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European University of Lefke ct) Near East University b) American University of Cyprus rri) Mediterranean Karpasia University~) University of Kerynia <;;() Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University <9l o) Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus @ <9l) Istanbul Technical University @lv) Scientific University of Cyprus @rn) Ataturk Pedagogical Academy @<S'.) Cyprus University of Social Sciences bL'1~ @<t) Final International University Lr;JtJ'lJBfl11lleJ'4bfl11~'Vll~Yi:u11ru11,1,4.:ivru1CJ\l1'U 11llvr\ltJ flmm1 'WIK\ln r;iV{ 1,~ m-tf e:i.:i'Vl11'U 1,Yle:i'Vl~ m~ v.:im1~1,~ :1Jm1ll~1:wiie:in'IJ:1Jvt11'VlmilmL6l~m1c;:i\l'Vl~b iJ tJ'W ' L~EJ'W1'W:wvn1'VlmfltJl91.:in~11 11tJ'1~batJr;i#i'\lbb'Ll'U 1'Wm1'if '1 6'lm. lffl''W51,1,"5' t.1vim1tlnm:irnli villm1 'VlmiltJ cf>.,J 'Ll~. 'lJBA11llamm1~ '1J1~61J1« \l11tJ6l~ba ... ~· ,,. ..l' ... " ' tn1'llfl'U ~tlirt1YW 1viv~~)f)DVMtM\lf1~11'1\l1 m l'U h~ 6'lYlJi. ~ ~\lb~tl'Ull1b ~BL D1V!'Vl11'Ubbf;l:::~1bU'Un11tolB1 U~1tJ ~fl'lJB'Ufltu~\l ~!JlJ~•ll< ' tao n.A. 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European University of Lefke ct) Near East University b) American University of Cyprus b'JI) Mediterranean Karpasia University ~) University of Kerynia ~) Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University @lo) Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus @)@)) Istanbul Technical University (9)\£J) Scientific University of Cyprus @)i;n) Ataturk Pedagogical Academy @l<S'.) Cyprus University of Social Sciences bb~~ @let) Final International University 1'Ll mJd "'11 irm1'U '\J~~m~'VlJ1\I flin '1'.115 fl1J "UB m 1~ Bmm1~~mh CJ\11'U"lltJ\lvl1'UoWlil1 Jru1 ' bb ~\l'Vl1,h CJ\11'U J1~~\l'U Ai:l 1f\J1 'Lli1'1 n~~ b~CJ1-iJB'l'VlJ1'U b~f)'Vl~ fl b~ CJ'lf\1J~b~~A11~~1~iiv tl'U~'Vl1l'VlCJ 1trCJ ' bbi:l~f\1Ji:l\l'Vl~ bDCJ'Ub~CJ'U 1 'Ll~VJ11VJ m~CJ~\lnci11 J1CJG'l~ b~CJ~~\I bb'U'U i5\lb~CJ'Umbyj 81 '\JJ~~lil1Jf1!1~1 b'Ll'Ufl1J~1~b?f'UB-iJ1\l~'U~1CJ ~fl"ll8'\JAf1l~\I ' ~1irnm1~i1~'ir'LITI'~1\l'\J J~ b'Vlfl 1'VlJ. o ®b®~ ctb<S'.b ~8 @)@)b'J/ 1'VlJ?f1J o ®\£J~@l o~cti;n ~.,) J..JD'-lfC)...f.Ol-'~G"lu,c/J ?SI.. OJt-1.,. '----" ' ~ ci Ji .O),~ 6'1 ---··--~--- 5002 ,.. ___ J , (nunw-."··"'··""'_, <.,.. ---·- ~ -:-------- , "•<NH~Jf'j,.,1~ 11 } ,., ~.:'.;__'Ji1.:JU1:;• ""•" ~ • • . 1 ... !:-\_" ... ,., ' .t tr:2fj :t .. Li ~ ; i),, m~Y1·n~fiinai1Bm1 / .,, .: ·····Tz····~··£.1··~--:5~~:;.- ·········- .. 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No.: 20.02.QO~ (a.06.15.018JJ67} N.O.: 41 /2020 NOTE VERBALE The Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand and wishes to refer to the issue of illegally operating "universities" in the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus. These Mur1iversities" are not in compliance with the relevant Laws and Regulcitions of the Republic of Cypru~. Therefore, these "universities·. and the "qualifications I degrees" they award, are not recognized by the Republic of Cyprus. In fact. these "universities• operate under the purported ·raw· of the so called "turkish republic of northern cyprus· ("trnc") which, according to the relevant UN Security Council resclutions and international law, is an illegal entitv. not recognized by the intemationat community with the sole exception of Turkey: Moreover, ·the evaluation, accreditation and recognition of these "universities· are provided by the so-called ·institutions" of the illegal "trnc". Consequently, they cannot be accepted by internationally recognized educational organizations or members of the intemational community in generaf. since establishment of these ·institutions" constitutes a violation --Of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and of international legality. Also, the direct or indirect recognition of these "universities· or the "qualifications/ degre_es· they award is contrary to the conditfons and goals of imporfent European initiatives· on Higher Education, since a prerequisite of these initia~es is, cooperation on a national level and a nationally recognized institutional framework. Another fact about the illegality of these "universities" is that they were built on the properties belonging mostly to Greek Cypriot displaced persons who were forced_ to flee their homes due to the Turkish invasion in 197 4 and the military occupation of 36.2% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus to this day. According to Cyprus' Criminal Code. any fraudulent dealings in immovable property belonging to another are illegal. Greek Cypriot property owners. may bring civil legal actions against trespassers to their properties in the Turkish-occupied part of Cyprus. It is noted that Turkey has been found responsible by the European Co-urt of Human Rights for ~ violations of the property rights of Greek Cypriot owners of land and property in the occupied part of Cyprus. In addition-. Turkish universities namely the "Middle East Technical University" and "istanbul Technical University", have estabfished their "campuses" in the occupied part of Cyprus.. It is stressed in this regard that Turkey is in no way legitimized to establish "campuses· of its universities in the occupied part. of Cyprus. or use its instituJional framework on higher education in order to provide legitimacy to the higher education activities taking place in the occupied part of Cyprus. as the control it exercises in the occupied part of Cyprus stems from its ilfegal military occupation _of that part of Cyprus D- 64, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapu::i, New Delhi no 021, India Chancery- Tel:+ 91114358 62 95/ 96 I Fax: +9111 261111 60 f [email protected] Consular - Tel: +91 43 58 62 59 J fax: +9111 26 87 20 76 / [email protected] www.mfa.gov. cy /highc om_newdelhi / vvvvw .face book_ corn(cyprushighc ommissionr.ewde !hi -2- The Embassy enctoses herewith copy of a document entitled> "EDUCATION IN CYPRUS AND THE ILLEGALLY OPERATING aUNIVERSHIES" IN THE OCCUPIED AREAS: POSITION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS". which contains detailed information on the matter in the following two parts: 1. Higher education in the Republic of Cyprus: It includes information with respect to educational institutions, their recognition by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, The Cyprus. Agency o-f Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education and The Council of Recognition o.f Higher Qualification. 2. Illegally operating "universities" in the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus: It contai~ information as regards the illegal ·universities.".
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