- FIGHTING 69rH INFANTRY DIVISION ****;T-/ssocia/ion, Inc. VOLUME 36 No. 3 MAY - JUNE - JULY AUGUST 1983 "THE THREE B's" 101 STEPHEN STREET BOLTE'S BIVOUACING BASTARDS NEW KENSINGTON, PA 15068 412/335-3224 OFFI CERS 1983· 198-1 (; eorge Gallagher. Presidem \·17 EI Torro Street Zephyrhill s. FJ. 33599 69th MP & Qi\1 bulletin \\ illimll Beswick. Vice Presidenl P.O. Box 576 \\ e~ t Poi nt. VA :l3181 .................. 661 Frank :-.!l>IlH'lh. Se('rl'rary 66 (;aping Hoc k Hoad I.t'vi IIOW Il , PA 19057 ................... 269 Earl E. \\' it zleb. J r.. Treasflrer I' .0 . Box 69. Drawer i\ 1 Champion. PA 15622 .................... 27 :1 (,larl'Ill'e ~I arshall. M embership I U I Stephen Street ,\ '(> w Kens ingto n. PA 1506~ Di\', IIq. ·\mhon.\' Kell er. Auditor ................ 272 II amid Starry. Co·Chaplaill .......... 272 \\' illiam Snidow. ('o·Chap/aill ........ 661 Hahbi Ernst I.orge. Co· Chap. OJ\' , lIq. Sam \\'oolf. Scholarship ................ 27:3 LA DI ES· AUX ILI A HY M argarcL Kormas. President :\ nlHl Walte rs. Secretary Vivian KUrLi',ma n . •A ssistant Secretar\, l\ 1 nrgie McCom bs. SIlIIshine LlHly . BOA HD OF D I HECTORS 198:1· 191>1 Fred An'r.\' .......................... i>i\" . IIq. \\illi<llll Shead.\" ........................... ..n 1 ('11(''''(('r Ya !-. (rl.l·m ... ki ..................... :171 Ed" <lrd J.un:i ............................. ,O;J :\ I Korlll<l:-; .............................. l)i\"3n.\' .Jo"t.'ph *,- 101lIC ll'olH.' ...................... 269 Elwin Patlt'rson .................. _........ 6()1 .John (;rmlom<;ki . 777 191>1· 1985 'l" t'(l Ed ~ lrolll ......................... J)i\" . IIq. I'au l ~ 1t:C omh s . ............ 271 Clwllllt'r i'l'arson ......................... .. '1.72 Earl \\ ' ;dtcr~ ................................ 27 :1 .J oh n Suprano . I )i\"iln~ ' D a n !-:\"l'r:-; ...................................... '.!.(iD Cliff Blank ..................................... (ilj ! Frank StX' ......................... 777 198.;· 1986 \\ dkus lI ,mn . ... Ili \". IIq. Paul Shadle ................................... :nl .\ ndn' w Ht'l>ick ............................. 272 Ha ul :'\<I\"0:1 .••••••••......................•...•• 273 ('haril's Chapman ................... Di\"arty \\-illiam Foster .............. 269 llonald *'- l iller ..... 661 (;l.lylord Thollla ~ . 777 PAST PH ES IDENTS • .\l aj . (:('n. E. F. HeinharciL. TX ................................. () iv. Ilq . "I.es t('r .J. i\lilich. :-.IJ ............ 569 Sig. tll.vlIlan I·:. (;olds(ci n. N Y ... 272 IIl L Clifford E . Ewing. GA ....... 769 Ord. Sherman Lawrence. :-.IV ...... 272 Inf. ~ I u rr~' (;alulcn. OK ............. 27'1. InL "lIenry i\ l adison. i':Y ........... 272 InL ·Sol Hoscnhlitl. F I. ............... 271 InL Cyril Baron. 1-'1. ... .............. Di\·. IIq . "I.oar I.. Quickie. i\J ............. 271 InL Il arold i\1. Starry. PA . 272 InL \\ /ll. H. i\ l atlach. ~Y .......... 273 InL Sail! \\ oolf. i\Y .................. 273 InL (;('0. E . Phillips. FI. .271 Inf. ,\lh('rI Carhonari. CT . 27 1 Inf. Artist Werner Abken's Sketch Stanley Olsl.cwski. CT ......... 273 InL .John ~ l o r iarLY. ~1 ,\ ............... 69 ~1 P Hohert i\ \y('r!'i. ,\Z .............. I> iv . IIq A Tribute To The Men \\'aller I> ocrnbal'h. ~. J ....... Di v. II q . '/J {>c {>lIsl' d Of The 272nd "Battle Axe" Regiment • a victim of a malignant brain tumor. It was rather a sudden happening, as he was on ly ill two months. After the diagnosis s urgery was performed on April 1, 198 1. Mali gnancy was From discovered and the neurosurgeon gave me no hopes what­ soever. Pneumonia was the immediate result of death. Lou had not retired. havin g worked for K-Mart Corpora­ The t ion for fifty-one years. We had a happy marriage of forty ­ five years. and needless to say I miss him very much . Editor's Desk V,I e had attended the Reunion in New Orleans, in August of 1980, and enjoyed it so very much. I had anticipated at­ Ill' - Clarence i\ la rs hall t ending other Reunions. Lawrence D. Talbot. 2003 Patricia Lane. Billings. Mon­ r a m in terested in continuing membership in the Ladies' lana ;")9 102 - l-lq. 1st Rn.