v-: Abbeville Press and Banner Established 1844.' $2.00 the Year. Tri-Weekly. Abbeville, S. C., Monday, Feb. 28, 1921 Single Copies, Five Cents. 77th Year. MANY LOSE LIVES WE CAUCUS SIXTEENAREMISSING WHEN T1*AINS MEET LAS! OF WEEK AFTERCOLLISION Porter, Ind., Feb. 27..Twenty- near the debris and the two engines seven persons are known to be clead Fifteen bodies had been recovered FRENCH AND BELGIAN DEVELOPS AS TO and more than 100 injured as the within a few hours after the wreck. TROOPS NO FRICTION TO MOVE IF TERMS ARE LEADERSHIP ALABAMA SEN- Of BOATS result of the wreck of two passen- It is beileved that virtually all of RE- ) JECTED.ALLIED AND MILI- ATOR ADVISES DEMOCRATS ger trains here at 6:20 o'clock to- the dead were ift two of the Michi- OP- night. gan Central -coaches which were de- IMMIGRATION BILL SENT TO TARYXCHIEFS GET TOGETHER TO RESIST REPUBLICANS ADMIRAL RODMAN REPORTS WITH LLOYD GEORGE.FLEET UNDERWOOD AND MEN molished when the New York Cen- PRESIDENT. NUMBER OF PORTUNELY. LOSS OF VESSEL BLOCKADE PORT OF HAMBURG AT HELM TO NAVY DEPARTMENT. ONE Porter, Ind., Feb. 27..Between tral train hit it. OTHERS, INCLUDING EMER- on the New MAN KILLED AND FIFTEEN GO and 40 persons were reported The only dead known GENCY TARIFF MEASURE, were the two en- London, Feb. 27..On the virtual Washington, Feb. 27..How OTHERS POSSIBLY DROWNED killed and an unknown number in- York Central train* PLACED IN POSITION FOR FI- when a west bound The of the Mchi- eve of the allied conference with the wisest to conduct themselves senate .DESTROY LK WWL3E.I mi jured tonight ginemen. engineer NAL PASSAGE BEFORE CUR- in- It is Germans on reparat:ons and disarma- Democrats will determine in a party BY MERCHANT VESSEL v New York Central train crashed gan Central is missing. report- TAIN IS RUNG a ed that he from his cab when ment questions, the two -principal al- caucus March 5. There will be no to derailed east bound Michigan leaped near in which he saw the New York Cen- lied military chiefs, Marshal Foch of contest for spoils, as all members of Washington, Feb. 2. .One naval Central train here, oncomng wasmngton, ireD. isi..ingress one of the tral train. Fiance and Field Marshal Sir Henry the in the senate have agreed enlisted man is dead, 15 are miss- railroad officials say is worked under forced draft today party in Interaection Wilson, the British chief of staff, to reelect Senator Underwood lead- and two are injured as the re- most disastrous wrecks history. Sharp Angle and tonight with leaders deter- ing ~ ~ , t j the week-end invitation with mem- between imcmgan central omciais piacea The tracks of the two railroads mined to clean the slate of most spent by er. There is no rivalry among sult of a collision yesterday and Premier Briand of committee assignments. Woolsey the number of dead at more than intersect here at a sharp angle, be- important legislation before ad- Lloyd George bers for the American destroyer France in their seclusion at Chequers dis- and the American steamer Steel In- 30 while unofficial reports made the ing almost parallel. The Michigan next Friday. Each senator, however, will journment the new death list as high as 50. Central train was believed to have Court, country home of the cuss the the party should ventor off the Pacific coast of One measure.the immigration program The towerman of the started the intersection and then to prime minister of England. Thorp is one element which Panama. The Woolsey was cut in Michigan restriction bill.was sent to the was arrested immediately have been derailed. The towerman The purpose of the consultation would appear to operate with the two at the after tank, by the col- Qentral president and several others, in- after the wreck offiicals staging was blamed railroad officials for was to reduce to definite form the Republicans in that the Republi- lision and sank at 6 o'clock yester- by cluding. the emergency tariff, were they believed he had left a switch allowing the Michigan Central train vai-ious proposals for the application cans listen to their individual day morning while In tow of the de- put on the road to final passage. might the derailment of the to to cross ahead of the of military and economic pressure is onther .element which Aaron Ward, which, with closed, causing attempt After a but the pleas. There stroyer westbound train. brief, sharp fight sufficient to the mind of Ger- the Republicans all the the destroyer, Philip, has 112 of the east bound train. house the senate substi- change fight The Central train left A few persons living at this junc- accepted many, should her government refuse w^ulddespite the