
1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4355 Unfortunately, untold damage has been bring petroleum supplies up to essential re­ TENNESSEE done to the cause of conservation by a welter quirements into an area of the country which LiUian G. Freemon, Leoma. of conflicting statements emanating from is called upon to play an outstanding role William S. Fields, Milan. Government officials as to actual shortage in the industrial war effort. Immediate at­ James H. Davenpo.rt, Soddy. conditions pertaining to rubber and gasoline. tention should also be given to the petroleum Phil W. Campl;lell, Tiptonville. The country is today in an utter state of requirements for the Pacific Northwest. Floyd Mitchell, Tullahoma. confusion .as to shortages, rationing objec­ In the event that gasoline rationing on a James K. St. Clair, White Bluff. tives, and rationing inequities. It is im­ Nation-wide scale is considered, the ques­ perative that Government give the people a tion should be approached from the stand­ TEXAS consistent story as to the facts and that the point of an over-all policy closely related to I .. J. Burns, Brady. telling of it be not left to subordinates but a program of vehicle and rubber conserva­ Joseph Morris Woolsey, Yoakum. come from the people vested with authority, tion and not as a measure of economic if necessary, the President of the United repression. States. The Chief Executive should natura1ly have EXECUTIVE SESSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the power, if he does not already have it, to Mr. McKELLAR. I move that the acquire any and all instrumentalities of Senate proceed to consider executive TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1942 transportation in the interest of efficient business. prosecution of the war, and this includes The motion was agreed to; and the 'I'he House met at 12 o'clock noon. passenger automobiles. But it should be The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ made clear that this wartime power would Senate proceeded to the consideration of be exercised by the President and his re­ executive business. gomery, D. D., offered the following prayer: ' sponsible agents only when it is absolutely EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE necessary, and that the objective . be not 0 God of our fathers, refresh Thy peo­ merely to accumulate a mammoth pool of Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee ple on their toilsome way that their lives automobiles to be kept in idleness to meet a on Post Offices and Post Roads, reported demand that may never eventuate. may be filled with patience and faith. 0 favorably the nominations of several look upon the mass of human suffering The motorists of the country are perfectly postmasters. willing to assign their vehicles for war pur­ and imperfection which mutely cries unt~ poses when they are needed. In the mean­ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MuR­ Thee; let their unworded pains break time there should be an end to threats of DOCK in the chair). If there be no fur­ forth into the music of that €tcr_lal hope confiscation and commandeering, the only ther reports of committees, the clerk which never dies. Grant thc-Jt the chasm effect of which has been to cause millions of will state the nominations on the Execu­ between the poor and the rich, the for­ people to question the value of conserving tive Calendar. tunate and the enslav€d, may soon be property that might be taken from them POSTMASTERS lessened, giving vision hours in which overnight. · sacrifice is transfigured and man every­ Confiscation of automobiles has been The legislative clerk proceeded to read widely publicized· as a means of enforcing where is lifted up to behold the possibili- a proposed Federal speed limit of 40 miles sundry nominations of postmasters. ties of human life. · an hour. There is every reason for lower Mr. McKELLAR. I ask that the nom­ Mercifully look upon our historic in­ speed limits on the highways as a means of inations of postmasters be confirmed en stitutions and blot out all strife, all an­ conservation, but this is being secured in bloc, and that the President be imme­ tagonisms, that they may not surge substantial m easure now through a unique diately notified. through the arteries of our national life. degree of motorists' cooperation and through 'fhe PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Cleanse all hearts of the spirit of s€lfish• State action. The need for a Federal statute which would be all but unenforceable and objection, the nominations are confirmed ness, and grant that their dim and en­ with such a penalty as is proposed is highly en bloc; and, without objection, the Pres­ tangled threads may be unraveled in the questionable. • . ident will be immediately notified. clear light of day. Disarm all fears and If it be the policy of the Government, as That completes