CONTENTS Congratulations on your wise decision Specifications ............................................................................. 1 to purchase this Mamiya RB67 Camera! Features ...................................................................................... 2 Names of Parts and Outline of Operating Method ............ 6 Operating Instructions ............................................................. 11 Perusing this manual before attempting to Attaching and removing the lens ....................................... 12 use the RB67 will assist in correct camera Shutter cocking/Shutter release button .......................... 13 operation and will minimize the possibility Operating the focusing hood .............................................. 14 of malfunctions. Horizontal and vertical picture format The Mamiya RB67 is one member of a selective operation ............................................................... 15 unique “camera family” developed by the Attaching and detaching the roll film holder ................... 16 Mamiya Camera Company, a recognized Loading and advancing the roll film .................................. 18 world leader in large-format photography. Multiple exposure photography ......................................... 21 The RB67 takes its place alongside the Setting the shutter speed and the aperture/Time famous Mamiya C Professional and the operation ..... ........................................................................... 22 Mamiya Press Cameras. Focusing knob fixing operation/ Distance scale ............ 23 Versatility of the Mamiya RB67, embodying Depth-of-field/Using a tripod ............................................. 24 fine performance and various capabilities, Close-up photography ......................................................... 25 results in a large format camera that meets Close-up photography with auto extension tubes ........ 26 and satisfies all requirements of the ad- Flash photography ............................................................... 28 vanced amateur as well as the professional Mirror-up photography (Independent mirror release). ... 29 photographer, offering the means of pro- Lens hood/Carrying strap ................................................... 30 ducing top-grade pictures in all fields in- Changing the magnifier/Focusing hood .......................... 32 cluding general commercial, industrial, Changing the focusing screen/Revolving adapter ........ 33 scientific, and news photography. Its inter- Lock system of the camera back (attaching system).... 36 locking with many Mamiya Press camera Mamiya RB67 operation diagram ...................................... 38 accessories further widens the range of Special pointers in using the Mamiya RB67 Pro-S ......... 39 the RB67’s photographic application. Lenses ........................................................................................ 40 Accessories ............................................................................... 47 Specifications of Mamiya RB67 Pro-S Camera Body M a xim u m e xt e nsio n 46m m. With fo c usin g Film a dv anc e: kn o b fixin g d e vic e . O n e-strok e le v er film a d v a n c e (Aft er 70” Typ e: Shutter and mirror cocking: win din g, c a n b e w o un d in se v era l sh ort, 6 x 7 c m l e ns-sh utt e r ty p e , sin g l e -l e ns Sin g l e - a c ti o n (75 O ) c o c kin g b y le v er o n d e finit e strok es) re flex c a m er a c a m era b o d y sid e . A uto m a tic d o u ble-exp osure pre v e ntio n. Lens mount: Others: Film win d sto p a uto m a tic rele a se . B a yo n e t m o unt (with sa f e ty lo c k rin g) A c c essory sh o e is pro vid e d. Multiple exp osure is o bt a in a ble o ptio n a lly. Viewfinder: Shutt er rele ase b utto n c a n b e lo c k e d to Film counter: Horizo nt a l form a t in d e x m a rk in t e rl o c ks pre v e nt rele a sin g th e shutt er a c cid e nt a lly A uto m a tic rese ttin g ty p e; Re d in d ex m a rk with re v olutio n of re v olvin g a d a p t er (V er- Standard Lenses: disa p p e a rs u