THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 29, Number 32 Thursday, August 15, 2013 by William Halliar Shannon Barnes dreamed about owning and operating a horse ranch from the time she was a young girl growing up in the suburbs of Chicago. As a youth Shannon took riding lessons and even competed in tournaments, testing her skills against other riders, but what impressed her most, in those formative years, was the friendly and welcoming at- mosphere of the classes where she was taught; that was the kind of school that she intended to create, someday on the horse ranch of her dreams. In 2006 Shannon and her husband Josh made dream into reality when they purchased a vacant farm in La Porte and began to refurbish it with fam- Dakota Brooks, Shannon Barnes (owner), Ann Halliar and Wrangler Entrance to Stateline Stables Continued on Page 2 THE Page 2 August 15, 2013 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] email: Classifieds - [email protected] http://www.thebeacher.com/ PRINTED WITH Published and Printed by TM Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden 911 Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. It was important to Shannon and Josh that their Continued from Page 1 stable, their animals and all of their programs ily fun and, of course, horses in mind; the result of be very family friendly. All of the horses are well their efforts became the 28 acre horse facility, State trained and Shannon says that many of her guests Line Stables. leave the farm commenting on how friendly all of While Josh used his creative talents to build and her animals are. Dogs, cats, a smiling alpaca and rehab the required structures Shannon was on the even the shaggy miniature Scottish Highlander lookout for horses that would be gentle and easy to cow are “the friendliest animals in the world” says handle even for young children. Soon they had 60 Shannon. All enjoy the presence of visiting people horses in their stalls and each stall was adorned and a good pat on the nose. with the name of its occupant. Most of the horses Shannon, who has two young children of her own, are older animals that were purchased from own- Jordan 10 and Nicholas 4, designs her lessons for ers who could not care for them any longer or they kids and beginners but there is plenty of action are retired horses and each was chosen by Shannon available at the stable for horse enthusiasts of all specifi cally for its gentle spirit. ages and experience levels. A typical beginner’s class starts with the basics. Shannon and the members of her staff patiently tutor each stu- dent in such skills as the proper way to sit in a saddle, how to “steer” a horse, walking, trotting and cantering. Obstacles are added to the fi eld so that the student can practice control skills. Shannon teaches riding skills in the western saddle as well as English saddle. For the more advanced students she teach- es barrel racing, a competition which includes Alpaca “Blake” Tes the Scottish Highlander miniature cow speed and daring. Shannon believes that riding lessons and learning to properly care for horses is a great way to build confi dence and self-esteem in Tiny pony Bubbles. young people. THE August 15, 2013 Page 3 One of the Outdoor Areas, with the Stables in the background The stable boasts three arenas; two out door and one indoor, so that lessons can be enjoyed in any weather all year around. There is even a pond with a small beach and paddle boat for the enjoyment of campers. State Line Stables is busy 360 days a year and Josh says that the work goes on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The well-tended buildings and grounds as well as the well trained and gentle animals are evidence that all of the work that goes into maintaining this business is a labor of love for Josh and Shannon. If you own your own horse State Line Stables of- fers boarding packages which includes two feedings daily of quality hay, there is even a discount offered if your horse can be used for trail rides. Trail ride through the scenic woods Trail rides are a popular visitor’s activity and you don’t need to be an experienced rider to enjoy this 45 minute trek through the woods on the backs of these gentle animals. The tour takes riders into the woods across a ravine and clippity clopping over bridges and along a shaded trail. It is a beautiful scenic ride in all seasons so guests are encouraged Continued on Page 4 THE Page 4 August 15, 2013 Continued from Page 1 Camp class lined up for awards to bring their