II " YOUR REGIONAL DIRECTORS •0 "0 NORTItE.t.ST REG ION, MIDWEST Rf.G" )!! SOU IIIWESI REGION • Connec.itu', Mn.~hu ,. " '. Rhode I.'and, Mlu.ig .... OI ... ln'·'.o. '11010'5- C.. ~ fOtn i .. ArL1 0n,. tl ~v"' •• Ut.t.. H,,,,.il • Mal .... Ii..- It....... "...., . New ""5elI, J ...... Nichols U1wrtnce R.omi,., 0 'ft,,,,,,,, •. PtnnsoJ>' . ..... !few Y... ~ l45S Aurel,us ifd Apt" I 945 gin S. ~ oov", S ......e l' . nd R"'JnOlHlo .lon .. HQlt.I~I .BII42 11.'mo•• Ik!.d~ [A !I0254 .1J19 • P.O. BOlx 3041 I . I~ ,. I tn' OI ' 0• 81DOklyn, NY 1120Z • E.... il, N ORrtlLAHOAEGlO~ PACif IC tlOR1HW£ST REGION: Wi~'".", .. , :.!,nr.escla, 1<",,' Ild~J'~, SJ~I~' Creion, Wlsh,nl,on, ~a,",. W_stern ho.d. -• MID ·ATLANTIC REGION· Oa kol> (ti"U.h CoI\fmb'3, Albe rta), Aluk. •0 o.l.wa,e, D.C, MOr1jlaml, V"Wln i., W"~I Virglnl, Thom •• I.",1I nlv .. , Viall Da.id Ouitk S910 '2nd S, 4~"\~ 245th~, Sl " "0 "0 1419 ....... 1$ ....11rr K-.h;o, \." S3J.11 "tolIq~an. Wo\ 981lZ9 MldIo.hion. VA nl13 (1011,1 Lr~~rl - lro.i• . - GRUI PLAIII S R~r.lorj · USIERN ~N O CENTRAL CAUAOA: SotJTHEAST REGION: "';".,.,.11, UeIl'3 ~ ~', 10 ... , KIn",. ll'l~t""' •. u.cU r.'''''$ n",1d<o. G_&,". 5outJ\ Carol,"., Nor," htolma T~ ... 22l E.pI.".Jo AF' 431 Todd Sm ... .ff-. k>ronr" 1»1 MSA 4~' 8 , PO Box 1491 5046 w.enwr)/ld Il,.vo [",~,I - Hunt.",·ill., ~C 28070· 1A9 7 Rockaway a ..ch M06>.'4U Em.it Lmail GEEPSOUTH REG IO N; WotJH1 ...... SlAlES R( GlOti Arkan<u, ~o u l. i.n. , MI ssissippi, Kentucky, COlorldo, M.... ,'n., V.''I''m.r,!, Ilew M.. w;o T.nn ...... .I.l.b.m. Kin Hi.ch." Da-.id V""lh! 1024 S.~ebr "lilo Wa~ P.O. 1OlI l82t26 loui,,,ille, CO 110027 GtrrnM>!_ IN lIIt8] [~. Ema il, - PRESENTING YOUR RP&A RCGIONAL OIRE:CTf)RS The RPGA ' has bo!en undergoing a revision of the assisting retail stOICS with the ADVENTURER'S GU!LD ' ~ pro· Reg io nal Director progranl to empower the Regional 9ram, and hclping clubs out as lleceS5aIy. Directors to help build and sel'/{! the Network. and to C01l\­ The Regiollal DilCl'tor alsu selves as the primary pensate them for the money they spend Oil OUI (and yum) information source for t he l eg ion. [n May, the behalf. The names in the chart on this page belong to those Regional Directors wit! begin publishing bimonthly members who read the Ilew job descriptiOIl and agreed to IIcwsletters for mllmbers ill the regions informing step up and serve you as best as they can. 'nlanks to each of them of what is IIA[fpening. The Re 9iOllal Director them for putting their time and energy at your disposal. helps members find cOlwelltioliS with RPGA evellts, With this change, we'd like to lecogllize (once again) till: answers qllestiolls on RPGA policy, and generally helps Reyional Directors who have served up until now and are provide the iJ, for mation that l\I~ lI\ bers need to get the stepping down. Thank you especially for your service, dedi­ most oul ot their IIIClnbe rship. cation, and positive attitudes. nIl' retiring regional directors Regiol\ill Oiledors keep 1[0 up to date on regional COil are: David !..aMulle, Chris M cGuig ~ n, Gene Luster, Tom PI\l S~, cerns al\d heljl us address those concern~ in a timo!ly James Peoples, John Hinkle, Michael Schneider, Scutt 111;Ulller. Thl.'y cOOldinale with LIVING'" Campaign coordi­ Thome, Ed Gibson, Robert Farnsworth, William BUT'Ier ,Jr., na tors to help those programs grow within the region, and Mary Schmitt. Mark liberman, I:tic Kline. Ed Peterson, tlwy settle disputes bctw~n members as best as they can. Barbara Bruser, Kevill Kulp, Peggy O·Connetl. Michete They selve as thl! regiolw\ authOlity ill I.!VING Campaign Graham, Marc Soderberg, Sherrie Masdon, Bill Bullock, John matters when such is necessary. A.T. Vaccaro. Dennis Couch, Shawn Bemis. Faeghan White Regiunal Directors have the opportunity to pro­ Wolf, Charles Sagui, Fran lIart. and William Corey 51. mote milny Network programs through their iuvuivement. and you should meet YOUI Regional HOW THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR SERVES Director as soon ilS yOIl can. Tho! better he knows you, The Regional Directors serve the RPGA Network by t he better ho! call help yo u enl,ance your RPGA Incm­ acting as a locat member contact and coordinator of KptA bl!rship experiences. Alld you may even be able to activities within the re9ion. The RL'gional Director should help the ReglUl:~1 Director. The Regional Director has be workill9 to promote t he RPGfI in 11 positivt: li ght