p o n c o m ple tio n of film win d- tic a l form a t b a se d o n fixin g in d e x lin e o n i n g . fo c usin g scre e n.) Mamiya Sekor 90mm f / 3.8 with lens hood Pro vid e d with d a rk slid e dislo c a tio n pre- Focusing hood: Mamiya Sekor 127mm f/3.8 with lens hood v e ntiv e d e vic e a n d m e m o clip. Sin gle-a c tio n o p e nin g a n d closin g, with m o untin g lo c k. Filt er scre w di a m e t er: 77m m Dimensions: Int erc h a n g e a bl e . A p erture: Full a uto m a tic di a p hra g m (with d e p th-of-fi e ld pre vie w le v er). f/3.8 to 32 ( C a m era b o d y with roll film h old er) Fin d er m a g nific a tio n is 2.5X. H e i g h t: 5-21 /32in. ( 1 4 4 m m ) ( w it h clic k-sto p for h a lf-st e p a p e rt u r e M a g nifier is a lso int erc h a n g e a ble . Width: 4-3/32in. ( 1 0 4 m m ) Focusing screen: se ttin gs). W it h m irr o r- u p p h o t o g r a p hin g f e a t u r e L e n g t h : 8-31/32in. (228 m m ) With fresn el le ns Int erc h a n g e a bl e (with 9 O m m f/3. 8 le ns) (in d e p e n d e nt mirror rele ase ) d e vi c e . Revolving adapter (exclusively for Pro-S): 8-17/321n. (217mm) Shutter: V ertic a l a n d h orizo nt a l p ositio ns re v olvin g (with 127m m f/3.8 le ns) u p to full 90° rot ary syst e m, with form a t Seiko # 1 shutt er in dic a tio n int erlo c kin g m e c h a nism. 1 to 1/400 se c o n d a n d T (Tim e) Weight: Fl ash syn c hro niz a tio n: By R-lo c k syst e m, int erc h a n g e a ble with M-X full syn c hro niz a tio n C a m era b o d y with r e v o lvin g a d a pt er a n d oth er a d a pt ers. f o c usin g h o o d _..... 3 lbs., 3-2 /16 oz. (1450g) By G -lo c k syst e m of re v olvin g a d a pt er, Pro-S 120 Roll Film Holder Pr o -S r o ll fil m h o l d e r 15-14 / 16 oz. (450g) G -lo c k-ty p e film h old ers are a tt a c h a ble . Film used: 90mm f / 3.8 l e ns .._.. 28-6/16 oz. (805g) Fo cusing: 127m m f/3 8 le ns .._.. 26-7/16 oz. (750g) B e ll o w s e xt e n si o n syst e m w it h r a c k 120 roll film 10 exp osures; 6 x 7 c m form a t pinio ns. Actual neg ative size: 56 x 68.4m m 11 0 Features of Mamiya RB67 Pro-S The Mamiya RB67 Pro-S is a unique, high-grade, 1. Rational 6 x 7cm format 6 x 7cm lens-shutter type, single-lens reflex camera Since the 6 x 7cm format covers an area 4.5 times the 35mm developed to offer excellent picture quality and easy format, excellent picture quality is obtainable. Especially, it demon- handling. Mamiya feels confident that the extensive strates superb results in color photography. The ratio between the length and width of 6 x 7cm formats is almost the same as that of versatility and capabilities of the Pro-S will meet and large photographic paper, permitting economical enlargements satisfy the requirements of all photographers. without cropping. When designing a magazine layout, a sufficient blank space is reserved for headlines and explanatory notes, so that the entire picture format can be fully utilized. 2. Single-lens reflex camera offering a bright, large finder image Since parallax-free focusing in the outstanding feature of the single-lens reflex camera, speedy camera operation is possible through brilliant, precise 6 x 7cm picture composition. 3. Excellent Mamiya Sekor lenses Mamiya Sekor lenses boast excellent image rendition and color balance. Various types ranging from wide-angle lenses to telepho- to lenses are available. 2 These lenses are rationally grouped in series, whereby those 6. Vertical or horizontal picture format quickly changed exactly adaptable to one’s particular photographing objectives are over with the revolving adapter optionally selectable with ease. A revolving adapter is provided as a standard outfit, whereby the 4. Lens-shutter system suitable for electronic flash vertical or horizontal picture format is promptly selected by turning photography the camera body back by 90°. without changing the camera position. This is especially convenient when the camera is mounted on a By adopting the lens-shutter system, electronic flash is synchro- tripod.
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