~~ -- September 16.1985, Volume 22 Number 32 OfIicial Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association New bowl criteria Staff services restructured approved by Council to enhance compliance effort The NCAA Postseason Football that it has obtained a letter of A restructuring of NCAA staff Committee has recommended and credit from its telecast network or services has been approved by the the NCAA Council has approved syndicator ensuring full payment NCAA Executive Committee in an new criteria for certification of of the agreed-upon television fee. effort to provide maximum assistance new and existing football bowl 6. Each application must be to NCAA member institutions in games. accompanied by a $ I.5 million their renewed commitment to abide The new criteria are in addition letter of credit. That amount may by the rules of intercollegiate athletics. to previous requirements, includ- be reduced by the amount of the NCAA Executive Director Walter ing the fact that each bowl must letter of credit held by the bowl Byers announced the restructuring, assure a pay-out of at least from its telecast network or syndi- which consists of the enforcement S400.000 per participating team cator. department being renamed the com- this year and %500,000 per team In addition, each bowl manage- pliance and enforcement department heginning next year. ment applying for recertification and the legislative services department included among the new criteria of its game must meet these addi& bemg charged with an expanded role are six that are applicable to all tional requirements: in conducting regional rules clinics existing bowls and to applicants l The application must include for member institutions and confcr- for new bowls: confirmation that full payment ences. I Each howl management struc- has been made to the participating The restructuring is designed to ture must include individuals with teams in the previous year’s game. assure that comparable attention is previous experience or association l The application must include given to: with intercollegiate football. documentation that the bowl’s l The development and interpre- 2. Each application for certifi- management conducted meetings tation of NCAA legislation; Stephen R. Morgan William B. Hunt cation must be accompanied by prior to its most recent games l A compliance service for chief letters recommending certification mvolving the head coaches, at executive officers and their represen- director of enforcement, his current June Convention vote showed that of the game signed hy the chief least one other representative from tatives to assist them in determining responsibility. It is expected that a the chief executives are taking that executive officers of IO member each participating institution, the the best way of achieving compliance director of compliance will be named challenge seriously. institutions that have participated game officials and a representative with the rules, and from within the current staff. “It was the conclusion of the NCAA in a howl game at least once in the of the television network or syndi- 0 An enhanced enforcement effort William B. Hunt, currently in Staff Evaluation Subcommittee and previous five years. cator. Such a meeting must have to carry forward the mandate of the charge of enforcement, will head the the Executive Committee that college 3. Each application must include included discussion of NCAA foot- June 1985 special Convention as to legislative services department, and presidents and chancellors should an organizational chart that dem- ball playing rules governing per- more severe penalties for major and John H. I.eavens and Thomas E. expect qualified help and guidance onstrates active community in- sons in the team area and coaching repeat violators. Yeager will continue as directors of from the NCAA national office in volvement in the bowl’s various box, as well as length of the half The Executiv\e Committee ap- legislative services. charting the best means of securing committees. time: NCAA constitutional provi- proved the overall concept of the “We want to provide services to compliance on their respective cam- 4. Each application must be sions regarding extra benefits for effort last month and provided the back up the initiatives of the PresiL puses and among their supporters,” accompanied by a letter of corn- student-athletes, and the Associa- funds in the 1985-86 budget to staff dents Commission and the overwhelm- he said. mitment from a national network tion’s bylaw and executive-regula- the expansion of services in each of ing commitment of the membershlp “Bill Hunt probably has done more or an established syndicator of tion provisions covering radio the three areas. at the June Convention,” Byers said. than any one individual to maintain college football for the telecast of broadcast and telecast restrictions. Byers announced that Stephen