FIRST SECTION THE »r. JOHNS NEWS PAGES VOLUME XXni—No. 50. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JULY 18. 1912. SIXTEEN PAGES ONE DOLLAR A YEAR WOMIIIMIOIWOCHILDHEN IwaHiiiMii egupu lo OESPONDEIII 111 INJURED IN RUNMMY DEWITF DOCTOR { Ammineemmtt THE GOUmY FAIR IK BEKULKEDKSDW THE PROSECUTOR The Bengal Mpworth League will KILLS SELF SBCLL OE MBh. JAMBN WATSOK PUSSES am ' meet with Mr. and Mre. W. T. Plow- lEH LARGE EVEIII MI’BBAY WILLlABh A.TII BIhH MKES HIS REPORT WAS FBACTUBBO. maa Piida) erenlag, July M. TBATIH r!«ITBD I.T BABMIAUE. V8 BM HHtrr UPK T» COMMIT TBM. IBCHIBALB COULAHAN DIBS AE. MAKT KEW PEATURBS TO BE HHUWH THEBE WHRE TWEKTT- TBB LONCi ILLifBflM. I The Baptlat Lad as’ AM Seelety BIBLE DBBD. Mra. James Watson, wife of a RUey j will aerre ice cream and cake on the IKTMOMCCBD A quiet wedd ing occurred at the KIKE PBOMCUTTOKS. township farmer and her two chil­ j Court Houae lawn ■aturday afler- home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Travis in dren apad 10 and 11 ysnn. were ssrl- I noon and ereniag. Bengal on Wed n aaday morning when onsly Injared in a runaway eeotdsnt their daughter. Loe. wee nmrtied to MNNHEOrilBOin L0SNI6 JOB north of Inneino Batnrday night. Mn. BUOTED URIiE PMICDCE There will be a daaelhg party at TRONPE TRMEDlELEPNIini Murray C. Williams of Leslie, Bev. J. INENTT • ENNIT GOMKTB) Watson and ons of the chlldien ans- Sooth Biley Orange hall Anguat t. loa H. Wilcox oUelaUag. Only the im­ tafnsd fmetured Mmlls. Aaochor ehlM COMMPIflTT MOITBirS LMBA OP ersam and oshe will h* ssread. Br- mediate relattvee were prensnt. Mr. WIFB AHM HMALLBB CMILMMEBT auoialned palcful brutoas. A third eryhody uurdlnlty liwltsd. ABM OTMBB FMBB ATTBACnOVt aad Mm. WlUlama are both well OKE t’ABB WAB DIHMUMM OK PMT8 I<TA.> AXB PMIBND. WBM AT MTIIMAT fICBOOL. child eseapad without tainry. All ABB C0M1K6 known aad eeisoaMd In 8 t. Jokas. tke P.ITMEKT OP COOTS. were taken to a farmhouse and a The Oleanem of th* Bmgal Arbor brlda hnvtag fommiiy been a student physician, who llrcs nearby, was call­ will boM thslr regular aastiag at the la tke High Behool aad later connect ­ oed Mad Been PMU^ IB* Uafi ed. home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Aron Id Me ed with the Johason-VanWoert Ca, of PIftcon Of M Twealr-Klae Bsturdny eeanlng, Jnly IT. A g^ Lnnalng. ih Act WMcA With the elrese at Tonaing as their Health Slam Barty In Weie ler Brn deeclaatloa the party etnrted for the attendance la deaf red as plena lor the Mr/williama aaveral years ago waa the Tear. CmmA Hh DMtB. city ahortly after noon la a tero saated picalc is to be armagsd. SepL tflh in tha employ of the St Johns Mer­ buggy draem by a aplrlted horaa. cantile Oa. and went to to About three milea north of the dty engage in the grocery buetnees with EProm OeWitt Correspondent] ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ 8 L Jo Bm people were horrified laet the horse 'monme frightened by a ♦ The negt important dataa for the D. C. LeBaron. They will mahe their! Prosecuting Attorney E. J. Moiaet Saadey aftemoea when it wee nunor- paaatng automobile. Unable to stop Archibald CuMahan waa bom la home neer .Leslie where Mr. WllUams haa just flled his semi-annual report London, Bogland, June Idth. ItM. He ♦ IK TOWK AlIM Oi’T. people of Clinton County to keep in j ed that Prank Bale had coaunltted the anlBaal Mm. Wntaon held to the ♦ mind are haa reecatly purchaaad a flue farm. with the Attorney Qenerai. It tol- aoldde. The act aeemed the more relao until the buggy collided with a was the aeoond son of Dr. Hugh and fows: Marie Ciiolskan. He was educated at Heptember 17, IH, It and M. horrible on accovnt of the way In tree. All were thrown out and the the dates of the annual ahow of the .Number of Prose cution - - 29 which It wae committed. It eeeatii rehlcle demoiiahed. The horse, dls- Bpeom college, a college eecluotrely Beet Cocoa 29c Ib at Pierce’S. Number oonvlcted _____________ 2t for doctor ’s sons. At the age of 19 Clinton County Agricultural SocleCy. that Mr. Bale haa been deofiondent for tangled froai the wreckage, con- Ola Oakley was in Imnaing Monday. On theae days the people of thla and ELSIE FMRILT UlCTiS One case dismiacad on peymant of some tiste orer fear of losing hit job i tinued for a mile further before being I Claud Laster spent Sunday in Tpel- ndjolniag countias are expsetad to casts. and bad threatened to take bis life | captured. I*"*®*^ Hoapitol. London. He lanti. Assault aad battery _________ Soaaaa ! attended thla coHege taro years. He come to St. Johns In large