[ 55 ] Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 88 (1), 55-61 (1987) Printed in Great Britain ZEUS OLYMPIUS GEN. ET SP.NOV. AND NECTRIA GANYMEDE SP.NOV. FROM MOUNT OLYMPUS, GREECE By D. W. MINTER, ROSALIND LOWEN CAB International Mycological Institute, Ferry Lane, Kew, Surrey, TW9 3AF, U.K. AND S. DIAMANDIS Northern Forest Research Station, Loutra Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece Zeus olympius gen. et sp. nov. (Ascomycotina, Rhytismatales, Rhytismataceae) and Nectria ganymede sp. nov. (Ascomycotina, Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae) are described, illustrated and discussed, based on collections on dead branches of Pinus leucodermis on Mount Olympus in northern Greece. Zeus olympius appears to occur exclusively on Pinus leucodermis and Neetria ganymede exclusively on old ascomata of Zeus olympius. During a recent visit by the senior author to Mount Ascomata apothecial, scattered or in small groups Olympus in northern Greece, two interesting fungi in rather pale dead twigs and small branches of were collected. They are described, illustrated and Pinus leucodermis, not closely associated with scars discussed in the following paragraphs. of short shoot needle bundles; when immature immersed below the bark and a black fungal Zeus Minter & Diamandis gen.nov. covering layer; when mature circular or rather Etym.: named after the king of gods in ancient angular, 0'5-2 mm diam; becoming erumpent, Greek mythology, who was believed to inhabit throwing back the bark and breaking the black Mount Olympus covering layer by several irregular radial splits to Hie fungus ascophorus, ad ordinem Rhytismatalium et reveal the dark fawn-coloured hymenium (frag- familiam Rhytismatacearum pertinens, corticola, erum- ments of the bark often remaining attached to the pens, c1ypeo nigro ascomatum sane statu tectus, asco- black covering layer hiding its dark appearance), sporas habet elJipsoideas vaginis indutas mirabilibus et raising the substratum surface, but lacking a stalk, ascosnil in iodocoerulescentes. Habet ascomata Therryae and so not protruding beyond the level of the vel Coccomyceti aliquid similia, et ascos multarum dislodged bark covering-layers. Rhytismatacearum generibus similes, sed ascosporas In vertical transverse section: the hymenium adspectu mentem revocantes Ceratophacidium. arising from a yellow-brown subhymenium about Species typica : Zeus olympius sp.nov. 15-30 lIm thick composed of poorly defined textura intricata situated on a layer of colourless, poorly Zeus olympius Minter & Diamandis sp.nov. defined textura intricate embedded in mucus and (Fig. 1) about 100-200 pm thick; the blackened covering HaecspeciesincolatIovismontem, virgasPini leucodermis layer, approximately 30-80 lIm thick, composed et ramulos mortuos habitans. Habet ipsis e virgis for the most part of cells 5-12 lIm in diameter erumpentia ascomataquae corticem arboris reflectant ut forming a textura angularis or globulosa with a dark aperiantur. Ascomaquodque diametrum circa 0'5-2 mm brown pigment in the cell walls and between habet, et nigro a c1ypeo tegitur quod conpluribus in partibus statu maturo fissumest ut discum videatur. Asci individual cells; these cells gradually intergrading plus minusve cylindrici, circa 100-120 x 10-12'5,um via textura epidermoidea to become a textura oblita magnitudinis respectu, nil in apicibus crassiores, sed or intricata towards the torn edges of the covering saepiusaliquanto curvati, seriatimmaturant et ascosporas layer; heavily tanned tissue of the substratum octo quique ferunt, fissura apicali quique dehiscentes ut present below the ascoma, and on the outside of the ipsae liberentur. Ascosporae nee colore nee septis sese blackened covering layer. gaudentes, tenuitunicatae sunt et unicum habent parie- Asci developing from croziers, maturing in suc- tern. In quibusque adest vagina mucosa sane aliquid cession, with ascospores becoming visible a little eleganteret suaviter in apicibus fastigiata. Sporae autern, before elongation of the ascus is completed, sine vaginis circa 12-15 x 5-8 pm magnitudinis respectu metiuntur. uniformly thin-walled, with only one wall layer Emortuis in virgiset ramulis Pini leucodermidis Antoine visible at all stages of development, more or less ad altitudinem circa 1300m in Olympi monte collectusa cylindrical, slightly tapered towards the base, D. W. Minter & S. Diamandis, Graecia, 2 April 1986, rounded at the apex, sometimes also curved IMI 303384,holotypus. characteristically towards the apex, not turning New ascomycetes from Greece A B 250 /l m 50 /lm Fig. 1. Zeus olympius . (A) Habit view of ascornata on dead twig. (B) Detail of single ascoma as seen with the dissecting microscope . (C) Ascoma in vertical transverse section as seen at low power with a compound microscope. (D) Detail of part of