SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering Volume 6 Issue 3, 15-21, March 2019 ISSN: 2348 – 8352 /doi:10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V6I3P102 © 2019 Seventh Sense Research Group® Rural Network Development Strategy in North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province Sisca V Pandey, Timboeleng J, Amadeo and Lucia G.J. Lalamentik Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia Abstract communities are very diverse depending on the The need for transportation infrastructure is the community's livelihoods, such as the results of main thing in the implementation of the development agriculture, plantations, fisheries, mining, tourism, process. Through the Ministry of Villages, the and other potentials. The potential of each village Indonesian government, Development of must be equipped with the availability of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the transportation infrastructure as the backbone of the Republic of Indonesia, carried out a program to build community's economy to improve the village villages as part of the Indonesian Government community's economy. Program called "Nawacita." The development of rural area road networks to improve accessibility. B. Problem Statement Rural areas in Kwandang Subdistrict and Ponelo The problem of transportation of rural people is Islands Subdistrict, Northern Gorontalo Regency, currently inadequate infrastructure and sufficient Gorontalo Province, are selected as rural areas. The means of transportation so that the potential of each study aimed to obtain a development strategy for the rural area is not optimal. The formulation of the means of transportation infrastructure for rural areas problem in this study is: What is the development to improve the economy of rural communities in the strategy of the means of transportation infrastructure North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province. in rural communities to improve the economy of the The method of implementing this research consisted village community. of initial preparation, field survey, defining research variables, data analysis, and formulation of the C. The Aimed of the Research infrastructure facilities development strategy in the The study aimed to obtain a development selected areas. strategy for the means of transportation infrastructure Rural areas in Kwandang Subdistrict and Ponelo for rural areas to improve the economy of rural Islands Subdistrict, North Gorontalo Regency, communities in the North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, are selected as rural areas. Gorontalo Province. Development Strategy for Rural Road Networks in the form of policies such as developing rural road D. Research Significance networks through village funds financed by the state It is hoped that this research would be useful budget; North Gorontalo District government policy and helpful for planners in North Gorontalo District in constructing rural road networks; Involve to meet rural communities' needs to support the technical agencies and universities for training Government of Indonesia's President Mr. Joko village communities. Widodo's Nawacita program. The main benefit of this research is to produce a Keywords: Strategy, Policy, State Budget development strategy for the means of transportation infrastructure in rural areas in the North Gorontalo I. INTRODUCTION District of Gorontalo Province to be operational in the A. Background field later. Village communities are communities that are often forgotten by the government in terms of II. LITERATURE REVIEW infrastructure development. The need for A. Transportation Infrastructure and Facilities transportation infrastructure is the main thing in the Road Network in Indonesia implementation of the development process. The According to the Law of the Republic of current government with the program "Nawacita Indonesia No. 38 of 2004 concerning Roads, Government of the President of the Republic of public road classification in Indonesia. Road Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo," Building Indonesia from the Village. Rural Area Development is a classification by system, classification according to government effort that encourages accelerated function, classification according to status, and development of inequitable development, especially classification according to class based on in Eastern Indonesia. The potential that exists in rural infrastructure provision specifications. Village This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Sisca V Pandey et al. / IJCE, 6(3), 15-21, 2019 roads, according to their function, are part of the Conditions around which can have a positive road environment. Public roads that function to impact serve environmental transport with short distance All external resources that can be used as added value / productive value travel characteristics and low average speed. According to the village, road status is a public road Threat that connects the area and/or between settlements Barriers that will be faced within the village and environmental roads Pandey. The level of competition that occurs S. V. (2016) describes how important the The speed of changes that occur development of transportation infrastructure in rural Surrounding conditions / contradictory communities is to improve the accessibility of rural policies communities. The need for a road network is the All external resources that can be used as added main thing to improve the village community's value / productive value / economic value. economy. TABLE 1. B. SWOT Analysis SWOT MATRIX The use of SWOT analysis to formulate how Internal/Eksternal Opportunity Threat road network development in rural areas is often Strength Comparative 2 forgotten or often lacking in government attention. 1 Mobilization This SWOT analysis will provide a sufficient Advantage conclusion to become a development policy in the Weakness Divestment 3 Damage 4 Investment Control future, especially rural road networks. Quadrant Analysis of SWOT Research is a form of self-evaluation for current conditions or existing conditions why the planning of rural road networks is often difficult to realize its development will impact rural communities' economy. Analysis of internal and external conditions is needed for individuals and groups of organizations to design work strategies and work programs. A SWOT analysis requires the involvement of parties related to honesty. Strength What makes you competitive What can be done and to be better than III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY others The research methodology is a step in the What advantages are there on the other side completion of the research on the Development All internal resources that can or have the ability to be Strategy of Rural Area Transportation seeded Infrastructure Facilities in North Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province in the form of initial Weakness preparation and data collection, data processing or What can be improved data analysis, up to the determination of the What to avoid development strategy of rural areas facilities and What is better on the other side infrastructure. All internal resources that do not have the ability/lack The method of implementing this research will of being seeded consist of the following steps: Opportunity Positive trends that are happening in the A. Initial Preparation community Activities carried out include: The expanse of opportunities and a. Understand the purpose and objectives, research opportunities objectives, the scope of work, location of activities, and expected outputs; Conditions around which can have a positive b. Prepare and collect initial data; impact c. Establishing a temporary design from the initial The expanse of opportunities and data to be used as a preliminary survey guide; opportunities d. Determination of the location to be surveyed 16 Sisca V Pandey et al. / IJCE, 6(3), 15-21, 2019 autonomy not positively impact rural road network B. Field Survey Stage development. Field surveys and investigations are carried out e. Natural conditions to obtain data in the field to a certain level of Natural conditions that are very influential on road accuracy by considering several factors, such as the construction plans, especially Ponelo Islands sub- actual existing field conditions and the handling district, are some areas that are separated from the objectives to be achieved. In the field survey, there mainland of North Gorontalo District. This is a were several activities, including: challenge in the development of rural road networks. a. Survey the existing condition of transportation Local governments must find the right way to facilities and infrastructure overcome these challenges because otherwise, they b. Survey of traffic flow conditions on rural roads will be a threat to road network development c. Survey of relevant agencies regarding continuity. infrastructure facilities. d. Interview survey to the community in the Rural E. Formulation of Development Strategy for area in North Gorontalo District Transportation Infrastructure Facilities This stage formulates the right strategy to build C. Data Analysis transportation infrastructure facilities for rural Analysis of the need for transportation communities in Gorontalo North Gorontalo Province. infrastructure facilities by using the Guidelines for Clearly, this research is explained in the Research Determining Minimum Service Standards in the Flow Chart as shown in Figure 2. the following Decree of the Minister of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure No.
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