Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 Appendix: Plant Lists Pei Shengji et al. plant list; Top 100 species of medicinal plants in the Chinese Himalayan region, based on usage (most important, most frequently used, in a variety of traditional medical systems in the area) and in urgent need of conservation Family Scientific Name Distribution areas and altitude range Clavicipitaceae Cordyceps sinensis SC; GS; XZ; QH 3600–4000m (Thallophyta) Pinaceae Picea smithiana XZ 2000–3200m Araliaceae Panax pseudo-ginseng var. SC; GS; XZ; QH 2500–2800m bipinnatifidus Berberidaceae Sinopodophyllum hexandrum SC; GS; XZ; QH 2800–3500m Bignoniaceae Incarvillea compacta QH 2400–4600m Campanulaceae Adenophora lilifolioides SC; XZ; QH 3000–3500m Arenaria kansuensis GS; QH; XZ; SC 4000–4500m Caryophyllaceae Arenaria przewalsikii QH; GS 3000–4200m Psammosilene tunicoides YN;SC Artemisia hedinii SC; YN; QH; XZ 2900–4700m Aster souliei YN; SC; XZ; QH 3300–4600m Asteraceae Anaphalis lactea GS; SC; QH 2000–4200m Cirsium souliei GS; SC; QH; XZ 2900–4200m Cremanthodium humile GS; SC; QH 3700–4700m Leontopodium dedekensii QH; SC; YN 2900–4400m Ligularia virgaurea GS; QH; SC; YN 2700–4400m Pyrethrum tatsienense GS; SC; YN; XZ; QH 3500–4500m Soroseris hookeriana ssp. erysimoides GS; SC; XZ; QH 3000–4700m Saussurea eopygmaea QH; XZ 3400–5000m Saussurea medusa GS; SC; QH; YN; XZ 3900–5000m Saussurea obvallata QH; GS; SC; XZ 3800–5000m Saussurea tangutica GS; SC; QH; YN; XZ 3800–5200m Pterocephalus hookeri QH; SC; XZ 4000–4600m Rhodiola juparensis QH; XZ 4200–4800m Rhodiola crenulata YN; SC; XZ; QH 2800–5600m Crassulaceae Rhodiola algida var. tangutica QH; GS; XZ 2000–4700m Rhodiola dumulosa SC; GS; QH 3000–3800m © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2011 DOI: 10.1163/157342109X569035 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 12:59:05AM via free access 434 Appendix: Plant Lists / Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 Table (cont.) Family Scientific Name Distribution areas and altitude range Brassicaceae Pegaeophyton scapiflora XZ; SC; YN; QH 3700–5400m Solms-Laubachia eurycarpa QH 4400–4700m Cynomoriaceae Cynomorium songaricum GS; QH 2700–2900m Rhododendron nigropunctatum QH; SC 3800–4500m Rhododendron przewalskii QH; GS; SC 2900–4700m Ericaceae Rhododendron websterianum SC; QH 3900–4400m Rhododendron anthopogon GS; QH; SC 3000–4900m Geraniaceae Geranium pylzowianum QH; GS; SC; YN; XZ 2200–4000m Dipsacaceae Morina alba QH; GS; SC; YN 4000–4500m Gentiana dahurica QH; GS; SC; YN; XZ 1800–3600m Gentiana przewalskii QH; GS; SC; XZ 3800–4400m Gentiana officinalis QH 2300–4200m Gentiana straminea QH; GS; SC; XZ 2500–4700m Gentianaceae Gentiana urnula QH; XZ 4800m Swertia wolfangian QH; GS; SC 2900–4600m Swertia franchetiana GS; SC; QH; XZ 2200–3600m Swertia mussotii SC; QH 3600–3800m Swertia tetraptera SC; GS; QH 2000–4200m Eriophyton wallichii QH; SC; YN; XZ 3800–4500m Dracocephalum heterophyllum GS; XZ; QH 2000–4500m Lamiophlomis rotata QH; GS; SC; YN 2700–4500m Lamiaceae Nepeta coerulescens QH; GS; SC; XZ 2900–4400m Salvia przewalskii GS; QH; SC; YN; XZ 3000–4000m Astragalus tanguticus QH; SC; GS 2700–4800m Caragana jubata QH; GS; SC; XZ 3000–4700m Fabaceae Caragana tibetica QH; GS; SC; XZ 3800–4600m Hedysarum multijugum QH; GS; XZ; 2800–4200m Oxytropis yunnanensis QH; YN; SC 4500–4900m Fritillaria delavayi YN; SC; XZ; QH 4400–4700m Fritillaria