.. • , . , " . , " .' R , " , , , , ' .' , ' , , , . \ " " , '~, Thursday, February 3, 1966 . Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, February 3, 1966 THE JEWISH POST Page Three' -------------, ---.. -.- -._-_._. Ill, 9 i School Honours Frank Simkin Fro ... the Editor s Des" Children's Arl Exhibit T~esday lOver 200 g\lests attended the an­ nual men's dinner of the I. L.! The Oldest Anglo-Jetvislt Weekly in Westem Canada ~ Peretz School January 26 at Rosh (l~8uL>(1 we~kly in the inh're;ts of Jewl~h Community netivitie» In Wlntllpeg nnd \Veitcrn Canada) . I Pina Synagogue. Of particular note : Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency : was the attendance of younger par, I ,ents at the func1ion an1.lheir 1',1,·-1 Publillh~t.I every Thursdny hlo' : ticipation in, the leaden]" Ii .1I1d EMPIRE f'RlNTERS LTD, 'organization of the' affair:' Printer.l nnd Puuli<lhCN LIVE AND LET LIVE: In mid December' Secoild \VorId War, whose eight-year sentence has RUPERT SHRlAR, Ph.D. LEO J, LEZACK I' Guest speaker Abraharr\ J. Arnold, Editor Allvertisinll Manager Charles H. Silver, the then executiye assistant been quashed by the Austrian.High Court making ne~ly appointed dir('ctor 'of Cana­ to formel~ Mayor Robert Wagner of New York ,~ retrial man,datory; Erich Rajakovitch, another He'ad OtTice: 1244 Mai'n ,St" Winnipeg 4. Canada " dian ' J~wis" 'Congress 'wes[J.. rn City al).d president "of ,the 'city's Board of-Educa­ : ,Subscription: .'34.00 per annum , ,Eichmann: aide, responsIble for the deportation ! region, ,;rod tbRt perhaps the mo,t tion, released - with some glee -' corrspondence Phone JU 9-7331 . Eve. Pnone HU 9-2989 of Dutch jew'S, Who was sentenced to two-und-a- ' difficult ta~k of Congiesg is actlllg which highlighted 'the r~les ,which Francis Car­ half years' jail; Gunther Kummel, 25, an avowed A:uthori1.t'd us. second dl\..~'" mail by the POt"t Offie .. l)~pJ1rtment. diuaI Spellman and Richard Cardinal Cushing had neo-Nazi student, who was sentenced to ten Ott... ,\vn. l1;nd fo'r JHlymC'~lt of POtitngc In Cn~h as the voice for Canadian Jew r\' in: official statements. "We gi v~ played in seeking'a declarati01~ from the, Ecumeni­ months for knocking down an elderly, de'mon­ " cal, Council in Rome which would promulgate a strator, who died as a, result; and Robert Jan shE stav home - just in case there was a cold 'the impression that we speak with new doctrine of interfaith fellowship, by destroy­ Verbelen, a former Belgian S.S. colonel, sentenced urewing in hEn' system. "Oh no, l\Iommy, I can't," one voice, but it is .difiicult to arrive I at a '.concensus," he said. Thou,gh I , , ing the myth of deicide and establishing a new 'to death in absentia in Belgium in 1947 for war the child pleaded, "Today's the day when we start and mutual respect between Christian and Jew. erimes, lIe acquired Austrian citizenship and was , to 'make clay models of cows ancl I'm chairman Jewish communities acro::;s Can~ld:l share man:,>" common interc:sts, th, iI- I As Cardinal Cushing was to admit:' "the dec'lara­ el'entually brought' to' trial in: Vienna 'on five 'of the udder 'committee!" . Solly Fogelman are rrLany clear dilIl1rpnel's" bet\VI't 0'1 tion we have is not' perfect but, iIi my opinion, charges of inurdel'. Although found guiIt~· on had worked' long. and hard for his ungeshtopteh them, Mr, Arnold pointed uut arid:, it is a good statt." 'We would hope that he will t\\'o of them, he was freed. boss, J. Lancelot Pierpont the Third, One day, FRAXK (FEIVEL) SDIKlX, left, h shown receiving an ('n~ra\'cd ing that "ther.e is no 5uch ,thm>! I, prove prophetic when he added: "People will Solly figured he had worked loyally and hard hl'Onzeo pIa,!"" Wcdnl'Eday, Jan, 26. at the annual men's dmner of "As this succession of votes bl' Austrian as an id.('n tifiablf~ J t: w comrnon to forget to' follow it up to the end that ,'Ill terrible l. L, Pc'relz-Folk Sehool, J, A, Cherniack. a founder of the juror;; ~ho\Li." an A'mel'ican Jewish' Committee enough over the years and d~served' a raiRe, He WI~XEns of Pioneer Women's art contest pose here with' judges all, parts of Canada," ' fron, things said about Jews in Christian literature or ,d1001. 