.>7' ^ '• T y:* } ' j ' • ■ ' PAGfB TWENTT-rotJR FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1967 ^ The Weather Average Dally Net PreM Run '• i ; . F o r H w W M k B m M ' Sunny to<)ay, bigb 4M|0| Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts ,’The Rev. Eric 3. Gothberg, of the Natural Family Planning assistant pastor of Emanuel House Markers April 1. IH1 clear and cold tonight, lioW ' About Town of Connecticut Organlaatlon, will Lutheran Church, will be guest about 82; fad* and mUdi{r<,ts* " ■' Manchester Cho{>ter at qieak Monday at 8 p.m. at a speaker at the Fifth Assembly For Disabled' / auMrrow, high Hear 80, • SPIOBSQSA w ill make three ap- meeting of the Ladies of St. at Northern Connecticut Dl*- 15,113 peeMnoee thte month. H ie chor- James’ at St. James’ Sdhool trlot at New Englsuid Lutheran At Firehouse Mmiuihe8ter—~-A City of Viltage Charm IX will shier Saturday ait 8 \ , 0 OFF Hall. Their topic is “Overall Church Women tomorrow at Luminlscent m arken to ba aif- pjn. at Bast Windsor High Conception of a Good Marriage Bethlehem Church, Blast VOL. UXXXVI, NO. 160 (FOURTEEN PAGE$—TV SECTION-^-CONNECTlCUT UFE) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1967 (Otanrified Advertbiii, on Fag. ilj PRICE SEVEN CEMti ‘ SoiiDoI. eponsored by Grace with Family Planning." The tixed on homes o< the i^ied, Hampton. Registration will be blind, bedridden and handicap­ Xptocopal Oburch of Broad event is open to the public. Mrs. at 9:16 a.m. Brook; Saturday, April 15 at John Mitchell is chairman of ped persons, are available at the CSteshiire High School hi a com­ 8«i District Firehouse, Chief OH ALL BLACK and WHITE /n arrangements for the meeting. ’The' Northern Connecticut petition sponsored by W ater­ Francis Limerick reminded ree- Mrs. Thomas Derby is in charge Club of Upsala College Alumni Name Change bary Chapter, and Saturday, of hospitality. idents today. Romney Vows; Association ,• will sponsor a The round markers, red and A p ik 22 at 8 p.m. at the annual PITTSBU RG H (A P )—Jo- dance tomorrow from 9 p.m. to black with a maltose cross in Parade of Quairteta at Manches­ Girl Friendly Sponsors of St. OR COLOR teph Rastoraxkozlcz, 77, pe­ 1 a.m. at the Apollo Singring the center, can be obtained by ter High School. The group re­ Mary’s Episcopal Church "Vill titioned Allegheny County Society Clubhouse, 917 Sher­ calling the firehouse’s house hearses eadi Monday at 8 pjn. sponsor a military whist Mon­ Court for permission to man Parkway, New ’Haven. phone, Limerick said. Firemen nt Bonce Center. Men hxterested day at 8 p.m. in Neill Hall at change his name because of In singling ere hivlted to attend. will delfver the free maritere, in the church. Refreshments will FILM PROCESSIHG The Connecticut State Den­ difficulty in its spelling and be served. The event is open to which could be placed on the tal Association w ill host the pronounefation. Mrs. Kenneth Aseltine, junior the public. Proceeds will benefit homes front and rear doors, and New England State Dental Of­ Judge Albert Fiok grant­ vice president of the VFW a scholarship to Girl Friendly m the doors or windows of the dis­ ficers’ Conference this weekend ed the order and Rastorl- auxiliary, Wednesday presented Sponsor’s summer camp. Tick­ abled person’s room to^expedite at Lighthouse Inn, .N ew Lon­ Msgr. Harold F. Daly Miss Eileen Salllvan axkozicz is now; Joseph on Americam fla g to Brownie ets may be purchased at the rescue operations. ’They are Won’t don. Petrovich Hitler Rastohan Troop 625 at Highland Park door. Mrs. W. S. C. Turkington available also at Central Fire­ In Grand Night of Music house. WESTOWM HARTFORD (AP), — Mtr. School. Flag etiquette bocdrlets is chairman of the whist e ___ also were given to 22 girls. Mrs. Clifford Tower, son of Mr. The Manchester Association of Michigan Gov. George Peti-ovich was derived Miss ESleen Sullivan of 120 High School, Miss Sullivan will ^ ^ ' PHARMACY " ^ Kenneth Benson is troop leader. Glastonbury Square Dance and Mrs. Walter Tower of 23 Independent Insurance Agents Romney vows a Republican from Peter the Great, Hit­ White St. and the Rt. Rev. siing several sriectlons from Club will have a dance tomor­ Delmofit St., left Wednesday, af­ sponsored the markers last Oc­ White House under his ler came from a German Opens Door Msgr. Harold F. Daly, pastor of ■‘Marne,’’ and a new arrange­ 459 HARTFORD RD.