K. “The Presidents Commission clearly the effectiveness of the NCAA en- the game. “In addition, thecommittee reaf- Morgan will be in charge of the corn- is calling upon the chief executive forcement effort during trying times, 5. Each bowl must demonstrate Set New, puge 12 pliance and enforcement department, officers to stand firmly for integrity in and it is a credit to his own high with S. David Rerst continuing as the conduct of college athletics. The See Stqfj pqe 12 iAlternative student-athlete aid form -provided for Division III members Alternative affidavit forms con- amount of institutionally adminis- forms are to implement Proposal No. cerning financial aid provided to stu- tered financial aid provided to each 9 (compliance program), overwhelm- dent-athletes in DivlFion III have student-athlete. ingly adopted hy the June special been mailed to chief executive officers Some institutions believe this in- ConventIon in that division. formation should be restricted to the The original student-athlete‘s affi& The alternative student-athlete student-athlete’s family and the insti- davit form has been modified to con- form was developed and approved tution’s regular financial aid authority. solidatc the first two questions con- for Division Ill at the request of the The new affidavit does not replace cerning financial assistance admin- Division III Steering CommIttee be- those mailed August I. but it may be istered by the institution. The Division cause some members of the division used in place of the earher form if the 111 student-athlete now is asked expressed concern that the required institution desires. The affidavit form whether he or she IS receiving any review of student-athletes’ affidavits for coaches and the chief executive financial assistance in excess of fman- by head coaches would provide the officer’s certification form mailed cial need [as determined by Bylaw I I- coaches information about the specific August I have not been changed. The 3-(a)] and, if so, the amount and source 01 such excess aid. The other four questions remain the same. In the News No alternative to the original head coach’s form is provided. That form Rule explained requires the coach to review each Wilford S. Bailey, NCAA secretary-treasurer, explains that the student-athlete’s affidavit and to con- “death-penalty” rule doca not necessarily mean that a program is going duct an independent investigation of to he closed down for two years. Page 2. financial aid received by student- athlctcs. Notes, statistics The lnvestlgation should involve a Football note3 and statistics in Divisions I-A and I-AA. Pages 9-l I. confirmation to the coach from the Abridged version financial aid authority that the stu- Some coaches say they would like to see a slimmer version of the dent-athletes in the coach’s sport are NCAA rules book (Manual). Page 3. not receiving institutlonal aid in excess of need. Baseball attendance The chief executive officer’s certi- Approximately I I .S milllon tans attended college baseball games in fication form must he returned to the the 1985 season, 1~5million more than in 1984. Page 12. national oftice by October I for fall Sports previews Student aid sports or all sports. If an institution Louise Hines carries a big stick for North Carolina in its quest for An organiration rcprcsenting private colleges is seeking ways to returns the certification for fall sports enhance financial aid for those who wish to attend smaller, private only by October I, it must submit the a berth in the NCAA Division I Field Hockev Championship this schools. Page 13. form for all other sports by Decem- ~vcar For apreview of the seuson and the previews of themen k und ber I. women’s cross country seusons. see pages 4-8. 2 September 16, 1985 The NCAA Comment College football on TV Less is more, chaos is king Hy .hy I .Indqulst Advertisers got real bargains. Sales points (percentage of this country’s terpart agrees. “I’ve said that all along,“says Wake Il,chmond I Imrs-I),spatrh wrrr hascd on a projected ratmg of6 X9.3 million TV households) available “It’s not a question ol good or I-orest athletics director Gene Hooks. Nobody said television sports was late Saturday alternoom. He sees better or worse. What we have now is No question AC<‘ foothall will supposed to makcscnsc. AH<‘exprcts CBS opted for the noon Saturday ABC dropping back to numbers in a sense of direction: and that’s good, receive its greatest exposure rvrr this ratings to tumble but revenue to climb afternoon window (a llttle TV lingo, the mtd-7s. while CBS rises to a because WC came out of 1984 filled season. CBS entered into a two-year there), whllc ARC went for the 3:70- I” its collcgc loothall series this fall. slmllar total !sut that’s OK, Bernstein with despair, high anxiety and a lack arrangcmcnt that will pay a reported to- 6 o’clock slot.
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