Libraries FEATURE FILMS The Media and Reserve Library, located in the lower level of the west wing, has over 9,000 videotapes, DVDs and audiobooks covering a multitude of subjects. For more information on these titles, consult the Libraries' online catalog. 0.5mm DVD-8746 2010: The Year We Make Contact DVD-3418 10 Things I Hate About You DVD-0812 2012 DVD-4759 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse DVD-0048 21 Grams DVD-8358 10th Victim DVD-5591 21 Up South Africa DVD-3691 12 DVD-1200 24 Hour Party People DVD-8359 12 Angry Men DVD-0850 24 Season 1 (Discs 1-3) DVD-2780 Discs 1 12 Monkeys DVD-3375 25th Hour DVD-2291 DVD-8358 25th Hour c.2 DVD-2291 c.2 12 Years a Slave DVD-7691 25th Hour c.3 DVD-2291 c.3 13 Going on 30 DVD-8704 27 Dresses DVD-8204 1776 DVD-0397 28 Days Later DVD-4333 1900 DVD-4443 28 Days Later c.2 DVD-4333 c.2 1984 (Hurt) DVD-4640 28 Days Later c.3 DVD-4333 c.3 DVD-6795 28 Weeks Later c.2 DVD-4805 c.2 1984 (O'Brien) DVD-6971 3 Days of the Condor DVD-8360 2 Autumns, 3 Summers DVD-7930 3 Women DVD-4850 2 Days in Paris DVD-9521 3 World of Gulliver c.2 DVD-4239 c.2 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her DVD-6091 3 Worlds of Gulliver DVD-4239 20 Million Miles to Earth DVD-3608 3:10 to Yuma DVD-4340 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea DVD-8356 30 Days of Night DVD-4812 2001: A Space Odyssey DVD-0260 300 c.2 DVD-6064 c.2 DVD-8357 300: Rise of the Empire DVD-9092 2001: A Space Odyssey (Blu-Ray) DVD-9457 35 Shots of Rum c.2 DVD-4729 c.2 8/30/2019 36th Chamber of Shaolin DVD-9181 About a Boy DVD-3900 39 Steps DVD-0337 About Last Night DVD-0928 39 Steps c.2 DVD-0337 c.2 Abraham (Bible Collection) DVD-0602 4 Films by Virgil Wildrich DVD-8361 Absence of Malice DVD-8243 4 Little Girls DVD-0051 Abyss DVD-8020 40 Year Old Virgin DVD-9485 Accidental Hero: Room 408 DVD-5980 400 Blows DVD-8362 Accused DVD-6182 DVD-0336 Ace in the Hole DVD-9473 42 DVD-5254 Ace Ventura Collection DVD-8163 42nd Street c.2 DVD-0232 c.2 Across the Universe DVD-5997 4th Man DVD-9145 Act of Violence/Mystery Street DVD-3065 5 Deadly Venoms DVD-9185 Adam DVD-5052 50 First Dates DVD-4486 Adam's Rib DVD-1715 500 Days of Summer DVD-9491 Adaptation c.2 DVD-4192 c.2 500 Years Later DVD-5438 Addams Family DVD-8162 70's DVD-0418 Addicted to Love DVD-3376 7th Voyage of Sinbad DVD-4166 Addiction DVD-2884 8 1/2 DVD-3832 Adjuster DVD-9629 8 1/2 c.2 DVD-3832 c.2 Adjustment Bureau DVD-9591 8 Mile DVD-1639 Admiral DVD-7558 9 to 5 DVD-2063 Adventures in Babysitting DVD-9336 9th Company DVD-1383 Adventures of Baron Munchhausen DVD-3909 A Fish Called Wanda DVD-2276 c.2 Adventures of Don Juan DVD-2916 A.I. Artificial Intelligence DVD-2714 Adventures of Milo and Otis DVD-4025 DVD-2713 Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet DVD-0831 Abby DVD-9143 Adventures of Prince Achmed DVD-7737 Abominable Dr. Phibes/Dr. Phibes Rises Again DVD-3313 DVD-8364 Page 2 8/30/2019 Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert DVD-4365 Akira DVD-0315 Adventures of Robin Hood DVD-1303 DVD-1214 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (DeNiro) c.2 DVD-3959 c.2 Akira c.2 DVD-0315 c.2 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes DVD-1416 Aladdin (Disney) DVD-6181 Advise and Consent DVD-1514 Aladin (Bollywood) DVD-6178 Advocate DVD-5187 Alexander DVD-5380 