palpable folly of un- Woolsey's survivors aboard. Michigan tute bill limiting immigration for 15 way Chicago at 5:05, bound for Toronto, tion immediately began work the reparations terms of the allies. necessarily attacking an organiza- The collision was reported to the point months after next April 1, to 3 per Canada. It was cut in half by the of rescue, using lanterns in their While one aspect of the tion with a majority of 22. Senator navy department late today by Ad- cent of the population of a foreign question west bound flyer, and both engines search for the dead and injured. Re- is a dramatic to y Underwood, it is learned, will im- miral Rodman, commander in chief country who were in the United warning Germany \ down an embankment. lief trains arrived from Michigan that the invasion of some of press his followers with the necessi- of the Pacific fleet, to which the plunged Stages at the time of the 1910 cen- parts Both engineman of the New York City and Chicago about an hour af- her territory may follow a refusal of ty of sticking together, and thus Woolsey one of the navy's most sus. The measure would not affect Central were killed. The engineer ter the wreck carrying nurses and compliance on her part, another is making up in solidarity for their modem destroyers, was attached. Japan, China, Canada and the Latin was Claude Johnson of Elkhart, doctors. The victims were taken to that the French government which lack of numbers. The to the Steel Inventor American countries. damage Ind. Five bodies were recovered Gary and to Michigan City. would have to supply most of the "The Republican majority will was and no casualties occur- I after the house acted slight, Immediately troops desires to be in a position to run over us for some time," said red among her crew. She was re- the bill was sent to the senate "But act suddenly should the moment re- Senator Underwood tonight. ported to be proceeding to Balboa which approved the conference re-i uiring action arrive. tile Republican majority on account under convoy of the destroyer Buch- SPRING TERM OF COURT port in less than one minute and it of its numbers and the inability of anan. then was prepared for transmission To Blockade Port. several factions to agree, must I the The report forwarded by Ad- CONVENES IN ABBEVILLE to the White House. The general plan considered, of eventually divide. Then will have miral Rodman said Tom Stanley Two Hours of Debate which many collateral features re- . arrived the opportunity of the first class While the house was spending two Woodcock, engineman, The Spring term of the Court of During the morning the case of j quire examination, is understood to Democrats. If, when this opportuni- was killed the collision and his J hours in debating the emergency by fjpnpral Sessions ronvened this mom- The State vs. Will Kay was called. provide for a northward movement ty comes, we can strike quickly and was aboard the Buch- tariff bill the senate passed the an- body placed ing at 10 o'clock with Judge W. H. Vaic o nuffrn whn IrilloH nnnfV>o*" tip. by Belgian troops which would oc- impetuously, with every man enthu- anan. nuai ioruncauons measure i of of the named Madden near Level cupy Doortmund, while the French siastic in the enterprise, we can Townsend, Columbia, Judge gro Land, $8,000,000 and sent The missing were reported as fol- fifth The Clerk of in November 1919. His case was con- approximately would Frankfort and give them several beatings. But if circuit, presiding. it to conference for the composing reoccupy pene- lows: Court called the and all tinued at the first term of the court, trate the country beyond to a con- our small minority amaes among 11- grand jurors of differences between the house D. T. fireman, first class answered to their names. S. J. and before the next court who siderable as far as self, then, of course, we can do Blakely, Link, Kay and senate. depth, possibly Floyd Coltengin, fireman, second who presides on Press and Bannur was out on bond ran away from his Munich, while a fleet would blockade nothing.' The house then adopted the con- class; Roman Fieckles,, blacksmith; block was selected as foreman of the bon(/man. He was located sometime the port of Hamburg. They declared There is little question but that ference on the tariff measure John Joseph Galcher, machinists grand jury. ago in New York and brought back report objects of these movements would be the Democrats will agree with their 205 to 127 and sent it to the sen- mate, first class; George Joseph Zi- Solicitor Blackwell handed up a to Abbeville.
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