E1158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 5, 2017 HONORING SAMUEL HUGH not match the sacrifices made by Mr. Howard, Van Doren Shaw. The neighborhood was built MATTHEWS but surely we can try to match his sense of as a planned housing community for the peo- service. We cannot match his courage, but we ple who worked at Mark Manufacturing, one of HON. JEFF DENHAM can strive to match his devotion. the first mills along Indiana’s shoreline. OF CALIFORNIA Operator Gregory ‘‘G’’ Joseph Howard, Sr. Marktown is largely known for its distinctive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES survivors include his wife Dominique Howard, design in which the cars are parked on the two sons: Gregory J. Howard, Jr. and Dillion sidewalks and the streets are purposed for pe- Tuesday, September 5, 2017 J. Howard; his parents: June Howard and destrian walkways. While only part of the origi- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Gregory Newman, Sr., his sister Brittney How- nal design was built, the community met the acknowledge and honor long-time newspaper ard, a host of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, needs of the American workforce and their editor and community member, Samuel Hugh nieces, nephews, and friends. families in the Indiana Harbor. The concept of Matthews, who announced his retirement after Mr. Speaker, I celebrate the life and legacy Marktown is truly innovative and a shining ex- more than 60 years of service. of Operator Gregory ‘‘G’’ Joseph Howard, Sr. ample of American ingenuity in the early part After serving in the United States Army, Mr. a beloved husband, father, and son. of the 20th century. In 1975, the community Matthews devoted himself to a career in the f was added to the National Register of Historic newspaper business. He started at the Tracy Places, capturing Marktown’s historical and Press in 1957 and quickly became co-pub- GRADUATE FEEDER SCHOLARS cultural significance from the industrial growth lisher in 1964, transitioning to editor in 1967. PROGRAM period in the Calumet Region. The importance When it was sold to Golden State Publishing of the Marktown neighborhood contributes to Co. in 2012, Sam remained on staff as a col- HON. AL LAWSON, JR. the history and culture of Northwest Indiana umnist and reporter. His extensive commit- OF FLORIDA and our nation. ment to reporting in his community and his de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, the residents of Marktown, as well vout integrity made him fundamental to the Tuesday, September 5, 2017 as the members of the Marktown Preservation success of the Tracy Press. Society and its president, Paul Myers, focus Throughout Sam’s years of accomplish- Mr. LAWSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, many their efforts upon the preservation of the his- ments and experiences, he has had the loving students have the aspiration to further their toric homes in this community. The people support of his wife, children, and grand- education with graduate school, but do not who live in Marktown today are very proud children. In addition, Mr. Matthews has been have the means to enroll. Florida A&M Univer- and protective of their neighborhood. Many of recognized numerous times, both locally and sity provides qualified students with an oppor- the residents descend from generations of statewide, for his service and philanthropy. tunity to further their education through-the family members who grew up in Marktown, During his career, Sam displayed an avid Graduate Feeder Scholars Program (GFSP). and they continue to fight for the restoration commitment to his community through various The success of the Graduate Feeder Schol- and preservation of this unique community. positions in local activities and newspaper or- ars Program has enabled Florida A&M Univer- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other distin- ganizations. His unwavering dedication to the sity to lead the nation’s Historically Black Col- guished colleagues to join me in honoring and community extends beyond his impressive leges and Universities (HBCUs) in the number congratulating the historic neighborhood of news career and his work as a civic servant. of students who acquire post-graduate de- Marktown on the occasion of its 100th anni- Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring and grees. versary. The Marktown historic community is a commending Samuel Hugh Matthews for his The program is celebrating 30 years of ex- significant piece of the region’s past and will many years of service, devotion, and out- cellence at this year’s 2017 Graduate Feeder always be remembered and admired. The standing contributions to his community. We Scholars Conference, which will take place commitment to preservation and the unwaver- wish him continued success in his retirement. Wednesday, September 6 through Friday, ing dedication of the Marktown residents and f September 8, on FAMU’s campus. I would like members of the Marktown Preservation Soci- to commend everyone who has worked tire- ety, and Paul Myers are truly admirable, and HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY lessly and diligently in making sure our chil- they are worthy of the highest praise. OF NEW ORLEANS FIRE DEPART- dren have the opportunity to pursue their f MENT OPERATOR GREGORY J. dreams and advance their education. HOWARD, SR. It is time to expand the Feeder Scholars INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO program to more HBCU’s and I know Florida AMEND THE INTERNAL REVENUE HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND A&M is ready to assist in the process. CODE OF 1986 TO DESIGNATE THE OF LOUISIANA I am proud to support this wonderful pro- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AS AN EMPOWERMENT ZONE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram and acknowledge Florida A&M’s hard work over the years. Again, congratulations on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 30 successful years and to many more to HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today come. OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA to honor the life and legacy of New Orleans f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fire Department Operator Gregory ‘‘G’’ Jo- seph Howard, Sr., a New Orleans, Louisiana 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF Tuesday, September 5, 2017 native, who passed away on August 26, 2017 MARKTOWN Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to at the age of 36. introduce a bill to instruct the Secretary of the Mr. Howard was born on October 20, 1980 HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY United States Department of Housing and in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was raised in OF INDIANA Urban Development to deem areas within the the 7th Ward and graduated from Sarah T. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District of Columbia as empowerment zones. Reed High School in 1999. He was a nine This bill would effectively reauthorize the tax year veteran of the New Orleans Fire Depart- Tuesday, September 5, 2017 incentives for business investment in the Dis- ment. He spent most of his career with the fire Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with trict, which expired in 2011, yet are timelier department at the Engine 6 station on Old great pleasure and admiration that I recognize than ever today. These were the only tax in- Gentilly Road, in the Desire neighborhood. the 100th anniversary of the historic neighbor- centives for a big city that were not extended, Mr. Howard went to Memphis, Tennessee, hood of Marktown in East Chicago, Indiana. In even though they were initially created by Re- with his colleagues, to compete in the Mem- honor of this special occasion, the Marktown publicans, with a few Democrats. The wisdom phis Finest Hoops Fest basketball tournament Centennial Celebration was held at the of these bipartisan, modest, targeted tax in- for first responders and law enforcement. Marktown Community Center Park on August centives has been amply and visibly dem- While out with some of his colleagues after 19, 2017. Events included a remarkable ex- onstrated in the economic resurgence in many the first set of games, Mr. Howard was struck hibit, ‘‘Marktown—The First 100 Years,’’ as parts of the nation’s capital. However, the D.C. by a stray bullet and died instantly. well as a walking tour of this noteworthy com- tax incentives were cut off before the poorest Mr. Howard loved the city and the people of munity. neighborhoods were ready to make use of New Orleans. His legacy will forever be a part In 1917, Marktown was constructed by Clay- them. of the city and his dedication to community ton Mark and designed in the English Tudor Congress has recognized that the benefits embodies the spirit of New Orleans. We can- Revival style by renowned architect Howard of incentives for investment in economically VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:42 Sep 06, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05SE8.006 E05SEPT1.
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