SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SCO COUNTRIES: SYNERGY AND INTEGRATION 上合组织国家的科学研究:协同和一体化 Materials of the Date: International Conference August 31 Beijing, China 2019 上合组织国家的科学研究:协同和一体化 国际会议 参与者的英文报告 International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Part 3: Participants’ reports in English 2019年8月31日。中国北京 August 31, 2019. Beijing, PRC Materials of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English. Part 3 (August 31, 2019. Beijing, PRC) ISBN 978-5-905695-51-3 这些会议文集结合了会议的材料 - 研究论文和科学工作 者的论文报告。 它考察了职业化人格的技术和社会学问题。 一些文章涉及人格职业化研究问题的理论和方法论方法和原 则。 作者对所引用的出版物,事实,数字,引用,统计数据,专 有名称和其他信息的准确性负责 These Conference Proceedings combine materials of the conference – research papers and thesis reports of scientific workers. They examines tecnical and sociological issues of research issues. Some articles deal with theoretical and methodological approaches and principles of research questions of personality professionalization. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited publications, facts, figures, quotations, statistics, proper names and other information. ISBN 978-5-905695-51-3 ©Scientific publishing house Infinity, 2019 © Group of authors, 2019 CONTENT ECONOMICS 综合评估贸易公司的竞争力 Integrated assessment of the competitiveness of a trading company Nyurenberger Larisa Вorisovna, Sewruikov Ivan Yurevich, Sevostyanova Olesya Gennadievna......................................................................12 国际市场知名服装品牌绩效指标研究 Research of performance indicators of well-known clothing brands in international markets Leushina Olga Vladimirovna, Luchina Natalya Aleksandrovna, Shchetinina Natalya Anatolevna.........................................................................18 餐饮客户服务组织的特点 Features of the organization of customer service in catering Yakshigulov Rustam Airatovich............................................................................29 新西伯利亚地区疗养院和度假服务市场的现状和发展前景 The current state and development prospects of the market of sanatorium and resort services in the Novosibirsk region Sewruikov Ivan Yurevich, Kvita Galina Nikolaevna, Arshinova Anna Nikolaevna...............................................................................37 基于创新的酒店企业发展现代趋势 Modern trends in the development of hotel enterprises based on innovation Nyurenberger Larisa Вorisovna, Shchetinina Natalya Anatolevna, Kiselev Sergey Petrovich......................................................................................43 JURISPRUDENCE 孔子作为亚太地区睦邻关系基础的哲学法律思想 Philosophic and Legal Ideas of Confucius as a Basis for the Foundation of Good- Neighborly Relations in Asian Pacific Region Ivanov Aleksandr Mikhailovich............................................................................47 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES 俄罗斯和中国实施高等教育联合教育计划的现状和前景 Current status and prospects for the implementation of joint educational programs of higher education in Russia and China Guruleva Tatiana Leonidovna.............................................................................53 未来专业活动的单身汉“艺术和美学准备”概念的精髓 The essence of the concept «Artistic and aesthetic readiness» of bachelors for future professional activities Stepanova Galina Alekseevna, Pupkova Marina Stanislavovna..........................58 学生在教育过程中的动机问题及其解决方案的可能策略 The problem of motivation of students within the educational process and possible strategies for its solution Uvarov Valerii Igorevich....................................................................................63 准备学生使用的现代趋势在教育研究中应用统计学 Modern trends in preparing students for the use оf applied statistics in pedagogical research Grushevsky Sergey Pavlovich, Shelekhova Lyudmila Valerevna.......................69 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES BILOTHERAPY。 声音治疗的新方向 BILOTHERAPY. New direction in sound therapy Doroshkevich Aleksandr Nikolaevich................................................................75 适应另一种语言环境的华人的亲子关系概念(以FEFU的中国新生为例) Concepts of the parent-child relations of ethnic Chinese who are in conditions of adaptation to another language environment (on the example of Сhinese freshman students of the FEFU) Jan Zhang, Khmelevskaya Olga Evgenievna, Yavorskaya Marina Vladimirovna......................................................................80 代表适应其他语言环境的华人的亲子关系(例如,来自中国的学生,DVFU第 一年的学生) Features of motivation in the perception of musical works in representatives of the young generation Sazonova Irina Georgievna................................................................................92 HISTORICAL SCIENCES 18世纪下半叶年轻贵族道德品质的形成(以早期俄罗斯儿童文学为基础) The forming of moral qualities of young nobles in the second half of the 18th century (based on early Russian children's literature) Istomina Irina Vladimirovna.............................................................................100 MEDICAL SCIENCES 预防与医疗有关的感染的问题 