croards. OF SERIES OF IIGCIIIENTS before, but ban been interrupted the I -------------------- A. T. Smith waa in Mmnd Rapids The oMcers of the association have j , ________ Drunk and disorderly ______U cases Joined a party of frlenda and went PrMay. f Desertion __ ____ - , lease I with them to South Africa where h* aecured plenty of free attractions for Wlllla Wilcox was af^Alward Lake the amueemeat and Instruction of the 1 ILL LUCk HEEMh TU PUBMUE THE Larceny ---------------- 2 cases the:s,'ir*bX.YrdA'rSS. job. He aiarted to church‘iun?Sl!g with j*• NIOIIINIRHT UlOPERIITOR LIWIIUII I stayed two yearn. He then returned Sunday. people and they Intend to make thla piwti v Larceny from store ________ 1 case home and resumed bla medical studies Ruth Henderson wns in Orld Wed- >Wa fair bigger and better than ever, i PAMILl. .Neglect to send child to school 1 case his wife and chl’.d.en Sunday morning (mi r nnHDiMV'C MOMCY About a year after hia retura from but turned back on the pretense of i UiULL uumT^I U inUnLi neaday. While thla Is but an old sterotyped ------------ Keaiatlng an oMcer 1 case petting i>eanies for the children for ' Africa his father died. He then came Sarah Pouch is ylaltlng in Detroit Vlolatlag auto speed llntlt ___ 3 cases I to the U. 8 . and went into bualneaa SU'^r^iSlTTn ahlS ' R«»*rt“*>le almoet beyond belief is SundM> school. But he nerer return- ------------ this week. lur^H/^bi^omniSS!^ ^ I •eddenu that have oc- In the Bmest L. Bacon case, charg­ arith hia brother, Pred Cuoiahan, in Mrs. M. Benainger spent Iset PrMsy ed with desertion at the request of ed with the pennies but Instead took PAULPAin, LAVIHUELAVltiUE HMIPPED OUT Madison. Wla. After being there some Z <SI^“bIfw thi*^*! ^curr^ to nmm^ of the Harry Mun- , hia wife, the court made an oidsr" dii^ his gun and went to the little swamp in Owoeeo. ^ JjanThe SST of Uie^ 1 "P® within mlaalng the caae upon payment of on the Pilfrey farm Juat back of the TAMlKfl IBS. time he decided to again resume his HUiel Clark of OrM was in St medical studies and went to Chloego ' peat tew weeks. The Hat follows: iHOO.OO coots, which were paid. ball grounds. Mr. Bale lirea near ' ------------ and entered Rush college. He gmdu- rnwy. fair on Ouptsmbar 17th, The new Athletic park and the neighbor's chll- _ , , ^ Haael McAuslan is in Owoeeo spend ­ Mr. Munson, son Kenneth, and lit- j _________________ dren saw bin. aurt out across the [ stranger in St ated from this college In IStT. He ing the week. •ddiUon » daughur, Stella, were out riding began pmcticing medicine in Payette. be covered, the ra<» tr^ widinaa ' ^ broke under the grounds with hia gun. A little later|J«»«>V hia home aa Saginaw, J. Bari Brown is in UsCrolt this shape and many of the buildings ...r^ng*. 'The three were thrown out Tk -. tHm vitti m»m hmmnt Ike position ss night oper- Wla. While there he waa married to week on buaineea. RESPECe FMMEfl ^•hen Mrl Hale relumed home I T. depot lam T^raday. |Mlm ihlwSJi remodeled aad overhauled. aad Btelia’s oollarbone wae broken. llkaitff Schavey was In Durand on The Mg feeture of the free attrac- ___ ■ h«r ' Sunds) evening be skipped tak- < Wla. Tb this union four children buaineaa Tuesday. Cecil aad Kenneth Munson were lUlEUED SUICIDE husband atHl also hM ^u. Aa suicide 'J*® ^ TZL ^nT^n'^ln ’ tlona will be Roblnaan ’a troupe of iintoadlag hay In the bam when a’ Walter Dorkham la la Jaekaon on trained elephants. The preformance had been attempted before, she had »**• seen « iJ?,**;- ?« bualneaa thla week. "sUngload ” of hay was accidentally been expecting a third attempt. ^ ftm can ^ TW. Pj^ PWte ^ given by these snlmaie is said to be I precipitated upon Cecil. He waa not JOHK YAUdHAK TOOK PABIS Dr. Squall* wea in Lningaburg worth price of admission to fair. Dlher notlfled the netgbhora at once Henry A suit caae containing soiled Mernll, Wla. Seven yenra ago he Monday on buaineam UBEEK MOKDAY KIOHT. clothing and also his board bill was came to DeWItt where he baa Mnee free attraetloM will be On July fourth Csclla horse be- McKInatry and Henry Tatro surted W. J. Lelsaw of Battle Creek spent Oeorgla. a pair of cisver acrobatic frightened at an automobile out immediately and were not long in left at the Barie house. Sheriff Bcha- resided. Sundny In 8 t. Johnn yery found some of hia relatlyes In ■» January last bis health began to artists who do the Haym^ dashed the buggy Into a ditch bbe- flnding the body. P. O. Mason was in Detroit the lat­ and others; alao "“T J aide the road.
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