Mycological Society of America NEWSLETTER Vol.36 No.2 December 1985 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER Vol ume 36, No. 2, December 1985 Walter J. Sundberg, Editor Department of Botany Southern I11 inoi s University Carbondal e, I11 inoi s, 62901 (618) 536-2331 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents . i Calender of Meetings and Forays . 40 Editor's Note . i New Mycological Research . 41 Letter from the President . 1 Forthcoming Courses . 42 Society Organi zation . 2 MSA Placement Service . 42 Minutes of Annual Council Meeting . 6 Identifications . 46 Minutes of Annual Business Meeting . 11 Fungi Wanted . 47 New Members . 13 Fungi for Distribution . 49 Report of the Secretary . 14 New Books by MSA Members . 49 Report of the Treasurer . 16 Publ ications Wanted . 50 Financial Summary--Fiscal Year 1985 . 18 Publ ications Available . 51 Report: Edi tor-i n-Chi ef, Mycol ogia . 22 Computer Software Avai 1able . 52 Report: Memorials Publication Comm. 24 Vacancies for Mycologists . 53 Report: Managing Editor, Mycologia . 25 Postdoctoral positions available . 53 Report: MSA Newsletter Editor . 26 Positions Wanted . 54 Report: Ed. Board--Mycol ogi a Memoi rs . 27 Assi stantshi ps and Fellowshi ps Avai 1able . 55 Report Membership Committee . 28 Travels and Visits . 57 Report : Awards Comittee . 29 Honors, Awards, and Promotions . 59 Guide1 ines: MSA Prizes and Awards . 30 Papers, Seminars, Symposia, and Workshops . 60 Report: Culture Collection Comittee . 33 Changes in Affiliation or Status . 61 Report: Program Comittee . 34 Personal News . 62 Report: Biological Stain Corn. Rep. 35 Notes and Comments . 63 General Announcements . 36 Brief Biographies--MSA Graduate Fellows . 64 Call for Applications and Nominations . 38 Changes of Address for Respondence . 65 EDITORS NOTE Many items of interest, including several in the collection of Society business, can be found in this issue. Your attention is called to the Guidelines For MSA Prizes And Awards (pages 30-33), the information and related forms of the MSA Placement Service (pages 42-45), and the addition (requested by Council ) of brief biographies of the MSA Fellowship winners (page 64). Page 48 contains a special note to a1 1 MSA Newsletter contributors. Finally, whenever possible, pataronize our Sustaining Members, listed on page.5, and note the advertisement on page 56. Unless otherwise noted, all creative fi 1lers (art, poetry, humor, etc.) included are heretofore unpublished. ~ricBoehm prepared the cover-figure-of ~esmellaaneimiae and those of Pucci nostele clarkiana (page lo), Col eospori um asterum (page 57) and Bl astospora smi 1aci na (page The unidentified, Miocene age, fossil fungus(from a legume pod; Clarkia, Idaho; page 12) 2). - - was drawn by Martha herw wood-pike. Other illustrations were provided by Yves Renaud (back cover and page 15, Physarum cinereum) and S. M. Zel ler (via James Trappe, page 52, Taphrina deformans). More of Dr. Zeller's work will be featured in the next issue. The cartoon on page 53 is reprinted with permission (via Dave Minter) from the British Mycological Society Foray Programe. The "Christmas Amanita" (page 54) was decorated by Edmond Badham. Lastly, I want to acknowledge the pleasant and effecient assistance of Linda Neuman, who typed most of the manuscript, and help offered at mailing time by the SIU-C Mycology students. The Mycological Society of America F0l'SI)FI) DF<'l:MBER. 1931 Oflin, III' thr Prc\idtant I)vp,artmmt III' R~~tan! I1~ii\t.r\ittIII' RhwJc I41nd hil~.'\ta~a. HI 02XXI November 29, 1985 I rlrpha~~lc:Idll, 79?-1hlY Dear Fellow Mycologists: As I begin this letter, I cannot help but think of the many esteemed and ex- cellent mycologists who have occupied this position before me, and I am profoundly aware of the honor and privilege you have given me in electing me to this office. I thank you for the opportunity to serve you as President and pledge to you my best efforts to make it another successful year for the Society. Our meetings in Gainesville were most successful. The meeting was well attended, the facilities were excellent, and the Program Committee, Local Committees and all others involved did an outstanding job. I am sure that all who attended came away with pleasant memories. Plans are well along for the meetings in Amherst. Iris Charvat, our Program Committee Chair, has been hard at work, as has Howard Bigelow, our local representa- tive. At least two workshops, one on VA mycorrhizae and another on Hyphomycete identi- fication, are planned. We also are meeting jointly with the Medical Mycological Soc- iety of America and an outstanding joint symposium is being developed. Knowing Dr. Bigelow and the Amherst region, I am sure that field oriented mycologists can look for- ward to good collecting on the annual foray. All in all, it looks 1 ike an excellent meeting is in the making, so make your plans now to attend. The Society will