Questions of prevention of infections related with medical care Smetanin Victor Nikolaevich ............................................................................104 PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 关于未来药剂师社会责任能力形成的问题 To the question of the formation of the competence of social responsibility of the future pharmacist Kareva Nina Nikolaevna, Shvetsova Valeria Dmitrievna..................................108 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 超临界CO2萃取用于广泛压力和温度下人参微生物灭活的应用 The Use of Supercritical CO2 Extraction for Microbial Inactivation of Panax ginseng using a Wide Range of Pressures and Temperatures Razgonova Mayya Petrovna, Zakharenko Alexander Mikhailovich, Golokhvast Kyrill Sergeyevich,.......................................................................112 在与阿穆尔地区的中国领土边界上形成和特征的组合规律和特征相结合的自 然疫源地 The laws of formation and characteristic combined natural foci trematodoses on the border with China territories of the Amur region Ushakov Aleksej Vladimirovich...........................................................................124 越南中北部淡水水体中中华绒螯蟹的第一中间宿主分布和寄生生物 Distribution and parasitofauna of the first intermediate hosts of pathogens Сlonorchis sinensis in freshwater bodies of North and Central Vietnam Fattakhov Rail Gabdulkhakovich, Bui Thi ThanNga.......................................132 VETERINARY SCIENCES 猫的胃肠道疾病的临床和形态学表现,经常食用乳糖 Clinical and morphological manifestations of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of cats with regular consumption of lactose Kozlova Mariia Nikolaevna...............................................................................138 GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES 楚科奇自治区人口规模和性别年龄结构变化的后果 Consequences of changes in the size and sex-age structure of the population in the Chukotka Autonomous District Ushakova Valentina Leonidovna......................................................................144 ART HISTORY 土库曼人的史诗传统 Epic tradition of Turkmen people Kurbanov Murad Kakadjanovich....................................................................151 土库曼歌曲传统的体裁和结构特征 Genre and structural features of Turkmen song heritage Kurbanova Djamilya Azimovna.......................................................................158 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 提高农业组织粮食生产的经济效益 Improving the economic efficiency of grain production in agricultural organizations Lisenkova Elena Vladimirovna, Zubrenkova Olga Anatolievna, Kulagina Natalia Anatolievna..........................................................................165 利用池塘生态系统生物量的饲料生长澳大利亚小龙虾的经验 Еxperience of growing australian crayfish using feeds from the biomass of pond ecosystems Lagutkina Lina Yurievna, Kuzmina Evgeniia Germanovna, Pershina Elena Viktorovna...............................................................................173 TECHNICAL SCIENCE 在热采矿中打击蒸汽突破 Fighting steam breakthroughs in thermal mining Nor Mikhail Alekseevich...................................................................................180 PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS 构建最简单的六边形晶格的立方体发生器矩阵 Building the matrix of cube-generator of the simplest hexagonal crystal lattice Fomin Denis Vasilyevich, Eremin Ilya Evgenievich.....................................184 Foreword We thank all participants of our conference "Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration" for the interest shown, for your speeches and reports. Such a wide range of participants, representing all the countries that are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, speaks about the necessity and importance of this event. The reports of the participants cover a wide range of topical scientific problems and our joint interaction will contribute to the further development of both theoretical and applied modern scientific research by scientists from different countries. The result of the conference was the participation of 83 authors from 8 countries (China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan). This conference was a result of the serious interest of the world academic community, the state authorities of China and the Chinese Communist Party to preserve and strengthen international cooperation in the field of science. We also thank our Russian partner Infinity Publishing House for assistance in organizing the conference, preparing and publishing the conference proceedings in Chinese Part and English Part. I hope that the collection of this conference will be useful to a wide range of readers. It will help to consider issues, that would interest the public, under a new point of view. It will also allow to find contacts among scientists of common interests. Fan Fukuan, Chairman of the organizing committee of the conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”
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