66396_COVER Spread 2016:Layout 1 19/2/16 14:40 Page 2 Brynteg Post16 Learning Pathways 16 17 66396_Brynteg Text 2016:Brynteg 09.qxd 24/2/16 09:06 Page 1 Head teacher’s forewHEADord TEACHER’S FOREWORD HEAD TEACHER’S FOREWORD At Brynteg we encourageAt Brynteg all weyoung encourage people to allstay young in education people and to training.stay in educationWe hope and training. that most of ourWe Year hope 11 students that most will returnof our to Year our Sixth 11 students Form and willwe welcomereturn to those our sixth form and fromAt Brynteg other schools wewe encourage welcomewho wish allthoseto youngaccess from ourpeople other wide to schoolsrange stay ofin who higheducation wishquality to and courses.access training. ourAll wide range of We hope thathigh most quality of our courses. Year 11 Allstudents Bridgend will schoolsreturn to and our Bridgend sixth form College and are working Bridgend schools and Bridgend College are working in collaboration to offer a wider we welcome thosein collaboration from other toschools offer whoa wider wish range to access of courses our wide to rangeSixth ofForm students rangehigh quality of courses courses.returning to Sixth AllForm to Bridgend Brynteg students School.schools returning andThis to Brynteg Bridgend means School. that College some This are meansstudents working that may choose to somein collaboration students maytake to choose upoffer a course/subject toa takewider up rangea course/subject offered of courses elsewhere offered to Sixth elsewherebut stillForm be but partstudents still of be our Sixth Form. partreturning of our toSixth BryntegAll Form. we expectSchool. All we expectfrom This those frommeans thosejoining that joining oursome sixth our students Sixth form Form is may hard is hardchoose work work and to commitment. andtake commitment. up a course/subjectWe We expect expect offeredour our students students elsewhere toto have but high highstill levelsbe levels part of ofattendance ourattendance Sixth and Form. andto to “buy into” ‘buyAll we into’ expect the complete thefrom complete those package joining package of Sixth our Form sixthof sixth life. form Maintainingform is hard life. workMaintaining our traditional and commitment. our values traditional is values is We expect ourkey students to this. to That have includes high levels extra of curricular attendance activities and to in “buy the into”school and in the keythe tocomplete this. That widerpackage includes community, of extra sixth curricular formmeeting life. activities homeworkMaintaining in the and ourschool courseworktraditional and in the values deadlines, wider is and acting community,key to this. meeting Thatas role includeshomework models extra andfor younger courseworkcurricular pupils. activitiesdeadlines, Every inand halfthe acting termschool as we role and monitor models in the the progress of forwider younger community, pupils.each Every meeting individual half termhomework student we monitor and and wherethe coursework progress necessary of eachdeadlines, we individual agree and shortstudent acting term targets, but andas role where models necessarywe for hope younger we agree that pupils.shortall students term Every targets, will half setbut term wethemselves wehope monitor that allhigh studentsthe expectations progress will set of and develop themselveseach individual highas expectationsstudent independent and andwhere learners. develop necessary asThose independent we who agree join learners. short our termsixth Those targets,form who and join but work hard will we hope that haveall students a rich andwill rewardingset themselves experience, high expectations and this will and prepare develop them well for the our Sixth Form and work hard will have a rich and rewarding experience, and this will as independentworlds learners. of work Those and higherwho join education. our sixth form and work hard will preparehave a themrich and well rewardingfor the worlds experience, of work and and higher this education. will prepare them well for the worlds of work and higher education. Mr. D. H Jenkins Headteacher Mr. D. H Jenkins Headteacher 1 66396_Brynteg Text 2016:Brynteg 09.qxd 24/2/16 09:06 Page 2 Contents 3. Coming Back - Why the Sixth Form? - What does the Sixth Form provide? 5. Subject choices and the Sixth Form Curriculum 9. Advice on choosing courses 10. Fitting In: Expectations of Sixth Form students in Brynteg 12. Sixth Form Uniform 13. Entry Requirements 14. Moving On: UCAS Guide and Calendar 16. Settling In: Support for Sixth Form Students 17. Settling Down: Monitoring and Mentoring 18. Careers and Work Experience 19. Keeping Track: Key Dates 20. Taking Part: Additional Opportunities Within the 6th Form 26. Brynteg Student Community 27. Peer Mentoring 28 - 37. GCSE and AS and A Level Results 38. Miscellaneous Information 2 66396_Brynteg Text 2016:Brynteg 09.qxd 24/2/16 09:06 Page 3 Life in The Sixth Form Coming back - Why the Sixth Form? Now is the time for you and your parents to decide what you are going to do next year. There are a number of Learning Pathways that you can follow and you will have to think very carefully about your long-term future. The Sixth Form is only one of several routes; you will have learned about these other ways from other sources. This booklet will explain the Sixth Form opportunities at Brynteg. The main reasons for staying on at school are: 1. To follow a twotwo yearyear coursecourse preparingpreparing youyou forfor AdvancedAdvanced LevelLevel GCEGCE examinationsexaminations or a BTEC Qualification.Qualification. These These are arethe thenormal normal qualifications qualifications for entry for intoentry university into Higher or higher Education. education. 