Keonjhar "Eligible Database of Keonjhar District Candidates Applied for the Post of Staff Nurse-Deic Under Nhm"

Keonjhar "Eligible Database of Keonjhar District Candidates Applied for the Post of Staff Nurse-Deic Under Nhm"

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER : KEONJHAR "ELIGIBLE DATABASE OF KEONJHAR DISTRICT CANDIDATES APPLIED FOR THE POST OF STAFF NURSE-DEIC UNDER NHM" Date of Birth as per Matric ( Excluding 4th +2/Intermediate GNM/BSc Nursing Matric Board certificate optional) Excluding 4th optional Weightage Weightage Caste Weightage from +2 Total App. from GNM Sl.No. Name of the Candidate Present Address Permanent Address ( UR/SEBC/ Odisha Nursing from matric Science/equiva Carreier Remarks Sl.No. Course ST/SC) Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Council ( 20 %) lent weightage Day Month Year Stream (50 %) Mark mark mark Mark mark mark Mark mark mark Registartion ( 30%) No. C/o- Parameswar Palei At- Tikira At/Po- Raisuan 1 24 Bindulata Palei PO- Dhenkikote 4 4 1994 SEBC 600 457 76.17 Sci 600 406 67.67 1900 1604 84.42 16610 15.23 20.30 42.21 77.74 Via- Keonjhar Dist-Keonjhar-758029 Dist-Keonjhar-758013 C/o- Parshuram Mohanta C/o- Parshuram Mohanta At- Purunapani At- Purunapani 2 19 Mandadari Mohanta PO-Mirigikhoji PO-Mirigikhoji 4 5 1995 UR 600 440 73.33 Sci 600 388 64.67 1900 1463 77.00 21122 14.67 19.40 38.50 72.57 Via- Machhagarh Via- Machhagarh Dist-Keonjhar-758081 Dist-Keonjhar-758081 C/o- Ramesh Nath C/o- Ramesh Nath At/Po-Fakirpur At/Po-Fakirpur 3 14 Sourabha Mohanta 6 5 1986 UR 750 339 45.20 Sci 1000 723 72.30 1900 1534 80.74 16343 9.04 21.69 40.37 71.10 Vis- Anandapur Vis- Anandapur Dist-Keonjhar-758022 Dist-Keonjhar-758022 C/o- Rabindra Kumar Mishra C/o- Rabindra Kumar Mishra At- Sana Ambagadia At- Sana Ambagadia 4 18 Utkalika Mishra Po- Podasingidi Po- Podasingidi 11 7 1995 UR 600 489 81.50 Sci 600 330 55.00 1900 1449 76.26 21036 16.30 16.50 38.13 70.93 Vis- Hadagarh Vis- Hadagarh Dist-Keonjhar-758023 Dist-Keonjhar-758023 C/o- Sudarsan Rout C/o- Sudarsan Rout At-Telsinga At-Telsinga 5 25 Susanta Kumar Rout PO- Karagola PO- Karagola 13 4 1994 SEBC 600 366 61.00 Sci 600 305 50.83 1900 1595 83.95 18464 12.20 15.25 41.97 69.42 Via-Fakirpur Via-Fakirpur Dist-keonjhar-758022 Dist-keonjhar-758022 C/o- Fakir Mohan Mahanta C/o- Fakir Mohan Mahanta At/Po-Piplia At/Po-Piplia 6 23 Renubala Mahanta 17 5 1997 SEBC 600 408 68.00 Sci 600 355 59.17 1600 1153 72.06 24625 13.60 17.75 36.03 67.38 Via-Dhenkikote Via-Dhenkikote Dist-Keonjhar-758029 Dist-Keonjhar-758029 C/o- Ramakanta Sahu C/o- Ramakanta Sahu At- Sankhana At- Sankhana 7 8 Laxmipriya Sahu Po- Mareigaon Po- Mareigaon 26 2 1993 UR 800 404 50.50 Sci 650 439 67.54 1900 1364 71.79 14208 10.10 20.26 35.89 66.26 Vis-Hatadihi Vis-Hatadihi Dist-Keonjhar-758083 Dist-Keonjhar-758083 C/o- Niranjan Bej C/o- Niranjan Bej At- Chasatangiri At- Chasatangiri 8 5 Sonali Bej 1 6 1994 SEBC 600 325 54.17 Sci 650 391 60.15 1900 1336 70.32 20885 10.83 18.05 35.16 64.04 Po- Bhawnarpur Po- Bhawnarpur Dist- Keonjhar-758028 Dist- Keonjhar-758028 C/o- Trilochan Mahanta C/o- Trilochan Mahanta At- TangarpadaPo-Jally At- TangarpadaPo-Jally 9 10 Jemamani Mahanta 15 4 1990 UR 750 486 64.80 Arts 600 353 