i i ti . : -- ! . I I i M I I C V V SEM1-WEEKL- Vi VOL VII., NO. 19 HONOLULU,." HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY' MARCH' 6,"! 1914. WHOLE RUMte,9r ; Administration Is ; WILSON ASKS Grilled For Policy, Mr. and Mrs; E. D. Tenney Celebrate ; in the Philippines OBELI! ARE Twenty-Fift- h Wedding Anniversary FOR REPEAL Representative Miller of Minne- " Ri hundred persons lost night joinel rera and the blar'k. and white evening , v Dis-y- dress of the civilians. The soft, Silvery I sota' Condemns Wholesale i with Mr. and Mm. K. I). Tenney In aid- - light of a full moon - which shone charge of Americans. ' Ing in the celebration of the anniver- through canopy of flowers, foliage j OF BILL ...-..- the 'HIED lii ; , sary of the silver wedding of that well nd ferns produced an effect that will Twenty-fiv- " .' known eouple. e years go not aoon je forgotten by those who enough to be .' WASHINGTON, March 8. (Ars'oei yesterday Mr. tu Mrs. K. D. Tenney were fortunate present atj whnt was by far one of the most elabo-- 1 afed Press by Federal Wireless) Cr were marriif .itt.IIiioliliJ and through ' rate well a siieressful and enioyal.le President Asks . CongTess to Re . i.".t,, i . .... OATTLE of the administration in iti con u in venrs uiai nave pnimeu tney social affairs that has been held in He-- j duct of Philippine affairs was rolred on have male the Isradlse of the Purine nolulu in many Veara. , consider Granting Exemption was Impossible to get the names of the floor of the house yesterday by Be;-- 1 their pome. Not in tunny year has It ' ' ' ; all those who attended, hut the follow- of Tolls to American Snipping; ', S resenlatU'e Mider ef Minnesota la the I there been a' more successful social ing la a partial lint of the sis hundred Action Discriminatory Federal Force Meet and Defeats course of an impsssioned addrese the evet than that of last night. Tha to whom invitations were extended, Declares glared ti1 tial Ten.ey home I.u- - ' These' ' ' : Three Thousand Constitutional- at Pen.arola and Amon Invited. Against Other Nations; Quick Mr. Ahlbonvj Mr. administm- - "'0 been handsomely dee Geo. Andrew Adams, deplorable, and the entire ha IX in Senate. ists Who Are Making Advance I Mr. .and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Action Follows tive organization has been destroyed by ornted for the orranion. The Tenney Mrs. I . Mrs. Albert Afong, Julia Afong, Tor-reo- tha- bn i nr American J ... - j n .. on Huerta Stronghold at n ' iirhtrn" A.k: vue ui kN iiiipHi in me Mr. Mrs.; IL. Afong, Miss Helen offielflls awhetituting of ill- - n""ru, and and the t world, wae drawn upon extensively for Alexander, Mr. David W. Anderson. Dr, Big Fight. pinoa in their atead. Kereaentative WASHINGTON, March 0. (Associ- Preparatory for the floral Perorations, these rare flowers and Mrs. K. W. Anderson; Miss Ruth Millp 1iilKril it kla belief that the k- -:. ...v. k . Fol- Anderson, Mr. and Mra. P. If. Arm ated Press by Federal Wireless) lowing his 'precedent of dealing with ' mnniwiYm, man imi mo .umiui.u.imn ot lbt valley, maidenhair fern and other Miss s'V' - 1 Laura Athcrton, iMiss K. M. Ath congress President' Wilson yea- is maamg a miiae id removing Auirr.-- flowers and foliaea. direct, Senators Will an offirial and placing the balance of erton, in. and aire. tTius. Adams, A; l. terday appeared before a Joint assembly It was through this bower of floral Atkinson, Mi M. Allen. Mr. and power , with the islanders. beauty in the spacious drawing room of Mra. Harry Baldwin, Sister Albe'rtina, of the senate and house of represent Discuss Mexico tives tn the hall of representatives and personally delivered a message urging RELATIONS OF GilE congress to repent the Psnsma Canal Committee Begins Drawiug room , of the Tenney tolls bill, on Abe ground that the meas- Carranza where rweption waa home (npjer) ure unfairly "discriminated In favor f Yestigation Into Benton and PLEAD FOR CLEHEHGY held last night Ilnshlight photo- graph taken during reception, show- American shipping, The message was Bauch Cases But Shroud ing E. D. Tenney (1), Mrs. K. D. the shortest )pntsidsotlal message ever ' Tenney (2), K. Faxon Bishop (S), Secrecy; recorded,' containing only 425 words, ments and Findings in NEW TOUR,' March . (Assoeiatel and Mrs. Klttio Brodero (4). Mr. but waa pithy and to tne point. Hinhop was , man Mrs. Federal Wireless) Retatives best and , Ten tne ; Dias Will Be Given Hear-- . Press by minutes after rresiaent Felix Brodero was bridesmaid at the wed- concluded his argument, and the " of the trio of gunmen Lefty Louis, after ' ': -' ding of Mr. and Mrs. Tenney two houses reconvened separately, ing. ' had . '. ; Blood and DagO Prank