MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 198S , J .........................IIIIIMIllll fAGE HITTifcii . 7 . ? '■J Average Daily Net Pre« Run Tlw Weather llanrt;rBlrjr lEurnitts llrraUi — I ........— ~ - For Hio Wedt Knded FOneswt to V. S, W eather Baieaa NovomlMr 18, 199$ ^ Olesir aad eeaeonably ooM to- John Mather Chapter, Order A six-wask coursa of basic Gibbons Assemldy, Catholic C%vll Air Patrol, an auxUtery of li - ff': Of DeMolay, will hold Scottish acting technlquea will begin to­ Ladles of Columbus, will meet Cadets Fly the United States Air Force. a lg h t . L e e r t a 8 0 s . W e d n e s d a y About Town Rite Night on Hiuraday at 8 morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. for a tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. at the Cadet Major Kenneth Ray of 13,891 snaay and milder. High p.m. at the Maaonlc Temple. teen-aga apprentica group, •'f KofC Home. Members wriU par­ With 337th Troop 174 W. Middle Tpke. was In I CAoicesf Meoft/n Town/ I BiamiMr of the Aodit t a b a . ■iMMAMMter Chapter ot Ha- Refreahmenta will ba served af­ tha Llttla TTfimtar of Mancnei^ ticipate in a Talent Night pro­ ---- command of the oadets Satur­ ta o a a ot Otrcnlatloa' ' aaaMh wiU meet tomorrow at ter the oeramonlea. ter in the basement roomc at 22 gram. Those wishing further The Manchester Oomposite day. Mtatehotter^k City mfyUlago Chmim S:M> pjn. In the veotry ot Tern- School SL The course la open to mfonnatldn may contact Mias Squadron of the Civil Am Patrol, Manchester realdsnts age 12 to Helen Thomas, 26 Cooper St., pla BiBath ffltcAom. Ihaodore The Manchaater WATBS will through the cooperation o> t}ie TUESDAY ONLY! oa Pago 19) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Pmv«a w4B ipaak on “Whoae nMct tomorrow at the Italian 16, who are membera of the chairman of the meeting. 3S7th Troop Carrier Squadron d( yoL. L x x x in , n o . 4s (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1968 Valuea Do We Teach?” The American Chih, Elldrldga St. Chiktoan’s Wing of the UtUe the Air National Guard at Brad­ I..... la tor paid-up mem- Welghlng-ln wiU be held from Theater, or interested in acting. The Past Matrons of Temple ley Field, Windsor Locks, was 7 to 8 p.m. after which a fllm An identical course was taught .apter. Order of Eastern Star, taken on an orientation flight ooncam ^ obecenlty and It* ef­ to adults last summer. will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Saturday, The 22 cadets of the FREE!! STEAK fect on youth will ba ahown by p.t the home of Mrs. Herman Manchester CAP were ^owed lh a FVMfcyterian Men win Dittmejner, 25 Oourtland St. naat toraght at 7;S0 In Fel- Ned In g ^ . The French Club of Manches­ to enter the cockpit duriw the A New Roll Of ter atll sponsor a public card Mrs. Henry Thornton and Mrs. one-hour flight to obseWe the Town May Be Asked towiMp KaU at the Ohurch. Joim Mather CJmpter, Order SALE Army Claims party tonight at 8 at Orange George Beauregard will' servo* pilots and the functioning of Rooer OotiUe will five an 11- of DeMolay, will have a re- as hostesses. many of the controls and in­ Kodak Film msEnatad talk on the FhlUp- Hall. Refreshments will be hearaal for the fleet degree at served. Tickets may be ob­ struments. With Each Roll Developed SHORT, SIRLOIN or PORTERHOUSE pp w David HutcMnaon wlB 7 tonifht at the Meeonlc Tem­ Sunset Council, Degree of davottona. tained at tihe door. Lt. Richard Griffith, com­ (Black and White and ple. At 7:30 the flret degree' Pocahontas, will meet tonight manding officer of the squadron, Color Print*) will be conferred upon candl- at 8 at Tinker Hall. Officers has announced that these flights HIGHLAND PARK MARKET To Condemn Portion The VFW will nveet tomor­ Iraq Victory dataa. will be nominated. row at 8 pm. at the Post Home. will be scheduled for all cadets 817 HIGHLAND STREET — PHONE M8-4S7S at freQuent Intervals as part of ’ ■ * A meeting of Daughters of Xi Gamma Chapter, Beta the Aerospace Education Pro­ AT THli PARKADE LJberty, No. 17, will be held at Mystic Review of the Wom­ en's Benefit Association will Sigma Phi, will meet tomorrow gram which is sponsored by the BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)—A new wave of firing broke 7 p.m. tomorrow, with public at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr.s. but briefly in Baghdad today as the Iraqi army moved iiiStallation of offlcera by Mra. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Ermono Garaventa, 108 N, Lake at Andover Annie J<rfyiston and her staff Odd Fellows Hell. Refresh­ against last-ditch resistance by the Ba’ath Socialist ments will be served. Lakewood Oigcle. at 8. Membera are reminded to party s National Guard. Andover officials may b# bring thetr gifts for the Orange Past Chiefs, Daughters of Source* Inside Baghdad re­ Home. The Army-Navy Auxiliary Scotia, will meet tomorrow at ported the firing in a telephone McNamara Talks Tough approached to seek con­ a will sponsor a public card party 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. call to Beirut. The connecUon Events demnation of a portion of The Mary Buahnell Cheney tonight at 8 at the clubhouse. David Kerr, 30 Jarvis Rd. was broken after the brtef re­ Andover. Lake and turn it AuxtUary dt the United Span- port. over to the public. A com­ ieh War Veterans will meet to­ The DAV Auxiliary will have IraQ’s new military govern­ a putoHc social tomorrow at In State Atom Superiority mittee. organized; last morrow at 7 p.m. at the home Now Many Wear ment reported Monday night Ita of Mrs. Joel Nlchoiie, 56 N. Bhn 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Home. revolt against the Ba'ath gov­ month and led by David St. Plane will be made tor the HOUSE k HALE ernment had been oucceaalul. Yeomans, will meet tomor­ annunl Chrietmae party. Allan G. Cyir, son of Mr. and FALSE TEETH Syrian Ba'athists, however, Pinchurst Fresh Connec- Mra. Arthur P. Cyr, 00 Jarvis With More Comfort MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER claimed' that the coimtryaide Thief Gets $1,500 row or Thursday to (insid­ Of U.S. Stressed er the plan. ti«at turkey* from a Thomae J. MciNaiBy Jr., hoa- Rd., has completed nine weeks FA8TEETH, a pleasant alkaline OPEN TUESDAY and THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. outside Baghdad was still i ^ e r pMal oorpaman second claee, of basic training at the Naval (non-acid) powder, holds (alee teeth the party’s control. At Fairfield Bank The sugge-stion was meds naarbj farm, are avail­ son of Mr. and Mre. Thoma-s J. Training Oenter, Great Lakes, more flrmlr. To eat and talk In more A Ught curfew, clamped on yesterday by Atty. Gen. Harold oomTort, just iprinkle a little FAS- M. Mulvey. The state officiai able hi idl sifes If you McNally, 72 Greenwood St.; Dl. TEETH on your platea. No gummy, the IraQi capital at dawn Mon­ STAMFORD (AP) — A WASHINGTON (AP)—The Kennedy administration and Gerard L. L/efiianc, elec- gooey, pasty taata or feeling. Checks day when the military under has expressed serious doubt about the Soviet leaders’ Said the right of eminent do­ ”plate odor" (denture breath). Get bandit held up a branch main could l>e invoked and i opd«r now. tronioB technician seaman, son The Kaffee Klatsch Group of FASTKETH at any drug counter President AMel Salam Aref good judgment in testing the nerve of the West, particu­ of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard N. Le- the Manchester YWCA will seized power, was lifted par­ bank of the Fairfield Coun­ could be more legally effectivo Bach bird has been milk Blanc, 2S6 BidwOll St., are serv­ meet Wednesday at 0 a.m. at tially for the first time this ty Trust Co. today and es larly that of the Unit^ States. through the town than through ing aboard tihe support ali^ the Community Y. This is the morning. Baghdad radio said Secretary of Defense Robert^ the state. and grain fed to give you caped with about $1,500, 8. McNamara put it this way in ar superiority. For example; Should a portion of the lake craft carrier USS Lake Cham­ final workshop tor Christmas edestnians would be allowed on "The Soviets, are estimated to maeh more tender white decorations, '^ose attending Sie Btreeta from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. police reported. aay r be taken over by the town, ex­ plain. which partleipated in re- The l^dit entered the regard the pre.^ent Communist have today only a fraction a.s clusive control of the lake by Hef eperations at Haiti after are reminded to bring articles LECLERC but aU motor traffic was many intercontinental mUssiles 9 meat — strictly fresh ttranch bank (at I960 West for OhristrrMS centerpieces. banned. 7 leaders as wholly reckless in the Andover Lake Property tihe country was stricken by a FUNERAL HOME Miatoi St.) aixMt 11 a.m. He action. as we do.” But he acknowledged Owners Aasix-iation (ALPOA) Connectieut Turkeys. hurricane. Mrs. Eklgar Lovejoy and Mrs. Iraiil airporta were dosed, the Russians are a big threat Lawrence Briggs will serve as and Baghdad radio was the was described as a tall white "But recent experience. In w'ould be ended. The proposal is chief source of news. man wesirtng aporta clothes and Cuba and.
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