unibracteata QH; SC 2700–4000m Liliaceae Fritillaria cirrhosa QH; SC About 4400m Trillium tschonoskii SC; YN; GS Orchidaceae Habenaria setschuenica QH; SC3000–3300m Papaveraceae Corydalis dasyptera XZ; GS; SC; QH 3400–4600m Corydalis scaberula GS; XZ; QH 3900–4800m Meconopsis integrifolia XZ; SC; GS; YN; QH 3000–4800m Meconopsis horridula GS; XZ; QH 3800–5200m Meconopsis punicea SC; GS; QH 2800–4300m Meconopsis quintuplinervia GS; QH; XZ; SC 3200–3800m Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 12:59:05AM via free access Appendix: Plant Lists / Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 435 Table (cont.) Family Scientific Name Distribution areas and altitude range Polygalaceae Polygala sibirica QH; GS; XZ 2100–4000m Polygala tenuifolia QH; SC; GS; XZ; YN 2000–2200m Polygonaceae Polygonum macrophyllum QH; GS; SC; YN; XZ 2700–4700m Rheum tanguticum QH; SC; XZ 1700–3900m Androsace integra QH; SC; XZ About 4000m Primulaceae Primula sikkimensis YN; SC; XZ; QH 3750–4500m Primula tangutica GS; SC; XZ; QH 3000–4200m Aconitum tangutcum GS; XZ; SC; YN; QH 3200–4700m Ranunculaceae Aconitum brachypodum YN; SC 3300–4200m Clematis tangutica GS; XZ; SC; QH 2400–4000 Anemone trullifolia var. linearis GS; XZ; SC; YN; QH 3200–4500m Delphinium candelabrum var. GS; XZ; SC; QH 3500–4800m monanthum Oxygraohis glacialis GS; XZ; SC; YN; QH 2300–4800m Paeonia veitchii XZ; SC; GS; QH 2500–3600m Thalictrum squamiferum XZ; SC; YN; QH About 4200m Cimicifuga foetida GS; XZ; SC; YN; QH 2700–3700m Coptis teetoides YN; XZ Rosaceae Sibiraea laevigata GS; XZ; QH 2500–4300m Saxifraga melanocentr GS; XZ; SC; YN; QH 3000–5200m Saxifragaceae Saxifraga przewalskii GS; XZ; SC; QH 3800–5000m Saxifraga tangutica QH; GS; XZ; SC 3300–4700m Lagotis brevituba GS; XZ; QH 3000–4850m Pedicularis oliveriana QH; XZ About 4100m Scrophulariaceae Pedicularis przewalskii QH; SC; XZ 3500–4200m Przewalskia tangutica QH; GS; SC; XZ 34600–4900m Mandragora chinghaiensis QH; XZ 3650–4000m Solanaceae Anisodus tanguticus QH; GS; XZ; YN; SC 2200–4200m Notopterygium forbesii SC; QH Notopterygium incisum QH; SC; YN; GS Apiaceae Heracleum millefolium QH; SC; XZ 3200–4600m Pleurospermum hookeri var. QH; SC; YN; XZ 3400–5000m thomsonii Valerianaceae Nardostachys chinensis GS; SC; QH Above 3000m Valeriana tangutica QH; GS 3200–4300m Verbenaceae Caryopteris trichosphaera SC; YN; XZ; QH 3700–4000m Note: XZ indicates Xizang (Tibet), GS Gansu, QH Qinghai, SC Sichuan, and YN Yunnan Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 12:59:05AM via free access 436 Appendix: Plant Lists / Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 Ma Jianzhong et al. plant list; important cultivated medicinal plants in the Khawakarpo Region Latin Name Tibetan Name Medicinal Use1 Cupressus Branches and leaves used for kidney duclouxiana infection, gonorrhea; fruits used for bladder diseases, gout, liver and gall diseases Ailanthus Its resin is capable of curing infections, vilmoriniana leprosy, and headaches Hippophae Fruit is used for cough, indigestion, and rhamnoides stomachache Symplocos Leaves are used for digestive diseases sumuntia Tinospora Vines are used for improving lung functions cordifolia and rheumatism Carthamus Flowers are used for liver diseases and tinctorius gynecological disorders; seeds are used for skin problems (pimples and sores/skin ulcers) Styrax Its resin is capable of curing phylogenic tonkinensis