REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA VOLUME I GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY - FIRSt SESSiON I' . SUPPLEMENT No. 24 (A/31/24) I. I UNITED- NATiONS , I . (ll8 :P -) 1 .. -1 L -- '-. REPORT·· OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA VOLUME I GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY - FIRST SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 24 (A/31/24) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1976 i \ --.~--~ , ' NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents 'are composed of capital letters ~ombined with ~igures. Mention ot such a symbol iudicates a reference to a United Nations document. The present volume contains the report of the U~ited Nations Council for Namibia covering the :period 13 September 1975 to 20 October J.976. Volume II I INTROI contains annexee I to XIII to the report and Volume III eontairis annex XIV. • PART ( I. II. Ill. PART I II. II!. IV. V. -ii- :" COB'l'ENTS VOLUME I Paragraphs ~ Lm'TER OF TRANSMITTAL • . .. .. .. ... ix INTRODUCTION ••••• •• ~ • 0 ••••••••• 1 - 8 1 PART ONE: ESTABLISHMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA 9 - 43 3 I. ESTABLISaMENT OF THE COUNCIL .. .. 9 - 15 3 11. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNCIL .. .. ~ . 16 - 30 4 A. Standing Committee ••• •••••• .. 19 - 20 4 B. United Nations Fund for Namibia •••• 21 - 23 5 C. Steering Committee • •• eo. ~ •• .. 24 5 D. Organization of work · .... ... .. 25 5 E. Secretariat services ·... 26 - 30 5 Ill. PROG:MMME BUDGET OF THE COUNCIL • . 31 - 43 6 A. Programme budget for the biennium 1916-1911 31 - 35 6 B. Medium-ternl plan for the period 1918-1981 • 36 - 43 'T, PART TWO: PROGRAMME OF WORK OF THE COUNCIL AS A POLICY- MAKING ORGAN OF THE UNITED NATIONS ••••••• 44 - 108 10 I. APPROVAL BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COUNCIL •••• ... .. 44 3.0 rr, ACTION IN SUPPORT OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 385 (1916) OF 30 JANUARY 1916 •••••••••• '. 10 Ill. PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL RELATING TO THE QUESTIONS OF ANGOLA AND ZAMBIA 50 ... 52 11 IV. ANNUAL REVIEW OF POLITICAL t MILITARY, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN NAMIBIA ••••••• .. 53 11 V. REPRESENTATION OF NAMIBIA AND PROTECTION OF NAMIBIAN INTERESTS ••• ••••••••• ... 54 ~ 108 12 A. Dakar International Conference on Namibia and Human Rights (5-8 Januar,V' 1916, Dakar) ••• 51 - 71 13, ..iii- ~ ... r. CONTENTS (continued) VOLUME I (continued) Paragra'Phs Page B. Fourth session of the United Nations conrerence on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (3-28 M~ 1976, Nairobi) •••••••••• 78 - 83 17 C. Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (31 M~-ll June 1976, Vancouver) 84 - 89 18 D. Sixty-first International Labour Conference and the Tripartite World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution, Social Progress and the International Division of Ilo Labour (2-22 June 1976, Geneva) •• •••• 90 - 94 19 E. International Seminar on the Eradication of Apartheid and in Support of the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa (24-28 M~ 1976, Hawna) ............."...... 95 - 98 19 F. Co-operation with the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples •••••••• •• 99 - 101 19 G. Fourth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of tho::; Sea (15 March-1T M~ 1976, New York) •••••••••••••••••••• 102 - 103 20 H. World Health Assembly of the World Health Ill. M~ Organization (WHO) (29 1976, Geneva) • • • • 0 104 - 107 20 I. Co-operation with the Special Committee against Apartheid & e •••••••••••••• 108 21 PART THREE: PROGRAMME OF WORK OF THE COUNCIL AS THE LEGAL lillMINISTERING AUTHORITY OF NAMIBIA 0 0 • 0 109 - 271 22 I. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMMES BY THE COUNCIL 10, - 243 22 A. Consultations ..'ith Member States on compliance 'With United Nations resolutions on Namibia 0 • 109 -.130 22 I B. Consu1.tations with 'the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and participation in its meetings 131 - 134 25 II c. Action concerning f'oreign economic interests in. li.ami.bia • • •••••.•...•• • • .. 135 - 144 26 :D. Partici'pa.tion of'the representatives of' the lia:rn"1:lian people in the work of' the Council. 145 - 155 28 E. Inau.gura1;ion of'the United Nations Institute for Nam:ibia •. • ••....••. ~ ••. 156 - 163 30 -iv- t I, F' i CONTENTS (continued) VOLUME I (continued) Paragraphs Page F. Meetings of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Proiramme (UNDP) 164 - 168 31 T G. Administration and management of the United Nations Fund for Namibia ••• •••••• 169 - 174 32 8 H. Exposure and condemnation of the illegal acts of South Africa in Namibia • 175 - 194 33 I. Dissemination of information •••••• 195 - 243 37 II. ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSIONER FOR 9 NAMIBIA •••• • •••••••••••••••• 244 - 266 44 A. Implementation of Decree No. 1 for the Protection of the Natural Resources of Namibia. 246 -250 44 9 B. United Nations Institute for Namibia 251 -253 44 C. Assistance to Namibians ••••••• 254 - 258 45 D. Preparation of special studies 259 46 E. Travel and ia.entity documents for Namibians 260 46 . 