Comment and Reply Early Paleozoic rifting and reactivation of a passive-margin rift: Insights from detrital zircon provenance signatures of the Potsdam Group, Ottawa graben: Comment Ed Landing1,†, Osman Salad Hersi2, Lisa Amati1, Stephen R. Westrop3, and David A. Franzi4 1New York State Museum, 222 Madison Avenue, Albany, New York 12230, USA 2Department of Geology, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2, Canada 3Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73091, USA 4Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences, State University of New York at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, New York 12901, USA This comment outlines fundamental prob- relief, much Quaternary cover, and many syn- ford and Arnott’s (2010) Covey Hill (Ausa ble) lems in Lowe et al.’s synthesis (2018) of the and post-depositional faults. As suggested, in Formation and is a different stratigraphic con- early Paleozoic stratigraphic architecture of part, above, problems in Lowe et al.’s (2018, also cept as they assigned the Chippewa Bay and the eastern Ottawa-Bonnechere aulacogen that 2017) OBa synthesis include: (1) a stratigraphic Edwardsville members of Sanford and Arnott preclude an accurate analysis of the region’s nomenclature that redefines, without comment, (2010) to their Keeseville Formation. Another geological and depositional history and even an a number of earlier defined units (e.g., their nomenclatural problem in Lowe et al. (2018, adequate stratigraphic provenance of the detrital “Potsdam” and “Hannawa Falls”); (2) exten- also 2017) is restriction and upgrading of San- zircons that they analyze. These problems in- sion of the “Potsdam Group” up into the Ordo- ford and Arnott’s (2010) Hannawa Falls Mem- clude: inaccurate lithostratigraphic and contra- vician; (3) correlations (e.g., their “Rivière aux ber (to 199 m of red fluvial siliciclastics and up- dictory biostratigraphic correlations that have Outardes Member”) that subvert the allostrati- per dune sand) within the Covey Hill (Ausable) also led to extension of the Potsdam “Group” graphic synthesis; (4) not relating the succession Formation to 0–25 m of aeolian sandstone of into the Lower Ordovician; a proposed allo stra- to eustatic signatures and sequence stratigraphy a “Hannawa Falls Formation” that overlies the tigraphy that contradicts itself when tested with elsewhere in east Laurentia; (5) biostratigraphic Ausable. NACSN (2005) recommendations on existing litho- and biostratigraphic data; redefi- errors in correlation; (6) misrepresentation of “redefinition” mean the Hannawa Falls of San- nitions of earlier defined lithostratigraphic units stratigraphic contacts and depositional facies ford and Arnott (2010) should have a different that lead to confusion on close reading; and er- (e.g., Altona and Theresa formations). name when “restricted” to the dune sandstone. rors in interpreted depositional environments The older rocks in the eastern OBa are termed Furthermore, the selection of different horizons and lithostratigraphic contacts. “Potsdam Formation” in the type area of north- for the Covey Hill (Ausable)–Keeseville contact Rodinia break-up and the early Paleozoic his- ern New York, and have a feldspar-rich, nonfos- leads to distinction of a “Potsdam Group” sensu tory of NE Laurentia are recorded by structural siliferous lower interval and an upper, generally Sanford and Arnott (2010), sensu Lowe et al. evidence, volcanics, and siliciclastic rocks asso- white-colored quartz arenite unit (respectively, (2017, 2018), and sensu Clark (1966). Such ciated with an ~700-km-long graben system that Ausable and Keesville members; e.g., Fisher, awkward terms are simplified below by use of extends from the Sudbury, Ontario, region into 1968; Landing et al., 2009; Fig. 1). Clark (1966) the traditional “Potsdam Formation” (Fig. 1). the Appalachian orogen. This down-dropped elevated the Potsdam to group status, likely as he The generally unfossiliferous, lowest silici- Ottawa-Bonnechere aulacogen (OBa), a major wanted to subdivide the sandstones members, clastics in the eastern OBa (SE Ontario–north- cratonic graben terminating in an orogen, is one but did not then have the ability to name formal ern New York–SW Quebec) are regarded in of the oldest recognized aulocogens (Shatsky, submembers, as proposed by the North Ameri- many reports to record Ediacaran subsidence 1946, 1955; Burke, 1977; Landing et al., 2009). can Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature (e.g., Sanford and Arnott, 2010, their fig. 5; It may be the failed arm of a triple junction, sug- (NACSN, below; Brett et al., 2018). “Potsdam review in Landing et al., 2009). However, the gested by evidence of a mantle plume in north- Group” is not a uniform concept. Clark’s (1966) oldest sedimentary rocks of the eastern OBa ern Vermont (Fig. 1, Tibbet Hill volcanics), or a “Potsdam Group” included upper sandstones are surprisingly young and show abrupt late rift segment offset by transform faults (review and dolostones