who Gyp the n. twenty Ive years ago. ' Senator W. E. Chilton of Weet Virginia are under sentence or death in tne eiee- - Introduced in the senate a bill empow 6. - . C1TT OF MEXICO, Mrch (As chair for complicity in the mnrder ering the President to suspend the pre- trie Capt. and Mrs. Ixirenzen, Mr. and toy WImImi)-Accor- ding gambler, who J. visions ef the (anal Tolls Art in ac- sociated Press Federal of Morris Rosenthal, tha Mra, Kbfn Low,' Miss Low, Mr. and report received here, in front cordance with tha line indicated in to was shot to death in the street Mrs. F. D. Lowrey, Mr. and Mra. F. J. measage. ' ' - his three thousand rebels moving on Tor- of the Hotel Metrwole. appeared 7:' Iowrey, Mr" and Mrs. 8. M. Lowrey, Official Washington lkst night tacitly Attorney Whitman today Mr. Alan Lowrey Mrs, W. reon. tinder command of General Or fore District ' lowrey, admitted that the President will carry in be- R. Mrs, ' teg.' were met by rederei force yes-- with a request that he intercede Cnstle, Mr. snl ('baa, Lucas, his point, inasmuch'aa Senator John W. half of the convicted men. .Whitman .tha Mimes Lucas, Mrs, La Follette, Kern, leader of the upper house, is terday between Conejos tad Escalon, reidied to committee only Gov Charles Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. John the that 1 supporting the chief executive In that nd signally defeated In the battle ernor Glynn eould act on their pie by Lucas, Misa Harsh Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. bony, and Kepresentaujfe oecar unner which followed, row hundred of the exercising executive clemency. , Police Kugene Lint,' Miaa Mary Low, Dave wood, leader ef the lower noose, aae been Lieut. Charles Becker, who was . con Larren, Mrs. Locke. Mrs. Lombard. Would not eppoae the repeal refcela were reported" to' have - said he murder in connection - with Mr.' and Mrs.' F. W. McFsrlane, Miss - : v victed of 3f the bill, Other Influential Demo- killed.'"'"- Rosenthal 'a death and sentenced to Alice McFarlnna, GiIt McFarlaae, Mr. -. - ,'.( .;v crats, both in Iha'seaate, and 'hoose, ' death, wns recently granted a new trial. and Mrs. F, W MaFaiinue, Mr. and have openly declared themselves as bei- vi e, MUST PAY $500,000 OR Hevker, was anown tn ana trial, in- Mrs. JI. P. Mcl'arlanA Miaa Lady ng" it . in support of the President's stand. BE EXECUTED BY VILLA cited the gunmen to do the actual kill MK. S"d MrS '., A, Mackin-tih- la his mesHage ryesidout .Wilson said X - General Mrs. M. M, Macomb, ing of the gambler, and ia. parti 'A i ,' ,v , .":,' .Mr. nnd, Mrs, J. AlfreVs Mgoon, Mr. niy judgmera?, matter being V. Jvl March . :(Awo "In the PASO, Texas, MuTMliall, Mr. ail Mrs. Bi L. darxi 'ullv, ennHijerv.d my ' ded-j- ma- - ; irk 'elated Pre-t- s by Federal iWireleaa) 1 . i Cnpl. Jinj Mrs. WilliaSLJitUutWJiliC'a tsri-l.- v formed, thu xuiiiption"f Ameri RFVOLUTlOri i;i BRAZIL J l.ow-Mr- tt LJLiy-- "'ri-i.a- appealed . 1 .arJmtcr-i.r..it- i- - mo klatxtti, and Mrs. Oen. Auis hf., V. j - ' 1 iir. can ahiiHiing from- the . canal Chsu'e K. u. Mead, Mr. and 'Mrs J. !', constitutes mistaken economic poll, y. "ei - .... , v.. .Chiliuahua intervene an laapliy, Mr. and Mra. Theo. Melanphy, Letcher t te Tenney homeAhat six honored'' Mri it is a plain contravention of tha save the life of his son. Louis Terrazas .DUtSliOhCAIISt VdUHHlJ" the end Mrn. H. P' Ageo, Mr. H. AriU, and Mrs. 3 H. Drew, Mr' Geo, Dunoon, Mrs. J. Mist. Misa Edith Mist, Mr. aad treaty of 1901. But I do not eome here wended Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ma-ke- e, held by General Villa as a prisoner their way' last pight.. NedAdama, and Robert Mr. aud M,ra. llias. Irew, . Mrs. Monsnrrat, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. to urge my viewa, come .Jr.. l'ink, silver and grVn were color Rev. Mrs. personal I to and threatened with death unless $500,: the Atkinson. and Ault. Mr. and Mra. N. W. Cmory, Mi. ami Miss Violt Makes, Alexander tate the facts and the situation. What- pink glow from . .1. ' '. money I tonight, schemes, the soft thf Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babbit, Mr, and Mrs. P. Krdmnn, Mr. J. , Evans, Mies Elizabeth Monsarratt, E. 000 ransom paid by - ever our differences of opinion, every Consul WA8IIINOTCW March Aso- myriads of incandescents, adding beau- Mrs. W. H. Balrd, Mr. and Mrs. tam Mi Einily Farley, Rev. and MraErd-man- . Ij., Marshall, Mra. Julia Mcfarlane, Rob- baa received word from Letcher ' where else the 'treaty is gives bat one ty to the scene which could, not. be . Monsxr-rst- ; that the latter cannot, be of any help riatcd Press by Federal Wireless Biildwin, Mrs.
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