Affair to Remember DVD-1201 Alexander Nevsky DVD-8367 African Queen DVD-5238 Alexander Nevsky (Criterion) c.2 DVD-4983 c.2 After Hours DVD-3053 Alfie DVD-9492 After Life DVD-4558 Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Bonus DVD-0958 Disc After the Thin Man DVD-3021 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul DVD-4725 Aftermath DVD-9853 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul c.2 DVD-4725 c.2 Against All Odds DVD-8241 Alice DVD-4863 Against the Wall DVD-2894 Alice c,2 DVD-4863 c.2 Age of Consent (Michael Powell) DVD-4779 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore DVD-3070 Age of Heroes (Blu-Ray) DVD-8993 DVD-8368 Age of Innocence DVD-6179 Alice in Wonderland (Depp) DVD-4917 Age of Innocence c.2 DVD-6179 c.2 Alice in Wonderland (Disney) DVD-8369 Aging Out DVD-5948 Alien DVD-0838 Agony and the Ecstasy DVD-3308 Alien c.2 DVD-0838 c.2 Aguirre: The Wrath of God DVD-4816 Alien Intruder DVD-9648 Aguirre: The Wrath of God c.2 DVD-4816 c.2 All About Eve DVD-8370 Air America DVD-3884 DVD-0980 Airplane DVD-8365 All About My Mother DVD-4262 DVD-9993 DVD-0965 Airport 77/Concorde Airport 79 DVD-3317 All About My Mother c.2 DVD-0965 c.2 Airport/Airport 1975 DVD-3307 All About the Benjamins DVD-9688 Page 3 8/30/2019 All American Girl DVD-3363 Amelia DVD-7455 All is Lost DVD-7470 Amelie DVD-1724 All of Me DVD-2988 DVD-1723 All or Nothing DVD-9635 America the Beautiful DVD-5942 All Quiet on the Western Front DVD-0238 American DVD-7454 DVD-1284 American Beauty DVD-2690 All that Heaven Allows DVD-0329 American Dream (Marines) DVD-7453 All That Heaven Allows c.2 DVD-0329 c.2 American Friend DVD-5636 All that Jazz DVD-4310 American Gangster DVD-3140 All the King's Men DVD-3291 American Graffiti DVD-0857 All the Mornings of the World DVD-1274 American Graffiti c.2 DVD-0857 c.2 All the President's Men DVD-8371 American History X DVD-0019 All Through the Night DVD-9049 DVD-3287 Almost Famous c.2 DVD-1638 c.2 American Horror Story Season 4: Freak Show DVD-9562 Almost Famous c.3 DVD-1638 c.3 American Horror Story Season 5: Hotel DVD-9563 Almost Famous c.4 DVD-1638 c.4 American Horror Story Season 7: Cult DVD-9564 Along Came a Spider DVD-8207 American in Paris DVD-0856 Alphaville DVD-0369 American Movie DVD-0183 Alphaville c.2 DVD-0369 c.2 American Outlaws DVD-8451 Alphaville c.3 DVD-0369 c.3 American Pastime DVD-5083 Amadeus DVD-0099 American President DVD-7307 Amarcord DVD-4426 American Psycho DVD-6071 Amateur DVD-5619 American Psycho c.3 DVD-6071 c.3 Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse DVD-9081 American Sniper DVD-8997 Amazing Race Season 1 DVD-0925 DVD-8328 Ambushers DVD-5616 American Soldier DVD-7225 Amchorman DVD-9475 American Splendor DVD-4828 Page 4 8/30/2019 American Ultra DVD-9035 Angel Heart DVD-4711 American Werewolf in London DVD-2657 Angela Mao Ying Collection DVD-8012 Americanization of Emily DVD-1501 Angels in America DVD-0542 America's Dream DVD-2724 DVD-0542 C2 America's Sweethearts DVD-6176 Angels with Dirty Faces DVD-3189 Amistad DVD-0021 Angels with Dirty Faces c.2 DVD-3189 c.2 DVD-8372 Animal Farm DVD-4143 Amityville Horror (1979) DVD-1299 Animal House DVD-4094 Amityville Horror (2005) DVD-1092 DVD-1308 Amreeka DVD-5943 Animatrix DVD-5910 An Everlasting Piece DVD-9949 Animatrix c.2 DVD-5910 c.2 Analyze That