BibLiOGRAPHY INTERViEWS AND CORRESPONDENcE INTERViEWS Note: Individuals whose testimony is not cited in the text are indicated with an asterisk. Their names are listed here because the oral testimony they provided con- tributed to the author’s understanding and analysis of the history of the High Court of Tanganyika. Abedi, Gallus, Dar es Salaam, 28 October 2008.* Barton, Don, Oxford, 11 July 2008.* Bomani, Mark, Dar es Salaam, 26 November 2008. Brown, Roland, London, 1 June 2010. Bwana, Steven, Dar es Salaam, 31 October and 3 November 2008. Cross, Ulric, by telephone from Port of Spain, 28 February 2010 and 21 May 2010. Cross, Ulric, London, 17 August 2010. Ellis, Patrick, Bishops Stortford, 25 March and 9 November 2009. Hardwick, Simon, Taunton, 21 July 2008. Ismail, Mohamed, Dar es Salaam, 3 December 2008. Jaggar, Trevor, London, 17 June 2009. Jadeja, Shyansingh, Dar es Saalam, 15 December 2008. Jhaveri, Kantilal, Dar es Salaam, 16 December 2008. Jhaveri, Urmila, Dar es Salaam, 16 December 2008. Kalunga, Leopold, Dar es Salaam, 31 October 2008. © The Author(s) 2018 245 E.R. Feingold, Colonial Justice and Decolonization in the High Court of Tanzania, 1920–1971, Cambridge Imperial and Post-­Colonial Studies Series, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69691-1 246 BIBLIOGRAPHY Kanywanyi, Josephat, Dar es Salaam, 28 November 2008.* Kisanga, Robert, Dar es Salaam, 28 November 2008. Law, Patricia, Canterbury, 13 May 2009. Le Breton, David, Tonbridge, 8 June 2008 and 22 March 2009. Lubuva, Damien, Dar es Salaam, 27 November 2008. Macleod, Norman, Loch Winnoch, 25 May 2009. Maina, William, Dar es Salaam, 16 December 2008. Majithia, Priyavadan, Dar es Salaam, 5 December 2008. Makame, Louis, Dar es Salaam, 19 December 2008. Malecela, John, Dar es Salaam, 22 November 2008. McAuslan, Patrick, London, 6 October 2009. McCleery, Rosemary, Templecombe, 23 April 2009. McCleery, Bryan, Templecombe, 23 April 2009. Mfalila, Lameck, Dar es Salaam, 12 November 2008. Mkondya, Noel, Dar es Salaam, 8 November 2008. Muya, R. J., Dar es Salaam, 17 December 2008. Mwesiumo, Edward, Dar es Salaam, 7 November 2008. Ndika, Gerald, Dar es Salaam, 6 November 2008.* Nsekela, Harold, Dar es Salaam, 11 November 2008.* Picciotto, Sol, Leamington Spa, 8 October 2009. Platt, Harold, Graz, 30 and 31 January 2010. Richardson, John, Aldeburgh, 7 August 2008.* Ranger, Terrance, Oxford, 30 April 2009. Ramadhani, Augustino, Dar es Salaam, 12 November 2008. Rwechungura, Charles, Dar es Salaam, 22 November 2008.* Sadleir, Randal, London, 11 June 2009.* Saidi, Daniel Augustino (with Elizabeth Kilasara [Saidi]), Dar es Salaam, 18 December 2008. Samatta, Barnabas, Dar es Salaam, 3 December 2008. Shivji, Issa, Dar es Salaam, 20 November 2008. Snoxall, Derek, London, 28 March 2009.* Tawney, Tim, Oxford, 11 March 2009.* Thomas, Mark, Oxford, 29 July 2008. Twining, William, Oxford, 16 June, 3 September, and 26 October 2009. Warioba, Joseph, Dar es Salaam, 25 November 2008. Williams, David, London, 17 March 2010. Wise, Robert, Oxford, 29 July 2008.* CORRESPONDENcE Johnson, Mary, correspondence with author, 14 July 2008. Mustafa, Fawzia, correspondence with author, 4 September 2009. Mustafa, Kemal, correspondence with author, 15 October 2009. BIBLIOGRAPHY 247 ARcHiVAL SOURcES ARcHiVES BODLEiAN LibRARY OF COMMONWEALTH AND AFRicAN STUDiES AT RHODES HOUSE, OXFORD (RHL) MSS. Afr. s. 505; ‘Digest of Appeals, Mbulu District’. MSS. Afr. s. 592; Mark Wilson Papers. MSS Afr. s. 1461; P.H. Johnston Papers. MSS Afr. s. 1620; P.H. Johnston Papers. MSS. Afr. s. 1830; Proceedings of a symposium on the Administration of Law in British Africa, 1–2 July 1980. MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 307; David Edwards Papers. MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 415; Ralph Furse Papers. BODLEiAN LAW LibRARY, OXFORD Cw Gen 510 A258.4a; Africa in the Colonial Period Conference, Symposium Number Five: The Administration of Law in British Africa University College, Oxford, 1–2 July 1980. LONDON ScHOOL OF EcONOMicS AND POLiTicAL SciENcE ARcHiVE, LONDON (LSE) Pritt_1.35; D.N. Pritt Papers. NATiONAL ARcHiVES OF THE UNiTED STATES OF AMERicA, COLLEGE PARK, MD (NACP) RG 59, General Records of the Department of State, Decimal File Series Box 2029; 1960–63, from 778.001/7-1761 to 778.5MSP/2-276. Box 4036; 1950–54, from 778.001/2-2451 to 778.5612/2-2851. Box 4035; 1950–54, from 777.03/7-251 to 778.00/12-154. Box 3698; 1955–59, from 778.0019-359 to 779.001/8-1059. Box 2618; 1970–73, [subject numeric files] Political and Defense. TANZANiA NATiONAL ARcHiVES, DAR ES SALAAM (TNA) 205-78; Vol. II; High Court Circuits (1956–1958). 205/18/8; Law and Judicial Officers (1953–1959). 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY 10201; Assizes (1927). 11648; African Staff Judicial Department (1928–1935). 23509; Court Interpreters (1933). 