MAY 2019 Journal Budget Highlights through 1st quarter 2019 • Originally budgeted a $79,822 surplus, • Expenditures are on pace with budget through currently trending at a $418,388 surplus. one quarter. • Conservatively budgeted for tax – already • Budgeted $100,000 for salt and an halfway to our revenue projection through additional $15,000 in the state highway one quarter. fund. Salt expenditure was under budget at $93,787 • Our property tax distribution for the first half was nearly $300,000 due to the trash • Many projects are starting in the spring, assessment and increase to inside millage. so there will be significant expenditures, but most is offset with grant or loan reimbursements. LEAF PICK-UP WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL October 1st r ou for us join A L O O K , Please morial Day Me 30am I N S I D E . at 8: ll. Ceremonyth, Ha Page 3 Walton Hills Legislation 27 llage May e Vi Village Directory at th Page 4 Illegal Dumping Page 5 Who to Contact: Social Security or Medicare? Page 6 May Recreation News Page 7 Calendar of Events www.waltonhillsohio.gov MILLION DOLLAR WIN ONE MILLION DOLLARS EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY STARTING MAY 11! Earn entries all month-long, beginning May 5. Five winners will be drawn every hour from 6PM-9PM. Activate your entries by earning tier credits at your favorite VLT machine one hour prior to each drawing time!* *YOU MUST REMOVE CARD FROM MACHINE AFTER CREDIT IS EARNED TO ACTIVATE ENTRIES. Visit M life® Rewards Desk for details 10777 Northfield Road, Northfield, OH 44067 | 330.908.7625 | MGMNorthfieldPark.com Must be 21 years or older to gamble. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. For free confidential help 24/7, call the Ohio Problem Gambling Helpline at 1.800.589.9966 or visit www.org.ohio.gov. 2 Walton Hills Journal - May 2019 Legislation Passed at the 4.16.2019 Regular Council Meeting Council meeting minutes are available in their entirety on the Village website resolution 2019-9 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transpor- tation, Office of Contracts, Purchasing services for participation in the Ohio Department of Transportation's contract for rock salt, and declaring an emergency. • Each year we pass legislation to be a part of ODOT’s bid for rock salt. We are requesting 2,400 tons for the 2019- 2020 Winter Season. resolution 2019-10 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Fiscal Officer of the Village of Walton Hills to enter into a contract with C.A. Agresta Construction Company for the Northfield-Alexander Intersection Improvement project, and declaring an emergency. • The intersection project is starting this Spring. This contract went out to bid and was awarded to the lowest and best bidder. resolution 2019-11 A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Joseph D'Amico as a member of the Planning Commission of the Village of Walton Hills, and declaring an emergency. • This confirms Joseph D’Amico as a member of the planning commission. Each member serves a six year term. resolution 2019-12 A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Janice St. John as a member of the Planning Commission of the Village of Walton Hills, and declaring an emergency. • This confirms Janice St. John as a member of the planning commission. Each member serves a six year term. Walton Hills Directory The Village of Walton Hills will be updating its directory this year. Please check your 2014 directory to make sure that all of the information for your listing is accurate. If there is something you’d like to change, please complete the form below and put it in an envelope labeled “2019 DIRECTORY INFORMATION” and drop it in the white Village mailbox no later than Monday, July 1st. If you would like your phone number or email address taken out of the directory, please write “REMOVE,” on that line. If you don’t have a current directory and would like to review your listing, call the Village Hall at 440-232- 7800. The addresses of all residents who moved into Walton Hills after the last directory was published will be included unless we are notified otherwise. We will not print your phone number unless you provide it. We will also not publish your email address if you list it. The email addresses will be for Village Hall use only. 2019 DIRECTORY INFORMATION Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Addresss _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number (optional) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address (optional, Village use only) ________________________________________________________________________ RETURN BY MONDAY, JULY 1st. 3 www.waltonhillsohio.gov Types of Illegal Dumping Illegal Dumping TO REPORT ILLEGAL Identifying