cameras and take plenty of pictures to skill levels. Each child gets their own horse to use remember the experience by. Anyone who is a little for the duration of the camp. Day camps and 3 day nervous about the ride or has never ridden a horse camps are offered during which the children learn before can take a lesson before they go out on the to care for the horse and the proper riding tech- trail and thus enjoy the ride all the more. For those niques. Crafts and games and, of course, a tasty who are too small or not quite agile enough to throw lunch rounds out the experience. At the conclusion their leg over horses back a step is provided to “give of each camp a show is put on for the parents and them a leg up”. prizes are awarded for the most skillful riders. Horse summer camps are offered each year and State Line Stables also feature speed shows with are guaranteed fun for children of various age and barrel racing and a “Dash for Cash”, in which cash Dillon takes a ride in the ring Mackenzie on horseback Duneland’s Hidden Gem Specializing in Fresh Seafood and Homemade Pasta NOW OPEN Lunch Monday through Friday 11am to 2pm Sunday Brunch 11am to 3pm Located in the Dinner Sunday 3pm to 8pm • Monday through Thursday 4pm to 9pm Karwick Plaza Friday and Saturday 4pm to 10pm “Priced Right Everyday Hardware Store” Call 878-1720 425 Sand Creek Drive Suite B Chesterton, IN 46304 2013 Flooring, Cabinets & Installation Services Restaurant of the Year sagerestaurant.net Rose Award Tools, Electrical, Plumbing, Hardware, Paint, Lawn & Garden Winner 219-926-6500 THE August 15, 2013 Page 5 %8,/'<285+20(¶)5207+(675($0RQ OHYHOVIDFLQJDÀRRGSODLQRQWKHRWKHUVLGH RIWKHFUHHNVR\RXPD\QHYHUVHHDQRWKHU KRXVHRQFH\RXDUHLQVLGH\RXUKRPH3HUPLWV DOUHDG\GRQHIRUDKRXVHE\SUHYLRXVRZQHU *UHDWYLHZVRIWKHFUHHNDQGZRRGVWKV RIDPLOHIURP/DNH0LFKLJDQ Gavin guides his horse around the ring 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP prizes and medals are awarded to the winners. The stables are not hard to fi nd. This beautiful secluded piece of property is just 60 miles from Chi- cago and only 5 miles from New Buffalo, Michigan. Take I-94 to the 1st Michigan Exit, which is LaPorte Rd/New Buffalo, turn right if coming from Illinois or Indiana or turn left if coming from Michigan. Go 1 mile to 1000N. (Mikes Country Store on the cor- ner). Turn left, go 3 miles to the 1st stop sign (Hes- ton Bar is on the corner) turn left. You will run into a statue of a rearing stallion and dead end at the stables. The State Line Stables is located at 10411 200E, LaPorte, IN. For information check out their 675,.,1*¶2)/$.(0,&+,*$1:$7(5)5217 web site www.statelinestables.com or give them a ZKHUH\RXFDQEXLOGGUDPDWLFDOO\FORVHWRWKH call at 219-778-9020. ZDWHUDQGNQRZWKDW\RXKDYHGRQHVRZLWK Next time the hankering for adventure and a LQWHOOLJHQFHDQGIRUHVLJKW$Q0'(4DSSURYHG KRXVHLQFOXGLQJDSRROKDVEHHQ$UFKLWHFW different way to spend a pleasant day strikes you, GHVLJQHGIRUWKHORW take a ride out to the State Line Stables. You will be 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP greeted by Wrangler, the world’s friendliest stable dog, and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of a real horse ranch. You can pet the nose of a friendly steed and enjoy a trot through the woods at relaxing gentle pace. Leave the big city and its hustle behind and cozy up to a horse. 0,/(61257+2)1(:%8))$/2LQ%HQRQD 7RZQVKLSQHDU6WRQ\/DNHZLWK¶RI/DNH 0LFKLJDQVDQG\EHDFKSOXVDFUHVRIEHDFK DQGZRRGVDFUHVRIFRQVHUYDWLRQODQG EHKLQG\RX3ULYDF\WRWKHPD[ 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP harbor country O: 269.469.5635 Ext. 302 C: 269.612.0505 Dan Coffey E: [email protected] W: www.remaxhc.com Dinner Time THE Page 6 August 15, 2013 “Barefoot in the Park” Neil Simon’s comedy “Barefoot in the Park” runs Thursday, Aug. 15, through Saturday, Aug. 17, as part of the Can- terbury Summer Theatre season at Mainstreet Theatre, 807 Franklin St. The comedy, which marks the fi nal show of the Festival Players Guild sea- son, introduces Paul and Corie Bratter, who are newlyweds in every sense of the word. He’s a straight-as-an-arrow lawyer and she’s a free spirit looking for the latest kick. Their new apart- ment is the most recent fi nd: too expen- sive with bad plumbing and in need of a paint job. After a six-day honeymoon, they get a surprise visit from Corie’s loopy mother and decide to play matchmaker during a dinner with their neighbor-in-the- attic, Velasco, where everything that can go wrong does.
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