IROVI:I3rAL I, Z3P, ARY PARLIA.,,~.(r BLD3. _1 : . Skeen m.r.- u told : ," ;°* ""........ ....... " / , u an toIn the forthcomingBac ' the the* French ,vic language when ~en struck to find.t w y. d. n I n ost . : Tbe Board of Dlrectors of the alderm ," sired, No rson mcanstoobtaitllanU.tunusano Campagnolo, MP trteaelesofcivtlservlceandbe ~ Skeena. Division o_f the electionsand=to support this ad~lsets~q atedasof~res s volunteer labour so that a FOR SALE .,oo. s des Franeo candidate in a block so that has been D-. .~ gkeena, was- one of three M.P' ............'s more involved withtthe,, running ~ . Federation ..... ndidateis ex coted permanent sociai-reerestional ~! Colomblens' unanlmously the.re .will be ,~m~.neat City titom:tnU~ac~ in the near Pueture and reception center for the elevated to Parllament ot rues soy........... " supported a motion to nnu a .ml who can mscu., pruu,©,,,~ " Secretary pests last week by ,,Mr.JuddBuchanen,thenew quailfledbilingualcandldate for such as taxation, zoning etc, in in addition a committee has andFrench visitors Canadian. can be constraetedcommunity An effort by a Kitmat glve-away newspaper In I Prime Minister Pierre Elliot minister of Indian Affairs and ": •, , . = . • ,am Ill in Terrace. Preliminary publish ng a photo which tried to gl~/e the im- / Trudeau, Mrs, Campagnolo northern development, has d P I Sh discussions see the proposed presslon that the Herald ls for sale is of course / was named to the Department assured methat my con" Ce ar o e ormge ~OUIO ~i/d0~gtoC~ng0~0 ba~tWeen justwlshfulthlnking andfaise. / oflndianMfairsDevelopmentportfolioandN°rthernassisting stituentSemphasized.comefirst," she pletton. In fact the Herald through its parent Sterling_ new Miaiater Judd Buchanan. ~ficultiesAlth°ughandreslizingproblemstherelated dif" Plans are to maintain a Publications is growing. We are pleased to The Skeena MP in Terrace- to her new appointment in Io- ClOse L.H. & K. operation permanent secretariat to deal annouce that President Dave Radler has com- over the weekend to open the , dian Affairs, Mrs. Campaguolo with .French speaking people pleted the acquisition of the largest Canadian bi- new municipal swimming pool, stated, "l "~ok forward to the . stated during an interview that challenL., and situations Haugland and Kerr operations workers associated with L.H.& during office hours. In addition weekly newspaper, THE RICHMOND , President Ben Thompson of in Terrace. K flogger haulers, yard there would be rooms for she "was very pleased and which may arise and I hope to • Local-"~,1-71 International paiemen and millmen) are reading, senior citizens, hobbies REVIEW which i~ow loins a rather large and happy" with her appointment work diligently for all those Woedworkers of' America has The Union said that it facing animmediateshut-down and crafts ns well as a large prosperous family in our organization. as parliamentsry secretary to concerned." sent"'a~ telegram to Lands, prgently requests an immediate ' unless the current pole shortage recreation area for dances and The Richmond Review has a circulation of the minister of indian Affairs "Mr. Buchanan has indicated Forests and Water Resources other major gatherings. 16,000 and Is described by President Radler and northern development. to me thv~ he plsus new policies ex- re-assessment of Forest Service can be corrected. and hol~ ~' ~or closer ties with all Minister Robert.Willlams The Minister is asked to The local branch of the "another good newspaper in another good "It's an excellent opportunity pressing concdrn over a serious Policy prohibiting sele~tive. recomider this pulley and the provincial urganization has also to assist the people of my Indian I~ x ~rs;" the Skeena mr shortage of cedar logs which, if cedar pole cutting prior to the telegrsm states that his action, indicated that it will participate town". constituency not only in the added, al10wed toc0ntlnue, would area being totally logged. now, permitting prior selective in all municipal activiitie such In so far as the suggestion that the Herald is area of northern development, Mrs, Campaguolo said her came a shut-down of the Little 'The telegram warns that 75 pole outtin'g within the already as Canada Day or parades such troubled by competition as suggested by the important fur the future, but first assignment under her new agree cutting plans for the. as the Riverboat Days pars , also concerning the delicate • pest wc.nid be to greet, along Kitimat Give:away we suggest that a newspaper with Mr. Buchanan, the involved companies while the and funds will be.kept in I that ph0tgraphs an award to a senior police problem of Indian Affairs and Ex:forestry minister dies Forest Service Reassess this budget for •floats, ,tecorati~ native land claims," she added. caravan of Indians marchingto matter would in fact retain the etc. officer and then publishes It three weeks later on The Skeena Member of Ottawa. ,.Edward, T, Kenney, former board chalrmun in the 1920's, llvelyhood ef the 0eventy-fiv~ The Skeena Regional its frontpage after the Herald featured the story, Parliament explained, "the. "This caravan of Indians is a Family: Will, Leila; four workmen andthe value of a Organization' is presided over appointment affords. ~he the non-militant example of the B.C. n~inister of lands find for: children, four sisters and a long-established pole industry by,Mr. RinoMaiiloux, longtime Is not really In a competitive class. frustration and diesstlsfactlon ests and, father of the prey. opportunity to learn the in. • . • • , * . _ . of Indians throughout the ince's .forest management li. country." ceoc~plan, has died in Victo- The Indian caravan left ria's Royal Jubilee hospital at Vancouver 10 days sgo under the leadership of Chief Ken / Mr, Kenney, also was Liber- Basil of the Bonaport Reserve, al.,, party House leader before who last month led Indiaus in an he: retired as Mi~ for Skeana armed highway blockage near Cache Creek, B.C. in1953. '.~ ' The caravan has the support He ~n~ver lost a~ electiod of Fred House, head of the B.C. ~.'i'~i~ v .. : fr0m~ the timehe entered pro- Association of Non-Status In- ~:~m:. i ~ ~,10Ciel~l ties n 1933 but re. dians and is expected to reach i~~ ' ": ~iil:¢das an opposition n~ember Ottawa on Sept. 30 - the day ~i~il*:-~ : " . alter'the Social Credit _part~, Parliament reconvenes. Mrs. Campagnoin also ex- pressed the importance of northern development, especially here in the Skesna riding and other areas ef nor- them B.C, ~e pointed out the respon- sibility of a parliamentary secretary is to represent thai • o The first two phases era Land 'The council has the d) Building specifications as conform to the master plan for business being Individually operative effort could be particular minister when he is Use Contract between Elker authority to control various regard scenes, policing fanc: the development of the entire owned throogh this process achieved or maintained by any, not in the House and field Autq Supply Ltd., received two aspects of a development such tins, fire regulstion, etc; ar.ea. - - individual owners are sharing other means, - questions from ~ opposition readings last Monday evening an: " - Theintentpfby-law634wasto The Master Plan for the common facilities such as followihg a Public Hearing a) Parking . ensure that all individual development of this area could parking and walkways, which is Mr. Gale referred to the parties, during which no objections were b) Traffic flows and patterns : development efforts would be be described as a retail shop- to the advantage, of all, It is drawing- walkways and explained1st and 2rid storey• mayThe also perllamentsry,secretary sttend official fuse. registered, c) Building use ,compatible in that they would ping complex with each highly unlikely that this co- for access by consumers. ' - tiohs on behalf of the minister, - 40' setback - snow removal. "but it's primarily to act as a liaison between other MPs ano Cree !:;( r p rity - Psrking and traffic lune. take• The advantageElker firm isof the a. firstviable to " ¢prin,,_ , l =,oil~ Cou seTo Prio protection.Seeurit~and police themkdster.",!Genai'aily, it's to assist the retail complex on the 4700 block. ~ Pedestrian safety minister in any way h#'or she of Lazelle conceived in 1972. desi 'ate rank of thee'items Baardatltslantmeeting.whea. a lant..week-and, to t.ake ~ - Control on exterior ap- can, she eal. , Eventually the entire bh)ck will Efforts by Mayor Gordon ., :gn!'. t ..... ¢ ih.~lmnnHnne~ motion to'this enect tameu ny gentlemen to me ~prmg ureex - pearsnce. (general) . ' "' ' Mrs, Campagnoin retiamed to include retail outleta'-,on two Rowlandand Alden:man..... Ev Clift a~.a'':';~-Y~, "~,,.:;'_T_T:.'-'=; ,-,:.~,^. b,, CIiR renre6enting site for a first hahn oDservauon - : . .• - --, Ottawaearlv thlsweckf0r three ~tm.~v rnrefullv controlled by a have.... bern fruit asindicates m pmceu rp*vy =..me,.._~nstrtct..... u~. u.,~.,~-..... ~" ' ,h=- 'P.nnrd-r was of" the value of the site" ,for The imptementatton, ot ~.mts.../.~.ao~,h. ~.¢,b.~l.e:,doultn~- with ~'~'~'t~ P~t'raet - - a letter writ[on by Ad-. ".'l~,.t;ace on,~reen..~.b~.t, ~a,.tgr ~ .,'~e~.ei~?~-..a.i~..t~men t recroat4on.pu~pohe~'Z;= ....... •-devel0pmen:tF'-'~:tt~s';z~t~,e~:."~'~'~'~l~t~..:~r'A'~'~:~-~! ~" • • nne ...... :,~., ~.. ~:...~.%~.~.,~_ . minslratoi.~,q~r.~su~e~..~,.j~im~.recrs.a!lon~7..l~rk,~..ann ~ otn~, ..._ ~;.--... ~-,~-~e .Tbom of TheBpring Lh'eek.Courec had .programmedmsu~way t hat~ ,.:,,q li~;~ ai~nl~(~Oi'l~'to ~k 'b-~ ; ,..... ~ .~.................................... Whde nanster~ M.r. Ke . ........Y " ; 'c'it'~-E~'[neer'"Ci~ti/'k"' .....~ ....... Gale , Pousette,to. Mr.: Ocorlge item ; mun !el P al :P ur P uses, ......J~c -'" =' +',~'"~' °" d should ""l~eMlSted in the seenndspgtby,~ individual.own ers m a y~develo P * " .... ~;".... ---" -Ittded ' ,but I , lust tuted regulations• - "~hm[~, * ' ~ Y - ":~~ ' n¢i~[~,~i0f'' , the ..~ sb6ttoni~:Es'e~iRive/..~sslstant,.......
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