S3652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 24, 2012 To be assistant health services officer Bryan P. Leland coal-powered energy. Their strategy George S. Chow Heather S. Lim will drive up energy prices around the Sarah M. Lee Jennifer N. Lind world, and will make affordable and re- Joy A. Mobley Alicia Loh liable energy for poor countries dif- James O. Lott PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Sara H. Low ficult to secure. To be surgeon Michael J. MacMillan The World Bank should be focused on Mary J. Choi Madalene Mandap poverty reduction and economic Laura A. Cooley Julia E. Marie growth. Using advanced technologies, Patricia H. David Cullen M. McChristian coal provides a clean, low cost and reli- Duke J. Ruktanonchai Kamilah M. McKinnon able energy source which is critical to To be senior assistant surgeon Christopher R. McKnight countries looking for assistance in pov- Francisca Abanyie Brock E. O’Keefe erty alleviation and economic develop- Jonathan H. Owen Nina Ahmad ment. I believe representatives of the Andrew I. Geller Kelly S. Pak Sarah S. Pak United States at the World Bank Leah K. Gilbert should support low cost and dependable Aaron M. Harris Heena V. Patel Fiona Havers Ronnie L. Rael energy sources as a means to help Rachel T. Idowu Salvador Rivas, Jr. countries spur economic growth. Preetha J. Iyengar Matthew K. Sasaki Sara Aviel supports the World Bank Stephen C. Ko Marianne V. Schnarr providing financing for coal power gen- Gayathri S. Kumar Alison M. Smith eration but only to the poorest coun- Keren Z. Landman Kristina M. Snyder tries when no other options are avail- Thanh D. Ta Philip A. Lederer able. She reiterated this point when I Anna-Binney McCague Patrick R. Tully Ann P. Upshaw asked her whether she would support Erin McNelley the World Bank’s financing of a new Jolene H. Nakao Jennifer M. Utigard Vuong D. Nguyen Keith R. Warshany coal-fired power plant project in Monica Patton Mary K. Wen Kosovo. She stated: Celia L. Quinn Riley J. Williams II There are a number of compelling reasons Kenneth B. Quinto Valerie S. Wilson in favor of this project. First, Kosovo, one of Alison D. Ridpath Rebecca Wong the poorest countries in Europe, is greatly in Miriam L. Shiferaw To be junior assistant health services officer need of reliable base load power and there Neil M. Vora Amelia M. Breyre appears to be no other viable alternatives. Joseph V. Woodring Daniel V. DiGiacoma Since the majority of lending by the Brian R. Yablon Tiphany D. Jackson World Bank is for middle-income coun- To be junior assistant nurse officer Sarah R. Kaslow tries, and not to the poorest of coun- Kimberly A. Brinker Vinita Puri Christopher J. Salmon tries, the World Bank strategy sup- To be assistant scientist officer Leah M. Sitler ported by Sara Aviel will place signifi- Shalon M. Irving Colin M. Smith cant limits, if not eliminate, lending Jonetta L. Johnson Meghan M. Zomorodi for coal power generation. I believe she Michael T. Lowe f will use the World Bank 10-year energy Matthew Lozier strategy as a means to restrict World Leigh A. Miller NOMINATION OF SARA MARGALIT Bank lending for coal power generation Elizabeth Russell AVIEL TO BE UNITED STATES projects, even when the proposal rep- Amee M. Schwitters ALTERNATE EXECUTIVE DIREC- Alice M. Shumate resents the most cost effective alter- TOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL native. Requiring borrowers to accept Angela M. Thompson-Paul BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION Tatiana Y. Warren higher cost projects when affordable Jason A. Wilken AND DEVELOPMENT and reliable alternatives are readily To be assistant veterinary officer Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- available is no way to operate a bank, Laura Adams imous consent that the Senate proceed especially when the bank is being fund- Tara C. Anderson to consider the following nomination: ed with taxpayer dollars. Abbey Canon Calendar No. 640, and that the Senate The World Bank has also started a Lizette O. Durand proceed to vote without intervening ac- shift from providing financing to help Laura S. Edison tion or debate. the poorest of countries with economic Ilana J. Schafer The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without growth and reducing poverty, to a Ryan M. Wallace objection, it is so ordered. The clerk focus in other areas with a strong em- To be assistant pharmacy officer will report the nomination. phasis on lending to middle-income Frank A. Acheampong The legislative clerk read the nomi- countries. Middle-income countries Irene Adu-Gyamfi nation of Sara Margalit Aviel, of Cali- that receive the vast majority of World Mackenzie P. Brown fornia, to be United States Alternate Jacqueline R. Campbell Bank financing include nations such as Kaleb Chamberlain Executive Director of the International China and Brazil. Lindsey N. Childress Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- While Sara Aviel agrees that middle- Whitney A. Conroy ment. income countries are able to borrow on Alejandra G. Cuevas