INSTITUTETASMANIAN OF SPORT yearbook & annual report 2003-2004 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPO RT ISSUE 49 – DECEMBER 2003 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT ISSUE 50 – MARCH 2004 The staff and Board of the Tasmanian Institute of Sport wish our athletes, coaches, sponsors and other partners a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. ISSUE 51 – JUNE 2004 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT Oh what a win! Minister for Racing, Sport and Recreation Paul Lennon, MHA, and St.LukesHealth Managing Director Colleen McGann congratulate Dana Faletic (second from left), and Kerry Hore on being named joint TIS Athletes of the Year. ISSUE 52 – SEPTEMBER 2004 Tamar Rowing Club member and TIS scholarship holder Brendan Long, named to Hore and Faletic row a double scull in Athens, has had a double scull named after him by his club. Early selections Athletes of Year are oarsome! TASMANIAN Institute of Sport world ing Championships in Milan, Italy, in Sep- IT'S a champion rowers Kerry Hore and Dana tember and also at the World Cup in special tim tute e at th Faletic are the Institute’s Athletes of the Lucerne. of Sport a e Tasman w nd ex ian Insti- Year. ith the O citement is on New Acting Director Paul Austen with former Director Elizabeth Jack. The awards were presented by the lympic G buildin the Syd away. ames on g, ney Olym They were announced joint winners of managing director of St.LukesHealth, ly five mo are: Bre pic cours Ta nths ndan Lo e at Penrith the St.LukesHealth Tasmanian Institute of Colleen McGann, and Deputy Premier ssie athle Bren ng (doub lime tes are se nan (qu le scull), S Sport Athlete of the Year for 2003 award light at th t to b (lig ad scull), S cott and Minister for Racing, Sport and Recre- s e Gam e in the htweigh imon Austen takes ports' s es with t four) a Burge at a black tie dinner at the Tattersalls election the va Kerry nd Da ss ation, Paul Lennon, MHA. menc s alread rious Hore (w na Fale ed. y having omen's sc tic and Hobart Aquatic Centre on October 18. Hore and Faletic won the award from com- TIS h ulling s The extra ead row quad). The pair was also announced joint a talented field, including hockey player ro ordinary p Com ing co wers co erform pte was p ach Sam winners of the Female Athlete of the Year ntinues, w ance of T o reviously Le Matthew Wells, rowers Tom Gibson, been se ith five a IS f the Austra named a over the reins lec lrea lia s c W award, adding to their spectacular ted by R dy havin n lightwe oach elcome home! From left, Sim Claire Shield, Kate Hornsey, Sam Beltz start at th owing A g All but S ight four c e 2004 G ustralia to imon Bu rew. achievements over the past 12 months. and Shane Broad and basketballers Hol- The ames in their firs rgess are se and a Athens. t Olymp looking THE Tasmanian Institute of Sport has a They won gold as part of the women’s confirm ll other ath a silve ic team, w at ed as O letes will n r medallis hile Burg quadruple sculls crew at the World Row- Continued Page 2 until th lympic ot be S t in the ess – new Acting Director. e Au team m ydney – w lightweig Wurf and Kerry Hore. ra stralian O embers ill be c ht four in Athens Olympics tifie ly om Sporting identity Paul Austen has s selec mpic Co Games. peting in The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian tions in th mmittee his third replaced former Olympic and Common- on Burgess, Scott Brennan, Dana Faletic, Cameron Selecte e comin An d so far a g month added h wealth Games diver Elizabeth Jack who Institute of Sport. If you would like to contribute information,please forward it to: fter the s. onour fo rowing tria r Burgess has taken up a 12-month appointment as Denise Hansson,TIS,PO Box 93 Prospect 7250. The TIS ls is that Photo courtesy Bulletin is p Continued Page 5 Acting Director of Sport and Recreation Telephone:(03) 6336 2202 Facsimile:(03) 6336 2211 Institute ublished position has been advertised. – better than ever of Sp quarterly by C Email: [email protected] ort. If you w orporate C Tasmania based in Hobart. ould like to con omm Chairman of the TIS Board Denis W Editor: [email protected] tribute unications P The Mercury Denise Hansson information ty Ltd for the T Paul was previously the Executive Rogers, AO, said Elizabeth’s contribution WELL, the Athens Olympics has come For further information on the TIS,check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au. , TIS ,P , ple ase forw asman Officer of the TIS for the past nine years. could not be overstated. Telephone: (03 O Box 93 P ard it to: ian and gone and it has turned out to be an ) 6336 2 rospect 72 Email: de 202 Facsim 50. His position will be filled by Athlete outstanding success for TIS athletes. Thank you to The Examinernewspaper for the provision of photos for our newsletter. nise.hansson@ ile: (03 Services Manager Geoff Masters whose “She and her staff have done a fantas- Editor: steve@ tis.tas.gov ) 6336 2211 tic job in making the TIS a most profes- cctas.c .au sional organisation that is churning out a To have five of our nine athletes win For further in om.au medals is a tremendous accomplishment Thank you to formation on the TIS record number of athletes of international for those athletes, their coaches and The Examiner ,check out our w The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communicationsstandard,” Pty Mr Ltd Rogersfor the Tasmanian said. everyone who has contributed to their newspaper for the provision of photos ebforsite: our new www.tis.ta Institute of Sport. If you would like to contribute information, please forward it to: success in some way. Tasmania played s.gov.au “The TIS has developed under her . leadership into a valuable member of the its part in Australia finishing as the fourth sletter. nation and winning a total of 17 gold Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 ProspectContinued 7250. Page 3 medals – beating the gold medal total set Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile: (03) 6336 2211 in Sydney. Director’s Email: While many thought this would be an Editor: [email protected] Olympics where results would be slightly Tha nk yo For [email protected] information on the TIS, check out our website: less than in Sydney, the wonderful per- u to The Examiner formances of our athletes have main- tained Australia’s place as one of the top new sporting nations. The fantastic results are sp a great testimony to the strength of the aper fo r th elite sports network in Australia. e p rovisio n o The gold medal-winning performance f p of the Kookaburras, including TIS hockey ho www.tis.tas.gov.au tos fo player Matthew Wells, will long be r our n remembered, not only for the success of ew REPORT sletter. winning in Athens but also for the signifi- cance of achieving that elusive gold medal after 48 years of Olympic com tition. The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian The silver medal efforts of TIS rower Institute of Sport. If you would like to contribute information, pleaseSimon forward Burgess, it to: our longest-serving ath- lete, and the rest of the crew of the men’s lightweight four – Anthony Edwards (VIS), Glen Loftus and Ben Cureton (W Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250. pe- Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile: (03) 6336 2211 Email: Tha nk y Editor: [email protected] ou to For further information on the TIS, check out our website: C T [email protected] on he E tin xa u AIS) – min ed er a P nd ag The e 2 Me rcu ry new spa pers for th e pro vis ion www.tis.tas.gov.au of p ho tos for o ur n . ew sle tter. contents Page Minister’s Foreword 3 Chairman’s Report 4 Director’s Report 5 Administration 7 Corporate Partnerships 9 Sports Performance 12 Talent Search 15 Schools Program 17 Athlete Career & Education 18 Physical Preparation 19 Scholarship Programs 20 NTC Programs 21 Elite Development Squads 32 Individual Scholarships 35 Coaching Scholarships 36 2001-2002 Scholarship Holders 38 2001-2002 Corporate Plan 40 Board of Management 41 Staff 42 Financial Report 43 2 minister’s foreword TASMANIAN Institute of Sport (TIS) athletes continue to show their competitiveness at the highest level, a reflection of the excellent support services provided to the state’s elite and developing athletes through the TIS. A total of 64 Tasmanians have represented Australia in international competition over the past 12 months, with significant performances highlighting the calibre and outstanding abilities of our athletes. The achievements of all TIS athletes are a direct result of the high-quality programs developed and administered by the Institute, which continues to enjoy the support of the State Government. Tasmania in the development of elite In its commitment to the development of athletes and coaches. Tasmania’s elite athletes and coaches through the TIS, the State Government has Finally, I congratulate the TIS athletes and maintained its level of funding to all TIS coaches on their wonderful achievements in programs over the past year.
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