Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 15/18 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-31. August Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Weiter Protest gegen Nationalstaatsgesetz ................................................................................................................... 1 2. Zwischen Krieg und Waffenstillstand ............................................................................................................................. 3 3. Abschied von Uri Avnery ................................................................................................................................................. 6 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 1. Weiter Protest gegen Nationalstaatsgesetz setz zu annullieren. Die Klageführer_innen mei- Der Streit um das Nationalstaatsgesetz ließ nen, dass das neue Gesetz „das Recht auf Israels Abgeordneten trotz Sommerpause der Gleichheit und das Recht auf Würde“ verletze. Knesset keine Ruhe. Im Verlauf der außeror- Justizministerin Ayalet Shaked kommentierte, dentlichen Debatte um das drei Wochen zuvor dass es ein „Erdbeben“ geben werde, wenn die verabschiedete Grundgesetz „Israel – National- Richter gegen das Nationalstaatsgesetz ent- staat des jüdischen Volkes“ schimpfte Oppositi- scheiden. onschefin Zipi Livni vom Zionistischen Lager auf Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu, dessen The best answer to post-Zionism Regierung „Hass und Angst“ verbreite. Für den (...) This state is defined as Jewish because that is Abgeordneten Ahmed Tibi von der antizionisti- the purpose of its existence; the democratic aspect schen Vereinten Liste ist das neue Grundgesetz is merely the preferred form of government. (...) The nichts anderes als Apartheid, denn es halte eine fact that Israel is a Jewish state has always been self-evident. But some Jews have recently begun to „Hierarchie fest mit Bürgern, denen alles zu- question the righteousness of the Zionist path. steht, ein Kollektiv auf gehobenem Status“ und Following his retirement, former Supreme Court jenen, „die keine Juden sind – ohne Rechte“. Chief Justice Aharon Barak told a New Israel Fund Das Wort Arabisch tauche in dem Gesetz nur conference he was in favor of a "state of all its citi- ein einziges Mal auf, bemerkte Tibi während der zens," thereby exposing the line behind his rulings, sommerlichen Debatte, „und zwar im negativen which eroded Zionism when he harmed the Jewish Kontext, denn Arabisch wird als Amtssprache settlement enterprise. (...) This same progressive abgeschafft“. Noch, so hofft die Opposition, ist fashion guides the rulings that thwart any attempt to der Kampf nicht vorbei. Am 5. und am 12. Au- expel illegal migrants, the destruction of Jewish gust fanden in Tel Aviv Massendemonstartion settlements in Judea and Samaria for destruction's gegen das Gesetz statt, an denen Zehntausen- sake, the High Court of Justice's assistance in enab- ling the Bedouin takeover of the Negev and the de jüdische und arabische Bürger_innen teil- court's outstanding responsiveness to petitions from nahmen. Beim Obersten Gerichtshof liegen Arabs and the Left. Such is the painful situation that inzwischen mehrere Klagen unterschiedlicher demanded we legislate what once was obvious. The Gruppen vor – u.a. der Meretz-Partei, das Ge- 1 nation-state law is an interesting test, a test of Zio- embodied liberalism, would be appalled by any nism, reading comprehension and logic. (...) nation-state legislation that excludes integral equali- Boaz Haetzni, IHY, 01.08.18 ty language. The only possible explanation is that their ideological descendants have surrendered to Unconditional loyalty to the country religious political pressure. (...) (...) Israel is democratic only because it is a Jewish Avinoam Bar-Yosef, JPO, 11.08.18 state. If it isn't Jewish, it simply won't exist. The nation-state law (...) does not focus on human rights Night of honor, night of disgrace or individual rights or the rights of ethnic groups. Saturday night’s protest march through the streets of These are all spelled out in the Basic Law: Human Tel Aviv and the demonstration that concluded it Dignity and Liberty. (...) Israel as the Nation-State of were a badge of honor for civic society in Israel. (...) the Jewish People does not contradict the other Jews and Arabs, marched shoulder to shoulder in a basic laws; it complements them by discussing the joint struggle against the disgrace of the nation-state aspect of identity in the existing basic laws. Only the law and for equality for all of the state’s citizens. (...) Jewish people have national rights in the Land of It wasn’t just the Arab community, but everyone who Israel. All other peoples can enjoy full civil rights values democracy