VOL. XX, No. 40 IPRICE TEN CENTS] AUGUST, 1918 Urband '13 Downs Enemy Plane; Meissner '18 Becomes Ace Nine More Deaths in Service Bring Total to Forty-two Four Cornell Men Wounded, Two Missing, Two Captured The University Likely to Become A Military Camp Professor Crane Describes the Wason Chinese Collection ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Jas. H. Oliphant & Co. The Mercersburg Academy The Farmers' Loan and ALFRED L. NORRIS, FLOYD W. MUNDY '98 Prepares for all colleges and Trust Company J. NORRIS OLIPHANT Όl J. J. BRYANT, jr.,'98, FRANK L. VANWIE universities; Aims at thorough 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York scholarship, broad attainments Branch 475 Fifth Ave. Members New York Stock Exchange and Christian manliness 16 Pal1Ma UEast s w 1 and Chicago Stock Exchange jί 26 Old Broad Street» , E.C. 2 New York Office, 61 Broadway PARIS 41 Boulevard Haussman Chicago Office, 711 The Rookery ADDRESS WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. LETTERS OF CREDIT President FOREIGN EXCHANGES Herbert G. Ogden CABLE TRANSFERS E. E., '97 MERCERSBURG, PA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Patents and Patent Causes Cascadilla School Going to Ithaca? 120 Broadway New York The Leading Preparatory School for Cornell Use the "Short Line" between Located at the edge of the University campus. Exceptional advantages for Auburn (Monroe St.) and Ithaca college entrance work Congenial living. Better Quicker Cheaper Athletic training. Certificate privilege. Direct connections at Auburn with For information and catalogue address: New York Central Trains for W. D. Funkhouser, Principal Syracuse, Albany and Boston. The Sign of Ithaca, N. Y. Good Print Shop Trustees THEOMIGΛ Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker ^ PRESS17 Charles D. Bostwick 1THACA.NY. Cloth for Summer and Fall in a great variety of handsome patterns Wanzer & How ell Charles W. Carr, Tailor Successor to CARR & STODDARD The Grocers Since Mr. Stoddard's death, Mr. Carr is continuing the business at the same store—Aurora and Seneca Sts. The cuts in the Alumni News are made by Jewelers Do You Use Press Clippings? R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. It will more than pay you to secure 136 E. State Street our extensive service covering all sub- Ithaca, N. Y. jects, trade and personal and get the benefit of the best and most systematic We have a full stock of Diamonds, Jew- reading of all papers and periodicals, elery, Art Metal Goods, etc. and here and abroad, at minimum cost. Library Building, Tioga and Seneca Streets make thnigs to order. Our service is taken by progressive business men, publishers, authors, col- lectors, etc., and is the card index for securing what you need, as every article Sheldon Court of interest is at your command. A fireproof, modern, private dormitory for men students of Cornell Univer- Write for terms or send your order sity. Shower baths and fine tennis courts. for 100 clippings at $5, or 1,000 clip- Prices reasonable. Catalog sent on request pings at $35. Special rates quoted in A. R. CONGDON, MGR. ITHACA, N. Y. large orders. The Manhattan Press Clipping Bureau ITHACA TRUST COMPANY 303-305 Fifth Avenue New York City ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS Pres., MYNDERSE VAN CLEEF Vice-Pres., E. L. WILLIAMS Arthur Cassot, Proprietor Established in 1888 Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. TREMAN Sec. and Treas., W. H. STORMS CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XX, No. 40 ITHACA, N. Y., AUGUST, 1918 PRICE 10 CENTS r^ * HE Summer Session, notwith- THE REORGANIZATION of the depart- teachers. Principal W. D. Funkhouser \^ β standing war conditions, proved ment of German has been completed. has resigned to take the chair of zoology gratifyingly successful. Fears The NEWS of April 25 noted the de- in the University of Kentucky. He is that the attendance might fall off un- parture from the staff of Assistant Pro- succeeded by A. M. Drummond, formerly duly were not realized. The number of fessor Davidsen and Instructor Zin- assistant professor in public speaking at women this summer was of course pro- necker and the fact that the department Cornell. portionally larger than heretofore. The would hereafter be conducted by a com- total registration of about 1,230 shows mittee of the professors and assistant A BEQUEST of $5,000 was made to but a slight decrease from the 1,233 of professors, four in number, Professor the University by Dr. William M. Polk, a year ago. The classes most largely at- Faust's term of office as head of the de- dean of the Medical College, who died tended were those in music and in partment having expired. Recently, by on June 23. His purpose in making it French. Under University auspices Bas- action of the Board of Trustees, the Dean was to continue the John Metcalfe Polk