58.83 1900 1473 77.53 13963 12.96 0.00 38.76 51.72 Via-Ukhunda Via-Ukhunda Dist-Keonjhar-758032 Dist-Keonjhar-758032 C/o- Abhimanyu Nayak C/o- Abhimanyu Nayak At-Hasanpur At-Hasanpur 10 20 Madhusmita Dhal PO- Bhaganai PO- Bhaganai 6 5 1987 SEBC 750 490 65.33 Arts 900 384 42.67 1900 1346 70.84 19836 13.07 0.00 35.42 48.49 Via-Sainkul Via-Sainkul Dist-Keonjhar-758043 Dist-Keonjhar-758044 C/o- Samaresh Bhanja C/o- Samaresh Bhanja At/PO-Kendukhunta At/PO-Kendukhunta 11 15 Madhusmita Behera 1 7 1988 UR 750 349 46.53 Upashastri 650 364 56.00 1900 1324 69.68 16434 9.31 0.00 34.84 44.15 Via-Sainkul Via-Sainkul Dist-Keonjhar-758043 Dist-Keonjhar-758043 Date of Birth as per Matric ( Excluding 4th +2/Intermediate GNM/BSc Nursing Matric Board certificate optional) Excluding 4th optional Weightage Weightage Caste Weightage from +2 Total App. from GNM Sl.No. Name of the Candidate Present Address Permanent Address ( UR/SEBC/ Odisha Nursing from matric Science/equiva Carreier Remarks Sl.No. Course ST/SC) Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Council ( 20 %) lent weightage Day Month Year Stream (50 %) Mark mark mark Mark mark mark Mark mark mark Registartion ( 30%) No. REJECTED LIST OF KEONJHAR DISTRICT CANDIDTAES REJECTED ( Due to C/o- Satrughna Mantri C/o- Satrughna Mantri Intermediate(+2) & At/PO-Raisuan At/PO-Raisuan 1 7 Epismita Mantri 25 7 1995 UR 600 335 55.83 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 20205 11.17 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! GNM mark sheet & ps-Sadar ps-Sadar certificate not Dist-Keonjhar-758013 Dist-Keonjhar-758013 submitted) C/o- Bedadyuti Sahoo C/o- Bedadyuti Sahoo At/Po-Badaektali At/Po-Badaektali REJECTED ( Due to Caste 2 11 Tapaswini Sahoo Ps- Ghasipura Ps- Ghasipura 25 6 1994 OBC 600 322 53.67 Sci 600 307 51.17 1900 1640 86.32 15972 10.73 15.35 43.16 69.24 certificate not Dist-Keonjhar-758015 Dist-Keonjhar-758015 submitted ) REJECTED ( Due to Caste C/o-Jyotiranjan Mahanta C/o-Jyotiranjan Mahanta Certificate not At/Po- Nandapur At/Po- Nandapur 3 1 Nirupama Mohanta 4 7 1991 SEBC 750 440 58.67 Sci 600 322 53.67 1900 1310 68.95 13003 11.73 16.10 34.47 62.31 submitted & Resident Dist-Keonjhar Dist-Keonjhar certificate was issued PIN-758044 PIN-758044 on dt. 12.11.2016) C/o- Durga Charan Nayak C/o- Durga Charan Nayak REJECTED ( Due to At- Labanya square, At- Labanya square, 4 9 Manasi Nayak 10 5 1993 UR 800 303 37.88 Sci 600 262 43.67 1900 1475 77.63 14448 7.58 13.10 38.82 59.49 Resident Certificate not Po-Keonjhargarh Po-Keonjhargarh submitted) Dist-Keonjhar-758001 Dist-Keonjhar-758001 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER : KEONJHAR "ELIGIBLE DATABASE OF KEONJHAR DISTRICT CANDIDATES APPLIED FOR THE POST OF STAFF NURSE ( RCH/SNCU/NBSU/KMC) UNDER NHM" Date of Birth as per Matric ( Excluding 4th +2/Intermediate GNM/BSc Nursing Matric Board certificate optional) Excluding 4th optional Weightage Weightage Caste Weightage from +2 Total App.Sl. Odisha from GNM Sl.No. Name of the Candidate Present Address Permanent Address ( UR/SEBC/ Nursing from matric Science/equiv Carreier Remarks No. Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Total Secured % of Course Day Month Year ST/ SC) Stream Council ( 20 %) alent weightage Mark mark mark Mark mark mark Mark mark mark (50 %) Registartion ( 30%) No. C/o- Binoda Rana C/o- Binoda Rana At/PO- Jalasuan At/PO- Jalasuan 1 468 Subhasri Subhasmita Rana 1 7 1995 SEBC 600 381 63.50 Sci 600 388 64.67 1900 1584 83.37 19532 12.70 19.40 41.68 73.78 ps-Ramachandrapur ps-Ramachandrapur Dist-Keonjhar-758045 Dist-Keonjhar-758045 AT-PURUNAPANI, AT-PURUNAPANI, PO-MIRIGIKHOLIK, PO-MIRIGIKHOLIK, 21122 2 82 MANDADARI MOHANTA VIA-MACHHAGARH, VIA-MACHHAGARH, 4 5 1995 UR 600 440 73.33 SCIENCE 600 388 64.67 1900 1463 77.00 DT.17.10.201 14.67 19.40 38.50 72.57 DIST-KEONJHAR,PIN-758081 DIST-KEONJHAR,PIN-758081 7 PH-8456062608 PH-8456062608 C/o- Padamanava Dhal C/o- Padamanava Dhal At/PO- Sainkul At/PO- Sainkul 3 541 Rajasmita Dhal 3 6 1996 SEBC 600 439 73.17 Sci 600 380 63.33 1900 1471 77.42 20653 14.63 19.00 38.71 72.34 Ps-Reamachandrapur Ps-Reamachandrapur Dist-Keonjhar-758043 Dist-Keonjhar-758043 C/O-PURNA CHANDRA PRUSTY C/O-PURNA CHANDRA PRUSTY VOCATIONA AT/PO/VIA-HATADIHI AT/PO/VIA-HATADIHI 4 384 ROPYA PRIYA PRUSTY 3 4 1995 SEBC 600 389 64.83 L 650 448 68.92 1900 1466 77.16 18264 12.97 20.68 38.58 72.22 PS-NANDIPDA PS-NANDIPDA (Science) DIST-KEONJHAR-758083 DIST-KEONJHAR-758083 C/O- BABAJI SAHOO, AT- C/O- BABAJI SAHOO, AT- VOCATIONA BAROGAON,PO- BAILO, VIA- BAROGAON,PO- BAILO, VIA- 5 413 SANDEEP SAHOO 1 7 1992 SEBC 750 487 64.93 L 650 468 72.00 1900 1424 74.95 22195 12.99 21.60 37.47 72.06 SALAPADA, PS- GHASIPURA, PIN- SALAPADA, PS- GHASIPURA, PIN- (Science) 758020, DIST- KEONJHAR 758020, DIST- KEONJHAR C/O-TAPAS KUMAR JENA At- Baliagoda AT-TULASICHOURA(W. N-27) VOCATIONA Po-Dhurpada 6 208 BINAPANI BEHERA PO-TAKATPUR 15 2 1994 UR 600 394 65.67 L 650 435 66.92 1900 1456 76.63 18201 13.13 20.08 38.32 71.53 Via-Raisuan DIST-MAYURBHANJ (Science) Dist-Keonjhar-758013 PIN-757003 C/O-GOPABANDHU PARIDA C/O-GOPABANDHU PARIDA AT-SAAMANGA AT-SAAMANGA 7 263 DIPANJALI PARIDA PO-SADANG PO-SADANG 1 3 1995 SEBC 600 382 63.67 SCIENCE 600 402 67.00 1900 1459 76.79 20610 12.73 20.10 38.39 71.23 PS-NANDIADA PS-NANDIADA DIST-KEONJHAR-75612 DIST-KEONJHAR-75612 C/o- Ramesh Nath C/o- Ramesh Nath At/Po-Fakirpur At/Po-Fakirpur 8 476 Sourabha Mohanta 6 5 1986 UR 750 339 45.20 Sci 1000 723 72.30 1900 1534 80.74 16343 9.04 21.69 40.37 71.10 Vis- Anandapur Vis- Anandapur Dist-Keonjhar-758022 Dist-Keonjhar-758022 C/o-Umakanta Mahanta C/o-Umakanta Mahanta VOCATIONA At/Po-Purujoda At/Po-Purujoda 9 192 Kabita Mahanta 16 7 1993 SEBC 600 299 49.83 L 650 517 79.54 1900 1410 74.21 18163 9.97 23.86 37.11 70.93 Dist-Keonjhar Dist-Keonjhar (Science) Pin-758076 Pin-758076 D/O-RABINDRA KUMAR MISHRA D/O-RABINDRA KUMAR MISHRA AT-SANA AMBAGADIA, AT-SANA AMBAGADIA, 21036 10 68 UTKALIKA MISHRA PO-PODASINGIDI, PO-PODASINGIDI, 11 7 1995 UR 600 489 81.50 SCIENCE 600 330 55.00 1900 1449 76.26 DT.01.11.201 16.30 16.50 38.13 70.93 VIA-HADAGARH, DIST-KEONJHAR VIA-HADAGARH, DIST-KEONJHAR 7 PIN-758023, PH-8598898394 PIN-758023, PH-8598898394 Date of Birth as per Matric ( Excluding 4th +2/Intermediate GNM/BSc Nursing Matric Board certificate optional) Excluding 4th optional Weightage Weightage Caste Weightage from +2 Total App.Sl.

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