infections Inula helenium Roots are used for indigestion, alleviating pain and curing fevers Aucklandia Plant is used for abdominal pains, lung lappa diseases, as an anti-pyretic and for diarrhea Paris polyphylla This plant is not used in Khawakarpo Tibetan medicine, but is planted as a cash crop Dracocephalum Plant is used to treat hepatitis, edema, tanguticum headaches Gentiana This plant addresses haemostatic problems crassicaulis and relieves swelling Terminalia Plant is used to address dysentery and bellerica balding/hair loss Strychnos Plant reduces swelling, kills pain and relieves nux-vomica sore throats Schisandra Plant improves arterial circulation and chinensis digestion, is an anti-pyretic and helps treat diarrhea Cinnamomum Plant addresses liver and gall bladder cassia diseases, colds and stomachaches 1 Sources include information obtained from local doctors as well as consultation with Yang and Cuceng 1987. Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 12:59:05AM via free access Appendix: Plant Lists / Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 437 Kalden Nyima’s Plant Lists Tibetan Chinese pinyin Latin List #1 Most critically endangered 1. 手掌参 shou zhang shen Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. 2. 毛瓣绿绒蒿 mao ban lü rong hao Meconopsis torquata Prain 3. 矮紫堇 ai zi jin (ni po er Corydalis nepalensis Kitam. (尼泊尔黄堇) huang jin) 4. 辐冠党参 fu guan dang shen Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz 5. 红景天 hong jing tian Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f. et Thoms.) H. Ohba 6. 迟熟箩蒂 chi shou luo di Lloydia serotina Reichb. 7. 无茎芥 (高山辣 wu jing jie (gao shan Pegaeophyton scapiflorum 根菜) la gen cai) (Hook.f. et Thoms.) Marg 8. 乌奴龙胆 wu nu long dan Gentiana urnula H. Smith 9. 蓖齿虎耳草 bi chi hu er cao (lian Saxifraga sp.1 (莲座虎耳草) zuo hu er) 10. 肉叶金要 rou ye jin yao Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook.f. et Thoms. 11. 黄毛翠雀花 huang mao cui que Delphinium chrysotrichum Finet hua et Gagnepain 12. 甘松 gan song Nardostachys jatamansi D.C. List #2 Threatened species 1. 秸梗科高山党参 jie geng ke gao shan Codonopsis nervosa dang shen 2. 甘青乌头 gan qing wu tou Aconitum tanguticum (船形乌头) (chuan xing wu tou) 3. 水母雪莲 shui mu xue lian Saussurea medusa 4. 梭砂贝母 suo sha bei mu Fritillaria delavayi Franch 5. 卷叶贝母 juan ye bei mu Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don 6. 龙胆科大花龙胆 long dan ke da hua Gentiana szechenyi Kanitz long dan 7. 兔耳草 tu er cao Lagotis brevituba Maxim. 8. 黄莲 huang lian Coptis teetoides C.Y. Cheng 9. 西马拉雅紫茉莉 xi ma la ya zi mo li Mirabilis himalaica (Edgew.) Heim 1 Editors’ note: Kalden Nyima identified this plant as Saxifraga umhellulata Hook.f. et Thoms. (as sum cu tig ta is also identified in Gawai Dorje’s book), but it seems that this name is no longer used for any species of Saxifraga. Thus, we have chosen to identify merely to the genus level here, in contrast to the author’s choice. Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 12:59:05AM via free access 438 Appendix: Plant Lists / Asian Medicine 5 (2009) 433–440 Table (cont.) Tibetan Chinese pinyin Latin 10. 马尿泡 ma niao pao Przewalskia tangutica Maxim. 11. 当归 dang gui Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels 12. 臭虱草 chou shi cao Pulicaria insignis Drumm. ex Dunn List #3 Species at risk 1. 翼首草 yi shou cao Pterocephalus hookeri (C.B. Clarke) Hoeck. 2.
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