an(1 to ,\ lut ot t hings tu do. dnd could nse yuul help. Helping be growin9 the roteplaying hobby. Within their legion, • he your Re'llOlldl Uirt- ctUJ is ~ way to become more Regional Director is the Network's representative. ,1nd as involved wilh yom melllbeuhlp. such can provide valuable selviccs for memUers. Notc th<lt these Re(!ion~ l DirectOIS only .serve members The Regional Director promotcs the RPGA within his <.II in the Ullittld States <lnd Cauada. Regional Directors and her region and in other regions when visiting. This broad Branch H,magels ill othel rl'!liOllS can be found on the category includes assisting wit h CO llv"ntion o r ganil~ I \I)n RPGiI web si t~ or in the lucal puu1iCdlions fOI those areas. as IIE!"1'ded to make $ur!.' that RPGA events are run sllcn~ss· Rl"lioMt DirectUl' Il!C\'ive free membership during their fully, hetpillg conventions which have never {l11l RI'GA t~lIns, frPl' ,1d mwiol1 to the GEM CON"' Game Fair, an dnTlUdI "vellts to g~l them. sClvi ng as a CO llduit for inforOiation sllpl'nd paid in qllMlclly illstalhncnts, ;md lcilllbmsement 01 •:, for meOibers, allswering qnenions trol1\ nw",h('I~< re~M)llrlllle I!Xpell~.\ (\"pcrl(ting un the RPGA's bud<]et. , ·• The cheating word came up just now. and it's an ugly word. WHY DO WE PLAY ? • Here at HQ, we get kind of a distorted view of what is Bllt what exactly constitutes cheating behavior? Cheating at • of happeniug out there in RPGA~ -ta nd. I used to call TSR the Network play indudes any the following behaviors: •o -ivory tower" because I felt that we who served at HO were Copying official magical item or other celtificates ·" DI far from where anything was really happening. While this is from LIVING campaign games without pennission 1I0t as true as it used to be, there is a certain filter through and for any purpose other than the one they ale pro­ ·•o which we at 110 perceive the state of the Network. Why? vided for. This means that convention coordi nators Because we get a lot of news by the narrow funnel of what copying or printing certs for use at game tables at their conventions are doing the right thing and so are is told to us, and we do not see all the fun you have when • you play together. As a result, sometimes things look a lot campaign coordinators authorized to produce certs. o "o more negative to us tha.Illhey perhaps do to you. but any other kind of •v printing or copying certs is • When I joined the Network back in 1991, I did so In an effort to fi gu.e w t wI1it we hiVe out the.e, the I.JnI; em­ • wrong. It is also illegal. because I mel a great group of people who I liked to play cimpaign staff .equests Ihal all pla~ e.s with cenificales lor I'""J' roleplaying games with, and they were aU members. The Violating the letter or spirit of thing \ll\Usuil send or In a cop!! to IIPGA HO by ApOI ISth. Uousuil things include: semi.retirements, cffled auction races options mOIl' I tra~led to COIlS, and judged, and played, the more the guideli nes in place for or not normal"" allowed in the ClmpaiKn, g",ndfithered cha.actm great people I met. I can truly say that I have not ever had LIVING campaign play. The ,• letter part is pretty obvious, from past revisions of the .ules. Magic items do not need 10 be sub· • a bad game with the RPGA. Everyone I played with se1;!med mitted. Include on the Ceft the player name. ma.actef name, and • to know that we were all in it to have fun and play the but the spirit of the IUles is playe. RP GA num be •. Make good copies, so that the issuinK siana. AO&D" game, or whatever we were playing. just as important. ture is lIS llisible as it ift$. Send \a Hll al the add.ess 00 the mailer, The NetwOlk has changed since that time, as Kevin Playing RPGA scenarios with o. fa~ 10 425·226·3182. Ho scans please. advance knowledge of the sce­ Mw April 151h, we will re·certify these exceptions and unusual Melka pointed out two issues ago. Campaign events, espe" clISe$. and by June lSI a"!jlllinaunusuji thai we hiMI not seen and daUythe inunel15ely popular LIVING Clyytll Campaign, have nario and using that .e,ce<ted will be void. So send yours in right away. knowledge to your benefit. ROBERT SAYS 'CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER" added a different dimension to Network play. In Classic events, members play (at least in my experience) for the E~~ne ha! a slightly different idea of what fun is.
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