2. To study a one year vocational BTEC course or other level 2 qualifications with the opportunity to resit some GCSE subjects and gain additional experience via work experience, charity work etc. If you decide to come back to the Sixth Form you will find that life in Years 12 and 13 is a little different to what you have experienced in school so far. As this booklet will show, we will still be looking for high standards of behaviour, attendance and a positive attitude from you and you can still depend onon highhigh standardsstandards of of support support and and help help from from us. us. However, However, as as you you begin begin in the Sixth Form you are entering into a new stage of your education that will see you mature from older children into young adults. This brings new responsibilities but also many privileges, one of which is having the opportunity to take a full and active part in the life of the Sixth Form. What does the Sixth Form provide? The Sixth Form provides far more than mere qualifications; it is, and always has been, a very special part of secondary education. It caters in a particular way for those students who decide to stay in school beyond the statutory leaving age. What does the Sixth Form provide? Self Development Sixth Form students have the opportunity to develop in a protected environment and take responsibility for their own learning. You will become more mature, acquiring such characteristics as self-awareness, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. You have the opportunity - whatever your career ambition or intellectual potential - to make important social, personal and academic gains. These will come from your involvement in Enrichment Studies, extra-curricular activities, societies, sport, from your friendships with your fellow students and from the more informal relationships with members of staff. Leadership and Responsibility You will be given the opportunity to develop characteristics of leadership and responsibility. The Sixth Form provides seniority, privileges and duties. You must set standards of behaviour, work and appearance which will be an example to younger students. You will give the lead in organising societies and sports teams, and “in-house” competitions suchThere as isthe a CommonEisteddfod. Room There where is you a willCommon learn to Room behave where responsibly you will underlearn toyour behave own supervision. responsibly under your own supervision. 3 3 66396_Brynteg Text 2016:Brynteg 09.qxd 24/2/16 09:06 Page 4 Intellectual Development In most subjects the style of study is different in Years 12 and 13 - more relaxed, less formal in some ways, yet more demanding, less straightforward in others. You will learn how to use the Library, for study, for reference, for reading periodicals and newspapers,for research, and will have study periods when you are expected to work on your own. In Years 12 and 13, staff do not “spoon-feed” students, nor do they expect to have to make you work. You have volunteered to stay on at school. You are expected to do far more work than is set, and to gain an awareness of the wider implications of the subjects studied. In all these ways, you will develop intellectual skills and good work habits that are essential for success in employment and in Higher Education. You should expect to complete a minimum of ten hours additional work per week outside contact lessons. This will increase to fifteen hours per week in Year 13. General Education and extra curricular opportunities Many of you will have already decided on a career, and will pursue your chosen subjects with single-minded determination. Extra-curricular activities are an important part of broadening education and there are many opportunities in the sixth form including reading groups, orchestra, choirs, school productions and cultural events, sportsSixth teams, Form Young Enterprise and The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The opportunities are endless including sporting and cultural domestic and overseas educational visits, opportunities to participate in local, regional and national competitions, local, national and international charity events and so on. Support We promote traditional values in the Sixth Form at Brynteg. We hope that the experience of attending the Sixth Form will make a positive contribution to each individual. You are encouraged to accept more responsibility for your actions and educational progress.
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