tile Day was observed by a large meet- of the College of Arts and Sciences, Pro- scholarship in medicine. The remainder ing at which French compositions were fessor Frank Thilly, was added to the of the estate, except $3,000 to the widow, played by Professor Quarles and "The committee, with a vote. The committee Marie Drehon Polk, goes to the son, Marseillaise" sung by R. W. Steel '21, has organized by electing Professor Paul Frank L. Polk, counsellor for the State the Glee Club's baritone soloist, and at R. Pope chairman and Assistant Pro- Department in Washington. which Professor Samuel P. Orth made a fessor A. L. Andrews secretary. THE VACANCY in the deanship of the stirring address on "France Paramount." TAU BETA PI, the honorary engineer- Medical College has been filled tem- A later address by Professor Orth dealt ing society, announces the election of porarily by the appointment of Walter with 'Our War." There were the usual nine members of the senior class in Sibley Lindsay Niles, M.D., 1902, who will act organ recitals and concerts by the College. All the new members are now as dean through the summer. Further faculty of music; and a large, almost a attending the summer term of the college. action will be taken by the Trustees in record, audience crowded Bailey Hall to They are L. V. Farnham, Owego; F. H. the autumn. hear Sousa's band, with two vocalists, McBerty, Ithaca; F. W. McConnell, on August 10. The summer session, the THE FIRST GROUP OF DRAFTED men to New York; C. E. Norton, Byron; G. R. third term in Sibley and in agriculture, have vocational training in Sibley Col- Rebmann, jr., Philadelphia; E. C. Rice, the schools of aeronautics and photog- lege completed their eight weeks' course Baltimore; R. G. Skinner, Lakewood; raphy, and the trade school of drafted on Wednesday, August 13. These men, J. L. Sprague, Minneapolis; and S. B. men, by their total of nearly three thou- numbering 471, were ordered at once to Wright, Baltimore. sand workers, have made the campus various posts throughout the East, more than usually a place of activity RAILROAD FARES to New York from most of them going to Washington during the summer months. Ithaca have been raised under the recent Barracks, D. C, to Camp Joseph Federal order, but the mileage on both Johnston, Florida, and to Camp Gordon, PROFESSOR HERMAN DIEDERICΉS of roads has been arbitrarily equalized, so Georgia. A second contingent of about Sibley College is district administrative that the fare is not so high as might have 370 began a similar course on August 15. engineer in the national organization for been expected. The former rates were Besides the regular instruction in trades the conservation of fuel in manufacturing $6.91 one way, and $12.42 for the round necessary for the expeditionary forces, plants. His district comprises the coun- trip, tax included. The present fare is these men have military training and ties of Tompkins, Seneca, Schuyler, $8, day coach, with $1.34 added for in separate sections hear lectures once a Chemung, and Tioga. A committee of Pullman privilege. The round trip re- week on various aspects of the war. assistants will be appointed for each duction is abolished. The Pullman and These lectures, a feature of their work county, that for Tompkins having as chair car rates remain as before. which the men greatly appreciate, are members Professors Victor R. Gage, given on request of the Government by Joseph F. Putnam, W. M. Sawdon, and THE CASCADILLA SCHOOL Association Professor Charles L. Durham. Whether George B. Upton, all of Sibley. Pro- has bought the equipment and good will or not other groups will be sent to the fessor Dederichs will continue to serve of the Sturgis Tutoring School. Cony University after the second has finished on the domestic fuel committee organ- Sturgis, who organized the school twelve its work, is not yet decided. ized a year ago and directed by Acting years ago and who has been proprietor President Kimball. and director ever since, will devote his THREE MORE TEACHERS have leave of time to the increasing work of the Uni- absence for the coming year. Professor THE CLINTON HOUSE property, versity's department of Spanish, in Charles K. Burdick, law, and Professor through petition of several creditors, is which he is an assistant professor. Cas- George A. Everett, extension teaching, now in bankruptcy, and is being man- cadilla School will carry on the work of will work under Y. M. C. A. direction in aged by receivers. The proceedings are the Sturgis School, offering full summer France; and Professor Horace L. Jones, altogether friendly. An effort will be courses in all preparatory subjects as Greek, will, it is reported, do Y. M. C. A. made to dispose of the property in such well as special tutoring for entrance ex- welfare work in this country.
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