4570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 3 H. R. 7969. A bill for the relief of Mrs. THE JOURNAL Schoeppel Taylor Wiley Helina W. Czuajewski Visger; to the Com­ Smith, Maine Thomas, Utah Williams mittee on the Judiciary. On request of Mr'. McFARLAND, and by Smith, N. J. Tbye Withers unanimous consent, the reading of the Sparkman Tydings Young H . R. 7970. A bill for the relief of Regina Stennis Watkins Watanabe (Mrs. Regina Anderson); to the Journal of Friday, March 31, 1950, was Taft Wherry Committee on the Judiciary. dispensed with. By Mr. POULSON: Mr. McFARLAND. I announce that MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. BEN· H. R. 7971. A bill for the relief of Cesare APPROVAL OF BILLS Buia, Gabriella Bula, and Daniela Bula; to TON] is necessarily absent. the Committee on the Judiciary. Messages in writing from the President The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. By Mr. RABAUT: of the United States were communicated CHAPMAN], the Senator from Arkansas H. R. 7972. A bill for the relief of Joseph to the Senate by Mr. Hawks, one of his [Mr. FuLBRIGHT], the Senator from North Girardi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. secretaries, and he announced that on Carolina [Mr; GRAHAM], the Senator By Mr. ROOSEVELT: March 31, 1950, the President had ap­ H. R. 7973. A bill for the relief of John from Pennsylvania [Mr. MYERS], the Cardillo and Philip Cardillo; to the Commit­ proved and signed the fallowing acts: Senator from West Virginia [Mr. NEELY], tee on the Judiciary. S. 609. An act for the relief of Mrs. Bertie and the Senator from Plorida [Mr. PEP­ H. R. 7974. A bill for the relief ·of Jacob Graca Chan Leong; PER] are absent on public business. Reder and Erna Marcelina Frenkel Reder; to · ·s: 1543. An act to authorize the disposal of The Senator from California [Mr.· to the Committee on the Judiciary. withdrawn public tracts too small to be DOWNEY] and the Senator from Rhode By Mr. WERDEL: classed as a farm unit under the Reclamation Act; and · Island [Mr. LEAHY] are absent because of H. R . 7975. A bill to provide for the ad­ illness. mission of Misses Janet and Daisy Wong to s. 3084. An act authorizing the erection of the United States; to the Committee on the a monument to the memory of Henry Milton The Senator from Delaware [Mr. Judiciary. · Brainard at Cape Arago Light Station in Coos FREAR] and the Senator from Oklahoma By Mrs. WOODHOUSE: County, Oreg. · · [Mr. THOMAS] are absent by leave of the H. R. 7976. A bill for the relief of Lillian MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Senate on official business. M. Lanphear Collier; to the Committee on The Senator from Illinois [Mr. LUCAS] the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre­ is unavoidably detained on official busi­ sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its ness. reading clerks, announced that the PETITIONS, ETC. Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that House had agreed to the amendment of the senior Senator from New Hampshire Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions the Senate to the bill UI. R. 1758) to [Mr. BRIDGES], the junior Senator from and papers were· laid on the Clerk's desk amend the Natural Gas Act approved New Hampshire [Mr. TOBEY], and the and referred as follows: June 21. 1938; as amended. Senator from Michigan [Mr. VANDEN­ 2041. By r~r. GOODWIN: Resolution of the The message also announced that the BERG] are necessarily absent. Board of Aldermen of the City of Somerville, House had passed a bill <H. R. 7797) to The Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. Mc­ Mass., approving the liberalization of social­ provide foreign economic assistance, in security benefits; to the Committee on Ways CARTHY] is absent because of a tempo­ which it requested the concurrence of rary illness. and Means. the Senate. 2042. Also, resolution of the Board of Al­ The Senator from Oregon [Mr. dermen of the City of Somerville, Mass., fa­ The message further announced that MORSE] is detained on offidal business. voring Federal legislation to aid education the House had agreed to a concurrent The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is which will not exclude parochial-school resolution <H. Con. Res. 193) providing . .present. children; to the Committee on Education for adjournment of the House until April . EASTER RECESS and Labor. 18, 1950, in which it requested the con­ 2043. By Mr. PHILLIPS of Tfmneseee: Peti­ currence of the Senate. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the tion of the Corporation of Sevierville, .Sevier­ Senate a concurrent resolution <H. Con. COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATE viil~. Tenn., .requesting that April 11, 1951, SESSIONS . Res. 193), which was r.eag, as follows: and every 50 years thereafter be designated · Resolved, etc., That when the House ad­ as a legal holiday and named Half-Century On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by journs on Thursday, April 6, 1950, it stand Day; to the Committee on the Judiciary. unanimous consent, the Committee on adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian .Tues­ Expenditures in the Executive Depart­ day, April 18, 1950. ·ments was authorized to hold hearings at Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I any time during this week and next week move that the Senate concur in the SENATE during the sessions pf the Senate. House concurrent resolution. On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1950 Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, will . unanimous consent, the Committee on the acting majority leader tell us- (Legislative day of Wednesday, March Foreign Relations was authorized to meet The VICE PRESIDENT. The concur­ during the session of the Senate today, 29, 1950) rent resolution is not debatable. It is a CALL OF THE ROLL concurrent resolution providing for a The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Mr. McFARLAND. I suggest the ab­ House recess. on the expiration of the recess. sence of a quorum. Mr. WHERRY. Does it provide only The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ for a House recess? Harris, D. .D., ofiered the following tary will call the roll. The VICE PRESIDENT. It does. prayer. The roll was called, and the following Mr. WHERRY. It has nothing to do Almighty· God, maker of all things, Senators answered to their names: with the Senate? The VICE PRESIDENT. Not a thing judge of all men, solemnize our hearts Aiken Gillette Langer Anderson Green Lehman ·in the .world, except that the Senate has with reverential, penitential awe as in to agree to it. these holy days over which is the shadow Brewster Gurney Lodge Bricl~e r Hayden Long Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, will of a cross we follow the wounded foot­ Butler Hendrickson Mccarran the acting majority leader yield for a steps of man's best man, of love's best Byrd Hickenlooper McClellan Cain Hill McFarland que::;tion? love. Teach us anew, as we look on Him Capehart Hoey McKellar The VICE PRESIDENT. The concur­ in whose face Thy glory is revealed, the Chavez Holland McMahon rent resolution is not debatable. pretense of pride, the hollowness of am­ Connally Humphrey Magnuson Mr. WHERRY. I have no objection bition, the vanity of power, the deceit of Cordon Hunt Malone Darby Ives Martin to the consideration of the concurrent riches, the disillusionment of fame. In Donnell Jenner Maybank resolution. the set and steadfast face of that servant Douglas Johnson, Colo. Millikin Dworshak Johnson, Tex. Mundt The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ of all, who rides on to die, may we see Eastland Johnston, S. C. Murray jection, the concurrent resolution is anew the might of love, the royalty of Ecton Kefauver O'Conor agreed to. self-giving, the majesty of meekness. Ellender Kem O'Mahoney Ferguson Kerr Robertson Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, will We aslt it in the dear Redeemer's name. Flanders Kilgore Russell the acting majority leader yield? Amen. George Knowland Saltonstall Mr. McFARLAND. If I have the floor. 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4571 Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I unavoidable surpluses can be sold to con­ INVESTIGATION OF SUBVERSIVE ACTIVI­ should like to ask a question about the sumers and used. instead of taken off the TmS IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT market and largely wasted. vacation over Easter, and I ask unani­ Mr. KILGORE. Mr. President, I yield mous consent that I may address a ques­ It is apparent that because of Presi­ 5 minutes to the Senator from Massa­ tion to the acting majority leader. dent Truman's unfamiliarity with agri­ chusetts [Mr. LODGE]. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ cultural legislation he was unaware of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair jection? The Chair hears none, and the the fact that on October 31, 1949, he recognizes the Senator from Massa­ Senator may proceed. signed a piece of legislation which re­ chusetts. Mr. WHERRY. I should like to ask pealed the provision of the 1948 Agricul­ Mr. LODGE. Mr. President, ordinar­ the acting majority leader what the tral Act which would have taken effect ily it would be inappropriate for a Sena­ plans are for the Senate. We now know on January 1, 1950, providing for a sys­ tor who sits in a judicial capacity on a what the plans are for the House. What tem of production payments for potatoes subcommittee to express conclusions be­ are the plans for the Senate over Easter? and other perishable commodities. I am fore the subcommittee's studies are fin­ Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I sure the President must have been un­ ished. But the repercussions from the regret very much that I am unable to aware of the fact that when he signed present investigation into disloyalty answer the question.
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