Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1963 The Anchor: 1960-1969 5-17-1963 The Anchor, Volume 75.31: May 17, 1963 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1963 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 75.31: May 17, 1963" (1963). The Anchor: 1963. Paper 17. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1963/17 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 75, Issue 31, May 17, 1963. Copyright © 1963 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1960-1969 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1963 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 anc OPEo COLLEGrE OLLANO, MICHIGAN 75th ANNIVERSARY — 31 i Hi Hope College, Holland, Michigan May 17, 1963 Miss Reeverts to Retire TULIP TIME GUESTS—Governor Romney and his wife Len- by Kristin Blank It is to Berea, where she found National Senior Women's Honor ore came to Holland Wednesday for the opening festivities of Miss Emma M. Reeverts, Dean the work very challenging and Society. The same year she was Tulip Time. Welcoming them to our fair city are Hope College of Women since 1947, will retire rewarding, that she will return made an Honorary member of freshmen Judy Ernest, "Roses" Hekman, and Joan Wagnnm. this June. She will be honored at next year. She will be a pan- Mortar Board. a tea sponsored by AWS for all time Instructor of English at this International Night, which was college women on Sunday, May school which has an enrollment formerly sponsored by Alcor and Tulip Time and Tourists 26, 3:30-5:00 p.m. The tea will approximately the same size as is now sponsored by AWS, has also be in honor of Mrs. Delia Hope's. been a favorite project of the Steininger, assistant to the Dean, Miss Reeverts first came to Dean. She believes that this who will retire at the end of this Hope as an Associate Professor event partially meets "the need Arrive in Full Force Again year. Mrs. Steininger was the of English in 1946. The follow- for better understanding and in- first head resident at Durfee by Susan Spring ing year she became Dean of continued on page 4) traditional Festival opener, the Hall. Have you noticed, while stu- Women. street scrubbing ceremonies on A graduate of Hope in 1920, As Dean of Women, she has dying in the library afternoons, Wednesday. At that time, the Miss Reeverts received her MA Band to Present been involved in personal coun- a noise like an organ grinder's mayor and town council inspect- from the University of Michigan seling and supervision of wo- music with twelve thousand chop ed the streets and, finding them in 1935. Before coming to Hope, men's residence halls. She has Outdoor Concert sticks clicking in time? dirty, ordered them to be scrub- she taught a few years in the served as advisor to several wo- The final concert of the Hope Or have you been awakened bed. In addition to Governor Middle West. In 1924 she became from a nap to the sound of bands Romney, some 300 costumed men's organizations. College Band will be an outdoor instructor of English and later pop concert, Thursday, May 23, at warming up, or tourists stand- townfolk carrying shoulder yokes principal of Annville Institute, One of Miss Reeverts' special 6:30 p.m. outside of Phelps Hall. ing beneath your window trying with pails of water, brushes and interests has been in the devel- a secondary boarding school in The band, under the direction to remember where they left willow brooms engaged in this opment and strengthening of the mountains of eastern Ken- of Robert Cecil, will perform the their car? Or been buying all of rite. Klompen dancers and the tucky. student government in the resi- Royal Fireworks Music of Han- your snacks and meals at Steve's Folk Parade followed the cere- In 1929 Miss Reeverts joined dence halls. because it's the only place where mony. del, Gliere's Russian Sailor's the English faculty of Berea In 1961 Miss Reeverts saw the Dance and songs of Cole Porter. tourists (and the prices made Thursday featured the Chil- College. She remained seventeen fulfilment of years of hard work In addition, they will perform especially for them) aren't? dren's Parade; Friday evening years at this college, which was and report-writing, when Alcor, some pieces by Beethoven and a Well . "It's Tulip Time in will offer the Parade of Barber- established for young people of senior women's honor society, be- few marches. Holland Every Year in May." If shop Quartets. Saturday begins the Southern Applachian area. came a chapter of Mortar Board, Part of the program will be you dont' take the