OOffffiiccee ooff tthhee SSeeccrreettaarryy ooff DDeeffeennssee OOppeerraattiioonn aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee OOvveerrvviieeww FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000077 FFiissccaall YYeeaarr ((FFYY)) 22000088 BBuuddggeett EEssttiimmaatteess TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW Page Service by Appropriation......................................................1 MAJOR ACTIVITIES Page O&M Title Summary ............................................................3 Air Operations.......................................................................65 APPROPRIATION HIGHLIGHTS Base Operations Support .....................................................84 Command, Control, Communications (C3)........................90 Army........................................................................................6 Depot Maintenance ...............................................................95 Navy........................................................................................16 Environmental Programs....................................................101 Marine Corps ........................................................................26 Facilities Sustainment, Repair & Modernization and Air Force................................................................................30 Demolition Programs …………………………………109 Defense-Wide.........................................................................35 Land Forces ..........................................................................112 Reserve Forces.......................................................................38 Mobilization..........................................................................119 Defense Health Program ......................................................46 POW/MIA Exhibit...............................................................125 Drug Interdiction and Counterdrug Activities ..................51 Recruiting, Advertising, and Examining ...........................127 Environmental Restoration Transfer Appropriations ......55 Ship Operations....................................................................131 Former Soviet Union Threat Reduction .............................57 Special Operations Forces...................................................136 Office of the Inspector General ...........................................59 Training and Education ......................................................139 Overseas Contingency Ops Transfer Fund ........................60 Transportation .....................................................................145 Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid..............61 Support of International Sporting Competitions...............64 OTHER DATA Civilian and Military Personnel Civilian Personnel ...........................................................148 OP-8 DoD Civilian Personnel...................................159 Major Headquarters ................................................168 Military to Civilian Conversions.............................175 Military Personnel Active Force ...............................................................189 Selected Reserve and Guard.....................................193 DoD Customer Fuel Prices..................................................196 Foreign Currency Rates ......................................................198 Key Activity Indicators........................................................199 World Wide Web Address ..................................................204 TABLE OF CONTENTS i TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX M-1, M-1A/O-1, O-1A Exhibits Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Operation and Maintenance Performance Criteria and Metrics TABLE OF CONTENTS ii OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY O&M TOA BY SERVICE BY APPROPRIATION ($ in millions) FY 2006 Price Program FY 2007 Price Program FY 2008 Funding Summary Actual ** Change Change Estimate ** Change Change Estimate Army 70,811.3 2,110.1 -41,609.4 31,311.9 964.1 4,997.2 37,273.2 Active 63,487.2 1,897.3 -40,947.1 24,437.5 714.9 3,772.6 28,925.0 National Guard 5,191.3 148.4 -631.1 4,708.6 172.3 959.3 5,840.2 Reserve 2,132.7 64.4 -31.2 2,165.9 76.8 265.4 2,508.1 Navy 44,312.4 644.6 -8,886.7 36,070.3 1,063.2 2,558.1 39,691.6 Navy Active 35,444.8 556.4 -5,195.7 30,805.5 931.9 1,597.3 33,334.7 Marine Corps Active 7,061.0 74.7 -3,349.1 3,786.6 86.0 1,088.8 4,961.4 Navy Reserve 1,484.3 9.3 -223.1 1,270.5 40.9 -124.5 1,186.9 Marine Corps Reserve 322.3 4.1 -118.7 207.7 4.4 -3.5 208.6 Air Force 46,568.5 2,626.0 -11,259.5 37,935.0 1,459.9 1,994.8 41,389.7 Active 39,107.2 2,092.7 -10,944.9 30,255.0 1,130.4 2,270.3 33,655.6 Air Guard 4,895.2 348.1 -176.4 5,066.8 176.9 -201.8 5,042.0 Reserve 2,566.1 185.2 -138.2 2,613.2 152.6 -73.7 2,692.1 Defense-Wide and Other 49,894.7 1,978.0 -7,899.8 43,972.9 1,946.7 411.6 46,331.2 Defense-Wide 22,941.0 771.0 -3,707.0 20,005.0 604.0 1,965.0 22,574.0 Defense Health Program 21,219.6 1,186.5 -1,630.0 20,776.1 1,266.4 -1,363.4 20,679.1 Emergency Response Fund, Defense 6.0 - -6.0 - - - - Former Soviet Union Threat Reduction 454.9 10.9 -95.2 370.6 8.5 -31.1 348.0 Office of the Inspector General 207.3 6.2 3.0 216.5 5.2 -5.6 216.0 Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid 120.8 2.7 -60.6 62.9 4.4 36.0 103.3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY O&M TOA BY SERVICE BY APPROPRIATION ($ in millions) FY 2006 Price Program FY 2007 Price Program FY 2008 Funding Summary Actual * Change Change Estimate ** Change Change Estimate Payment to Kaho'olawe Island 3.0 - -3.0 - - - - U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces 10.9 0.2 0.6 11.7 0.3 0.0 12.0 Support for International Sporting Competitions 16.1 0.5 -16.6 - - - - Environmental Restoration, Army** - - 402.8 402.8 9.3 22.8 434.9 Environmental Restoration, Navy** - - 304.4 304.4 6.6 -10.4 300.6 Environmental Restoration, Air Force** - - 424.1 424.1 9.8 24.6 458.4 Environmental Restoration, Defense- Wide** - - 18.4 18.4 0.4 -6.1 12.8 Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS)** - - 242.8 242.8 5.3 2.1 250.2 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund 1,908.1 - -1,908.1 - - - - Drug Interdiction And Counter-Drug Activities, Defense** - - 1,137.5 1,137.5 26.6 -227.3 936.8 Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund (OCOTF)** -- - --5.05.0 Iraqi Security Forces 3,007.0 - -3,007.0 - - - - Total Obligation Authority *** 211,586.9 7,358.7 -69,655.4 149,290.1 5,433.9 9,961.6 164,685.7 * The FY 2006 actual column includes Supplemental funding. ** Transfer Accounts. The FY 2006 data is non-additive. The Department transfer these program funds to other appropriations (primaily Operations and Maintenance appropriations) where the Components manage, obligate and expend the transferred funds for the purposes appropriated. *** Total may not add due to rounding OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY 2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY ($ in millions) FY 2006 Price Program FY 2007 Price Program FY 2008 Actual Change Change Estimate Change Change Estimate 211,586.9 7,358.7 -69,655.4 149,290.1 5,433.9 9,961.6 164,685.7 Note: - Unless otherwise stated, the FY 2006 actual column includes Supplemental funding. The FY 2007 columns do not include Supplemental funding. - The FY 2007 column reflects FSRM at the FY 2007 President’s Budget Request level vice the Continuing Resolution Authority level. The Department of Defense’s Operation and Maintenance (O&M) programs underpin the military readiness of the United States. America’s military must be capable of responding effectively to crises to: • defend and protect our national interest; • demonstrate U.S. resolve; and • reaffirm the role of the United States as a global leader. The U.S. forces must be able to execute the full spectrum of military operations -- from deterring aggression and coercion, to conducting concurrent smaller-scale contingency operations, to fighting and winning major theater wars. To fulfill these roles, U.S. forces must be prepared and ready to execute their combat missions decisively. Resources dedicated to O&M reflect the Department’s commitment to readiness. The Department’s first-to-fight forces are the best in the world. To enable the Department of Defense, with the concurrence of the Department of State to expedite the training and equipping of our global partners, this budget requests authority to use up to $500 million. This will be used to conduct programs that build the capacity of national military forces to conduct counterterrorist operations. The funding amounts reflected in this Overview are expressed in Total Obligational Authority (TOA) terms. The term “TOA” includes Budget Authority and financing adjustments (e.g., transfers from unobligated balances), which comprise the total funding available for obligation in the appropriations included in the O&M Title. The summary table at the top of this page identifies the TOA for the appropriations included in the O&M Title. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY 3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TITLE SUMMARY The FY 2008 TOA request for the O&M Title increases $15.4 billion above the FY 2007 baseline funding and consists of net increases of $5.4 billion in price growth and $10.0 billion in program decreases. The following narrative displays the price changes from the FY 2007 baseline TOA. Subsequent exhibits in the O&M Overview Book reflect major programmatic changes. PRICE CHANGES Price growth reflects the additional cost of executing the previous year’s program at the next year's prices. In general, price growth amounts are estimated by applying price
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