now brought to the Lower Ordo- Early Cambrian marine onlap with subsidence in Webster and Landing, 2016). The age(s) and vician Theresa Formation, and Sanford and of the “mouth” of the OBa south and SSW of vertical and lateral continuity of sedimentary Arnott (2010) and Lowe et al. (2017, 2018) Montreal, with coeval faulting and down-drop rocks are key to determining sediment and de- expanded the “Group” by including the litho- of the northern Vermont shelf ~80 km ESE to trital zircon provenance and paleogeography of logically dissimilar Altona Formation (Landing form the anoxic Franklin Basin (Landing, 2007, the OBa. Lowe et al. (2018, also 2017) combine et al., 2009) as a basal member, while defining 2012; Landing et al., 2007, 2009; Fig. 1). This outcrop with drill core data in an area with low nomenclaturally different “Potsdam” subdivi- rejuvenation of a passive margin (eastern OBa sions. Thus, the Ausable Formation sensu Lowe and on-strike Franklin Basin) persisted into †ed.landing@ nysed .gov et al. (2018) is up to 400 m thicker than San- the middle Cambrian with deposition of higher GSA Bulletin; March/April 2019; v. 131; no. 3/4; p. 695–698; https://doi.org/10.1130/B35104.1; 1 figure; published online 25 January 2019. For permission to copy, contact [email protected] Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 3/4 695 © 2019 Geological Society of America Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/131/3-4/695/4656042/695.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Comment and Reply Figure 1. Composite eastern OBa and Frank- of the Altona in its type area (Landing et al., lin Basin successions (modified from Land- 2009, their fig. 4). Almost all “Altona” localities ing et al., 2009, fig. 9). Covey Hill Ausable)( that yielded Proterozoic detrital zircons (Lowe of Sanford and Arnott (2010) to 400 m et al., 2018, their table 1, samples AS-2–5) are thicker than Ausable of Lowe et al. (2018); “braided fluvial.” This is not an Altona facies intra-Keeseville unconformity (Lowe et al., (Landing et al., 2009) and is better referred to 2018) not reported in equivalent Cairnside- as an “undifferentiated Ausable Formation.” Keeseville-Nepean Formation (Sanford and Reevaluation of Lowe et al.’s (2018) “Altona” Arnott, 2010). RaO is purported Rivière outcrops in Quebec and Ontario may be needed. aux Outardes Member of Keeseville For- The Altona Formation is an important unit mation of Lowe et al. (2017, 2018), but is in the OBa. It is relatively thick in its type area a siliciclastic-dolostone interval correlated (84 m) and the only Cambrian OBa unit that is herein with Tribes Hill Formation and iden- bracketed biostratigraphically. Upper lower and tical Saint-Clotilde Member. Figure divides middle Middle Cambrian trilobites from the Al- Cambrian into three global subseries (e.g., tona (Landing et al., 2009) indicate it brackets Landing et al., 2018, fig. 1 caption and ref- an ~7 m.y. interval (i.e., late Early and middle erences therein): Lower—Terreneuvian Middle Cambrian dates in Landing et al., 1998, Series + Series 2; Middle—Mialoingian 2015) that may exceed any other OBa Cambrian Series; Upper—Paibaian Series. Abbrevia- unit in duration. tions: C.—Cambrian; carb.—carbonate; The Altona is not a “tidal flat” facies (i.e., Lowe Dap.—Dapingian; E.—Ehmaniella; Fm.— et al., 2018, fig. 3; also 2017). Trough cross-bed- Formation; Gp.—Group; Kees.—Kees- ded sandstone likely deposited under trade wind eville; l./low./Low.—lower/lower/Lower; control dominates in lower member 1, and hum- ls.—limestone; m—middle; Mbr.—Mem- mocky cross-stratified (HCS) sandstone occurs ber; O.—Olenellus; P.-P.—Prosaukia- in upper member 2 (Landing et al., 2009; Lowe Ptychaspis; phyll.—phyllite; RaO—“Rivière et al., 2017, their fig. 8A). As HCS has depths of aux Outardes”; ss.—sandstone; u.—upper; formation of 13–50 m (e.g., Dumas and Arnott, U.—Ulrichodina quadraplicatus, V.—Vari- 2006), assignment of the Altona to a tidal flat abiloconus bassleri. facies is incorrect. Thick dolostones with large burrows in the upper Altona do not reflect inter- tidal, evaporitic facies (Lowe et al., 2017, p. 7) but record the hydrothermal dolomitization marine deposits of the Altona Formation and with minor sulphide mineralization common in their upward replacement by Ausable Formation eastern New York (Landing et al., 2007, 2009). fluviatile arkoses (Landing et al., 2009). Thinner dolostones with planar laminae (e.g., Sanford and Arnott (2010, p. 26) substituted Lowe et al., 2017, their figs. 8B and 8C) likely “Jericho Member” for Landing et al.’s (2009) show downslope(?) transport of carbonate and Altona Formation and noted the latter “were quartz silt, and the dolomite–organic-rich lami- presumably unaware of the term “Jericho Mem- nae figured by Lowe et al. (2017, figs. 8B, 8C) ber” previously proposed for the same strata” in are not intertidal “microbial mats” but horizontal a 2004 technical report for the New York State stylolites.
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