The Irish Ext-ra -pages ·9~ 12 • • • J t VOL XIV, NO. ,ig an independcm studt>nt newspaper serving notr~ darm' and sainr IT'.arv's FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1979 Students in Iran reject P.L.O. negotiation bid (AP) - Iran~an students h~lding the .U.S. Em~as~y in Tehran rejected a btd by the Palesttf?e Ltber~tton Orgamzauon yesterd~y to negotiate freedom for thetr Amencan. hostages, Tehran radto said. In Lebanon, a second attempt to setze a U.S. Embassy was reported foiled. , . In a grisly display of the Iraman students anu-Amencan zeal, a protester set himself afire outside the Tehran embassy, Iran's ~ars news agency said. He was later reported near death 10 a hospttal. The students meanwhile, released what they said was embassy cor.respondenc'e showing that U.S. officials had planned last summer to allow Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into the United States permanently. In Betrut, Lebanese security sources said the PLO thwarted a plan by 40 armed Iranians to storm the U.S. Embassy tn the Lebanese capital. The sources said the alleged plotters were under house arrest in a Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon. Spokesmen for.the PLO and the U.S. Embassy in Beir~t said they had no informatton on the reported takeover plan, and tt could not be conflirmed elsewhere. It was announced that President Carter, overseeing U.S. efforts to free the hostages, had cancelled his planned trtp to Canada Friday and Saturday. The students said Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, s~preme leade.r of Iran's Islamic republic, and his secretive Revolutto~ary Councll backed them in rebuffing the two-man PLO medtatton team, Tehran radio reported in a broadcast monitored in Kuwait. The cast of ''Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!'' prepares lor opening nigh~. Their first They would not ''open talks with any~ody or accept any performance is at 8:00 this evening in Washington Hall. [Photo by Beth Prezzo). mediation '' the students said, until the Umted States met their main dem~nd - sending the exiled shah back to Iran for trial. PLO officials at the United Nations and in Washington denied mediation efforts had been rejected. Hatem Husseini, head of the organization's Washington information office, said Iranian Iranian citizen officials"welcomed our views" during "extensive consultaions in Tehran." Diplomats around the world continued to work feverishly to try to ND student discusses Khomeini defuse the explosive situation. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance by Mary Fran Callahan shall remain nameless said he blood,'' the student explained. thanked ''many governments and others'' for their efforts. StaffReporter wholeheartedly supports the Believing that Khomeini does Vance, speakmg before television cameras in Washi~gt~~· did Khomeini regime and believes not approve of the recent not name the PLO, but said the United States was followmg every seizure of American hostages, avenue available to secure their early and safe release." The recent flood of wire ser­ that the American newspapers vice copy from Iran, echoing the are sensationalizing Khomei­ the student said he is "one Algerian sources said that hard-line Arab country had joined in rapid development of the esca­ ni's recent comments as repor­ hundred percent sure that Kho­ the efforts, presumably through its embassy in Tehran. The lating crisis, has provoked ted by the wire services. .meini does not approve of the sources refused to elaborate, saying, "Secrecy is essential if the strong reactions from all over ''I talked to my father in Tehran recent seizure of American efforts are to succeed." hostages, the student said he is ~' . the world. two days ago, and Khomeini French officials said the nine-nation European Common- Market · Last night an Iranian citizen said on the radio that he does "one hundred percent sure that was in contact with Iranian authorities. studying at Notre Dame who not want to see any kind of Khomeini will change his neu­ tral stand." Khomeini's lar­ gest and most powerful political support comes from the Iranian student class. "He will eventually order the students to release the hosta­ ges. He will have to convince Derailed tank cars release toxic fumes them that the U.S. will not return the shah and that they INWOOD, Ind. (AP) - Twen­ methacrylic acid, ethyl acrylate, hours." those evacuated would not be will have to release the Ameri­ ty -two tank cars of a 34-car isobutyl alcohol and butyl cello­ Families within a mile radius allowed to return to their homes cans," the student said. Conrail freight train derailed solve. Another tanker contain­ were evacuated as a precaution. before then. When asked to explain why he yesterday, unleashing toxic in~ petroleum naphtha also Most were staying with friends thought Khomeini was acting in chemical