The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without international capital markets at com- Lauren Davis objection, the Senate will proceed to mercial rates, she believes the World Allan Demuth consideration of the nomination. Bank should continue its lending to Andrea R. Dyer Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I rise these countries. I disagree with her Alla Y. Fabrikant to speak on the nomination of Sara Ashley A. Fitch support of this policy. Jesse Foster Aviel to be the Alternate Executive Di- The World Bank should be aggres- Dewey Foutz rector to the International Bank for sively working towards the graduation Christopher M. Frazer Reconstruction and Development. Had of middle-income countries from bor- RaeAnne G. Fuller the Senate conducted a recorded vote, I rowers to donors. The resources of the Amy N. Goodpaster would have voted against Ms. Aviel’s World Bank should be directed at help- Megan E. Groshner nomination. ing the poorest of countries eradicate Jason D. Harris In 2011, the World Bank released a poverty and implement successful eco- Kellee T. James new 10-year energy sector lending nomic development projects. Their pri- Kendra N. Jenkins Anna B. Jewula strategy which includes a proposal to mary focus should be on assisting Russell B. Kern limit lending for new coal generation countries that cannot access inter- Anna U. Kit projects. I strongly disagree with the national capital markets at commer- Randi J. Kuns World Bank blocking any access to cial rates, not financing middle-income VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:27 May 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MY6.088 S24MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3653 countries that can tap other financing FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION States Air Force, and appointment to the resources. Anthony T. Clark, of North Dakota, to be grade indicated while assigned to a position The World Bank is at a critical junc- a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory of importance and responsibility under title ture. The Bank needs to pursue serious Commission for the term expiring June 30, 10, U.S.C., sections 8034 and 601: reforms, especially in the areas of cor- 2016. To be general ruption and transparency. It must not John Robert Norris, of Iowa, to be a Mem- Lt. Gen. Larry O. Spencer ber of the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- The following named officer for appoint- be used to push social agendas and po- mission for the term expiring June 30, 2017. litical priorities to the detriment of ment in the United States Air Force to the THE JUDICIARY poor nations, or to use donor funds in a grade indicated while assigned to a position manner that is not cost-effective. The Margaret Bartley, of Maryland, to be a of importance and responsibility under title Judge of the United States Court of Appeals 10, U.S.C., section 601: United States representative must be a for Veterans Claims for the term of fifteen To be lieutenant general strong advocate for reform and ac- years. Maj. Gen. Noel T. Jones countability. I do not believe that Sara Coral Wong Pietsch, of Hawaii, to be a Aviel is the person to get that job Judge of the United States Court of Appeals The following Air National Guard of the done. for Veterans Claims for the term of fifteen United States officer for appointment in the It is for these reasons that I oppose years. Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 the nomination of Sara Aviel. DEPARTMENT OF STATE and 12212: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Michael A. Raynor, of Maryland, a Career To be brigadier general question is, Will the Senate advise and Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class consent to the nomination of Sara of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraor- Col. Wayne A. Zimmet Margalit Aviel to be United States Al- dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United IN THE ARMY ternate Executive Director of the States of America to the Republic of Benin. The following named officer for appoint- International Bank for Reconstruction Scott H. DeLisi, of Minnesota, a Career ment in the United States Army to the grade Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class indicated while assigned to a position of im- and Development? of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- The nomination was confirmed. portance and responsibility under title 10, traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the U.S.C., section 601: f United States of America to the Republic of To be lieutenant general Uganda. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Maj. Gen. Theodore C. Nicholas Makila James, of the District of Columbia, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- The following named officer for appoint- imous consent the Senate consider the ice, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- ment in the Reserve of the Army to the following nominations: Calendar Nos.
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