that together shouted “no” to the such as self-determination. The nation-state law nation-state law. (...) Saturday night’s protest must seeks to block the Arabs' nationalist aspirations and not be a one-time event. It’s key lesson isn’t just that their demands in the Land of Israel. I call on my Jews and Arabs joining forces can generate a me- Druze brethren (...) not to take us down a slippery aningful protest against the most right-wing nationa- slope and leave us in the abyss. Between us and list government in Israel’s history. (...) It’s not neces- the Jewish people, there is a long-standing alliance, sary to agree on everything to protest together on and we want this alliance to continue to exist. (...) behalf of a joint goal. We should no longer fear We must not do what some of the Druze protesters cooperation between the Jewish majority and the are doing by echoing the lying Palestinian narrative. Arab minority. We need to fight together. (...) We must stick to historical facts. Editorial, HAA, 12.08.18 Ata Farhat, IHY, 03.08.18 The proof is in the protest Israel´s nation-state law: Not unnecessary but (...) Palestine is there, on the mountain, where de- defective monstrators believe a Palestinian state free of both The Israeli Nation-State Law is not unnecessary, but a collective and individual Jewish presence should it is defective. It ignores the value of equality for be established. Israel is here, in the place where every newborn, for every human being. (...) Favors protest organizers believe a binational state should to the Druze and Circassion minorities in return for be established, one that will peacefully exist a- their exercising good citizenship, which should be longside that Palestinian nation-state on the moun- highly regarded and respected, are cold comfort. tain. Demonstrators could have sufficed with ag- They would merely create a third, in between class reeing to erase the Star of David from the Israeli of Israelis. Perhaps the equality excluded is not flag. (...) It would have been nearly impossible to directed at minorities at all, but rather at the various bury one's head in the concrete of Tel Aviv's Rabin streams of the Jewish majority. (...) Judaism is coun- Square and misunderstand what Saturday's de- ted as a religion and sometimes as a civilization, but monstration was really about. (...) The Knesset's it is also a nationality. (...) There are 22 states where enactment of the nation-state law (...) was a decisive Arabic is the official language, so granting Arabic victory against the will of the vast majority in the special status in Israel without any impact on its Middle East and a noisy minority in Israel. While previous standing sounds reasonable. (...) A scan of negotiations over the future of other parts of the land the history of opposition, to clauses of equality in of Israel are still ongoing, protest organizers have Israeli legislation, suggests that it may have more to another vision for "Little Israel," that is, Israel within do with divisions among Jews themselves than the 1967 borders. The nation-state law puts their Israeli Arabs and other minorities. The traditional vision of a binational state with equality of collective opposition to the language of equality has come rights for all forever on hold. These demands, publi- from the Orthodox political parties attempting to shed in detail over a decade ago, were a bitter pill to preserve their monopoly over Judaism. (...) Mena- swallow in Hebrew. It is certainly unpleasant to hear chem Begin, the legendary right-wing leader, who your neighbors say they do not recognize your right 2 to self-determination in your own country. But this is Hilfswerk für palästinensische Flüchtlinge, auf rund much more pleasant to the ears in Arabic. (...) Radi- ein Sechstel der üblichen Zahlungen reduzierte und cal post-Zionism has never been more warmly emb- in Zukunft komplett einstellen will. Die Regierung in raced. (...) In Russia, these people, who firmly belie- Jerusalem ist innenpolitisch der Forderung ausge- ve in the overarching principle of equality but would setzt, den anhaltenden Angriffen aus dem Gaza- never have contemplated arming themselves with streifen ein Ende zu setzen. Weder Israel noch der gay pride flags at Saturday's protest, would be refer- Hamas könnte ein Krieg Vorteile verschaffen. Die red to as "useful idiots." These same bleeding he- Besatzungstruppen in den Gazastreifen zurückzu- arts demand equality in the distribution of the burden schicken, ist für Israel aktuell keine Option, und ein in society, but only among the Jews, and exalt the Sturz der Hamas hätte unabsehbare Folgen. Die Declaration of Independence but bow their heads to Hamas würde mit einem
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