^^9-9946 row at Academy Junior High ter a 40-day leave, for a naval tober. They have been adopted command would not yield prince who married one of St. Gabriel’s Church, Windsor, ment of "OaU Me," a favorite M tr’s Russian ancestors, School, Main St.. Glastonbury. base at Alameda, Calif., where by fire marshals and chiefs are featured performers in the of the teen-agers. She is also throughout “the country. to Communist terms ( in Rastohan from an Austrian To T alk on Free round dance instruction he will start his voluntary tour Fifth Grand Night of Music, a clarinetist and won a Laurel Vietnam. Democrats said ancestor who served as an NOW will be given at 7:45 p.m., with of duty in Vietnam. He .joined .sponsored by Campbell Council, Music Camp scholarship in 1961 Rompey’s position would officer under Emperor Fran­ is the thne to get your square dancing at 8:15. Dick the U.S. Coast Guard last June Longer Truce KofC, Sunday at 8:15 p.m. at from Chamlnode Musical Club. lessen the war’s impact as cis Joseph, and M tr is as­ shoes fixed fo r spring and Steele from Massachusetts will and requested Vietnam duty in 27 New Voters gammer! Bailey Auditorium, Manches­ Mbgr. Daly will be guest pi- a presidential cantpaign is­ sociated im Russia with a be the caller. ’The event is open November. SAIGON (A P ) — South ter High School. Tickets may andist wiith the KofC Orchestra, family which has experi­ to all club level dancers. Added to Lists sue. Vietnam proposed today a be obtained at the door. Pro­ ddreoted by Enrico F. ReaJe, TERMITES? Republican Sen. ’i'hruston B. enced tragedy he said. Sam Yiriyes Robert E. Johnson, son of ceeds will benefit Manchester past grand knight. He will one-day cease-fire despite A three-hour voter-making Morton of Kentucky said Rom­ 28 OAK STREET St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. John­ Scholarship Foundation and the play title tunes from ‘‘M€ime,’’ the threat of expanded session in the toWh clerk’s of­ T h m ’s no.place like home when it’s protected by ney spoke the view of an Ameri­ ters of Isabella, will meet Tues­ son of 307 Spring St., a junior Msgr. Hannon Scholarship and “ HeUo Dolly,’’ and “ So warfare in the demilitar* Qoallty Shoe Repairing fice this week resulted in the can majority — “ that we should Of The Bettev Kind! day at 8 p.m. at the KofC at Colgate College, Hamilton. Fund. What’s New ,” a tune featured ized zone, and offered to addition of 27 names to Man­ follow the lead of the President", Jost a few steps from home. Mrs. Anthony Makulis N.Y., will spend the fall semes­ A student at East Catholic by the ’Tijuana Brass. ‘Jazz King’ discuss with North Viet­ chester’s voting lists— 12 Re­ TERMINIX in the Asian confli'Ct. Bbdn Street, next to W at­ 'and Mrs. Oliver Jarvis are, in ter in Ixmdon, England, as a nam the possibility of a publicans, 10 Democrats and 5 H cotta you noUHnt to fM out H hkMtn tannilu (le-cilM The White House called the kins. charge of the month’s activi­ member of a economics study The Manchester Area Alum­ n( Mita") HO dotlilayini Iho iundtrttnKlun and wood- Michigan governor’s words "a longer truce. unaffiliated. o< your I FRIRU imKI:cnON for homo < 77j Honored ties. group. He is a 1964 graduate of strong endorsement of the ad­ Wiito concurrence of toe Unit­ nae Club of Pi Beta PhtTTnem- Local Republicans now hold Manchester High School, and Police Arrests ministration’s position on Viet­ ed States and her other alHea, ber of the National Panhellanic a 217 registration lead over OvH 750.000 homot ttryind. Our work li QUARANTEB) majoring m economics at Col­ tw (1) Bruct.TvminiK, (2) C. L. Bruco Co.. Inc. Thit nam.’’ ' On Birthday South Vietnam proposed a Mr Congress, will meet Monday at Democrats. Gutrantto It INSURED by Anwrlcan Employtrt' Inaur- gate. He Is a member of Phi William G. Cote, 16, of 13 ■net Co. Gutrantao avtiltbit for lift of building. There was Romney criticism, hour truce for May 28, toe birto- 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Of the 22,505 names on Man­ NEW HOPE, Pa. (AP) — Kappa Psi fraternity and the Kerry St. was issued a l2lh too, but the White House dis­ day of Buddha^ It propoaed Choie* Produce— That's As Fresh As Spring! Edward M. FeiM, 323 Spring chester’s voting lists, 9,006 are N IW LOW COST PROTECTIOM swimming team. missed that as "a few partisan While a small coipbo played the meeting r^resentatives of St. There will be a plastic dem­ Circuit Court warrant yesterday Republicans, 8,789 are Demo­ A0AIN 8T T E R M IT II FRESH: Strawberries, Cantaloupes, Spanish Melons, Hon- onstration after the meeting. charging him with two counts morsels. .’’ songs that made him famous, North Vietnam in the demilttar- crats and 4,710 are unaffUlated.
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