situation ser- with a Baton Twirling Contest presented by a Workshop Jazz iously yet, just try driving and closes with a Square Dance. Sextet, featuring some original through town and tourists in less The Parade of Bands is the most than an hour, or, better yet . frolicsome event of the day, with Historical Commission selections. The sextet is compos- ed of Dave Mott and Paul Lein, pick one of those little blossoms. over 40 bands marching. Some saxophonists; Jim Ruffner, trum- Way back in 1927, 75 years 20 floats will enter the parade, petist; Dick Wolters, string bass; after Holland was settled, the including APO's "Lamp of to Present Hope Marker Tom Wombwell, drummer and Chamber of Commerce planted Learning" which will explode Leonard Shirazpur, pianist. They tulips as a civic project to beau- down Eighth Street. Some Hope A marker relating the history Mr. Willard C. Wichers, Pres- tify the city. Because of the pub- students will be seen driving new of Hope College will be erected ident of the Michigan Historical are members of the Hope College lic response, 100,000 more bulbs Oldsmobiles amid the parade's on the local campus and unveiled Commission and a member of the Band who formed their own stu- were sunk into the ground for the merriment. On Sunday, the Cha- at a special "Heritage Convoca- Hope Board of Trustees will ded- dent group and have been re- icate the marker. hearsing since December. next year and the Dutchmen be- pel Choir will present its final tion" to be held at 8 a.m., Fri- gan adding festivity to the blos- concert of the year in conjunc- day, May 24, at the site on the soming time. Traditional cos- tion with the holiday at 3:00 p.m. comer of 12th Street and Col- tumes, as well as handmade in the Chapel. lege Avenue and in Dimnent "Caligula" to Reveal Search wooden shoes were seen on the Flower and art shows taking Memorial Chapel. streets — and are now sold to place around town are listed in The marker will be placed on some 20,000 pairs of tourist feet the Tulip Time brochures availa- the campus by the Michigan His- annually. High school girls were ble around town. Throughout the torical Commission and the date for Power, Self and Truth taught Dutch folk dances and the week. Little Netherlands, com- of unveiling coincides with Heri- sound of "klompen," along with plete with windmills, canals and tage Day of Michigan Week. Caligula, a spectacular pro- Blough and Sue Spring, slave the parades and bands rivaled a quaint house, will display tra-| Participating in the convoca- duction with cast of 26, a tech- girls; .Richard DeVlaming, Me- tulips for tourists' attention. ditional Dutch life. tion will be Dr. Winant Wichers nical crew of over 40, a setting tullus; Bruce Gillies, Tim Miner Throughout the week, nearly Next year, if the plans of' who will speak on the topic "His- 35 feet long and Roman columns and David Baas, poets. 300,000 visitors will observe the townsman Carter Brown and his! torical Highlights of Hope's Her- 12 feet high, will be presented by Director of Caligula is Da- festivities which began with the (Continued on page 2) itage." the Hope College Theatre this vid P. Karsten. James L. De evning and Saturday evening at Young is technical director. 8:30 p.m. in Snow Auditorium. BERGHORST, REES Caligula, a two act drama, is written by the French absurd- US Steel Grant to Help Building Project ist, Albert Camus. As the play opens, Caligula, Emperor o f Hope College has been award- pose or capital grant totaling for Medical Education and se- Rome, is overwhelmed by the ed two grants totaling $21,500 by $20,000 which is designated to- lected universities, science and the United Steel Foundation, it ward the construction of the pbys- death of Drusilla, his sister and engineering institutes not other- mistress, from whom he disco- was announced today by Roger ics-math building. wise assisted. vers that "men die; and they are Blough, board chairman of Unit- The Foundation has allotted ed States Steel, Inc. In commenting on thie major- not happy." $820,000—about 33 per cent of purpose grants Blough said, "Our The grants are part of a He wants to begin with truth its total program—for the oper- times require that many donors $2,480,00 program of aid to ed- ating grants. Included among the as he sees it, to tear away the ucation for 766 liberal arts col- come forward with reasonably outward facade of lies and de- recipients are 465 accredited four- sustained unrestricted aid in dol- leges, universities and institutes, scription.
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