9 F. Feasibility stl.ldy on the installation of a Uni,ted Nationr~ transmitter •• •• 261 - 262 46 o G. Travel of the Commissioner .. .. 263 - 266 47 > III. RESOLUTIONS, DECISIONS, FORMAL STATEMENTS, o COMMUNIQUES AND PRESS RELEASES 267 - 271 48 1 A. Resolutions 268 4~~ B. Decisions • c • 269 53 2 C. Formal statements • . 270 62 D. Communiques and press releases 271 67 2 . .... PART FOUR: RECOMMENDATIONS AND FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 272 - 288 76 2 1. RECOMMENDATIONS • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • ~ ... •• • • 272 .- 273 76 II. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINMlCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COUNCIL ••••••••• 274 - 288 84 :6 :8 ) 10 -v- "i CONTENTS (continued) VOLUME I (continued) Parap;raphs ~ PART FIVE: SITUATION IN NAMIBIA •• 289 - 364 87 I. GENERAL •.••..•.•. .... 289 87 !I. WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT . 290 - 399 87 A. Struggle for nationl!lJ. liberation •••• 290 - 342 87 B. So-called constitutional conference 343 - 399 96 i .J 1 i j j I -vi- r CONTENTS (cont:.tnued) ~ VOLUME II 87 ANNEXES 87 I. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORK OF THE COUNCIL 87 II. PARTICIPATION OF THE COUNCIL IN 'mE D.AKAR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 87 ON NAMIBIA AND HUMAN BIGH'.rS, HELD AT DAKAR FROM 5 ro 8 JANUARY 1976 96 IU" REPORT OF 'mE DELEGATION OF THE COUNCIL TO '.rHE FOURTH SESSION OF ':HE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, HELD AT NAIROBI FROM 5 TO ..':!8 MAY 1976 IV. REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNCIL TO HABITAT: UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON HUMAN SE'l"rLEMENTS, HELD AT VANCOUVER FROM 31' MAY TO II JUNE 1976 V. REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNCIL '.rO THE SIJerY-FIRST INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE AND THE TRIPARTITE WORLD CONFERENCE ON EMPLOYMENT, INCOME DIS~RIBUTION, SOCIAL PROGRESS AND THE . INTERNATIONAL DIVISION OF LABOUR; HELD AT GENEVA FROM 2 '1'0 23 JUNE 19'16 VI. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL ON THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON THE ERADICATION OF APARTHEID 100) IN SUPPORT OF THE STRUGGLE FOR . LIBERATION IN SOUTH AFRICA, HELD A~I HAVANA FROM 24 TO 28 MAY 1976 VII. STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL AT THE 320TH MEETING OF THE SPECIAL COMMIT'.rEE AGAINST APARTHEID ON 19 MARCH 1976, ON THE OCCASION OF THE OBSERVANCE OF 'mE INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF :RACIAL DISCRi~fiNATION VIII. SUMMARY OF A STATEMENT BY MR. DAVID MERORO, NATIONAL CHAIRMAN OF THE SOUTH WEST AFRICA P;EOPLE '5 ORGANIZATION AT THE 226TH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL ON 16 OCTOBER 1975 :X. SUMMARY OF A STATEMENT BY MR. REUBEN HAUWANGA, SECREr.rARY FOR INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY In NORTHERN NAMIBIA, SOurH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE '5 ORGANIZATION, AT 'mE 230TH MEETING OF THE COUNC;I:L, ON 8 MARCH 1976 -vii~ " -- 1 CONTENTS (continued) VOLUME II (continued) X. SUMMARY OF A STATEMmT BY MR. MISHAKE MUYONGO, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION, AT THE 234TH MEETING Sir, OF THE COUNCIL, ON 17 JUNE 1976 I have th XI. REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF ':L1iE COUNCIL TO THE TWENTY-SECOND Nations Counci SESSION OF THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT 2248 (S-V). T PROGRAMME, HELD AT GENEVA FROM 15 JUNE TO 2 JULY .. 1916 16 November 19 XII. REPORT OF THE MISSION OF THE COUNOIL TO LATIN AMERICA In accord XIII. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL ON THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR NAMIBIA request that t at its thirty- VOLUMl!l III Accept, S ANNEX XIV REPORT OF THE MISSION OF THE COUNCIL TO AFRICA ~. i '> ! His ExcellencJ Mr. Kurt Waldl Secretary-GenE New York -viii- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 11 November 1916 Sir, I have the honour to transmit herewith the tenth report of the United Nations Council for Namibia pursuant to section V of General Assembly resolution 2248 (S-V). This report was adopted by the Council at its 242nd meeting on 16 November 1916, and covers the period 13 September 1915 to 20 October 1976. In accordance with the terms of the said resolution, I have the honour to request that the report be distribute:d as a document of the General Assembly at its thirty-first session. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. (§igned)' Aarno' KARHILO ..... Acting President· United Nations Council for Namibia His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General of the United Nations New York -ix- ~ ~--~ I REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA VOLUME I INTRODUCTION 1. On 21 October 1966 the General Assembly adopted resolution 2145 (XXI), by which it terminated the mandate of South Africa over Namibia and placed the country under the direct responsibility of the United Nations. In the following year, the General Assembly, by resolution 2248 (S-V) of 19 MSiY 1967, created the United Nations Council for South West Africa 1/ and entrusted it with the responsibility of administering the T~rritory-~til independ~nce.
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