fumes that sickened might be leaking, he said. or relatives, although churches Police said several railroad a nuetral fashion, he said that several motorists and prompted Smith said all the chemicals and schools in the area were ties a_pparently caught fire after the derailment, but there was although the Ayatollah has not the evacuation of 35 families in are used either as coating or as opened as shelters. discouraged the students, he Authorities said there would no explosion. Cause of the a rural area of northern Indi­ intermediates in the manufac­ has also not encourag-ed them. ana. No serious injuries were ture of other products. be no attempt to clear the accident was under investiga­ tion. Recent quotes obtamed from reported. "It's hard to say what you'll wreckage before today, and Tehran radio contradict this, Authorities planned to have when they get together,'' but the student does not believe spread foam on the leaking Smith said. "It's my under­ that American newspapers are chemicals in hopes of neutraliz­ standing there is some mixing In Blue Line Club accurately reporting Khomei­ ing them and stabilize the area. going on. They are moderatdy . ni's statements . Motorists on U.S. 30 near the toxic, but there should be no Proffessor Peter Moody, direc­ tracks reported becoming ill problem in an isolated area like tor of the Asian Studies Pro­ after drivmg through a chemi­ that.'' Hospitality Room opens gram, cited Carter's actions cal cloud that hung over the area The Environmental Protec­ by Paul Mullaney The room, located in an auxil­ over the past four days as a part of the morning before tion Agency said caustic soda, iary gymnasium of the Athletic maximum attempt to resolve evaporating. They said the or lye, was a dangerous sub­ In a decision made last week, and Convocation Center, was the -crisis. "He is doing fumes smelled like burning stance that could cause burns if vice-President for Student Af­ the scene of several alcohol­ everything he can do,'' Moody plastic. not cleansed immediately from fairs Fr. John L. Van Wolvlear related incidents last year, ac­ the skin. explained, "The extent of all The highway was closed. announced that the Notre Dame cording to Roemer. this is indicative of the decline Police said- potentially dan­ Some of the chemicals also Blue Line Club is allowed to ''There were many problems are flammable, including petro­ of the United States' position gerous chemicals were leaking resume oper~ion of its hospi­ last year that need not have leum naphtha, which Smith in the world." from at least seven and maybe tality room at all home Notre been," said Roemer, "like Moody also commented that if eight tankers. The train was en described as ''like lighter Dame hockey games, effective fighting, underage drinking, fluid,'' but he said there was the Iranian government did not route east from Chicago, but its tonight. inexcusable behavior, etc. So I attempt to prevent the threat­ destination was unavatlable last little danger of an explosion. had made the recommendation "If they've been lying there The decision came after Dean ened slayings of the hostages, a night. to John Plouff that, because of ''gross violation of international Woodard Smith of the Air since 6 o'clock or so, the of Students James A. ~oe~er these problems, all alcohol be diplomacy" would result. Yet, Pollution Control Division of the likelihood of that happenin~ is had requested the termma~ton shut down.'' Moody further commented that State Board of Health said the extremely remote," he satd. of the room's use last ~~~ng, leaking chemicals inclltlled "If they're going to go, it's primarily because of th rv­ caustic soda, acetic anhydride, usually within a few minutes or mg of beer within the room. [continued on page 4] [continued on page• 5] Nevvs in brief Friday, November 9, 1979 - page 2 Carter cancels Canada trip OTIA W A (AP) - President Carter has canceled the visit to Canada he had planned for today and Saturday because of Still discovered in cemetery the Iranian hostage crisis, a government source said yesterday. The source said Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance telephoned Foreign Secretary Flora MacDonald ROCKY MOUNT* Va. (AP) · painted roof. David Kelton Philpott, 27, of yesterday to say Carter had decided to cancel the visit It looked like a cemetery. It had About the only thing visible Henry, was nabbed and because of the pressures of the Iranian situation. headstones. It had flowers on from the nearby back road or charged with manufacturing the graves. It was on a little from the air was the fake untaxed liquor. rise, and the grounds were neat cemetery, Bowman said. Bowman said agents found Weather and closely mowed. White-painted cinderblocks 443 gallons of moonshine at the Rainy today and breezy with a chance of thunderstorms.
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