'I'll" plaque expr,sSl's affection of the ,chool for 1111'. Simkin \'(~port says" "great segments of the Amltrian walked inio Mr, Pierpont's fancy office' and ex-' Juck Li'wis-Smilh' and Graham Clarke. Also present a~(: Mrs, L. r ~lile djscipline:,l,?ti uni't)' we' 1'(' all the edl insinuations against them mLlst' be claimed, "Either I get' a raise or I'll move into ']\'llebuunJ. ch.tirn)an of the Israel Supply Tea; co-c'haiIman Mrs, H. on his 80th, birthday wh19h was marked ~arlicr in the year, and population have their own reasons t:or not' COil­ deSirable on, malP'r mterests and,' ,eradicated." ' 'your neighborhood!" . A -Ycry distraught J<;reel and E. Greenberg: and Mrs. 0, Chaikin, art cont"s! chail:"'an, ,grutltudl fOl' his yo"rs of dedication to the perpetuatJOn of Jewish sidering Nazi crimes as crimes at all; 01', at any concepts, it was healthv to Call \' ' In all this, however, there are stilI many, 'who mothel~ rushed her little !1ve year-old-son to her " culture'. rate. as crimes, that should be excused . .Few popu­ With Piolll'('r Wom~n's Ismel Sup- Gradl' IV: Dcho!'(lli Stl'inbei'g, Ian on debated and' refle;t -,fJfrl'll'IIC"~' ! are- concerned about some of the,rationalizatiowl. lations were so involved with Nazism as waR the doctor's ofl'ice. "Di": Goldberg,' tell' me, can a For. example" the emphasis on the Jewish ante­ child this age take out an appendix?" The doc­ ply tea and art exhibit .scheduled Silverman. \VilliatTl DaVId MIller; "Otherwise)" he saId, ~(we reinforce i school prL'sident D. 1. Vic:or and, I ecogIlltlOn of hb communi tv service Austria'n." In a country of 7,000,000, 537,000 to take place Ulis coming Monday, 'hono'..,.b/c' nwntion, Margo' Catz the stereotrPe of Jewish clannish- 111".nkl'd by J, Levit. fo,' O\'cr h"lJ ,; ,c['~tury w~ made cedents of Christianity, th~ lack of delineation were registered Nazis while, 400,000 boys and' tor smiled yeTY 'warmly and declared, "Wby of Feb '7, winners in the 'art contest (R\l~h Pin'I), Fden Presma, Sandy ness' and sticking together:." , Presentation of an {'n;::rm'( d on behalf of the school by J, A, , of differences and a C0l1centmtion upon ,likent!~';, :300.000 girls belonged to Hitler youth m'ovements. course not, ,Mrs. Levine -, why do' you ask?" . , equality before God, and the similarity of aspira­ "When one adds the famHies of all these people, "Never mind," she retored; then looking at the ha\,(' now been announced. The,OmEon, 1 The speaker \was introduced bv hl'Onzeo plaque to Frank Simkm in Cnernlack" a founder of the schoo], tions etc., even, by the man who helped so much one easily arrives at a quarter of the entire child, exclaimed, "See, I told you ~ so put 'them 152 entries from pupils of the Jew- Gradl's V, VI, VII: Shl'ree Silve;'- : - . -, >'-- .. -, :' ----- •• --._- --- •• - .-. - .-.. '_ : who referred to the honoree as "a in getting a UN seat' for' Israel - Cardinal Austrian population, if not more." back!" . , . A reader wrote the following letter ish ,parOChial schools, as well as a man, N,,~mi Somnll'1' (Talmud Reg,"na L' 'h' H '. ... diD ,. ;popular" though independent spint, Spellman - leaves one to admit that the (iecree to a mail order house.' "Dear sir, please ~end 'me travelling exhibit of Israeli chil- Tomh). Marni Kalef;. honorable , Clune es ,s,'o TU rIve lo~'ed by all." .' was certainly "not a shout of innocence," as Mr . " Much attenti~n has be~n paid during the post­ the gasoline 'engine on page 493, and if it's any dt'cn's art, will be on view, in con- mentio~, Deborah' Kapl~ (Talmud' ' , " " ' A tribute to Mr. Simkin was also Silver pointed out in his release, and maybe little war period towards fostering education in demo­ good, I'll s'end you the cheque." .The 1\,I. 0; house junotion with· the tca,. fro.m 2 to 9 "Torah)" Steven KOI'ma~1 (Talmud I. dclivHed by student Bath Sheva more than a whisper in the, scheme of things. cratic attitudes in Western Germany, but very' wrote back, "Dear sir, please send us the cheque. p,m., at Th!, Bay auditorIUm, The Tomh). Moe Lerner (T'a 1m u d Zukor, on behalf of the stud"nt little in Austria. The series of . verdicts handed For Bubel' IPad~ patently clear that a real dia­ and if it's any good, we'll sen'd you the engine!" whole will be entItled "The World. Torah), Janice Karlinsky, I }jody, .. logue allows fl;>r the full respect and equality of down by Austria'n jurors during this past year .. , Our friend went to the'doctor for a complete Through Children's Eyes: Beer- , " I ' Anoil prunting of Mr, Simkin, who woulcl)ndicate that considerably ,more' such atten- hIt W· . ,,' FlI'St prIze ill each of the three validity of the the next man's position, and can­ pnysica}. The doctor ,held the file with the test s ")a 0 Inmp~g, 0 categories will be a scholarship to ,publi,hed the IsraelIte Press fOr nx)t he construed as such when either one or both tion needs to be p,aid to this country.
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