Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Utah State Magazine Publications 5-1947 The Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 24 No. 3, May 1947 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine Recommended Citation Utah State University, "The Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 24 No. 3, May 1947" (1947). Utah State Magazine. 69. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine/69 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah State Magazine by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Alumni Association Members Elec + Five Councilors To Take Office July I For Three Year Term Ray L. Lillywhite . Secretary He be1· Bennion Jr.... Recently ap­ Erwin (Scotty) Clement • • • of Utah 'Teacher retirement plan. pointed Utah Secretary of State. Employed by Vets A(lministration. Pictured above are five alumni who will serve on the Alumni Council beginning July 1, 194 7 for a three year term. They were selected from a field of 15 candidates and ballots were mailed into the Alumni Associ­ ation office in Logan. Ray L. Lillywhite '35 has been t.x­ ecutive sec1 etary of the Utah State Teachers' Retirement System since its organization in 1927. He is also on the executive committee of the National Council on Teacher Retire­ ment. H e is active in scouting, Inter­ mountain Radio Council, Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Am­ erican Legion. H e makes his home in Salt La.ke City. H eber B (! nnion Jr. '12 was recently appointed by Gov. Herbert B. Maw as Secretary of State to 1ep1ace E . E. Monson, deceased. H e is acting governor when Maw is out of the .::ltate. Upon graduation from Utah State he became principal of Lehi Mrs. Lucile Owen Petty . Was Vern B. Muir ... Former Logan high school and held the position dean of women at \IVeber college. city commissioner and grocer. for five years. He then went into the livestock business in Dagget county and still operates his ranch tion in the European theater. city commissioner and at the present and stock business there. He repre­ 1\'lrs. Lucile Owen Petty '26 is a 1 time is serving on a short-term sented Dagget county in five regular member of the Ogden city board of mission for the LDS church in north­ sessions of the state legislature and education from the fifth municipal was speaker of the house in 1939. ern California. He has operated district, being the first woman elect­ Envin "Scotty" Clement '37 is em­ stores and ranches in Utah, Idaho, ployed by the Veterans Administra­ ed to that position. She is a former Nevada, Wyoming and Nebraska. tion in Twin Falls, Idaho. He is a dean of women at Weber college and The nominating committee consist­ former Alumni Secretary holding the is the mother of eight children. She ed of Leonard McDonald '39, Parley position from 1937 until 1941 when is married to Dr. Russell B. Petty, h e entered the army. He was award­ l{ilburn '31, Jack Qroft '24, Allau ed the bronze star and the French prominent dentist of Ogden. West '32, Gronway Parry '14 and croix de guerre for gallantry in ac- Vern B. Muir '22 is a former Logan Mrs. Bernice Gray, acting secretary. Page 2 UTAH STATE ALUMNI QUARTERLY . Outstanding Speakers Published Quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni .Asao­ Coming to USAC For ciation. Entered as second-class matter at the poet office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897. 194 7 Commencement Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Moulton, past Vol.. XXIV May, 1947 Number 3. bishop of the Episcopal Church of Utah, and now retired, has been Mrs. Bernice Gray, Editor- chosen speaker for the Class of 1947's gradua tion exercises June 7. CONTENTS Rev. Moulton is well known in the state and is recognized for his Five Council Members Elected ........ ........ ............ .................... Page 2 excellent understanding of Utah's Commen<;:ement ................................................................ ............ Page 3 history. President Franklin S. Harris announced the selection. Life Member Elected Student Body President .............. .......... Page 3 At the same time President Harris Know Your Aggies .................................... .' ................................. Page 4 announced Dr. Joseph F . Smith, past patriarch of the LDS church, as Leonard McDonald Appointed Executive Secretary .. .............. Page 5 the baccalaureate speaker. Baccalau­ Joe Whitesides, Marvin Bell To Coach .. .. .. .............................. Page 5 r eate services on Sunday June 1 and commencement exercises the fol­ " Utah State-Crossroads of the World" .................................. Page 6 lowing Saturday will be h eld in the Society of 50 Year Graduates To Meet .................................... Page 7 field house on the campus. Degrees will be conferred on 385. Life Memberships ........................................................................ Page 7 Dr. Smith is r eturning from the Loan Fund Established ................................................................ Page 7 University of Hawaii where he has Plans For Union Building ............................................................ Page 7 been teaching, and will stop off in Logan to deliver the address on his 21st Annual Coaching School .................................................... Page 8 way to the University of Wisconsin 1926 Basketball Team Honored ................................................ Page 9 where he will teach speech this summer. For a number of years, he Denver Chapter Elects Officers ................................................ Page 10 was head of the speech department College Nursery .......................................................................... Page 11 a t the University of Utah and re­ signed to become patriarch of the Aggies Here And There .. .. ........................................................ Page 12 LDS church. With The Class of '69 .. ............................... ............................... Page 13 The commencem ent committee con- sists of Dr. Daryl Chase, Dean E. A. Aggie Marriages .................... .............. ....................................... Page 14 Jacobsen, Dean M. R. Merrill, Dean Annual Music Camp In June ...................................................... Page 14 Ca rlton Culmsee, Dr. N . W. Chris­ tiansen, Dr. Chester Myers, Mr. /.)"'!<~ News of the Armed Forces ........................................................ Page 14 Ralph J . Richards and Miss Vera Carlson. GRADUATES AND EX-AGGIES Life memberships at $25.00 or annual membership of $2.00 may now be Aggie Life Member procured by any interested person who has ever attended the USAC. Joint annual dues for husband and wife are also available at $2.50 per year and Student Body President joint life memberships at $35.00. Husbands or wives of graduates or ex­ Desmond Anderson C'48 and a life Aggies may also affiliate on an annual or life · basis. member of the Alumni Association, It is now possible for all former students who have attended the Utah was elected student body president State Agricultural College for one quarter or more to become full fledged mem­ for Utah S'ta te for the 1947-48 school bers of the Alumni Association upon payment of the dues as outlined above. year a t election held in April. Des is a na tive of Logan a nd is prominent in school affairs. This spring he Join the Alumni Association Now! was chairman of th e Junior Prom. ~anne -------------------- -------------- -------- ------- - - - --- ------ - ------- - - - - Address ------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------ Class 'rear ------------- -- - Amount Enclosed $---------------- ALUMNI OFFICERS· 1946-47 D. A. Skeen, •og ____ ____ ____ Presldent A I l ll\fNJ COUN<;IL J. Morris Christensen '21 A. Russell Croft, '20 • •• Past Presi_dent Seth T. Shaw '31 Leonard W. McDonald '39 Cantril Neilsen '28 Executive Secret a ry H oward Calder '37 Frank Stevens '37 Lloyd N. Johnson '35 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W. Adrian Wright '32 Ruby Stringham Garrett '28 Ma ry Leone Haight '44 Ray D. Garner '24 W. W. Gardner '21 Ralph S. Blackham '31' Allan M. West '32 C . .J . Sorenson '14 THE COVE-R The faculty on Commencement Day, taken by Prof. H . Reuben Reynolds. Desmond Anderson Page 3 ~ 1: 91))f. .. *""ii!iii KNOW YOUR AGGIES DR: CLAUDE E. ZOBELL Dr. Claude E. Zobell '27, director of the American Petroleum Institute and assistant director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla. Calif., bas be­ come one of the foremost men in the nation in bacteriol­ ogy. He recently was granted a U. S. patent describing a bacteriological process for in creasing the secondary re­ covery of oil. Concerning this and allied developmen ts, Mr. W. R. Boyd, Jr., president of the American Petroleum Institute recorded on the editoria l page of the current API Qua rterly: "In that spirit and dedicated to th11.t cause, the American Petroleum Institute is happy to pre­ sent to the world the results of the work of Dr. Claude E . ZoBel! in discovering the use of certain types of bacteria to increase the recovery of oil from undergcound deposits. Just what Dr. ZoBell's discovery may mean in the future, no man knows; but it is a n important one. Man has learned something new. My sincere congratula tions to Dr. ZoBel! a nd his associates for their work a nd constant willingness to assist in adding to the store of man's knowledge without hope of di rect
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