25586; Appointments to the Colonial Service – Procedure (1945). 38775; Buildings for the High Court and Its Staff in Mwanza (1949). 41755; Judicial Powers of African Administrative Assistants (1951). 43474; Expansion of Judicial Department (1953). AB.66; Judicial Department Annual Reports (1923). AB.67; Legal Department Annual Report (1924). AB.461; Legal Department (1921–1922). AB.480; Judicial Department (1925). AB.497; Judicial Department (1926). AB.538; Judicial Department Report by Chief Justice (1920). THE NATiONAL ARcHiVES OF THE UNiTED KiNGDOM, KEW (TNA (UK)) CO 323: Colonies, General: Original Correspondence. CO 691; Colonial Office: Tanganyika, Original Correspondence. CO 822; Colonial Office: East Africa, Original Correspondence. CO 850; Colonial Office: Personnel, Original Correspondence. CO 877; Colonial Office: Appointments Department. CO 1017; Colonial Office and Successors: Colonial Service Division, Later Overseas Service Division. CO 1026; Colonial Office: Legal Department. DO 168; Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office: East and General Africa. DO 185; Commonwealth Relations Office and Successors: High Commission, Tanganyika. HO 405; Home Office: Aliens Department and Successors: Aliens Personal Files, Applications for Naturalisation. LCO 2; Lord Chancellor’s Office and Lord Chancellor’s Department: Registered Files. PRiVATE PAPERS AND PHOTOGRAPH COLLEcTiONS AUGUSTiNE SAiDi PERSONAL PAPERS, DAR ES SALAAM Correspondence. BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 CHARLES LAW PERSONAL PAPERS, CANTERbURY Newspaper Clippings of Articles on Justice Law in Tanganyika. PATRicK ELLiS PERSONAL PAPERS, BiSHOPS STORTFORD Reports and Correspondence. P. Ellis, Unpublished Memoir, ‘A Life in the Colonial Service, Tanganyika, As Seen by Patrick J. C. Ellis, 1952–54’. ROLAND BROWN PERSONAL PAPERS, COPENHAGEN Unpublished and untitled memoir [emailed to author, accessed on 4 July 2010]. PRiNTED PRiMARY SOURcES AcTS AND ORDiNANcES Tanganyika Order in Council 1920. Special Tribunal Ordinance 1920. Eastern African Court of Appeal Order in Council 1921. Native Authority Ordinance 1921. Appeals to the Court of Appeal Ordinance 1922. Native Authority Ordinance 1923. Native Courts Proclamation 1925. Native Courts Rules 1925. Native Authority Ordinance 1926. Native Courts Ordinance 1929. The Courts Ordinance 1930. Native Courts (Appeals) (Amendment) Ordinance 1940. The Courts Ordinance 1941. Local Courts Ordinance 1951. Advocates Ordinance 1954. Tanganyika Law Society Ordinance 1954. University College, Dar es Salaam (Provisional Council) Ordinance 1961. Appellate Jurisdiction Ordinance 1961. Eastern Africa Court of Appeal Order in Council 1961. Tanganyika (Constitution) Order in Council 1961. Judicature and Application of Laws Ordinance 1961. Local Courts (Amendment) Ordinance 1961. Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1962. 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY Judicial Service Act 1962. Local Courts (Minister for Justice and Regional Local Courts Officers) Act 1962. Preventive Detention Act 1962. An Act to Declare the Constitution of Tanganyika 1962. Dar es Salaam Club (Dissolution) Act 1963. Magistrates’ Courts Act 1963. Special Tribunals Act 1964. OFFiciAL SERiES Colonial Office,Colonial Office List [also Titled: The Dominions Office and Colonial Office List], (London, [1919–1940, 1946, 1948–1949, 1951–1961]). Tanganyika, Annual Report of the Judiciary of Tanganyika/Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, [1936–1939, 1945–1967, 1970–1971]). Tanganyika, Tanganyika/Tanzania Staff List (Dar es Salaam, [1942–1944, 1946–1961, 1963–1964]). Tanganyika, Law Reports of the Cases Determined by the High Court of Tanganyika and on Appeal for Eastern Africa: 1921–1952, Vol. 1 (revised), (Dar es Salaam, 1955). Tanganyika, Law Reports of the Cases Determined by the High Court of Tanganyika and on Appeal for Eastern Africa and the Privy Council: 1953–1957, Vol. 2 (revised), (Dar es Salaam, 1959). OFFiciAL PUbLicATiONS African Conference on Local Courts and Customary Law, Record of the Proceedings of the Conference Held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanganyika, 8–18 September 1963 (Dar es Salaam, 1963). Colonial Office,The Colonial Service: Legal Appointments (London, 1931). Colonial Office,Report of the Tanganyika Constitutional Conference, 1961 (London, 1961). The Future of Law in Africa: Record of Proceedings of the London Conference, 28 December 1959–8 January 1960 (London, 1960). Great Britain, Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, Minutes of Evidence and Memoranda Submitted to the Commission (London, 1934). Great Britain, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, May, 1933, and Correspondence Arising Out of the Report (London, 1934). Great Britain, Report
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