-272nd: I have recently been in con­ Auxilia ry, if this is possible. I am always interested in get­ l ael with Mr. Donald C. Swan of Albuquerque. New Mexico, t in g any news and information of the Fighting 69th. \\'ho in formed me of the coming Reunion of the 69th at Scotts­ (Editor's Note: We lI'ili indeed keep you on our Associa­ dale. Arizona. in late Mav 1983. As a fo rmer member of the tion Roster. and i[ ll'e get close to your area with a R eunion (,9t h I am very interested' in the details of the Reunion, which please come and visit us ). information. I unders tand you can make avail able to me. Kevin Schulte, Son of Loren F. Schulte, 17401 E ISienna, I also unders tand that you have a li st of last known Cleveland, Ohio 44 135 - B-273rd: I received your cor­ ilcici resses of former member~ o f the Division. I would be in­ respondence that was addressed to Loren F. Schulte, who was terested in attempting to contact some of my former my Father. I thought I would write to inform you that my associates. if s uch a li s t is available. Dad passed away on January 16, 1983. after a long bout with For .vour information, during the period that I was with cancer. Because he always spoke proudly of his association till' 69t h I was assig ned La Headquarters Company, 1st Bat­ with the 69th , and had mentioned contact over the years with Lalion. 272nd Infantry Regiment with the rank of 2nd a few other members. I wou ld greatly appreciate it if you Lieutenant. would pass along the word of hi s death in your publication. Thank you. /\ n.v information regarding Reunion and available ad­ dresses wi ll be g reatly appreciated. Robert C. Matthews, P.O. Box 97, Lackey, Virginia 23694 - K-271 st: I was a member of the 69th Infantry Division, (Editor's Note: A later comm.unication [allowed in which Company-K 271 st Infantry Regiment, and the" J" Platoon Air. Talbot s tated that he lUas sorry that he hadn't lea rn ed which was all black. about our R eunions sooner. Also, he requested addresses [or eight [orm er O[[icers that he served with in the 272nd). I would li ke to know where I can get a History Book of Company K- 271st. I lo st my book back in 1945, and would C. Kajcienski, 4421 Beckley Road, W. Battle Creek, like to get another one. I hope that this is possible. Our Pla­ Michigan 490 17: Saw your name in our local ewspaper. I was toon joined the 69th Division in April or May of 1945. and wondering if the 69th ever had publis hed a book in regards stayed with it until the end of the War. to it's hi story. If so I am interested in purchasing one. I serv­ ed in the ETO with the Fighting 69th. Please let me know. (Editor's Note: Mr. lvlatth elU s ll 'as very [ortunate that he Tha nk .vou. co ntacted me when he did, because at that time J had a copy o[ th e Company K 271st His tory Book). Jack H . Cook, 3 14 N. F irst Street, Titusville, Penn­ sylvania 16354 - 69th MP: I served 24 years on the Poli ce Roger L. Blum, 107 Laurel Avenue, Herkimer, New York Force in Titusville. Retired in 1974, wit h t he rank of Captain. 13350 - Hq. 273 rd Reactivated 69th: I saw your notice of Then spent eight years with the Pennsylvania Public Utili ty ,Your Division Reunion in the April issue of the American Commission from which I retired in 1982. Legion. I wou ld like to join your organization. Sorry ahout not a nswering sooner. r have been spendin g T served with the 69th Di vision at Fort Dix, New Jersey, a great deal of time in F lorida and Virg ini a. on a winte r from June 1954 , to February 1955. I was in H eadquarters vacation. Company 273rd . T was a Truck Driver in Supply with the rank of Co rporal. I was sent to Germany after my tour at Fort Dix. Robert Greek, P.O . Box 107, Montpeli er, Ohio 43543 - 1':'272nd: I wo nder if you co uld furni s h me with t he fo ll owin g T wou ld appreciate it if you would send me a membership former 69'ers add resses? Walter B. Bickel, Charles Pierson form. T received an honorable discharge after three years in and Robert Swager. Bickel was a Squad Leader in the 60mm the service. Mortar Section, and I was the Section Sergeant. I los t con­ Edward A. Schalk, 609 West Water Street, Teu topolis, Lad with him. hut saw hi s picture in the 69th Bulletin taken Illinois 62467 - 272ncl: Wou ld you please send me any infor­ when he atLended the Heunion in M il waukee. Swager and Pier­ mation concerning t he 69th Infantry Divis ion organization. son we re Squad Leaders in the Machine Gun Sectior.. I was a member of the Cadre in Camp Shelby, M ississippi, I noticed that Pierson wrote to the 69th Bull etin some in 194 3, and was s hipped overseas as Officer Replacement time hack and id entified the fellow s in a picture you had about October of 1943. publis hed. I was ass ig ned to Company- I ·~. 272ndlnfantry on I saw t he notice of your Reunion in the April issue of t he :'\o\'ember 27.
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