and Taking Action DUMPING CALL: Illegal Dumping Sediment THE CITY’S SERVICE -orange, yellow, red Types of Illegal Dumping -odorless Illegal Dumping DEPARTMENT -high turbidity Identifying and Types of IllegalTypes Dumpingof Illegal Dumping TO R EPORT IllegalILLEGALIllegal Dumping Dumping WHERE DUMPING OBSERVED Taking Action TO REPORTTO R IEPORTLLEGALDUMPING I LLEGAL CALL Identifying: Identifying and and Taking ActionTaking Action DUMPINGDUMPING CALL: CALL: Sediment OR THE CITY’S SERVICE -orange, yellow, red -odorless DEPARTMENT Sediment Sediment-high turbidity THE CITYT’HES S ERVICECITY’S SERVICE -orange, yellow, -orange,red yellow, red -odorless CUYAHOGA COUNTYWHERE DUMPING OBSERVED -odorless DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT -high turbidity -high turbidity Construction Runoff WHERE DUMPINGWHERE OBSERVEDDUMPING OBSERVED OR BOARD OF H EALTH -mud and debris on roadways OR -grey, cloudy, odorless in water CUYAHOGAOR COUNTY -high in sediments and turbidity Construction216-201-2000 RunoffCUYAHOGA CUYAHOGA COUNTYB OARD C OUNTY OF H EALTH -mud and debris on roadways -grey, cloudy, odorless in water ConstructionConstruction Runoff-high in sediments Runoff and turbidityBOARD OFBOARD HEALTH OF216-201-2000 HEALTH -mud and debris-mud on roadways and debris on roadways -grey, cloudy, odorless-grey, cloudy, in water odorless in water OR -high in sediments-high and in turbidity sediments and turbidity 216-201-2000 216-201-2000 OR OHIO EPAOR OR OHIO EPA Sanitary Waste Water OHIO EPAHIO (Sewage) O 1-800-282-9378EPA Sanitary Waste Water -strong 1-800-282-9378, grey color (Sewage) Sanitary WasteSanitary Water Waste foul Water smell -bubbles, foam, waste, toilet paper1-800-282-9378 (Sewage) (Sewage) 1-800-282-9378 -strong , grey color Photos Courtesy of Prince William County, VA Illicit Discharge webpage and SWCD staff. foul smell -strong foul smell-strong, grey foulcolor smell , grey color -bubbles, foam, waste, toilet paper-bubbles, foam, -bubbles,waste, toilet foam, paper waste, toilet paper Photos Courtesy of Prince WilliamPhotos County, Courtesy VA Illicit of Prince Discharge William webpage County, and VA SWCD Illicit staff.Discharge webpage and SWCD staff. Photos Courtesy of Prince William County, VA Illicit Discharge webpage and SWCD staff. Where Does Where Does The Importance of The ImportanceTypes of of Illegal DumpingTypes of Illegal Dumping Stormwater Go? StormwaterReporting Go? Illegal DumpingReporting Illegal Dumping Where Does The Importance of TypesAuto of MaterialsIllegal Dumping Auto Materials Stormwater Go? All rain and snowmeltReporting flowsAll Illegal rainoff andour Dumping snowmelt flows off our (Oil/Fuel) (Oil/Fuel) roofs, lawns, and driveways,roofs, into lawns, the and driveways, into the -rainbow sheen onAuto Materials-rainbow sheen on street and stormAll sewers,rain and andstreet snowmelt directly and stormto flows sewers, off our and directly to storm drain, paved storm drain, paved All rain and snowmelt flows off our roofs, lawns, and water surfaces (Oil/Fuel)and water surfaces our rivers and roofs,lakes untreated!lawns,our and rivers driveways, and lakes into untreated! the -rainbow sheen on and driveways,street in toand th storme st reetsewers, an andd st directlyorm seto wers, and storm drain, paved As stormwater runoff travels,As stormwater it picks runoff travels,Soaps it &picks Soapsand & water surfaces directly to our ourrivers rivers an andd lalakeskes untreated! As stormwater up pollutants and chemicalsup pollutantsthatuntreated! may and chemicalsDetergents that may Detergents runoff travels, it picks up pollutants and chemicals that be harmful toAs publicstormwater healthbe runoffharmful & the travels, to public it -white,picks health milky &color the Soaps -white,& milky color may be harmful to public health and the-bubbles, environment. foam, high -bubbles, foam, high environment. up Sometimes,pollutantsenvironment. andpollutants chemicals Sometimes, that turbiditymay pollutantsDetergents turbidity Sometimes,are directly dumpedpobellutants harmful into arearstormtoe directly publicdi drainsrectly dumpedhealth du mped& into the storm into stdrains-white,orm milky color -bubbles, foam, high drainsand anwaterwaysd waenvironment.terways from households frand om Sometimes, waterwaysho useholdsor pollutantsfrom or households bu sinesses. or turbidity Grease Grease Deliberatebusinesses. di schargingare directly dumpedbusinesses.of a pointo llutant storm drainsthat does not (Petroleum & (Petroleum & and waterways from households or Cooking) Cooking) consistDeliberate of st dischargingormwater ofinDeliberate toa pollutantthe st ormdischarging drain of is aca pollutantlled an Grease businesses. illicitthat di
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