May before the summer hia- Association would take a Highway Administration tus. In so far as I know, no position on this controversial (SHA), which is responsible forum has been presented to project. Other than recog- for planning and construct- the public, although the issue nizing the controversy from ing the ICC. After several has been widely debated by articles in the media and po- years of considering various the two opposing sides. sitions taken by county and alternative routes, the SHA state politicians and a num- has settled on two potential ber of private organizations, east-west alignments that would connect I-270 near Next Meeting on Gaithers burg with the town April 14th INSIDE of Laurel in Prince Georges Creek Care .................................3 County. Rader will provide an The next meeting of the The next biannual clean-up update on SHA plans for the Northwood-Four Corners of Lockridge Creek will be project and Richard Parsons, Civic Association will be held Saturday, April 17. Join us! representing the Montgomery on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 County Board of Trade, will at 7:30 p.m. at the North Four Rachel Carson Greenway .............4 offer arguments in favor of Corners Rec Center. The Rec NFCCA President Char- the ICC. Arguments against Center is located at the end lie Pritchard spoke at the funding and construction of of Southwood Road, just off ceremony renaming the Edgewood Drive. Northwest Branch Trail. the ICC will be made by two members of the Sierra Club, As a special bonus, all meeting attendees will receive No. Four Corners Park Update ......7 Montgomery Group. a ready-to-plant flower from The NFCCA requests an ap- Because of the lim- pointment with our County ited time before our summer a local nursery and there will Council representative to break, the forum will be held be an on-the-spot drawing discuss the two compet- on Wednesday, 12 May, at featuring several flowering ing proposals for the park 7:30 p.m. at the Rec Cen- bushes as door prizes. expansion. ter. The association can then All residents of the North- vote following on the presen- wood-Four Corners area are Membership Update ...................8 tations whether to support the invited to attend and express How does your street rank? ICC, not to support it, or sim- their views. President’s Message ‘Bring Back A number of present and future issues and events that The Cans’ Rally affect our community are worthy of note. These include: By Charlie Pritchard There is going to be a rally 1. The addition of a Trader Joe’s market on Colesville to “bring back the (trash) Road below Lockwood Drive (see story on page 3). cans” at Candy Cane Park on Beech Drive (soccer field 2. Ongoing negotiations with the County Council and #4) at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, elements of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Plan- March 27. We expect 200- ning Commission (MNCCP) on trash collection in our 300 people to show up to pro- streetscaping facility (see below). test the removal of trash cans in our urban parks and the 3. Competition for North Four Corners Park (see story degredation of the parks as on page 7). a result. TV and print media have been invited. We expect 4. Renaming of the Northwest Trail in our local stream members of Parks and Plan- valley park as the “Rachel Carson Greenway” (see page 4). ning maintenance and police as well as other legislators and community groups to be rep- 5. Reopening of Northwood High School (see story on resented. For details, contact page 8). me, 301.593.1781. 6. An association-requested forum on the effects of the Northwood Intercounty Connector (ICC) and Bi-County Transit Con- News nector (formerly the “Inner Purple Line) on our fiscal and traffic problems (see story on page 1). Northwood News is pub- lished by the Northwood-Four Corners Civic Association. Negotiations on the streetscape trash pick-up prob- The NFCCA represents the lem continue. Alan Friedman, a member of our board of 1,485 households in the area directors, has negotiated with the major players in this is- bounded by Coles ville Rd. sue. Negotiations with the County Council have not been (Rte. 29), University Blvd. encouraging. Although trash pickup is continuing at two (Rte. 193), Caddington Ave., other sites in the County, we have been advised that the and the Northwest Branch. Any resident of this area is Council will not move on this issue although the legality of eligible to join the NFCCA. the other pickups is questionable in terms of equity. Pre- Annual dues are $10 per sumably, the current poor state of County finances rules out household and may be paid official action. We were advised to initiate a suit against the at any Association meeting or County Executive to achieve any relief. Unless we have an mailed to the treasurer. affluent pro bono lawyer in our midst or wish to engage in Northwood News is pub- a major fund raising campaign to sue the County govern- lished five times a year—in October, December, February, ment, a suit would appear impracticable at present. At least April, and June. To place an one resident, who served as a volunteer trash remover and ad or discuss a story, please who lives near the mini-park, has complained about pub- contact the editor. lic health threats (rats, for example, are drawn to the site). Alan will continue to see other means until June, at which Editor time we may have to seek a radical alternative, namely, to Jacquie Bokow have the streetscape facility removed as a public nuisance. 10603 Cavalier Drive Silver Spring, MD 20901 301.593.8566 —Charles G. Pritchard [email protected] 2 April 2004 Northwood News NFCCA Crime Prevent’n Trader Joe Is In Board Officer at Next By Jacquie Bokow The Board of Directors for David Fink of Finmarc the Northwood-Four Corners NFCCA Meeting Management called me Feb. Civic Association meets five 12, the day after our last meet- times a year, in October, De- By Jim Zepp ing, to confirm that Trader cember, February, April, and Joy Patil, the Crime Pre- Joe’s has signed a lease with June. All Board meetings are vention Officer for the Mont- Burnt Mills Shopping Center. open to the public. gomery County Police Dept.’s Other lease negotiations Silver Spring District, will join continue; demolition should President (Acting) us at our April 14 meeting begin within 30 days. I’ll give Charles Pritchard to talk about current crime an update on other shops at 10612 Margate Road 301.593.1781 trends in the area and crime the April meeting. prevention measures that [email protected] residents can take. Awareness of what op- Vice President (Acting) portunities burglars and other Jim Zepp Creek Care 10602 Lockridge Drive criminals are looking for and It’s time for our annual 301.593.7863 removing them can help you spring cleanup of Lockridge [email protected] to avoid being a victim. For Creek. Help beautify our sur- example, as warmer weather roundings and reduce the Treasurer approaches, windows and loading of pollutants to the Margaret Hawkins doors may be left open or un- Northwest Branch. Celebrate 10205 Lorain Avenue locked. This may provide easy Earth Day by planting trees 301.681.0762 access to your house when and removing invasive exotic [email protected] there is no activity evident to weeds. Join us at 9:00 a.m. deter intruders. And don’t Secretary on Saturday, April 17th. Michele Frome leave your ladder out in your (Raindate: Sunday, April 18.) yard; it makes it too easy for 10802 Lockridge Drive We will start at the Lockridge 301.593.3554 thieves to climb to an upper Drive and Dennis Avenue in- [email protected] window to gain access. tersection and work our way into the Northwest Branch At Large Park. Be sure to bring gloves Alan Friedman and wear sturdy shoes, long 126 Snowy Owl Drive Upcoming sleeves, and long pants. For 301.681.9156 more information or to help [email protected] NFCCA with this event call Carole Ken Hawkins Barth at 301-593-7863. Meetings 10205 Lorain Avenue Please mark these dates 301.681.0762 [email protected] on your calendar for the next NFCCA meetings: Heather & Matt Maurano 10208 Lorain Avenue 14 April 2004 301.593.5809 [email protected] 12 May 2004 [email protected] (Special ICC Forum, Jim Zepp see page 1) Trash frequently ends up in 10602 Lockridge Drive the creek at Lockridge Drive. 301.593.7863 9 June 2004 Help us clean up this blight! [email protected] Northwood News April 2004 3 Rachel Carson Greenway Celebration By Charles G.
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