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West? the the in in 20 20 from from Rise Rise Sun Sun the the Will Will When When (Identifying(Identifying(Identifying the the time time of the of the Latter Latter the Days) Days) time of the Latter Days) Days) Days) Latter Latter the the of of time time the the (Identifying (Identifying The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in 207 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835-1908) in Qadian, a small and remote village in the Punjab province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (The Mahdi and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to the Will of God – in its pristine purity. Hazrat Ahmad (as) proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: “ The religion of the people of the right path” (The Holy Qur'an: 98:6). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of dierent faiths. It rmly believes in and acts upon Qura’nic teaching: “There is no compulsion in religion” (The Holy Qur'an: 2:257). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. The Community has been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, was elected in 2003. His ocial title is Khlaifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah(as). www.alislam.org www.muslimsunrise.com Haz rat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba) www.muslimsunrise.comwww.muslimsunrise.com The TheMuslim Muslim Sunrise Sunrise is published is published by theby theAhmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, USA, USA, under under the the auspicesauspices of Dr. of MirzaDr. Mirza Maghfoor Maghfoor Ahmad, Ahmad, Ameer/National Ameer/National President; President; 15000 15000 Good Good Hope Hope Road, Road, SilverSilver Spring, Spring, MD MD20905, 20905, Phone Phone 301-879-0110, 301-879-0110, Fax 301-879-0115.Fax 301-879-0115. The Theviews views and and opinions opinions expressed expressed by individual by individual contributors contributors in this in thispublication publication do not do notneces neces- - sarilysarily reect reect the viewsthe views of the of Ahmadiyyathe Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, USA USA Dr. Dr.Mufti Mufti Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq Sadiq (ra) (ra)was was the therst rst AhmadiyyaAhmadiyya Muslim Muslim missionary missionary to arrive to arrive in Ameri in Ameri- - ca. Inca. 1921, In 1921, he founded he founded the Muslimthe Muslim Sunrise, Sunrise, which which standsstands today today as theas thelongest longest running running Muslim Muslim publicationpublication in America.in America. The Themagazine magazine seeks seeks to to openopen discussions discussions on Islamon Islam and and topics topics relating relating to to religionreligion in general. in general. It highlights It highlights the rolethe role of Islam of Islam in in an ever-changingan ever-changing global global society. society. It provides It provides a a platformplatform for forpublic public opinion opinion on oncontemporary contemporary issuesissues and and presents presents their their solutions solutions from from an Islam an Islam- - ic perspective.ic perspective. The TheMuslim Muslim Sunrise Sunrise welcomes welcomes letters letters to theto the Editor,Editor, Questions Questions and and Submissions. Submissions. EmailEmail us at us [email protected] at [email protected] or goor online go online to www.MuslimSunrise.com to www.MuslimSunrise.com AcronymsAcronyms for for salutations salutations usedused in thisin this publication publication LibraryLibrary of Congress of Congress Call CallNumber: Number: BP195.A5 BP195.A5 M8 M8 sa: sa: SallallahuSallallahu ‘Alaihi ‘Alaihi Wa SallamWa Sallam MuslimsMuslims follow follow the namethe name of God’s of God’s prophets prophets with with the prayerthe prayer alaihis alaihis salaam salaam or or (peace(peace and andblessings blessings of Allah of Allah be upon be upon him) him) ‘may‘may peace peace be uponbe upon him,’ him,’ and and for thefor theHoly Holy Prophet Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad, sallallahu sallallahu as: as: ‘Alaihis-Salam‘Alaihis-Salam (may (may peace peace be upon be upon him) him) alaihialaihi wasallam wasallam or ‘may or ‘may peace peace and and blessings blessings of God of God be upon be upon him.’ him.’ Compan- Compan- ra: ra: Radhi-AllahuRadhi-Allahu ‘Anhu/‘Anha ‘Anhu/‘Anha (may (may Allah Allah be be ionsions of prophets of prophets and and righteous righteous personalities personalities who who have have passed passed away away are salut-are salut- pleasedpleased with with him/her) him/her) ed byed radhi-Allaho by radhi-Allaho anhu/a anhu/a or ‘may or ‘may Allah Allah be pleased be pleased with with him/her.” him/her.” While While such such rh: rh: RahimahullahuRahimahullahu Ta‘ala Ta‘ala (may (may Allah Allah shower shower salutationssalutations sometimes sometimes are notare notset outset outin the in thetext text for readability,for readability, we encour-we encour- His mercyHis mercy on him) on him) age agereaders readers to o toer o theseer these prayers prayers as if as set if outset outin full. in full. aba:aba: Ayyadahullahu Ayyadahullahu Ta‘ala Ta‘ala Bi-Nasrihil-‘Aziz Bi-Nasrihil-‘Aziz (may(may Allah Allah support support him himwith with His mightyHis mighty help)help) VerseVerse numbers numbers in the in referencesthe references from from the Holythe Holy Qur’ Qur’ān ān countcount Tasmiya Tasmiya at the at beginningthe beginning of a ofchapter a chapter as the as the first fiverse.rst verse.
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