S10852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 10, 2008 If we fail to act, years from now some While efforts are being made to bring the largest weapons transfer in U.S. his- future Professor Bernanke, now Chair- democratic institutions to Iraq and Afghani- tory—including 5 AWACS aircraft and 101 man of the Fed, will study our actions stan, Israel is the only democracy in the re- sets of conformal fuel tanks for F–15 aircraft. and will absolutely marvel at the gion with our shared values. The record I opposed the sale on the grounds that it un- shows the U.S. vigorously supports a close dercut the Camp David accords. I wrote to missed opportunity—trillions of dollars relationship with Israel for good reason. President Reagan in August 1981 to urge him committed to the financial sector, tens Since the accords between Israel and Egypt not to proceed with the proposed sale, and on of billions denied the manufacturing in 1978, the United States has given substan- October 28, 1981 I said on the Senate floor: sector, with millions of people losing tial foreign aid to those two countries to im- ‘‘Until the Saudis are prepared to embrace their jobs on top of the more than 1 prove their security and to promote the Mid- the principles of the Camp David accords and million who have already been laid off east peace process. Since my election in 1980, support the United States on this corner- this year. If we fail to act, we will com- I have voted for aid to Israel in the amount stone of United States-Mideast foreign pol- of $81.6 billion, consisting of $28.8 billion in icy, it is my judgment that they should not mit one of the biggest economic sins of economic aid—including $1.3 billion to reset- omission in our history. be rewarded with the AWACS and the F–15 tle Jewish refugees—and $52.8 billion in mili- enhancement. By focusing on the special Majority Leader REID is absolutely tary aid. In the case of Egypt, I have sup- United States-Saudi relationship . the ad- right to insist that we stay here as ported $35.2 billion in military aid and $23.9 ministration has already moved a step away long as we need to get this job done. billion in economic aid. from the best hope for a Middle East peace— Let’s make it a truly merry Christmas The importance of Israel as a strategic the Camp David accords and the now-rein- in millions of living rooms in U.S. ally has motivated the U.S. to place stated autonomy talks between Egypt and special emphasis on Israel’s security, part of Israel.’’ Lordstown, in Walton Hills, in Toledo, which is promoting the Middle East Peace I was one of 12 Republican senators to vote in Dayton, in Sharonville, in Mans- Process. During my 28 years in the Senate, I for a resolution disapproving the proposed field, in towns all across the State. have traveled to many foreign countries in arms sale. The resolution was rejected 48–52. I yield the floor. connection with my membership on the In- telligence Committee, which I chaired in the The same policy that led me to oppose the f 104th Congress, and my membership on the sale of AWACS to Saudi Arabia has guided EXTENSION OF MORNING Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign my actions throughout my Senate career on Israeli security issues. Before being elected BUSINESS Operations, where I am now the longest serv- ing Republican on the Subcommittee. to the Senate in 1980, I visited Israel in 1964, Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask As part of these travels, I have visited 1969 and 1980. My first visit as a United unanimous consent to extend morning Israel 25 times and Syria 17 times with a States Senator came in September 1982. Dur- business until 4 p.m. view to assisting on a peace treaty between ing my 1982 visit I met with Prime Minister The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. those two countries. As I see it, the key to Menachem Begin, Labor Party leader such an accord is the Golan Heights captured Shimon Peres, and other Israeli leaders. I MCCASKILL). Without objection, it is so urged Prime Minister Begin to discuss with ordered. by Israel in the 1967 War. Syria has long sought a return of the Golan. Only Israel can President Reagan the issue of a Mideast Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I sug- decide for itself whether its interests war- peace. I understood the two differed on what gest the absence of a quorum. rant returning the Golan to Syria for signifi- approach to take, but as I said on the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cant reciprocal concessions. Obviously, the floor following my trip: clerk will call the roll. strategic considerations are vastly different ‘‘As I [saw] it, there [were] major mis- The assistant legislative clerk pro- now than they were in 1967 since rockets can understandings which could be resolved, or ceeded to call the roll. easily fly over the Golan. If Israel could rely at least clarified, by personal diplomacy be- Mr. SPECTER. Madam President, I on Syrian commitments to allow Lebanon to tween these two men of good will.’’ Prime Minister Begin and I also spoke about ask unanimous consent that the order function as a sovereign nation, stop assisting Hezbollah and withdraw support for Hamas, my meeting with Lebanese President-elect for the quorum call be rescinded. Israel might conclude it was in its interest Bashir Gemayel who was assassinated short- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to return the Golan to Syria. ly after I visited him in his Beirut office in objection, it is so ordered. Israel and Syria were reportedly very close September 1982. I said that I saw some hope f to a pact in 1995 when Yitzhak Rabin was of Lebanese unification, and Prime Minister Prime Minister and in 2000 when Ehud Barak Begin stressed that a peace treaty with Leb- EXTENSION OF MORNING was Prime Minister. Diplomacy has produced anon was very important to Israel. BUSINESS some results many thought impossible. Ne- I returned to Israel in May 1983 and met gotiations with North Korea have reduced with Prime Minister Begin, Defense Minister Mr. SPECTER. Madam President, I that nation’s nuclear threat although that Moshe Arens, and Labor leader Shimon further ask unanimous consent that situation remains volatile and uncertain. Ne- Peres. Prime Minister Begin stressed his de- the period for morning business be ex- gotiations have moved Libya’s Muammar sire to secure the delivery of F–16’s to Israel tended beyond 4 o’clock, and that I be Qaddafi from horrendous acts of terrorism, before the scheduled date of 1985, saying that permitted to speak in morning business including the blowing up of Pan Am 103 and the planes were crucial for Israel’s security. for up to 15 minutes. bombing of a Berlin discotheque, resulting in Following my meetings in Israel, I traveled The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the murder of US military personnel, to a to Egypt, where I met with Egyptian Presi- willingness to negotiate and reform. Libya objection, it is so ordered. dent Hosni Mubarak. As I stated in my trip made reparations in excess of $1,000,000,000 report: f and abandoned plans to design nuclear weap- ‘‘I began [the meeting] by conveying Prime ons in order to be admitted to the family of U.S. POLICY TOWARDS ISRAEL Minister Begin’s respects as Prime Minister nations. Begin asked me to do, and President Muba- My studies and travel in the region lead Mr. SPECTER. Madam President, I rak responded about his esteem for Prime me to believe that next year may be the have sought recognition for a few pur- Minister Begin, saying that the Prime Min- right time to secure an Israeli-Syrian Peace ister was a man of his word and also . poses. First, I ask unanimous consent Treaty if the new Administration aggres- tough.’ ’’ that my statement regarding U.S. pol- sively pursues that objective. icy toward Israel be printed in the As I prepare to travel to Israel and Syria I pursued a discussion with President Muba- RECORD. in the next several weeks, I have reviewed rak on the question of further negotiations There being no objection, the mate- my Senate activities on this subject. I think between Israel and Egypt in pursuance of the principles of the Camp David accords. rial was ordered to be printed in the it would be useful to list some of the steps I In October 1983, I was an original cosponsor RECORD, as follows: have taken so that my colleagues and others will understand my reasons for optimism and of legislation introduced by Senator Daniel U.S. POLICY REGARDING ISRAEL so that the incoming Obama Administration Patrick Moynihan that would have required I have sought recognition to address the will have my thinking in setting its course that the U.S. Embassy in Israel and the resi- subject of United States policy regarding on foreign relations in the Mideast. dence of the American Ambassador to Israel Israel and the Mideast peace process as we I first became deeply involved in an Israeli be located in Jerusalem. Hearings were held, look forward to a new Administration and a security issue shortly after being elected in but the legislation was not passed by the new Congress next year. It is my expectation 1981 regarding the proposed sale of E–3A air- Senate.
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