PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862. VOL. 12. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5, 1873. rEBMS $8.00 per ANNUM IN ADVANCE- THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS TO LEI. REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS. *3*; an.-'len times more than enough, _MISCELLANEOUS. ron’ active Hte to make Published every (Sundays excepted) the r , p'ace day by for olhe,s^ ? 1 ather than House to Let. tRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 5. 1873 tail,,.. go „n accumulating PORTLANU PUBLISHING CO., F. G. Patterson’s Real Estate Lost. gigantic »«, become curses to 57 Pafk Street, containing ten rooms. WINO &SONS “Our Great owner* and the the of an Etruscan Gold and Offer.” their vicinity State St., Gas, Furnace, Sebago, Water Closet, Coal community. After all, At 109 Exchange St. Pobtlaxd. BULLETIN. Pearl The ilnuer will be re- HOUSE can oo.v IN Ear-rinj. suitably House, &c. Ren* $550. Apply to Gossip and Gleanings. if idleness be made and warded by leaving It at the store of Messrs. j. A. • respectable Tfkms Elpht Pollan* a In advance To BENJ. FOGG. desirable labor Year Men ill 159 Middle Street. de4d1w* by making vulgar, we trust ad- Money ,10 Loan. & Co., de4dtf Corner of Fore& St eets. •tail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year If paid In Exchange that the American gentleman of leisure will vauee. first class Real Estate in Portland, A hint to city residents—Throw out a few Secuiity, be as rare iu the future as be has beeu in the ONor vicinity—Rents taxes &c., on Found. PIANOS! JOSIAH BURLEIGH collected, paid, To Let, crumbs to the pigeons during the winter. THE PRESS Ccmmi'-sion. Houses bought and sola. Applv to F. WALLET containing a small sum, which the past. MAINe'sTATE G. Front Rooms with or without bonrd. Also ou PATTERSON, Dealer in Real Office 13 owner can have at 12 Street. We are the whole, that Estate, A by ealliug Poplar a f.w boarders wanted at 133 Pearl St. glad, every Morning at $2 50 a Fiueut Block. oc4dtf of de4*3t TWO it essential is published every Thursday Enquire Daniel Jeiferds. dec3 *dlw Jobber and Retailer Christmas carol for New York City Hall— American deems to belong to year, if paid iu advance, at $2 00 a year. to belong to omething, to sustain out the old the new.” somebody, of Lost Nov. 28th. “Ring riug. in, some relation to some or Rates of Advertising : One inch spacs, For Sale To Let. (Successor! to DOANE, WING * CUSHING.) active industry, en- a Locust Street and foot of Waterville — or — or to be counted in at ength of column, constitutes “square. No. 42 Pleasant Street. Inquire at the or unfurnished Rooms to let at terprise, charity, some week; 75 cents per a Gold BREAST PIN. The finder 50 per square daily first HOUSEHouse from 2 to 5 o’clock P. M. BETWEENSt., lady's No. 2 Tolman Place. “This is the rock of the .ee useful lorces of tic or El conwnu- will be sui rewarded it at 167 Con- FURNISHED ages;” said father, point among society, w ‘ek after; three Insertions, less, 00; Portland. Oct. 13th. ocl3dtf ably by leaving dec3 tf first 50 cents. Street. de4*lw is the better and the happier for it, and he ng every other day after week, gress rockiug two hours, and the baby still awake. or 75 to and of Half square, three insertions less, cents; one To Let. helps sustain the honor self-respect week, f 1 00; 50 cents per week after. For Sale in the Town of West- Active Agents Wanted. CLOTHING, all those with whom labor is a constant ne- Notices, one third additional. No. 29 Street. Apply to The American Piano. Special brook. Myrtle An Illinois farmer lately sold two loads of —Scribner'». Under head of “Amusements,” and “Auction sell a new article. Sells at sight. Address or HOUSE JEFFERSON COOLIDGE, cessity. Street. Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions FINE residence one-lialf mile from the Railroad TOcall on GOODALL & SHANNON, deldtf 88 Commercial pork by the cord. or less $ 1 50. A Depot s, Post-office, good Schools and Churches, de2dlw* 15 Fluent Block. 89 Middle Street, Tribulations of a Local Editor. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State six miles fr ru Portland; House and Ell two stories Dan a Press” has a circulation in thirteen finished double with marble TO LET! An Iowa matron of The ury News says: Once upon (wli'ch large every part rooms, parlor." W an t ed—Situation. first premiums. occupies the position of the State) for $1 00 per square lor first mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in lime a was dead insertion, Pleasant Rooms With Board. OFFERS FOR mother-in-law to sixteen men. Ami local editor dreamed that be and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- good repair, painted and blinded, Barn 40 x GO on the a YOUNG MAN to work In a Grocery Store, abject tion. contain excellent and in another world. He tbe premises; grounds 154 acres, land, BYor drive a team. Address nolOeodtf At 30J High St., S. S KNI .HT. Illinois State 1870. people talk of slavery away off in Cuba! approached Address all communications to well fenced. 30 apple and pear trees, 4 acrP choice de2*lw “A. Press Office. Fair, S.,” :;ate of a city be foie him and knocked tor PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. strawberries, three good wells of water upon thephice Alabama State 1871. IS DAYS and cistern in the cellar under whole Fair, no sum- good cellar, TO will wear same admittance, but one answered bis fine cement ornamented LETi Ladies, this w’nter, the " House, bottom; grounds VESSEL WASTED. Ohio finest resi- State Fair, 1871 & 1872. mons. Tbe remained closed him. with fine shade trees. This is one oi the Tenemeut. Call at 19V — — wore gate agaiust Small . HI* things they last year—if they can't buy BUSINESS CARDS. dences in the county. Terms easy. Enquire of 3. R. VESS EL to load Knees for the Yard Newbury Street. Texas State Fair, 1872. then he cried aloud lor an entrance, but tbe Davis & Co., Portland, or Otis Brown, Westbrook. A Ship Navy others. at D. C. mar21tf Washington, no20tf_ Numerous Fairs. only response were scores of heads appearh g ROSS & STURDIVANT, County Captain of schoouer—“What ’a’ you cot L. TAYLOR, To Let. $50,000 there, Pat?” Pat (whc lias been laying in above the wall on each s de of the gate. At FOR SALE. room over with or WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS ITS COIHHEBCIAL STKEKT. PARLOR and square it, some firewood and and sight of birn the owners of tbe beads set up without smaller rooms. potatoes)—“Timber LOT of vacant situated on the west side A board; also, i'rom Mr. fruit land, del If no7dtf No. 4 Cotton Street. Edward Hoffman, the celebrated Piauist yer houor!”—Punch. a dismal bowl, and one ot them cried: “Why 170 Commercial Portland. of between Pleasant and Danforth, Sts. St., A High, “I conscientiously bc’Ieve that Piano is in Stock of Men’s and Boys’ didn’t notice the 1 This lot has a front of about 61 feet and is about 194 your you big egg gave you?’’ every a mostt sale and of a Board. respect mayniriceut instrument.**. Sole agents in Maine for the shipment feet deep, and plans have been drawn b How, lor Wanted——Situation ! Room to Let wilh No wonder the Midland At this horrid and most unexpecled interro- block of seven or nine and convenient resi- Railway Company the Celebrated Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- genteel iront ROOM with board, at 33 State Form ihe“ gation, tbe poor iocal turned in tbe direction and for the same. of * Independent” of is able to make a More & of dences, adapted Enquire By a young man to drive a team, or to FURNISHEDStreet, corner ot Gray. no4dtf CLOTHING England spread. ol tbe voice 10 Ir ani its when another mett Neill Co., Philadelphia. EDWIN CHURCHILL, “The American Piano has deservedly become owner, than were We have also for sale at lowest market price, No. 4 Portland Pier, learn a trade Wages not so much of an very popular iustr* uncut.” 11,000 umbrellas lost in its coaches voice shrieked, “Where s the piece you were From 12 to 2 o’clock. P. 2f. To Let. tVilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, and Pittstoa mar28 object, but want work. Addres — AKD — and stations in one year. going to write about my soda tountulli?* and Coals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- well built Brick House situated on the wes- Purchasers* testimonials from all parts of the U. S. close upon this was the awtul demand: “Why sels for the of coals from “0. Press Office. side and near the toot of Pearl street. procart.J tranportation G.,” THEterly did you write a piece abort old Fold e's rt of shipment any desired. tfanr27 The “Limerick of WATERHOUSE & CO. point House,” Enquire EMERY, You may hope and hope till your heart fence and never a word about i.ew deltf_ oc20 dtf say my Goods grows s ck; but when you send your hoy up gate?’ Whatever answer he was going to FOR SALE. Wanted. WARRANTED SEVEN YEARS Furnishing FUJtTLANl) (7) the for all frame to this was cut off by bv an Experienced Dre.amak- Rooms To Let. chimney, he’ll come down black appeal abrup ly suo-enber offers for sale his ITotel er.
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