be electing several new officers in the coming year, including successors to Harold Burdsall and Amy Rossman, who have served us so well in their respective offices as Secretary and Treasurer. Elections are important events in the life of any organization, and I urge you all to take part in the momination and elec- tions pr'ocess. I share with Past-President Henry Aldrich concern about the long-term health of mycology (note his letter of last year) and the Mycological Society of America. This concern is fostered by a continuing decline in graduate student applications, and fre- quent reports of a lack of grant funding for research in mycology. This trend is not restricted to mycology but seems to be occurring in many areas of biology; that makes it no less real for our profession, however. If any of you have thoughts or sugges- tions for countering these trends, they would be welcomed by the Council. In closing, may I wish each of you a successful and fulfilling year in your chosen pursuits. I hope to greet many of you personally at Amherst. Sincerely yours, ip,, %k-ou Roger D.V Goos, President The Mycological Society of America The Mycological Society of America FOUNDED DECEMBER, 1931 Officeof the Secretary Center tor Forest Mycology Research Forest Products Laboratory P.O. Dox 5 130 Madison. Wi. 53705 SOCIETY ORGANIZATION, 1985-1986 1. OFFICERS AND COUNCILORS: Officers President, 1985-1986 Roger D. Goos President-Elect, 1985-1986 James M. Trappe Vice-Presi dent, 1985-1986 Martha Chri stensen Secretary, 1983-1986 Harold H. Burdsall , Jr. Treasurer, 1983-1986 Amy Y. Kossman Counci 1ors Eastern U.S., 1985-1988 Sally E. Gochenaur Western U.S., 1985-1986 Brent F. Reeves Canada, 1985-1988 David Malloch Cytol ogy-Geneti cs, 1985-1988 John W. Taylor Ecol ogy-Path01 ogy, 1983-1986 Richard E. Koske Morphol ogy-Taxonomy, 1983-1986 Gareth Morgan-Jones Physi ology-Biochemistry, 1983-1987 A1 an Jaworski Other Counci 1 Members Past President, 1983-1984 Richard T. Hanl in Past President, 1984-1985 Henry C. Aldrich 2. OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES: Representati ve on the Committee of Section G, Riology, American Association for the Advancement of Science (3 years), 1985-1987: Lafayette Frederick. Representati ve on the Governing Board, American Institute of Biological Sciences (4 years), 1982-1985: Jerome J. 'Motta. Representative for Pub1 ic Responsi bi1 i ty, American Institute of Biological Sciences (3 years), 1985-1988: Meredith Bl ackwell . Representative on the Board of Trustees, American Type Culture Collection (3 years), 1983-1986: Lekh R. Batra. Representative to the Assembly of Life Sciences of the National Research Council (3 years), 1985-1988: David F. Farr. Representative to the Biological Stain Commission (3 years), 1985-1988: Harvey C. Hoch. Representative to the Medical Mycology Society of the Americas (3 yeat-s), 1985-1988: Michael J. Dykstra. Representative to the Association of Systematic Collections (3 years), 1985-1988: Don R. Reynolds. 3. EDITORS: A. MYCOLOGIA Ronald H. Petersen, Edi tor-in-Chief Clark T. Rogerson, Managing Editor Gilbert C. Yughes, Book Review Editor EDITORIAL BOARD David J. McLaughlin, 1986 Terrence M. Hammi 11 , 1988 Darrel 1 Weber, 1986 Richard T. Hanlin, 1988 Bernard Lowy, 1987 J. Thomas Mu1 1 ins, 1988 Edward E. Butler, 1988 Carol A. Shearer, 1989 Kyung Joo Kwon-Chung, 1988 William Timberlake, 1989 Sally E. Gochenaur, 1988 Kenneth Wells, 1989 B. YSA NEWSLETTEH Walter J. Sundberg, 1983-1986 4. STANDING COMMITTEES: A. MYCOLOGIA MEMOIRS BOARD OF EDITORS Terrence M. Harnmill, Chair, 1983-1986 M. B. Bigelow, 1982-1985 M. Bl ackwell , 1983-1986 J. H. Ginns, 1983-1986 D. H. Pfister, 1983-1986 C. T. Rogerson, Managing Editor, MYCOLOGIA, ex officio K. E. Conway, Chair, Membership Committee, ex'officio H. H. Burdsall, Jr., Secretary, M5A, -ex offzio B. COMMITTEE ON FINANACES Amy Y. Rossman, Chair, 1983-1986 C. T. Rogerson, 1984-1987 R. E. Halling, 1985-1988 C. COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL MYCOLOGY Michael J. Dykstra, Chair, 1985-1988 D. T. Testrake, 1985-1987 J. W. Rippon, 1985-1988 D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE J. Leland Crane, Chair, 1983-1986 T. J. Baroni, 1984-1987 M. J. Larsen, 1985-1988 E. COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP (SUSTAINING) Kenneth E. Conway, Chair, 1983-1986 J. T. Ellzey, 1983-1986 S. E. Gochenaur, 1983-1986 K. T. Smith, 1983-1986 Y. S. Fuller, 1984-1987 M. A. Klitch, 1984-1987 F. W. Spiegel, 1984-1987 M. T. Dunn 1985-1988 T. Y. Hi 11 , 1985-1988 D. J. McLaughl in, 1985-1988 4 5. ROTATING COMMITTEES: 4. PROGRAM COMMI TrEE Iri3 Charvat (Cytology-Geneti cs) , Chai r, 1982-1986 P. Szani szl o (Physiology-Biochemi stry), 1983-1987 D. Sarr (Ecol ogy-Path01 ogy ) , 1984-1988 S. Anagnostaki s (Morphology-Taxonomy ), 1985-1989 B. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS M.
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