ascoma in vertical transv erse section as seen at a higher power with a compound microscope (random stippling indicates fungal pigments, linear stippling indicates tanned deposits in the substratum. (E) Asci, ascospores and paraphyses. D. W. Minter, Rosalind Lowen and S. Diamandis 57 blue in iodine, with no discernible apical structures, been provided by Darker (1967), Korf (1973), containing eight ascospores arranged in a single Sherwood (1980) and Cannon & Minter (1986). file, opening by a single apical crack which may In making the following assessment, an extensive extend some way down the sides, becoming checklist of the families, genera, species and collapsed and bearing longitudinal creases and sub specific taxa of the Rhytismatales was consulted latitudinal striations after ascospore discharge, (M int er, unpubl.), and the recent monograph of approximately 110-120 x 10-12'5 pm in size when the other similar family, Phacidiaceae Fries, by mature and before ascospore discharge. DiCosmo, Nag Raj & Kendrick (1984) was also Ascospores colourless, thin-walled, smooth, more scanned. Evidence relating to mucous sheaths or less ellipsoidal, aseptate (perhaps sometimes around the ascospores and paraphyses was becoming r-septate around or after the time of particularly carefully checked because such sheaths discharge) bearing many guttules and surrounded often take on different appearances when different by an inconspicuous but broad mucous sheath stain s are used in slide preparations (Punithalingam which is flared out and markedly wider beyond each & Woodhams, 1984). end of the ascospore and constricted around its In external appearances the ascomata of Zeus equator, thus appearing to be two separate sheaths, olympius resemble those of Colpoma Wallroth, approximately 12-15 x 5-8 pm excluding sheath Therrya Saccardo or bark-inhabiting species of when mature; sheaths appearing similar in eryth- Coccomyces de Notaris and, to a lesser extent, rosin in ammonia, cotton-blue and Meltzer's species of Cerion Massee and Ocotomyces Evans & reagent (without pretreatment in KOH). Minter. This general similarity with such taxa Paraphyses with unpigmented walls and yellow- continues when the ascomata are examined in ish globular contents, thin-walled, smooth, sparse- vertical transverse section, although on close ly septate, covered in a mucous sheath visible in inspection numerous small differences may be erythrosin in ammonia, cotton-blue and Meltzer's observed in tissue types and their extent and reagent (without pretreatment in KOH), filiform, distribution. None of these genera, however, apparently unbranched, slightly swollen at the apex contains species with ellipsoid ascospores and , which often appears ruptured in slide preparations, since ascospore shape remains an important sometimes anastomosing near the base, arising (like criterion at generic level within the Rhytis- the croziers) from the sub-hymenium. mataceae, the present species is clearly not congeneric with the se taxa. Sp ecimens examined : on dead twigs and small branche s Ellipsoid or nearly ellipsoid ascospores are of Pinus leucodermis at an altitude of about 1300 m, above known from a rather limited number of genera Prionia by the path to the mountain refuge on Mount within the Rhytisrnataceae, notably Cerato- Olympus, Greece, D . W. Minter & S. Diamandis.z April phacidium Reid & Pirozynski, Myriophacidium 1986, IMI 3°3384, holotype, Isotype in the herbarium of Sherwood, Ploioderma Darker and Vladracula the Pathology Division of the Northern Forest Research Station, Loutra Thermi, Thessaloniki, Gree ce. On dead Cannon, Minter & Kamal. Of these, Ploioderma branches of Pinus leucodermis at an altitude of about contains strong needle pathogens, mainly of north 1300 m, above Prionia, on Mount Olympu s, Greece, American pines, while species of both Myrio- S. Diamandis, late April 1986, IMI 3°3844. phacidium and Vladracula tend to be leaf-inhabiting and , in any case, lack the bulky nature of ascomata of the present species . Ceratophacidium is interest- ing because its only species also has ascospores Discussion of Z. olympius with a mucous sheath drawn out at both ends . Asci Many features of this fungus suggest it should be of this species were, however, reported by Reid & placed in the order Rhytismatales and family Pirozynski (1966) to have each a minute apical ring Rhytismataceae Chevallier (syn. Hypodermataceae turning blue in iodine (not noticed by Bonar (1942) Rehm): in particular the paler appearance of the when the type was first described), and the twigs ; the immersed apothecial ascomata, which ascomata are much smaller, less pigmented, and open by splits in the blackened covering layer- less bulky than those of the present species. swelling to reveal their discs
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