DVD-7452 Anna Christie DVD-2073 Analyze This DVD-8450 Anna Karenina (Garbo) DVD-2019 Anatomy of a Murder DVD-4814 Anna Karenina (Knightley) DVD-7314 Anchoress DVD-5326 Anna Karenina (Russian) DVD-1748 Anchorman 2 DVD-9099 Anne (An) DVD-8745 Anchors Aweigh DVD-0476 Anne Frank DVD-3303 And God Created Woman DVD-4827 Annie (Bates) DVD-0234 And Justice for All DVD-8244 Annie (Burnett) DVD-4792 DVD-3965 Annie (Wallis) DVD-8178 And the Band Played On DVD-3300 Annie Get Your Gun DVD-0750 And Then There Were None DVD-0401 Annie Hall DVD-0852 And Your Mother Too (Y Tu Mama Tambien) DVD-3503 c.2 DVD-0852 C2 Andre Techine: 4 Film Collector's Edition DVD-7271 Anomalisa DVD-8961 Andromeda Strain DVD-2868 Anonymous DVD-2681 Angel at My Table DVD-3264 Another Country DVD-4282 Angel at My Table c.2 DVD-3264 c.2 Another Earth DVD-7319 Page 5 8/30/2019 Another Thin Man DVD-3006 Around the World in 80 Days (1956) DVD-1729 Anthropoid DVD-8859 Around the World in 80 Days (Chan) DVD-6073 Any Day Now DVD-7444 Arsenic and Old Lace DVD-2113 Any Given Sunday DVD-0596 Artemisia DVD-0653 Any Human Heart DVD-6243 Arthur DVD-3046 Anything Goes DVD-3318 Arthur Christmas DVD-9781 Apartment DVD-3005 Artist DVD-0188 DVD-1808 As Good as it Gets DVD-0697 Apartment (Blu-Ray) DVD-9509 As Good As It Gets c.2 DVD-0697 c.2 Apocalypse Now DVD-8374 Ashes and Diamonds DVD-3642 DVD-6825 DVD-8375 DVD-3440 Asian Queer Shorts DVD-9952 Appaloosa DVD-7443 Asphalt Jungle DVD-3004 Appointments of Anna DVD-4541 Assassin DVD-8962 Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz DVD-2523 Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford DVD-9036 Arachnophobia DVD-7901 Assassination of Richard Nixon DVD-2494 Archie's Final Project DVD-7442 Assassination of Richard Nixon c.2 DVD-2494 c.2 Architect DVD-9577 At Five in the Afternoon DVD-9302 Argo DVD-7465 Atonement DVD-7765 Argo c.2 DVD-7465 c.2 Atonement (Blu-Ray) FBF-8991 Ariel DVD-6604 Attack the Block DVD-7739 Aristocats DVD-1964 Attraction DVD-9683 Armageddon DVD-4794 Au Revoir les Enfants DVD-3092 Army of Shadows DVD-3022 Audacity: Love Can't Stay Silent DVD-8798 Army of Shadows c.2 DVD-3022 c.2 Audition DVD-4215 Arn: The Knight Templar DVD-5935 Augustus DVD-4755 Arnold Schwarzenegger Comedy Favorites Collections DVD-7053 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery DVD-9987 Page 6 8/30/2019 Australia DVD-9518 Back to the Future: The Complete Trilogy DVD-8377 Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman DVD-0462 Bad Boys DVD-9645 Autumn Sonata DVD-3525 Bad Day at Black Rock DVD-1510 Avalon DVD-0723 Bad Education DVD-1001 Avant Garde: Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and 30s DVD-1841 Bad Hair (Pelo Malo) DVD-8132 Avanti! DVD-3063 Bad Lucky Goat DVD-9196 Avatar DVD-5064 Bad Seed DVD-6316 Avengers DVD-8995 Bad Sleep Well DVD-8088 DVD-7995 Bad Timing DVD-3258 Avengers: Saving the World in Style DVD-3913 Badlands DVD-1143 Avenue Montaigne DVD-5127 Badlands c.2 DVD-1143 c.2 Avventura DVD-3042 Ballad of Little Jo DVD-2495 Awakenings DVD-7281 Ballad of Little Jo c.2 DVD-2495 c.2 Away We Go DVD-8879 Ballast DVD-4488 Azur and Asmar Princes' Quest DVD-7735 Bamboozled DVD-1751 Babadook DVD-8653 Bamboozled c.2 DVD-1751 c.2 Babe DVD-2591 Band of Brothers (Discs 1-4) c.2 DVD-0580 Discs 1 Babes
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