the Executive Calendar. discouragements, blessed Lord, and give it should be, to maintain as ~any parosenger RECESS hidden power to the souls of men. Our cars as possible in service, it naturally fol- country 'tis of Thee, sweet land of liberty, ·lows that the needs of these cars should Mr. McKELLAR. As in legislative for thee we pray, and may we lay our be related to the plans of the Government session, I move that the Senate take a very lives, clean -and spotless, on the altar a.s regards rubber. Specifically, the syn­ recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. of human freedom. For the love of Thine thetic rubber program should be extended The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 only Son, our Saviour. Amen. as a bulwark against the day when conserva­ o'clock and 30 minutes p. m.) the Senate tion as such is not enough to maintain an took a recess until tomorrow, Wednesday, The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ adequacy of passenger-car transportation. terday was read and approved. The Government should inaugurate an May 20, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. aggressive campaign for the collection of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE enormous quantities of scrap rubber, for the CONFIRMATIONS A message from the Senate, by Mr. lack of which the reclaiming plants are faced Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced with a shut-down in a few months. Sim­ Executive nominations confirmed by ilarly, it should be made clear that once a that the Senat€ had adopted the follow­ formula for essential use is developed, ex­ the Senate May 19 (legislative day of May ing resolution: isting stocks of tires will be rationed out on 15, 1942): Senate Resolution 252 the most liberal basis that a prudent re­ POSTMASTERS IN THE SENATE OF ·THE UNITED STATES, gard for the future will permit, and not MASSACHUSETTS May 18 (legislative day May 15), 1942. held for 8 years or more as the public is now Resolved, That the Senate has heard with being told. Inequities in tire-rationing reg­ Eva Fitzpatrick, Allerton. Amy A. Hawks, Bolton. profound sorrow the announcement of the ulations should be speedily removed and death of Hon. PATRICK J. BoLAND, late a Rep­ steps should be taken to get into circulation Clarence R. Halloran, Framingham. Mildred D. O'Neil, Hyannis Port. resentative from the State of Pennsylvania. the enormous number of used tires that are Resolved, That a committee of two Senators now frozen because of established price ceil­ John E. Roche, Orange. be appointed py the Vice President to join the ings. Inventories of tire stocks, new and John R. Parker, Rockland. committee appointed on the part of the House used, should be completed and made public Rosella Webb, South Lincoln. of Representatives to attend the funeral of as an essential part of the information the John J. Easton, South Walpole. the deceased Representative. people should have to understand the rubber Mary E. Joseph, Truro. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate situation Nellie G. McDonald, Ward Hill. these resolutions to the House of Represent­ Felix A. Dalmas, Wellfleet. As regards gasoline, in spite of the short­ atives and transmit a copy thereof to the Roger W. Cahoon, Jr., West Harwich. family of the deceased. age on the Atlantic seaboard, a commendable John T. Sheehan, Worcester. effort has been made to supply this area with Resolved, That as a further mark of respect gasoline through the development of over­ MISSOURI to the memory of the deceased the Senate do land and safe water transportation. It is Alexander W. Graham, Ka~sas City. now take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to­ now clear that because of military require­ Fred King, Queen City. morrow. ments, we cannot dep~nd upon the tanker SOUTH DAKOTA fieet. The time has come for the policy The message also announced that pur­ Il}.akers to consider again the w:.sdom of pro­ J. Edward Meyer, Mobridge. suant to the provisions of the above reso­ viding materials for a pipe line that would George D. Blake, Spearfish. lution, the Vice President appointed Mr. 4356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~HOUSE MAY 19 DAVIS and Mr, I.JUFFEY membets of said news of the passing of this dear friend of question for any self-respecting lending committee on tbe part of the Senate. mine. agency to grant. And so it would have The message also announced that the At first I could scarcely believe it and been, had such been the fact. But the Senate agrees to the report of the com­ thought it must be a mistake. I imme- . facts, according to Mr. Jones' own letter mitt.ee of conference on the disagreeing diately made it my business to make fur­ to me and according to the file on the votes of the two Houses on the amend­ ther inquiry, only to have it confirmed.
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